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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


get some go again
damn yesterday i messed up. my body was feeling kinda sore so i decided i was going to take 2 advils so i can continue my weight lifting without much problems. well i took 2 pills and then went ahead with my work out. i felt like complete shit the whole way though and even a little light headed. it turns out i took 2 benadryls instead of 2 advils and those damn pills made me really drowsy. don't know how i made that mistake but i won't be doing that again. lol


Will drop pants for Sony.
JetBlackPanda said:
First time posting in this thread, I think its time I make a change:

9/21/2010: 5'10 - 250 pounds - 27 years old

my goal is around 170, wish me luck guys

Good luck.

Guess I should put myself out there as well

9/21/2010: 296lbs 28 years old.

my goal weight is 160 - 170 with a 32-34 inch waist.

i did run/power walked on a treadmill today for an hour. If it wasn't for dance music i am not sure i could do it. :lol


Goddammit do I feel guilty reading through this! Was back on my low carb diet up until about a month ago when school started. It's really hard to maintain a low carb lifestyle on campus so I've just been eating whatever the hell I feel like (usually pizza at the cafeteria) and I've gained back 5 lbs. After losing 45 lbs total though, and only having about 20 lbs more to reach my goal, I feel like I can't give up here. I've dreamed of being a healthy weight my entire life, and I'm closer to that goal now than I ever have before. But man I didn't realize it would be so hard at college. Maybe I'll look more into this warrior diet thing, that sounds interesting/promising. I would like to be at 175 or 180 by the end of the year (am at 200 now, up from 195 at the end of summer)

Also great job to everyone else. Your successes are incredibly motivating


EzLink said:
Goddammit do I feel guilty reading through this! Was back on my low carb diet up until about a month ago when school started. It's really hard to maintain a low carb lifestyle on campus so I've just been eating whatever the hell I feel like (usually pizza at the cafeteria) and I've gained back 5 lbs. After losing 45 lbs total though, and only having about 20 lbs more to reach my goal, I feel like I can't give up here. I've dreamed of being a healthy weight my entire life, and I'm closer to that goal now than I ever have before. But man I didn't realize it would be so hard at college. Maybe I'll look more into this warrior diet thing, that sounds interesting/promising. I would like to be at 175 or 180 by the end of the year (am at 200 now, up from 195 at the end of summer)

Also great job to everyone else. Your successes are incredibly motivating
:lol Very minor setback. This is a life style change, so fight on.


Yep, no worries EZ, we all have those days or weeks, it can't be helped if you wanna stay sane. I've lost 70 pounds and I still pigged out on some KFC/Popeyes that I craved (different days) a few weeks ago. As long as you put in the extra work to deal with it, it's all good in the end.
Haha, yea I have had some EPIC cheat meals/days. >10k calories easily. It does set me back 2-3 weeks. But it also helps me refocus. You guys are stronger than me.


Grandma's Chippy
Appologies in advance...I have no before after pics :(

I was at a family party and people were talking about that HCG Diet (My wife did it and lost 40+ lbs) and I was saying how easy it looked so they called my bluff and dared me to go on it.....so I did.

First off I am a big guy, 6'3" 250+ lbs average but I don't look fat other than occasionally having a bit of a belly. Most of me is quite lean. In fact when I told people I was dieting, 90% asked "why??"


Start Weight : 258.8 lbs

Diet : HG Injections + scary low calorie and very strick food choices (google it!)

Exercise : Zero, not really allowed.

Final weight after first phase : 231.2

So in 29 days I lost 27.6 lbs of pure fat.

I feel great, I look much healthier (more muscle showing without the padding I obviously had).

Moral of the story? Just because I didn't look fat, or feel fat, didn't mean I didn't have a lot of fat to lose. I still look similar, just more defined.

Just thought I would share.
Mr Pockets said:
Appologies in advance...I have no before after pics :(

I was at a family party and people were talking about that HCG Diet (My wife did it and lost 40+ lbs) and I was saying how easy it looked so they called my bluff and dared me to go on it.....so I did.

First off I am a big guy, 6'3" 250+ lbs average but I don't look fat other than occasionally having a bit of a belly. Most of me is quite lean. In fact when I told people I was dieting, 90% asked "why??"


Start Weight : 258.8 lbs

Diet : HG Injections + scary low calorie and very strick food choices (google it!)

Exercise : Zero, not really allowed.

Final weight after first phase : 231.2

So in 29 days I lost 27.6 lbs of pure fat.

I feel great, I look much healthier (more muscle showing without the padding I obviously had).

Moral of the story? Just because I didn't look fat, or feel fat, didn't mean I didn't have a lot of fat to lose. I still look similar, just more defined.

Just thought I would share.
Curious on what basis you think you lost 100% fat?


Mr Pockets said:
Appologies in advance...I have no before after pics :(

I was at a family party and people were talking about that HCG Diet (My wife did it and lost 40+ lbs) and I was saying how easy it looked so they called my bluff and dared me to go on it.....so I did.

First off I am a big guy, 6'3" 250+ lbs average but I don't look fat other than occasionally having a bit of a belly. Most of me is quite lean. In fact when I told people I was dieting, 90% asked "why??"


Start Weight : 258.8 lbs

Diet : HG Injections + scary low calorie and very strick food choices (google it!)

Exercise : Zero, not really allowed.

Final weight after first phase : 231.2

So in 29 days I lost 27.6 lbs of pure fat.

I feel great, I look much healthier (more muscle showing without the padding I obviously had).

Moral of the story? Just because I didn't look fat, or feel fat, didn't mean I didn't have a lot of fat to lose. I still look similar, just more defined.

Just thought I would share.
You got hormone injections to lose 27 pounds? lol wtf..


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Eating well when you live in a college dorm and have to buy meal plans is difficult. I expect people in that situation would have to be especially flexible. Recalling my diet from my freshman year makes me shudder.
Mr Pockets said:
Appologies in advance...I have no before after pics :(

I was at a family party and people were talking about that HCG Diet (My wife did it and lost 40+ lbs) and I was saying how easy it looked so they called my bluff and dared me to go on it.....so I did.

First off I am a big guy, 6'3" 250+ lbs average but I don't look fat other than occasionally having a bit of a belly. Most of me is quite lean. In fact when I told people I was dieting, 90% asked "why??"


Start Weight : 258.8 lbs

Diet : HG Injections + scary low calorie and very strick food choices (google it!)

Exercise : Zero, not really allowed.

Final weight after first phase : 231.2

So in 29 days I lost 27.6 lbs of pure fat.

I feel great, I look much healthier (more muscle showing without the padding I obviously had).

Moral of the story? Just because I didn't look fat, or feel fat, didn't mean I didn't have a lot of fat to lose. I still look similar, just more defined.

Just thought I would share.

Taking gonadotropic hormones for weight loss seems completely unnecessary. If you were already going super low calorie, why not just exercise instead of potentially injecting unneeded hormones into your body?
I love working out and keeping myself healthy.

At my heaviest I could devour a whole pizza pie if I honestly tried and not feel guilty at all, but now the thought of a greasy pizza slice has my stomach in knots! :lol Looking to be at least around 210 by my birthday and hit onderland/199 before the end of the year. I'm glad to have reached 221 even, and there's no stoppin' me.


spindashing said:
I love working out and keeping myself healthy.

At my heaviest I could devour a whole pizza pie if I honestly tried and not feel guilty at all, but now the thought of a greasy pizza slice has my stomach in knots! :lol Looking to be at least around 210 by my birthday and hit onderland/199 before the end of the year. I'm glad to have reached 221 even, and there's no stoppin' me.

Yeah, I crave a lot of greasy foods but since I don't eat them 99.9% of the time, they absolutely destroy my stomach if I do eat them. It's a pretty awesome detterant :D
T-Matt said:
I reached my goal this weekend. Went from 5'11" 190lbs down to 159lbs.

I started on June first. Changed my snacking to only healthy food, ate more fiber, cut down on portions of unhealthy stuff. I think it helped by having a day everynow and then when I would eat some delicious crap to keep my craving for it in check.
Stuck with my exercise no matter what and didn't make any excuses.
Also, only weighing myself at the end of the week so I could see the progress.
Feels good man. Stay motivated and it will happen for you.

Good job T-Matt, what sorta exercise were you doing? I'm 5'9 and down to 172, but I'm trying to hit 160. Any tips for those last 12 pounds or so. I'm currently eating fairly well. Turkey, chicken, tuna, whole wheat when I have bread, etc. I'm also walking/jogging for two hours a day. Once around my lunch hour and one right after work.
This Summer have been going up and down in my weight due to my craving for fast food...

I have stopped with the fast food gorging and have limited my self to a bowl of oats in the morning followed by raw grapefruit juice as a after breakfast snack. Lunch is cabbage soup with other veggies, then I have a protein shake then more soup then I take some casein before bed...

I am not a huge meat eater, and I dislike chicken breast... I love the dark meat of chicken though. But I am not eating any meat in this diet, but I do have whey and casein. I weight lift three times a week and try to do cardio everyday and so far I have lost about 8lbs, I assume at least 6 of that is water weight, and I have done this for a week so far.

Think this is a good enough diet for cutting? I cant imagine I am taking in more than 1500 calories... I am 5'8 and weight about 194

I also have been taking a multivitamin, along with cinnamon pills and L-carnitine


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
teh_pwn had mentioned an earlier study I think it was.. That specifically talks about as your body fat percentage heads down and your metabolism rises (really talking about fitness here), that your body definitely seems to be more resilient to bad food. Not impervious, but a holiday meal here or carb load there seems to have less of an effect on the body as opposed to someone with more fat and a much lower metabolism. It's not a lifetime supply of get out of jail free cards, but it is an occasional one that let's our bodies get away with the infrequent binge.

much like weight loss and fitness is a long term lifestyle change, the weight gain and fat increase was usually also a long term lifestyle change. just like you can't shed unwanted pounds by running for 3 hours over the course of a single day, you aren't going to put all of the weight back on binging on a holiday meal.. even when the weight shows up on the scale that night or the next morning.. over the next few days your body will work itself out.


J Tourettes said:
Question for the low/no carbers out there, what do you guys eat for a relatively hassle free no carb breakfast?

I have Jimmy Dean natural sausage (in the big tube), which I slice up into patties. I then fry two eggs in the grease leftover from the sausage, and have some water. Sometimes I'll make an omlette with those ingredients, and add in some pepper/onion.
NomarTyme said:
What did you eat?

Usually I eat every 3 hours or so.

I ate something like this over the course of a day:

2 Old Fashioned Chocolate Donuts
3 Apple Fritters (pretty big)
1 Package of Milano Double Chocolate Cookies
1 Package of Soft Cookies
A few packages of Twinkies
A 9oz bag of Kettle Chips
2 Pints of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream
2 Domino's 5 Dollar 1 topping Medium Pizzas, Sausage and Pepperoni

Something like that.

This is literally only 2-3 times a year though.


Mr Pockets said:
Appologies in advance...I have no before after pics :(

I was at a family party and people were talking about that HCG Diet (My wife did it and lost 40+ lbs) and I was saying how easy it looked so they called my bluff and dared me to go on it.....so I did.

First off I am a big guy, 6'3" 250+ lbs average but I don't look fat other than occasionally having a bit of a belly. Most of me is quite lean. In fact when I told people I was dieting, 90% asked "why??"


Start Weight : 258.8 lbs

Diet : HG Injections + scary low calorie and very strick food choices (google it!)

Exercise : Zero, not really allowed.

Final weight after first phase : 231.2

So in 29 days I lost 27.6 lbs of pure fat.

I feel great, I look much healthier (more muscle showing without the padding I obviously had).

Moral of the story? Just because I didn't look fat, or feel fat, didn't mean I didn't have a lot of fat to lose. I still look similar, just more defined.

Just thought I would share.

:lol what the fuck?
RoodyPooUS said:
1 min - Protein Shake / String Cheese / Can of Tuna
5 min - Scrambled Eggs
Thanks (everyone else who answered too). I knew about bacon, eggs etc but they take a fair bit of time in the morning. Could you have some pork scratchings with the protein shake and stuff as well?
Guileless said:
Eating well when you live in a college dorm and have to buy meal plans is difficult. I expect people in that situation would have to be especially flexible. Recalling my diet from my freshman year makes me shudder.

McDonald's, chicken fried steak and soda was pretty much my breakfast lunch and dinner.
I ballooned an easy 40 pounds in my first semester.


RoodyPooUS said:
Usually I eat every 3 hours or so.

I ate something like this over the course of a day:

2 Old Fashioned Chocolate Donuts
3 Apple Fritters (pretty big)
1 Package of Milano Double Chocolate Cookies
1 Package of Soft Cookies
A few packages of Twinkies
A 9oz bag of Kettle Chips
2 Pints of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream
2 Domino's 5 Dollar 1 topping Medium Pizzas, Sausage and Pepperoni

Something like that.

This is literally only 2-3 times a year though.
:lol You go all out.


AceBandage said:
McDonald's, chicken fried steak and soda was pretty much my breakfast lunch and dinner.
I ballooned an easy 40 pounds in my first semester.

I actually found it easier to diet once I moved onto college. Both my parents and most of my siblings are the type of people that can eat anything and stay relatively skinny, and the foods around the house certainly reflected that. I unfortunately didn't inherit that ability, so it was a blessing to finally be able to control what's in the kitchen at all times.
harSon said:
I actually found it easier to diet once I moved onto college. Both my parents and most of my siblings are the type of people that can eat anything and stay relatively skinny, and the foods around the house certainly reflected that. I unfortunately didn't inherit that ability, so it was a blessing to finally be able to control what's in the kitchen at all times.

The problem with my was that I lived in an on campus housing unit with a group of Idians who left the place a pigsty.
Impossible to cook anything, so I went to the campus restaurant, and it was just so easy to get the greasy good food.


speaking of Mcdonalds, their grilled snack wraps either at lunch or afternoon helped me lose the pounds and not make dieting expensive or boring for me.
Ripclawe said:
speaking of Mcdonalds, their grilled snack wraps either at lunch or afternoon helped me lose the pounds and not make dieting expensive or boring for me.

i always assumed those were high in salt when you take into account the dressing/bbq/honey mustard/etc


J Tourettes said:
Question for the low/no carbers out there, what do you guys eat for a relatively hassle free no carb breakfast?

Last nights dinner. Seriously. I always make enough that there's leftovers.


Teh Hamburglar said:
i always assumed those were high in salt when you take into account the dressing/bbq/honey mustard/etc

I am talking about 2 every couple of days or when in a pinch, not all the time. but calorie wise its less than 600 calories.
I dunno about you guys but after a while of dieting, food just doesn't seem to appeal to me anymore. I find myself being repulsed by it. They very fact that I eat 800calories a day and maybe 75carbs doesn't help. I might have an eating disorder soon. Meal plan goes something like this

3 egg whites omelette
Kellogs chewy bar

Nothing most of the time, sometimes I'll eat a low sodium ham sandwich, with diet bread (40 cal a slice) plum or grapes

Fish (cod) or a pork chop with veggie mix (brocolli,peas,carrots,corn, 1cup)

Water bottle x4 (not including the water I drink during the day)


get some go again
RoodyPooUS said:
Usually I eat every 3 hours or so.

I ate something like this over the course of a day:

2 Old Fashioned Chocolate Donuts
3 Apple Fritters (pretty big)
1 Package of Milano Double Chocolate Cookies
1 Package of Soft Cookies
A few packages of Twinkies
A 9oz bag of Kettle Chips
2 Pints of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream
2 Domino's 5 Dollar 1 topping Medium Pizzas, Sausage and Pepperoni

Something like that.

This is literally only 2-3 times a year though.
lol holy shit man. here i thought eating 2 apple fritters and later on a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and some chinese food was going all out for me.


Damn, its been a 3-week mountain to climb but ive finally gotten to the point where i dont feel like total shit after doing weights. Ive reached my weight-loss goal and looking great, and i wanna tone up what i got left after losing some muscle and mostly fat.


Tears For Fears said:
I dunno about you guys but after a while of dieting, food just doesn't seem to appeal to me anymore. I find myself being repulsed by it. They very fact that I eat 800calories a day and maybe 75carbs doesn't help. I might have an eating disorder soon. Meal plan goes something like this

3 egg whites omelette
Kellogs chewy bar

Nothing most of the time, sometimes I'll eat a low sodium ham sandwich, with diet bread (40 cal a slice) plum or grapes

Fish (cod) or a pork chop with veggie mix (brocolli,peas,carrots,corn, 1cup)

Water bottle x4 (not including the water I drink during the day)

That is a really really bad way to lose weight. Stop doing it.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Was browsing over on www.bodybuilding.com for some inspiration before going to the gym last night and found this guy in the Fat to Fit thread...


ch0mp said:
That is a really really bad way to lose weight. Stop doing it.

I know, last month clocked in at 15 pounds weight loss. Such rapid weightloss in succession is neither good for the body or your daily functions. I'm going to the doctor this month, see if they can fix me up with a plan.


Tears For Fears said:
I dunno about you guys but after a while of dieting, food just doesn't seem to appeal to me anymore. I find myself being repulsed by it.

That's anorexic talk.

Tears For Fears said:
They very fact that I eat 800calories a day and maybe 75carbs doesn't help. I might have an eating disorder soon.

You're pretty much there. Stop it.


Tears For Fears said:
I dunno about you guys but after a while of dieting, food just doesn't seem to appeal to me anymore. I find myself being repulsed by it. They very fact that I eat 800calories a day and maybe 75carbs doesn't help. I might have an eating disorder soon. Meal plan goes something like this

3 egg whites omelette
Kellogs chewy bar

Nothing most of the time, sometimes I'll eat a low sodium ham sandwich, with diet bread (40 cal a slice) plum or grapes

Fish (cod) or a pork chop with veggie mix (brocolli,peas,carrots,corn, 1cup)

Water bottle x4 (not including the water I drink during the day)
You're seriously depriving your body(and your mind, too).

And if you know you're heading down a bad path, then fix it. Just like going on a diet requires you to force yourself NOT to eat so much(or so much bad stuff), you obviously need to force yourself TO eat at this point.

Maybe go out and eat something really delicious and unhealthy to remind yourself that food can be very good tasting. Go out with some friends and eat some pizza and drink some beer or something. You seem to be on a crash diet, and what you really want is more of a lifestyle change, which should include good tasting stuff every once in a while.

Or try messing with some new recipes. Personally, I look forward to my meals throughout the day. I look forward to working out and coming home and plopping my chicken breast on my George Foreman grill that I've left marinating overnight in some teriyaki sauce. Or cooking up a filet of salmon and dusting it with some Adobo seasoning.

Food can, and should, still be enjoyed, even on a diet. And there's nothing wrong with eating purely for the nourishment, but you're not even doing that.
Router said:
Was browsing over on www.bodybuilding.com for some inspiration before going to the gym last night and found this guy in the Fat to Fit thread...



Incidentally, that's the same loss as me. 260 to slightly less than 174 (weigh in tomorrow!)

That guy's cut like mad though, but he's at 2 years, I'm at 9 months :P Working my way there...
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
His new stomach looks like an upset fish. But good on him.

Looks like he still has a lot of loose skin around the waist is the problem, but man, that's one hell of a transformation!


RoodyPooUS said:
Usually I eat every 3 hours or so.

I ate something like this over the course of a day:

2 Old Fashioned Chocolate Donuts
3 Apple Fritters (pretty big)
1 Package of Milano Double Chocolate Cookies
1 Package of Soft Cookies
A few packages of Twinkies
A 9oz bag of Kettle Chips
2 Pints of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream
2 Domino's 5 Dollar 1 topping Medium Pizzas, Sausage and Pepperoni

Something like that.

This is literally only 2-3 times a year though.

If I ever decide I want diabetes, I'll PM you!
There's so much junk food on that list that I want to devour right now :(


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Good job T-Matt, what sorta exercise were you doing? I'm 5'9 and down to 172, but I'm trying to hit 160. Any tips for those last 12 pounds or so. I'm currently eating fairly well. Turkey, chicken, tuna, whole wheat when I have bread, etc. I'm also walking/jogging for two hours a day. Once around my lunch hour and one right after work.
Thanks buddy. I know the last section of pounds you want to lose are the toughest.
My exercise was mostly running for 50-60mins a day, couple hundred push ups spaced out in the day and a couple hundred situps spaced out. Maybe try doing some pushups and sit ups right when you wake up in the morning before doing anything else just to get you started. Just keep it in your mind that you'll get to your goal if you just keep with it and stay positive.
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