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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Zefah said:
Can you link me to some of your reading materials? I've been considering trying water fasting for at least a couple of days.

Sorry I took so long: http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm

That is best website I've found so far that goes into detail about water fasting, juice fasting, what happens to your body during a fast, etc.

There are more if you'd like (most of which come from Dr. Ben Kim).

I'm going to start by doing it 2 days a week in a row for a few weeks until I get used to it.


after being stuck at 173.5lbs for 3 weeks, i finally started dropping again. 171lbs this morning :D 44 down and 11 to go!
Has anybody drunk Diet Coke (not the splenda one) and still lost on induction? I'm running out of things to drink and I can't seem to find the Splenda Coke anywhere here (UK).


get some go again
i have a friend who passed away 2 days ago from what i'm assuming are complications with his obesity. he probably weighed around 500lbs i'm guessing and was 32 years old. he was a great guy but he couldn't beat his obesity. if you know somebody that is heading that way then really try to help them and talk to them before they get to a point where their bodies will be damaged beyond repair. just wanted to get that off my chest.


Sorry to hear that smurfx best wishes to their family.I remember in this thread somewhere there was a link to a site that had alot of good food to eat and recipes any happen to have that handy? I looked but there is just so many pages and posts.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
smurfx said:
i have a friend who passed away 2 days ago from what i'm assuming are complications with his obesity. he probably weighed around 500lbs i'm guessing and was 32 years old. he was a great guy but he couldn't beat his obesity. if you know somebody that is heading that way then really try to help them and talk to them before they get to a point where their bodies will be damaged beyond repair. just wanted to get that off my chest.

I'm sorry for you loss. Stuff like this does help get me motivated. I'm not even close to that big and I feel unhealthy. On a nice diet right now and going to the gym 7 days a week. I've got a solid goal and some decent determination right now. I'm at about 250 and want to get down to 190. Won't be easy, but I know I can do it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Cmagus said:
Sorry to hear that smurfx best wishes to their family.I remember in this thread somewhere there was a link to a site that had alot of good food to eat and recipes any happen to have that handy? I looked but there is just so many pages and posts.

Not sure if this is it, but I'm enjoying these:


Some of them are a bit time consuming and expensive. But they're good recipes for people trying to eat in a grain/sugar culture when that's all they know.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
smurfx said:
i have a friend who passed away 2 days ago from what i'm assuming are complications with his obesity. he probably weighed around 500lbs i'm guessing and was 32 years old. he was a great guy but he couldn't beat his obesity. if you know somebody that is heading that way then really try to help them and talk to them before they get to a point where their bodies will be damaged beyond repair. just wanted to get that off my chest.

Sorry for your loss.

Helping people with weight and health is a thin line because our culture has decided that it's all about willpower rather than studying, understanding and treating a biological disorder due to an environmental/dietary factor. I don't think obesity is genetic because our gene pool has not changed in the past 50,000 years.


teh_pwn said:
Helping people with weight and health is a thin line because our culture has decided that it's all about willpower rather than studying, understanding and treating a biological disorder due to an environmental/dietary factor. I don't think obesity is genetic because our gene pool has not changed in the past 50,000 years.

Well, the idea I understand for this is that due to the high activity levels and limited number of calories available on an annual basis, obesity tended to not be a problem. It's because we aren't doing physical labour all day and can go to a store and get easy calories that we have this issue. I mean, I agree that the types of food we have available are a contributing factor in this, but I don't think they're the primary cause.
grumble said:
Well, the idea I understand for this is that due to the high activity levels and limited number of calories available on an annual basis, obesity tended to not be a problem. It's because we aren't doing physical labour all day and can go to a store and get easy calories that we have this issue. I mean, I agree that the types of food we have available are a contributing factor in this, but I don't think they're the primary cause.

I see a lot of overweight day laborers, fruit pickers, and construction workers, though. Calories matter and physical activity is important, but I think industrial, processed food is the primary cause.

Hunger is primarily controlled by leptin. Fructose inhibits leptin function, as do omega-6 fats, and some researchers posit that the lectins in certain grains bind to leptin receptors, thus rendering leptin function dysfunctional.

This is purely anecdotal, but it is comprised of many anecdotes: in my experience, once people give up those three items - fructose, grains, and omega-6 vegetable oils - the weight loss comes easily and the caloric reduction becomes inadvertent. On the other hand, I see many people struggle with willful caloric restriction without thinking about food quality.
Price Dalton said:
I see a lot of overweight day laborers, fruit pickers, and construction workers, though. Calories matter and physical activity is important, but I think industrial, processed food is the primary cause.

Hunger is primarily controlled by leptin. Fructose inhibits leptin function, as do omega-6 fats, and some researchers posit that the lectins in certain grains bind to leptin receptors, thus rendering leptin function dysfunctional.

This is purely anecdotal, but it is comprised of many anecdotes: in my experience, once people give up those three items - fructose, grains, and omega-6 vegetable oils - the weight loss comes easily and the caloric reduction becomes inadvertent. On the other hand, I see many people struggle with willful caloric restriction without thinking about food quality.

Food quality certainly does play a major roll.
I know from my own experience that when I cut out soda and most sweets, pounds just fell off without me even trying all that hard.
Knowledge will always be a person's greatest weapon against obesity, which is why I wish that that Food Revolution show had taken off more than it did.
But people don't want to know the truth. (Yet, Biggest Losers is in how many seasons now? People just want drama they don't care about losing weight).


problem with a show like biggest loser though is that is extreme circumstances.These people work out all day and I am sure they have full access to dietitians, professional trainers who most people would never be able to afford and their meals made for them.Im sure most thrown in that situation would shed pounds the same.

Granted it's nothing that anyone can't do exercise is exercise and eating well is eating well just nowadays with all the bad stuff in food it's so hard and alot of diet based meals can get incredibly expensive.

For me I have been doing alot of research food wise and I think I am gonna try going with stir frys for dinner.Generally for breakfast I eat poached egg on toast or some oatmeal with some fruit.Im a picky eater very picky so I mean Im thinking stirfry a small portion of meat, vegetables and a small portion of brown rice could work well.
I just realized when I posted these in the pic thread, how much more of a change I've made since when I originally posted my progress here. I figured I'd offer an update. I've seen some amazing progress in the past few months. After falling off the wagon and being stuck at 190-200 for several months, I've surpassed my original goal and am about to move into a new longterm goal.

Basically. I'm near done with the cutting (about a month left) and I am going to work on slowly bulking from here on out. I'm happy with my size, but wouldn't mind being a tad bigger/stronger.






How did I do it? Ate right, cut out the junk, then I started lifting weights, and going for walks. As things got easier I upped the intensity of everything. I didn't take anything special until I hit about 185 and I started taking fat burners to overcome a plateau, but I don't think they were necessary.

Eat right, train hard, stay motivated. It's that simple. Good luck guys!


DarthWufei said:
I just realized when I posted these in the pic thread, how much more of a change I've made since when I originally posted my progress here. I figured I'd offer an update. I've seen some amazing progress in the past few months. After falling off the wagon and being stuck at 190-200 for several months, I've surpassed my original goal and am about to move into a new longterm goal.

Basically. I'm near done with the cutting (about a month left) and I am going to work on slowly bulking from here on out. I'm happy with my size, but wouldn't mind being a tad bigger/stronger.



How did I do it? Ate right, cut out the junk, then I started lifting weights, and going for walks. As things got easier I upped the intensity of everything. I didn't take anything special until I hit about 185 and I started taking fat burners to overcome a plateau, but I don't think they were necessary.

Eat right, train hard, stay motivated. It's that simple. Good luck guys!

Amazing change; good inspiration for many.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
So how bad is Cottonseed Oil?

Pretty bad. Loaded with linoleic acid (omega6), no omega 3, and I'd question any oil extracted from something like seeds. In general it's a process that requires lots of heat and chemicals. Go for traditional stuff like fish oil, grass fed beef, grass fed butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and palm oil.

Seeds in general (not just grains) tend to have evolutionary mechanisms to discourage their consumption as food. Because if you eat the seeds, it's less likely to make it to the next generation. With grains it's phytic acid and lectin. The human digestive system does not have phytase to undo phytic acid's tendency to bind to essential dietary minerals.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Price Dalton said:
This is purely anecdotal, but it is comprised of many anecdotes: in my experience, once people give up those three items - fructose, grains, and omega-6 vegetable oils - the weight loss comes easily and the caloric reduction becomes inadvertent. On the other hand, I see many people struggle with willful caloric restriction without thinking about food quality.

Yeah, I think these are the big three as well. I think proper sleep, vitaminD/sun, and exercise are also important. But yeah, obese construction laborers smoking is some empirical evidence that it can't just be physical activity.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
teh_pwn said:
Pretty bad. Loaded with linoleic acid (omega6), no omega 3, and I'd question any oil extracted from something like seeds. In general it's a process that requires lots of heat and chemicals. Go for traditional stuff like fish oil, grass fed beef, grass fed butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and palm oil.

I'm only asking because the Planters Cocktail Peantus I eat has Cottonseed Oil.

Ingredients (in order): Peanuts, Peanut and/or Cottonseed Oil, Sea Salt.
Domino Theory said:
I'm only asking because the Planters Cocktail Peantus I eat has Cottonseed Oil.

Ingredients (in order): Peanuts, Peanut and/or Cottonseed Oil, Sea Salt.

Usually, if it's an either/or situation, it's likely Cottonseed oil, since it's cheap to produce.
Also, go with almonds man, so much better.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
AceBandage said:
Usually, if it's an either/or situation, it's likely Cottonseed oil, since it's cheap to produce.
Also, go with almonds man, so much better.

The only Almonds I like are Smoked Almonds and those are filled with vegetable oil, canola oil, trans fat and MSG. :(


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
I'm only asking because the Planters Cocktail Peantus I eat has Cottonseed Oil.

Ingredients (in order): Peanuts, Peanut and/or Cottonseed Oil, Sea Salt.

Peanuts themselves aren't ideal for fat loss if your problem is omega3:eek:mega6. But this isn't a prime culprit. Some peanuts are probably fine so long as you're getting omega3s.

Currently I get mine with yogurt, carlson's lemon fish oil, and a little local honey. I'd be interested if anyone had some cold dish recipes with fish oil.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
teh_pwn said:
Peanuts themselves aren't ideal for fat loss if your problem is omega3:eek:mega6. But this isn't a prime culprit. Some peanuts are probably fine so long as you're getting omega3s.

Currently I get mine with yogurt, carlson's lemon fish oil, and a little local honey. I'd be interested if anyone had some cold dish recipes with fish oil.

So instead of taking Fish Oil softgels, you just have a few teaspoons of Carlon's Fish Oil every day?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
So instead of taking Fish Oil softgels, you just have a few teaspoons of Carlon's Fish Oil every day?

A few tablespoons. If you're trying to lose fat you're also getting fat from body fat which is composed of stuff you ate previously. Starting out with fat loss you should be getting lots of omega3s. ~10-18 grams or so would be good. Then as you lose fat you can reduce because on the flip side there are health issues that can be caused by a high omega3:eek:mega6 balance, like a weak immune system. I get Carlson's on amazon, something like $24 a bottle.

Or maybe just 1-2 table spoons. 3 may be overkill. I just kind of pour it on without measuring.
Just buy a bunch of raw unsalted almonds from the grocery (they're pretty easy to find these days) and roast them yourself.

I buy about a pound a week, roast them, and keep them in my car for breakfast on my way to work.
DarthWufei said:
How did I do it? Ate right, cut out the junk, then I started lifting weights, and going for walks. As things got easier I upped the intensity of everything. I didn't take anything special until I hit about 185 and I started taking fat burners to overcome a plateau, but I don't think they were necessary.

Eat right, train hard, stay motivated. It's that simple. Good luck guys!

That is mental!

Fuck this thread makes me depressed.
I say to myself im going to sort myself out by eating properly and so on but I cant seem to stick too it, I last like a week and then think
"aww fuck it its only a Xzy" then it gos down hill.

If my crappy work place had a way to cook food it would help, Ive got a kettle and a fridge so what on earth can I have for lunch? If I dont have the stuff (fuckign family eats it all) or make it (sliced chicken in a pita and a can of tuna) I end up having to get like a supermarket sandwich which cant be good.

Is there a link to a gym routine as well to aid weight loss? I recently got over an injury and everything has suffered so i need something I can set goals with again, as at the moment being back im totally lost.

I float around the 78KG mark (171lbs ish) but it can go up or down by 1-2kgs for seemingly no reason atall, Go to the gym 3 days a week with light running and weights and I really would like to shift like 5kg.

Edit: Reading that back I sound like a whiny bitch :lol good lord it would help so much if i didnt hate salad with a passion.


Price Dalton said:
I see a lot of overweight day laborers, fruit pickers, and construction workers, though. Calories matter and physical activity is important, but I think industrial, processed food is the primary cause.

Hunger is primarily controlled by leptin. Fructose inhibits leptin function, as do omega-6 fats, and some researchers posit that the lectins in certain grains bind to leptin receptors, thus rendering leptin function dysfunctional.

This is purely anecdotal, but it is comprised of many anecdotes: in my experience, once people give up those three items - fructose, grains, and omega-6 vegetable oils - the weight loss comes easily and the caloric reduction becomes inadvertent. On the other hand, I see many people struggle with willful caloric restriction without thinking about food quality.

I agree with you that activity levels alone don't prevent obesity (though they definitely help). My main point was that our ancestors may have been calorie-limited environmentally.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
teh_pwn said:
A few tablespoons. If you're trying to lose fat you're also getting fat from body fat which is composed of stuff you ate previously. Starting out with fat loss you should be getting lots of omega3s. ~10-18 grams or so would be good. Then as you lose fat you can reduce because on the flip side there are health issues that can be caused by a high omega3:eek:mega6 balance, like a weak immune system. I get Carlson's on amazon, something like $24 a bottle.

Or maybe just 1-2 table spoons. 3 may be overkill. I just kind of pour it on without measuring.

Thanks for the help. I just went to Whole Foods and found Carlson's Fish Oil...for $50. Amazon has it for $25. Amazon, here I come!

Carlson's Fish Oil is insane. 1.6g of Omega 3 in one teaspoon. Holy shit.


teh_pwn said:
A few tablespoons. If you're trying to lose fat you're also getting fat from body fat which is composed of stuff you ate previously. Starting out with fat loss you should be getting lots of omega3s. ~10-18 grams or so would be good. Then as you lose fat you can reduce because on the flip side there are health issues that can be caused by a high omega3:eek:mega6 balance, like a weak immune system. I get Carlson's on amazon, something like $24 a bottle.

Or maybe just 1-2 table spoons. 3 may be overkill. I just kind of pour it on without measuring.
So taking fish oil/omega-3s is beneficial in fat loss? I thought it was just a general wellbeing/"brain health" sort of thing. The more you know!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Shaneus said:
So taking fish oil/omega-3s is beneficial in fat loss? I thought it was just a general wellbeing/"brain health" sort of thing. The more you know!

The study I saw tested:

Fish oil, light exercise
No fish oil, light exercise
Fish oil, no light exercise
No fish oil, no light exercise

Fish oil + light exercise resulted in the most weight loss of the four test groups. Then exercise alone was second with half as much weight loss, and fish oil without exercise and nothing at all both resulted in no changes.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Shaneus said:
So taking fish oil/omega-3s is beneficial in fat loss? I thought it was just a general wellbeing/"brain health" sort of thing. The more you know!

In addition to what EvilLore is talking about, about a 1:1 to 2:1 ratio of omega6:eek:mega3 is ideal for the human body. It affects cell membrane composition and immune system function. Too much omega6 encourages autoimmune and inflammation and an inflamed hypothalamus doesn't respond to leptin well (increases hunger). Too much omega 3, which is only possible these days with massive massive supplementation on a paleo diet, leads to a weak immune system and I think recently they had a study in which rats in a lab got colon cancer with a diet devoid of omega6.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
infiniteloop said:
is taking it in liquid better than the softgels?

Not necessarily better in terms of quality. However, one benefit of it being liquid is that you'll know if it's fresh or rancid. Other than that it's just about cost. Liquid is typically much cheaper.
grumble said:
I agree with you that activity levels alone don't prevent obesity (though they definitely help). My main point was that our ancestors may have been calorie-limited environmentally.

Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, I totally agree!
what is good comfort low carb food? I don't get this problem because I get an extremely good breakfast, but many friends of mine (women like their comfort food) want to know.


BronzeWolf said:
what is good comfort low carb food? I don't get this problem because I get an extremely good breakfast, but many friends of mine (women like their comfort food) want to know.

I've always thought of comfort food as being rich, high fat and carb food, but here's a website with a huge list of recipes, menus, etc that are all low carb. Hopefully they can find something they like in that.

spindashing said:
A little update:
August 30: 226 lbs.
September 20: 221 lbs.
Total weight lost: 49 lbs.

That was about a month ago, so...


October 26th: 213 lbs.

Total weight lost: 56 lbs.

I've lost eight pounds since then. Nothing spectacular, but I'm inching ever so closely to Onederland. I didn't work out as much as I could, and I attribute the weight loss to my diet. Basically my "don't eat bad shit you assclown" diet which I can probably do for the rest of my life.

Will post pictures here next month! Once again, thanks guys, this thread has been a great inspiration.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
BronzeWolf said:
what is good comfort low carb food? I don't get this problem because I get an extremely good breakfast, but many friends of mine (women like their comfort food) want to know.

Smoked Gouda Cheese. #LordHaveMercy


BronzeWolf said:
what is good comfort low carb food? I don't get this problem because I get an extremely good breakfast, but many friends of mine (women like their comfort food) want to know.
So they want to have their cake and eat it, too, huh?

I've pretty much come to accept that a lowcarb diet is a compromising one and you have to deal with proper comfort foods as treats rather than something to eat every day.

I'd say its better to just find tasty lowcarb choices and dont fool myself into thinking they in any way replace pizza and danishes and stuff like that, which I still eat sparingly as treats.

If you want us to list a bunch of tasty lowcarb foods/recipes, then cool, but none of them are gonna be as 'comforting' as proper comfort food. My two suggestions:

- Cheesy scrambled eggs
- Baked hot wings


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
BronzeWolf said:
what is good comfort low carb food? I don't get this problem because I get an extremely good breakfast, but many friends of mine (women like their comfort food) want to know.

Pan fried bacon.
Extra Dark Chocolate 85%+
Beef Jerky
Imported 2+ (Stravecchio) years aged Parmesan Italian/Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
Seasoned Sirloin Steak

I'm telling you guys, you cannot go half way with this stuff. Abandon the grain/sugar culture. In order to successfully do this, you need to learn to cook. That doesn't mean cake and spaghetti substitutes. It means 30+ spices in your kitchen, fresh meats, green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, fatty vegetables/fruits (avocado), proper fats (lard, bacon, coconut, pastured butter, etc), Extra virgin olive oil, various vinegars, recipes, storage, and patience. After a while your previous comfort foods (cakes, pastries) will be overly sweet and bland salty shit.
For those on low-carb, do you find after a day of cheating you feel like shit the next day?

I'm never gassy on low carb, but once I eat carbs I feel bloated, gassy and generally shitty. Wondering if I just have a sensitive stomach.
betweenthewheels said:
For those on low-carb, do you find after a day of cheating you feel like shit the next day?

I'm never gassy on low carb, but once I eat carbs I feel bloated, gassy and generally shitty. Wondering if I just have a sensitive stomach.
absolutely. I get gas, mushy crap, heartburn, all of the fun things I used to have before I stopped eating sugary garbage.
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