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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


firehawk12 said:
It honestly doesn't taste that bad, but yeah, it ain't all that extravagant either. :lol

get a crockpot. i boiled chicken for like a week and couldn't stand it anymore :lol i'll dump a can of cream of mushroom soup, cup of water and a cup of chicken broth into it and cook it all day, 3 breasts at a time. much better. it's tender with more flavor.

and my weight update for the week:
started at 215lbs june 8
currently 173.5lbs as of today

stuck at 173.5lbs now for two weeks. but i blame it on my kitchen remodel. i've been working on it for 2 weeks now in between work. will officially be finished later today with everything and will get back to my routine diet. just 13.5lbs to go til i hit my goal!


SuperÑ said:
1,89 metres
That's pretty cool dude good job, I'm trying to get my body to look basically like you are now. I asked about your height because I'm 1.92 meters (6'3) and 83kg (183 lbs), basically I'm a bit taller and weight less than you but I look nothing like that :lol I still got a lot of fat in my body.


I finally got around to starting to diet. I'm going with a low-carb diet and it's been working well so far. My laziness is helping me here since I only need to avoid temptation once a week when I'm out shopping since I can't be bothered to go out just to break the diet. I have broken it a few times with pizza and tacos, but overall I think I'm doing well.

The only exercise I get is walking between my car and class, and badminton for an hour and a half or so each week.

Started at ~220 on 9/14 and I'm down to 201 as of 10/12.

It's weird because I can't really notice the weight loss when I look at myself. Other people have said they noticed it though.

I don't really have a goal. I'm not really a goal oriented person. I figure I'll just keep this up until it stops working or I look good, maybe ~170? I don't know. I am excited to weigh under 200 next Tuesday, it's been a few years.

Also, do low carb soft taco shells exist? That would be amazing.
Domino Theory said:
My mom got her blood test results back and she's fine except for her Vitamin D levels. She's Vitamin D deficient by A LOT.

They prescribed her 4 softgels, each containing 50,000IU of Vitamin D3 that she has to take once a week. Poor ma. :(
get her outside in a bikini :)


I am not Max
Could I have some low carb suggestions that I could eat more than once a week for dinner? All I ate on my low carb diet was scrambled eggs mixed with ham and green pepper, or chicken/pork stir fry so I eventually gave in to eating pasta again because I just got bored of the food I was eating and I feel really bad about it. I even started eating bread, oatmeal and pizza again :|

I really should have researched this sooner.
Max said:
Could I have some low carb suggestions that I could eat more than once a week for dinner? All I ate on my low carb diet was scrambled eggs mixed with ham and green pepper, or chicken/pork stir fry so I eventually gave in to eating pasta again because I just got bored of the food I was eating and I feel really bad about it. I even started eating bread, oatmeal and pizza again :|

I really should have researched this sooner.


Max said:
Could I have some low carb suggestions that I could eat more than once a week for dinner? All I ate on my low carb diet was scrambled eggs mixed with ham and green pepper, or chicken/pork stir fry so I eventually gave in to eating pasta again because I just got bored of the food I was eating and I feel really bad about it. I even started eating bread, oatmeal and pizza again :|

I really should have researched this sooner.

I like kielbasa and spaghetti sauce. I just cut it into .5 inch slices and cook it in the spaghetti sauce for a bit. The sauce has a bit of sugar in it, but I don't eat too much of it.

I also like to buy deli meat and just roll it with a slice of cheese.

Kitchens of India has this great Chicken Curry paste that I like and is easy to make. I just add chicken and maybe eat it with a salad on the side.

I will now be eating tacos on the Flatout bread BigKaboom2 mentioned.


DanteFox said:
this is my first time posting in this thread. I've been losing weight gradually over the last couple of years. started off at 220 (I'm around 5'11") and now I'm floating around 190-191. Last spring I was at 188, which is the lightest I've been since pretty much freshman year of highschool (which doesn't count cuz I was still growing lol). According to my BMI, once I reach around 180 I'll be at a "healthy" weight. I need some good ideas for stuff to eat cuz I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. One question I have is: is it bad to feel "full" at a certain meal even if technically I haven't eaten a ton of calories during that meal? Like sometimes I'll eat a bowl and a half of cereal, and I'll feel pretty bad about it. Is this just something I have to adjust in my thinking? I was under the impression that losing weight = never full. Am I right/wrong?
wondering if someone could give me feedback on this since it got lost last time I posted it.

if not fine then I'll do it without your guys' help. :mad:


DanteFox said:
wondering if someone could give me feedback on this since it got lost last time I posted it.

if not fine then I'll do it without your guys' help. :mad:
Dude, count yourself lucky if you get full while still eating the desirable amount of calories. Nothing wrong with it, unless you keep going after you feel full.

Drinking lots of water during a meal is desirable simply BECAUSE it helps you get full faster. Well of course thats not the only reason, but its a nice perk!

The only problem with not eating a lot of calories is that you'll tend to get hungry again sooner than you might be used to. Which is why its good to eat lots of smaller meals throughout the day, which keeps your metabolism running and your stomach never feeling too empty.

Also, dont feel about eating badly as long as its only once in a while. Dieting doesn't have to be as miserable as some people make it for themselves. My friend is throwing a party tonight with a bonfire and a nice BBQ setup, so I plan on chowing down and drinking a bunch. Its a minor setback, but it does not stop forward progress.
DanteFox said:
wondering if someone could give me feedback on this since it got lost last time I posted it.

if not fine then I'll do it without your guys' help. :mad:
Eating until you are full is actually really healthy and the way it should be. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to think that you must eat a plate full every meal, no excuses. My parents taught me that too, and it took me a long time before i was able to get rid of that mindset. Now i eat until i'm full, and eat again once i feel hungry. Which can be after an hour, or after four hours. I let my body dictate when I eat, not some clock.

Also, eat a lot of protein and fat, because most likely you aren't eating enough of both. You'll feel fuller fast than with carbs and will eat less. So load on those chicken breasts, eggs and bacon, because it's good for you and will make you lose weight faster than eating cereal or rice. And of course, start lifting weights if you're not doing it already.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
DanteFox said:
wondering if someone could give me feedback on this since it got lost last time I posted it.

if not fine then I'll do it without your guys' help. :mad:

The problem with "eating until full" is that it only works if you eat foods that human biology evolved to handle. There was no natural selection for grains or sugar extract. Some people can handle, others cannot. Sugar bomb grain cereals are foreign to the human body. Lectins in grains mess with leptin, sugar messes with the liver's insulin sensitivity ultimately resulting in messing with leptin. Leptin is one of the primary ways your body determines how much fuel reserves it has and effectively regulates your body fat % setpoint by suppressing hunger and regulating metabolism. There's also stuff like Ghrelin that stimulates hunger when you're stressed or sleep deprived.

Here are some things you can eat that won't mess with your body's hunger feedback system.




I was at work today (selling shoes) and I was talking to this mother and daughter (she looked around 5-6 years old) while working, and we get on the topic of jobs. We talk about our bad jobs and good jobs, so I mention that I was a soccer referee in high school. The mom makes a joke about how the parents must have been a pain, I laugh, then the little girl says "You? A soccer referee? You must've sucked at it!"

I laugh and say "Now why would you say that?!" and she says "Because they run a lot and you're so fat". I used to weigh 320. I'm down to 245 and still losing, but it's when people say shit like that that it really makes me upset. It makes me doubt that I'll ever get down below 200. I know, she's a little girl, but children don't have filters. It's like they say what everyone is thinking. Anyway, just wanted to share. I'm still bummed about it, five hours later. I look at my dinner and feel disgusted because my mind is saying "if you eat that, you're a fatty".


Oh yeah, five pounds lost these last two weeks.


Einbroch said:

I was at work today (selling shoes) and I was talking to this mother and daughter (she looked around 5-6 years old) while working, and we get on the topic of jobs. We talk about our bad jobs and good jobs, so I mention that I was a soccer referee in high school. The mom makes a joke about how the parents must have been a pain, I laugh, then the little girl says "You? A soccer referee? You must've sucked at it!"

I laugh and say "Now why would you say that?!" and she says "Because they run a lot and you're so fat". I used to weigh 320. I'm down to 245 and still losing, but it's when people say shit like that that it really makes me upset. It makes me doubt that I'll ever get down below 200. I know, she's a little girl, but children don't have filters. It's like they say what everyone is thinking. Anyway, just wanted to share. I'm still bummed about it, five hours later. I look at my dinner and feel disgusted because my mind is saying "if you eat that, you're a fatty".


Oh yeah, five pounds lost these last two weeks.

What the fuck? Who says shit like that? Next time just tell her about the time you scored 4 touchdowns in one game.
sangreal said:
What the fuck? Who says shit like that? Next time just tell her about the time you scored 4 touchdowns in one game.

Umm, kids say shit like that. I was at a pool when I was 5 with my 3 year old brother and he went up to some obese man with a white beard if he was santa claus.


funkmastergeneral said:
Umm, kids say shit like that. I was at a pool when I was 5 with my 3 year old brother and he went up to some obese man with a white beard if he was santa claus.

Oh, I misread I thought the mom said that since they were discussing jobs.

Eteric Rice

Einbroch said:

I was at work today (selling shoes) and I was talking to this mother and daughter (she looked around 5-6 years old) while working, and we get on the topic of jobs. We talk about our bad jobs and good jobs, so I mention that I was a soccer referee in high school. The mom makes a joke about how the parents must have been a pain, I laugh, then the little girl says "You? A soccer referee? You must've sucked at it!"

I laugh and say "Now why would you say that?!" and she says "Because they run a lot and you're so fat". I used to weigh 320. I'm down to 245 and still losing, but it's when people say shit like that that it really makes me upset. It makes me doubt that I'll ever get down below 200. I know, she's a little girl, but children don't have filters. It's like they say what everyone is thinking. Anyway, just wanted to share. I'm still bummed about it, five hours later. I look at my dinner and feel disgusted because my mind is saying "if you eat that, you're a fatty".


Oh yeah, five pounds lost these last two weeks.

Just take it a little at a time dude. Don't get discouraged.

Anyway, a question. I've been doing a paleolithic/primal type of diet (meat/veggies/fish/and some fruit).

My shit is practically water.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Einbroch said:

I was at work today (selling shoes) and I was talking to this mother and daughter (she looked around 5-6 years old) while working, and we get on the topic of jobs. We talk about our bad jobs and good jobs, so I mention that I was a soccer referee in high school. The mom makes a joke about how the parents must have been a pain, I laugh, then the little girl says "You? A soccer referee? You must've sucked at it!"

I laugh and say "Now why would you say that?!" and she says "Because they run a lot and you're so fat". I used to weigh 320. I'm down to 245 and still losing, but it's when people say shit like that that it really makes me upset. It makes me doubt that I'll ever get down below 200. I know, she's a little girl, but children don't have filters. It's like they say what everyone is thinking. Anyway, just wanted to share. I'm still bummed about it, five hours later. I look at my dinner and feel disgusted because my mind is saying "if you eat that, you're a fatty".


Oh yeah, five pounds lost these last two weeks.

Very few people that are fat actually want to be fat. Many think they deserve it because of willful gluttony and sloth, when rarely these factors are the cause.

Just look at people when photography was new and compare it to images of kids today. If you have any grandparents still living, look at some of their old photo albums. I like doing this because it amazes me how damn thin and healthy looking people were before 1950. Or look at the google images results of people from the roaring 1920s (plenty of food available).

People didn't suddenly decide to start getting fat in the 1970s. It was a result of changes in food. If anything the booming fitness industry's tight correlation to the obesity epidemic shows that people don't want to be fat, but lack the right strategy to fix the problem.

The media and government perpetuates this fallacy and combine that with a child's poor filter and you got that girl's comment. Nothing to be ashamed of. Obesity is largely a result of environmental factors and government public health recommendations based on bad science and lobbyists.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Eteric Rice said:
Just take it a little at a time dude. Don't get discouraged.

Anyway, a question. I've been doing a paleolithic/primal type of diet (meat/veggies/fish/and some fruit).

My shit is practically water.


That's very strange. My shit's like an ice cream dispenser. :lol

Maybe google or ask around on marks daily apple forums or something. Maybe you lack the probiotic cultures to handle vegetable fiber or you have a food allergy (rare with orthodox paleo, but I guess possible).

Eteric Rice

teh_pwn said:
Very few people that are fat actually want to be fat. Many think they deserve it because of willful gluttony and sloth, when rarely these factors are the cause.

Just look at people when photography was new and compare it to images of kids today. If you have any grandparents still living, look at some of their old photo albums. I like doing this because it amazes me how damn thin and healthy looking people were before 1950. Or look at the google images results of people from the roaring 1920s (plenty of food available).

People didn't suddenly decide to start getting fat in the 1970s. It was a result of changes in food. If anything the booming fitness industry's tight correlation to the obesity epidemic shows that people don't want to be fat, but lack the right strategy to fix the problem.

The media and government perpetuates this fallacy and combine that with a child's poor filter and you got that girl's comment. Nothing to be ashamed of. Obesity is largely a result of environmental factors and government public health recommendations based on bad science and lobbyists.

Pretty much this. The demonization of fat is especially bad.



Bad_Boy said:
Dude, I'm like a skinny version of the "new" you. what do you eat? I work out 5 days a week (my job, not by choice) and im still skinny. I'm toned, just no mass.

I guess I should go for more whey protein, but the funds are not always there to get such things.

You should factor in genetics too,that guy was blessed with good ones that allow him to build muscle,me well...im kinda like you...skinny but toned,i hate it.... *cries*
Eteric Rice said:
Pretty much this. The demonization of fat is especially bad.

Indeed. Eat fat, it's good for you. As long as you don't mix it with shitloads of carbs/sugars and/or trans-fats, because those áre bad. :lol

beatbeat said:
You should factor in genetics too,that guy was blessed with good ones that allow him to build muscle,me well...im kinda like you...skinny but toned,i hate it.... *cries*
You aren't eating enough. Double your intake of calories for a few weeks, that should help you build mass. Or just follow the Gallon Of Milk A Day program.

Eteric Rice

Indeed. Eat fat, it's good for you. As long as you don't mix it with shitloads of carbs/sugars and/or trans-fats, because those áre bad.

Yeah, I get my carbs from vegetables and a bit of fruit here and there. I make sure to eat the fat on meat.

I also now wait until my stomach tells me it's hungry to eat, instead of doing the 3 meals a day thing. It takes my stomach a long time since I sit around a lot. :lol But you'd be amazed at how much you really don't need to eat simply because of "cravings."

Oh, and I've lost about 13 pounds in one month so far! So, so far so good!
Eteric Rice said:
Yeah, I get my carbs from vegetables and a bit of fruit here and there. I make sure to eat the fat on meat.

I also now wait until my stomach tells me it's hungry to eat, instead of doing the 3 meals a day thing. It takes my stomach a long time since I sit around a lot. :lol But you'd be amazed at how much you really don't need to eat simply because of "cravings."

Oh, and I've lost about 13 pounds in one month so far! So, so far so good!

I guess you gave Primal Blueprint a chance then ? :lol


time to take my meds
gallon of milk a day? i dont think i do enough heavy lifting for that. though i might try half a gallon a day, which is still a lot more than i drink.

ive been eating more protein in the last 2 weeks. noticing a little more weight, but not much. probably need more intake. i usually eat a protein bar (20-30g) after lunch and dinner. and eating eggs and cereal for breakfast.


Hi bronzewolf.

Just wanted to say that I was rereading old posts from the official weightlifting thread and saw your posts of when you first started out lifting. It was very inspiring because your beginning numbers is similar to how I am now. What really inspired me though is seeing your later posts first and thinking to myself, "there's no way I will reach that goal".

Great job man. Are you cutting now? or do you still want to increase your numbers?
I wanted some advice, I don't know if I should ask this here or in the other fitness thread... but...

I am following this diet http://www.bodybuildingpro.com/crumcake.html

After going up and down using different diets that involved juicing and other things ( Lost the weight fast, but it came back because that lifestyle is way to hard to maintain) I wanted to try this diet.

My day so far goes like this.

Rise - x2 Whey Scoops ( like 48g Protein) ( I try this every morning and evening )
Morning HIIT Cardio (40 Mins)
Breakfast - Turkey Burger (18g Pro) (Just meat no topping etc...)
Snack x2 Whey
Lunch - Turkey Burger x2 with Big bowl of Spinach
Snack 1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese With 4-5 Pineapple Chunks
Weight Training ( Try to do 4 times a week before bed)
Dinner - Turkey Burger with Spinach
Before Bed x2 Whey

I think it totaled to just under 200grams of protein I currently weigh around 190.

Any Suggestions? Eating the Turkey Burgers is soooo boring, but I can deal with it... better then chicken breast.... @_@

Jay Sosa

SuperÑ Now @85kg [IMG said:

Nice job, how do you guys manage to get your hips/obliques looking like that? Extra workout or something? Cause I'm pretty fit and still don't look anywhere near as this..
Domino Theory said:
Ugh, this low-carb diet is starting to piss me off. I've been stuck in this wall for almost two months now. :(

Me too!

After the initial 20 lbs i've been fluctuating around my current weight for over a month. Pretty frustrating...


Have you guys had a look at your caloric intakes? Low carb is a great and easy way to lose weight, but when you've reached a plateau it could be worth keeping a closer eye on your diet. The body is really good at making sure it keeps its fat. You could also consider doing carb refeeds.

I'd also recommend experimenting with intermittent fasting. Have a browse through this guys blog: www.leangains.com

Edit: fixed the links

Eteric Rice

Yonn said:
Have you guys had a look at your caloric intakes? Low carb is a great and easy way to lose weight, but when you've reached a plateau it could be worth keeping a closer eye on your diet. The body is really good at making sure it keeps its fat. You could also consider doing carb refeeds.

I'd also recommend experimenting with intermittent fasting. Have a browse through this guys blog: www.leangains.com

Edit: fixed the links

About the fasting thing.

Lately, I try to eat only when my stomach starts grumbling at me, which is pretty much the only way I know of that the body tells you that you're hungry.

Let me tell you, it's maddening. The cravings are pretty hard, and it makes it obvious why people usually fail on the "eat less" diets. For some reason I can tolerate it now, though.

This usually means eating one meal a day though, not by choice but because my body doesn't say anything. The one meal is usually a pretty decent size, though.


Eteric Rice said:
This usually means eating one meal a day though, not by choice but because my body doesn't say anything. The one meal is usually a pretty decent size, though.

Define "decent size"...


So ive been able to succesfully maintain my goal weight at 165-167 for a month now after losing 45 pounds. Been doing weight training on and off, but mostly i just do push-ups, sit-ups and leg lifts every night and you would be damned surprised how much that can tone you up. I went back to doing full weights now and its like i never stopped.

I say by the time December rolls around ill have not only become thin but will be all toned and shit.

Too bad i still dont have any social skills. :lol

At least my family that i see every Christmas will be pretty shocked.
I lost ~10 kg and then I stopped doing really low carb, I'm usually under 100, but I do eat some sweets, pizza once a week and some bread once in a while and I'm steady at 75.
Meh, could go down more but I hate being on keto only because I fucking crave sugar like meth addict craves for meth, and there's no way around it :|

Eteric Rice

Zoe said:
Define "decent size"...

A steak and two or three eggs?

Or a steak fried in coconut oil and a bunch of broccoli (with some cheese sometimes).

Meh, could go down more but I hate being on keto only because I fucking crave sugar like meth addict craves for meth, and there's no way around it :|

Try eating some fruit, or maybe eating carbs but slowly cutting them down over a few weeks period?


Eteric Rice said:
A steak and two or three eggs?

Or a steak fried in coconut oil and a bunch of broccoli (with some cheese sometimes).

That sounds like you're pushing it on getting enough calories.

Eteric Rice

Zoe said:
That sounds like you're pushing it on getting enough calories.

In a good or bad way? :|

I'm just trying to listen to my body. It's confusing though, when you've never really listened since birth.


Eteric Rice said:
In a good or bad way? :|

I'm just trying to listen to my body. It's confusing though, when you've never really listened since birth.

In a bad way. If you're not getting enough calories, you're starving yourself. And your body adjusts to that to compensate which is probably why you don't find yourself getting hungry like before.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
infiniteloop said:
That's my go to meal if i'm too lazy to be creative :lol

Yeah, I have 1/2 lb grass fed steak and broccoli every other night. Primal Blueprint's 5 spice beef and broccoli stir fry to be more exact.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Eteric Rice said:
In a good or bad way? :|

I'm just trying to listen to my body. It's confusing though, when you've never really listened since birth.

Caloric intake needs are relative. You said you lost 13 lbs in a month. If you're starting out just 30 lbs overweight (or rather overfat) that's pretty damn good and just keep doing what you're doing. But if you're 100 lbs overfat then you may be getting low hanging fruit returns. As you thin out simply lowering insulin levels is going to be less effective. There are other ways the body can store fat, and if hunger is elevated enough you can cling to the last 20-40 lbs no matter how low carb you are.

But again if your waist is slimming, you're getting leaner tissue, you're feeling better, and you're dropping weight, just keep doing what you're doing. Calories isn't an end all way to gauge energy balance.
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