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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Eteric Rice

Zoe said:
In a bad way. If you're not getting enough calories, you're starving yourself. And your body adjusts to that to compensate which is probably why you don't find yourself getting hungry like before.

At the same time, though, I'm pretty lazy, so I figured I may not need as much fuel as most people.

I just ate a steak with onions and garlic, cooked in coconut oil, along with a 3 egg omelette with bacon and some cheese on it.

Is that enough? :p I plan to last on that until at least tomorrow evening.


teh_pwn said:
Yeah, I have 1/2 lb grass fed steak and broccoli every other night. Primal Blueprint's 5 spice beef and broccoli stir fry to be more exact.
I just found a random recipe for that (may be slightly different to the PB one) and it sounds fucking awesome. Trying tonight.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Shaneus said:
I just found a random recipe for that (may be slightly different to the PB one) and it sounds fucking awesome. Trying tonight.

I leave out the bean sprouts. And that serves 2-4 is bullshit. Serves 1, barely. I usually eat something else a couple hours later.

Grass fed steak is fairly low in fat because cattle aren't naturally as fat as grain feedlot cattle. However, the fat there is is loaded with omega3, CLA, vitamin K2, way more minerals/nutrients. Whole foods sells grass fed beef. Typically can get discounted stuff around $7/lb or some fresh flank/sirloin for $10/lb.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Would fasting on my cheat day be a good idea (aka the only thing I have for that day is the cheat meal and then nada until the next day)?
So I've noticed something strange with my weight loss. I do 35 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week. From Monday to Friday or Saturday, I typically lose 1 pound. When I weigh myself again on the next Monday, I find that I am 2 pounds lighter.

Last Friday, the needle was bouncing from 248 to 249. When I weighed myself last night it was bouncing from 245 to 246. I didn't exercise at all aside from playing with my 4 year old nephew and I ate some unhealthy food.

Is my metabolism going into overdrive once it notices its getting more calories than it usually does during the week? Its the only thing I can think of.


Jamesfrom818 said:
So I've noticed something strange with my weight loss. I do 35 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week. From Monday to Friday or Saturday, I typically lose 1 pound. When I weigh myself again on the next Monday, I find that I am 2 pounds lighter.

Last Friday, the needle was bouncing from 248 to 249. When I weighed myself last night it was bouncing from 245 to 246. I didn't exercise at all aside from playing with my 4 year old nephew and I ate some unhealthy food.

Is my metabolism going into overdrive once it notices its getting more calories than it usually does during the week? Its the only thing I can think of.
Weight can fluctuate pretty wildly from day to day. Preferably, you should focus on your bodyfat % instead of your weight. If you don't have calipers, get a measuring tape and measure your belly instead. If you still want to weigh yourself, do it no more than once a week.
Domino Theory said:
Ugh, this low-carb diet is starting to piss me off. I've been stuck in this wall for almost two months now. :(

Lower intake and/or increase activity?

Jamesfrom818 said:
So I've noticed something strange with my weight loss. I do 35 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week. From Monday to Friday or Saturday, I typically lose 1 pound. When I weigh myself again on the next Monday, I find that I am 2 pounds lighter.

Last Friday, the needle was bouncing from 248 to 249. When I weighed myself last night it was bouncing from 245 to 246. I didn't exercise at all aside from playing with my 4 year old nephew and I ate some unhealthy food.

Is my metabolism going into overdrive once it notices its getting more calories than it usually does during the week? Its the only thing I can think of.

Idk I lost 2 lbs after I took 9 days off from working out and ate terribly for those 9 days. It may be that one's body gets used to burning everything to get ready for the workouts but I'm just talking out of my ass. Also when I went back to working out I was able to lift more than usual so it was muscle mass :eek:


cuevas said:
Idk I lost 2 lbs after I took 9 days off from working out and ate terribly for those 9 days.
Conversely, I took 3 days off working out(Sat, Sun, Mon), ate and drank a ton, and found myself weighing FIVE pounds more than when I did before. :( I told myself I could indulge for one last weekend before being a bit more strict with my 'vice' habits, but I didn't think it would have had that much of an impact.

And no, its not just a 'fluctuation' thing, either. I was hovering around 179-180 all throughout the week before, and now I'm having to work back down from 184. Pizza, beer, sausage gravy'n'biscuits, liquor, muffins, etc.

Oh well! :lol I enjoyed it quite a bit. My roommate found Mass Effect 2 for $20 so we spent a good amount of Sat and Sun being hungover, playing video games and eating good food.

About 3 weeks worth of progress gone, but I should be getting better results over the next few weeks as I cheat less and workout a bit harder. Trying to at least get down to 175 by the middle of November.
Seanspeed said:
Conversely, I took 3 days off working out(Sat, Sun, Mon), ate and drank a ton, and found myself weighing FIVE pounds more than when I did before. :( I told myself I could indulge for one last weekend before being a bit more strict with my 'vice' habits, but I didn't think it would have had that much of an impact.

And no, its not just a 'fluctuation' thing, either. I was hovering around 179-180 all throughout the week before, and now I'm having to work back down from 184. Pizza, beer, sausage gravy'n'biscuits, liquor, muffins, etc.

Oh well! :lol I enjoyed it quite a bit. My roommate found Mass Effect 2 for $20 so we spent a good amount of Sat and Sun being hungover, playing video games and eating good food.

About 3 weeks worth of progress gone, but I should be getting better results over the next few weeks as I cheat less and workout a bit harder. Trying to at least get down to 175 by the middle of November.

LOL had about the same thing happen to me, went up about 3-4 pounds. It was awesome though. Now I'n back on my diet/workout regime and plan to stick to it again like normal. Its good to take a break for a small period every once in while imo though.


When I have a binge day (at my part time job, I get really bored and I eat) I can have up to 4kgs gained. It's water though, all gone in a couple of days.


It's been quite some time since I last posted, but I settled in at 181. Last November I was 235. All in all, I'd say mission accomplished.


Been a while since I posted here. My roommate found an old pic of me and I thought I'd share. I think it's the only pic of me while I was really fat in existence, but anyway.





Still wanna get below 200 lbs. Hovering between 210 and 215 most days right now. At my heaviest over 3 years ago I was over 320. I've been able to maintain my current weight for about 6 months now, so I feel pretty good about that.
scitek said:
Been a while since I posted here. My roommate found an old pic of me and I thought I'd share. I think it's the only pic of me while I was really fat in existence, but anyway.





Still wanna get below 200 lbs. Hovering between 210 and 215 most days right now. At my heaviest over 3 years ago I was over 320. I've been able to maintain my current weight for about 6 months now, so I feel pretty good about that.

Great job man! Kick fat in the fucking FACE!!!

Eteric Rice

scitek said:
Been a while since I posted here. My roommate found an old pic of me and I thought I'd share. I think it's the only pic of me while I was really fat in existence, but anyway.





Still wanna get below 200 lbs. Hovering between 210 and 215 most days right now. At my heaviest over 3 years ago I was over 320. I've been able to maintain my current weight for about 6 months now, so I feel pretty good about that.

God damn, man! :O Great job!


Jamesfrom818 said:
Good shit man. I've only lost 15 lbs so far and I already feel faster and lighter on my feet. I can't imagine how being 100 lbs lighter is.
For real. Thats a serious, life-changing accomplishment right there. Congrats man.
Great work scitek, lookin' good!

I've been sub 20g/carbs since August 1st, and over the past month i've been getting wacky results with ketostix, sometimes positive and most others negative even when I know i'm not going over 20g.

What can I do? Or am I just being compulsive?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
betweenthewheels said:
Great work scitek, lookin' good!

I've been sub 20g/carbs since August 1st, and over the past month i've been getting wacky results with ketostix, sometimes positive and most others negative even when I know i'm not going over 20g.

What can I do? Or am I just being compulsive?

Do you drink a lot of water? Too much water dilutes your urine and gives a negative reading on the ketostix even though ketones may be present in the urine.

Anyways, I've been reading up on water fasting and am seriously considering doing it for at least once a week, maybe even longer, but I've read that the biggest draw back is that your body eats at your muscles during this fasting period. Can I negate this by doing resistance training/weight lifting? I've been going to the gym to do weight lifting since June.


betweenthewheels said:
Great work scitek, lookin' good!

I've been sub 20g/carbs since August 1st, and over the past month i've been getting wacky results with ketostix, sometimes positive and most others negative even when I know i'm not going over 20g.

What can I do? Or am I just being compulsive?
"A negative result does not always mean you're not in ketosis. If you're keeping your carbs below a certain level (different for different people, but the 20 to 40 carbs per day range is a safe bet), you're probably in ketosis. Some people use their ketones more efficiently, and indeed make fewer of them, hence their lack of "spill" into the urine.

Keep in mind, though, that it's possible to keep your actual carb count low (say at around 30 grams), and still side-step ketosis. The culprits? Most often it's from eating foods that contain even a small amount of "High Fructose Corn Syrup" (HFCS), which can cause a strong insulin spike and halt fat burning. HFCS is far more destructive to your health and your weight loss than regular sugar.

You might also be a person who reacts to aspartame intake with an insulin release. The Atkins Center reports up to 25% of people have such a reaction to aspartame (NutraSweet.)

An appreciable amount of trans fats in the diet can also halt weight loss and fat breakdown. Why? Because trans fats are artificial fats that the body fails to recognize as "real", and attempts simply to store them, taking an "I'll deal with it some other time" approach. "

Domino Theory said:
Do you drink a lot of water? Too much water dilutes your urine and gives a negative reading on the ketostix even though ketones may be present in the urine.

Anyways, I've been reading up on water fasting and am seriously considering doing it for at least once a week, maybe even longer, but I've read that the biggest draw back is that your body eats at your muscles during this fasting period. Can I negate this by doing resistance training/weight lifting? I've been going to the gym to do weight lifting since June.

Try intermittent fasting. It's actually good for you (and extends life in animal models), burns fat, boosts growth hormone (which burns fat and preserves lean tissue), and improves health parameters (fasting insulin/blood glucose, lipid numbers). It's also pretty easy to do on a low-carb diet.

Just go without eating for 16-24 hour stretches, once or twice a week. Finish off the fast with a weight training session, wait an hour or two, then eat a big meal.

I admittedly don't know much about water fasting, but if it causes you to lose muscle, it's probably not healthy.


Domino Theory said:
Do you drink a lot of water? Too much water dilutes your urine and gives a negative reading on the ketostix even though ketones may be present in the urine.

Anyways, I've been reading up on water fasting and am seriously considering doing it for at least once a week, maybe even longer, but I've read that the biggest draw back is that your body eats at your muscles during this fasting period. Can I negate this by doing resistance training/weight lifting? I've been going to the gym to do weight lifting since June.
Doubt you'll have much energy to work out at all while doing this.

Sounds wacky to me, even if it does have good effects after-the-fact. Guess I'm just not a fan of the 'make yourself miserable' weight-loss strategy. :/

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Do you drink a lot of water? Too much water dilutes your urine and gives a negative reading on the ketostix even though ketones may be present in the urine.

Anyways, I've been reading up on water fasting and am seriously considering doing it for at least once a week, maybe even longer, but I've read that the biggest draw back is that your body eats at your muscles during this fasting period. Can I negate this by doing resistance training/weight lifting? I've been going to the gym to do weight lifting since June.

Can you link me to some of your reading materials? I've been considering trying water fasting for at least a couple of days.


so I went on a cheat binge today, first in about 6 weeks and boy it wasn't good...Good news was I was down to past my goal of 50 pounds to 52...

But I got my protein :lol :lol


Thats not bad at all ripclawe and hardly a 'binge'. You're still under your recommended calorie intake and you've got plenty of protein. Probably a hell of a lot of bad carbs, but it probably wont hurt you in the least considering it was mainly little snack wraps and shit.

My cheat WEEKEND was some real binging:

All night drinking beer and liquor Friday night at a buddy's. Probably about 15 beers, 5 shots of liquor, a 7 Eleven hotdog and bag of Andy Caps Hot Fries. Ate some leftover pizza in the morning that I paid for the night before but passed out before it arrived. :lol

Drove home and bought some sausage gravy 'n' biscuits from Hardees. Passed out aftewards. Woke up and went and got two French bread pizzas from Farm Fresh. Took a small cup and filled it with peanuts and chocolate chip morsels(mmmm...) for a snack later. Roommate made some Hamburger Helper which he very nicely shared with me. Drank about a 12 pack of Natty Ice that night.

Sunday morning, I went and got a scrumpious Banana Nut Muffin from Farm Fresh. Had two tuna(w/mayo) sandwiches for lunch and munched on croutons. Finished up the last of the beers leftover from the night before. Dinner was some pasta.

Eteric Rice

Seanspeed said:
Doubt you'll have much energy to work out at all while doing this.

Sounds wacky to me, even if it does have good effects after-the-fact. Guess I'm just not a fan of the 'make yourself miserable' weight-loss strategy. :/

I believe it's based on pre-agricultural humans. Since we didn't kill things to eat everyday, we had to fast until our next kill. This is sort of just emulating that.

The extreme exercise before the big meal is a way of emulating the hunt and chase of a prey.


To all the people considering fasting I'd heavily recommend intermittent fasting. I've been sticking to it with some good results for these past weeks, losing fat and gaining muscle: http://www.leangains.com/2010/04/leangains-guide.html

I'm planning a longer post on it around Christmas time if I reach my goals, but so far it's been working so well that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. The best thing about it is that it isn't hard to do at all. In fact, I enjoy it, because it gives me good reason for skipping breakfast and just having a cup of coffee instead; and the three meals I eat are very satisfying as opposed to the small portions I ate before when I had 5 meals a day. Basically, you have an 8 hour feeding window every day (mine's from 12.00 to 20.00) and the rest of the time you don't consume any calories.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Akim said:
is it normal to be barely able to move after doing squats for the first time?

Yes, but fortunately building strength in the legs is equally easy to restore. Just do some deadlifts and squats with perfect form, eat well, and take rest days. Start out low weight or no weights, and you should be able to add ~10 lbs every 3-4 days if you're starting out with little muscle. But remember to do it in correct form. Deadlifts should be felt primarily in the glutes and hamstrings, squats primarily in the quads.


That's all good news. I started doing starting strength today and began with squats. By the time I got to deadlift I couldn't bend my knees. :lol


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Akim said:
That's all good news. I started doing starting strength today and began with squats. By the time I got to deadlift I couldn't bend my knees. :lol

Yeah, try not to burn yourself out until failure with shared muscles. I'm assuming your quads are the bottleneck with the deadlifts? You shouldn't need to rely on your quads that much, but I guess if you really overdid it with squats it's possible.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, getting back on the horse.

I previously weighed 280, got down to 205 and now I'm back up to 256. It's time to make a life change and not just a diet. My goal is to get down to 190 and then add some muscle mass. I've done it before so I know what to do but it's all about finding motivation. I'm tired of being fat! I blame it on my gf, I gained the weight back once she moved in, I guess I figured I didn't need to be attractive anymore! Oh yeah, in case anyone is wondering, I'm 6'2. I'm also thinking about starting a blog and documenting what I eat and my exercise routines. I think a weekly picture would be fun since it would make a badass animated gif once I'm done.
Ripclawe said:
so I went on a cheat binge today, first in about 6 weeks and boy it wasn't good...Good news was I was down to past my goal of 50 pounds to 52...

But I got my protein :lol :lol

you ate out all 3 meals? Gross.


Teh Hamburglar said:
you ate out all 3 meals? Gross.

yeah I rarely do it but I was busy the entire day and zero time to sit down for a home cooked meal. so I figured its a good day for a cheat binge and don't knock the snack wraps :p


That really isn't that bad. When I was really depressed, I would go out to Taco Bell and Mcdonald's in the middle of the night and get 5,000+ calories of food at once. I would often hit up McD's and eat a quarter pounder or two while going to Taco Bell and waiting in the drive thru line (this was 2am when the bars let out so the lines were really long). At Taco Bell, I'd order like 6 tacos, two burritos a mexican pizza and a large mountain dew. I'd hide my Mcdonald's food out of embarassment when I got to the at Taco Bell :lol

I did this every day for like 5 months and gained ~60 lbs. Fuck, I can't believe I used to do that. Thankfully, now I never feel like eating fast food and the sight of it repulses me.
Fast food makes me sick to my stomach anymore. I can't really even eat greasy foods. I had a subway meatball sub today and it was delicious though. :eek:
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