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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Two fairly dumb questions for you guys:

1) How bad is beef jerkey for you? I need something as a treat like once a week but I dont want to eat something real bad for fear of binging. :lol

2) I know they say you should not eat late in the evening but I have taken up a habit of eating some fruit while watching tv. im talking at about 1-2am. Is this bad for me? will it effect my weight loss?


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Jerky is good. Depends what diet you are on with the fruit I think, low carb diet etc.

Aint that the truth :lol . So I assume I can eat some as a treat?

As for the diet im on...not really on a diet just cut out all the bad crap I used to eat and changed it to healthy stuff. So not a diet persay.
Messi said:
Two fairly dumb questions for you guys:

1) How bad is beef jerkey for you? I need something as a treat like once a week but I dont want to eat something real bad for fear of binging. :lol

2) I know they say you should not eat late in the evening but I have taken up a habit of eating some fruit while watching tv. im talking at about 1-2am. Is this bad for me? will it effect my weight loss?

The general rule of thumb is not to eat anything two hours prior to sleeping.


obijkenobi said:
The general rule of thumb is not to eat anything two hours prior to sleeping.

As long as what you eat before you go to bed fits in your daily diet (and as long as eating before bed doesn't mess with your sleep), you don't really need to worry. I always eat my last meal right before my head hits the pillow, and I keep a low bodyfat % (haven't been over 10% bodyfat in years).

As for jerky, it's a great snack for weight loss provided you're not sensitive to foods high in sodium. Make sure to read the nutritional label to watch out for excess sugar, some brands are higher than others.


Messi said:
Two fairly dumb questions for you guys:

1) How bad is beef jerkey for you? I need something as a treat like once a week but I dont want to eat something real bad for fear of binging. :lol

2) I know they say you should not eat late in the evening but I have taken up a habit of eating some fruit while watching tv. im talking at about 1-2am. Is this bad for me? will it effect my weight loss?

Good jerky is a great snack, it's all protein. As above watch out for the sugar. Some I look at are 25% sugar.


ch0mp said:
Good jerky is a great snack, it's all protein. As above watch out for the sugar. Some I look at are 25% sugar.
Store-made ones might be the way to go. I'm not sure what is used with the jerky my local butcher uses, but I'm pretty sure there's fuck-all sugar in it. Sodium, I'm not so sure of (they're pretty damn salty) but I'm fairly sure they're VERY low carb.


teh_pwn said:
Pizza is pretty bad for your waist, but you may have only gained a couple of pounds. If you're insulin resistant, insulin levels are higher than normal and that causes the kidney to retain more salt, which causes the body to retain more water. Combine that with the salt content of pizza, it's pretty easy to add 5 lbs of water weight.

That was my assumption as well - back down to 271 this morning.


Neo Member
I've realized my biggest obstacle to weightloss is discipline. Not regarding food but regarding my personal life. Staying up late past 3-5 am fucks my breakfast, resulting in tireness and reluctance to work out. Procrastinating and time wasting activities affect my workout times, which also affects sleep. To actually have a true healthy lifestyle means not only to cleanup my eating habits but also my life and the way I live it. A carefree slacker is not a good dieter.


sundrenched said:
I've realized my biggest obstacle to weightloss is discipline. Not regarding food but regarding my personal life. Staying up late past 3-5 am fucks my breakfast, resulting in tireness and reluctance to work out. Procrastinating and time wasting activities affect my workout times, which also affects sleep. To actually have a true healthy lifestyle means not only to cleanup my eating habits but also my life and the way I live it. A carefree slacker is not a good dieter.

This is the truth. I find if I skip breakfast I am less likely to want to go to the gym. If you lose alot of weight without a lifestyle change im fairly certain you would just slip back into old habits. I have had to change everything I do in the name of getting healthy. But I feel much better for it.


Neo Member
Messi said:
This is the truth. I find if I skip breakfast I am less likely to want to go to the gym. If you lose alot of weight without a lifestyle change im fairly certain you would just slip back into old habits. I have had to change everything I do in the name of getting healthy. But I feel much better for it.

yeah days where I'm awake for 20 hours usually result in me eating 4 to 5 meals and then 2 meals the next day :( not a good way to eat healthily at all


I'm having a problem lately, and it's really frustrating. I'm eating fairly healthy. Today I had a bowl of Fiber Plus for breakfast, a bowl of homemade chili for lunch, and for dinner I had a 1/2 cup of brown rice, a cup of spinach, and a piece of grilled chicken.

It's thirty minutes later and I'm starving. I used to eat a similar amount and not feel the urge to eat, but for the past two weeks I've just felt REALLY hungry after dinner. By the time I get to sleep my stomach is grumbling.

Anything I can do to fix it?


Einbroch said:
I'm having a problem lately, and it's really frustrating. I'm eating fairly healthy. Today I had a bowl of Fiber Plus for breakfast, a bowl of homemade chili for lunch, and for dinner I had a 1/2 cup of brown rice, a cup of spinach, and a piece of grilled chicken.

It's thirty minutes later and I'm starving. I used to eat a similar amount and not feel the urge to eat, but for the past two weeks I've just felt REALLY hungry after dinner. By the time I get to sleep my stomach is grumbling.

Anything I can do to fix it?
Less rice, more protein. Protein is great for satiety. Cottage cheese works pretty well with chicken and it's cheap too.


Einbroch said:
I'm having a problem lately, and it's really frustrating. I'm eating fairly healthy. Today I had a bowl of Fiber Plus for breakfast, a bowl of homemade chili for lunch, and for dinner I had a 1/2 cup of brown rice, a cup of spinach, and a piece of grilled chicken.

It's thirty minutes later and I'm starving. I used to eat a similar amount and not feel the urge to eat, but for the past two weeks I've just felt REALLY hungry after dinner. By the time I get to sleep my stomach is grumbling.

Anything I can do to fix it?
Eat, dude. Doesn't look like you're eating that much in general unless you're eating big portions, so you can probably afford some more calories to quench the hunger.

Find something to snack on after dinner if you're still hungry. Peanuts, cottage cheese, people were talking about beef jerky which is great, string cheese, some carrots/celery with dressing, etc.

Or just eat a bigger dinner. If your body is feeling REALLY hungry, then its usually a sign that you need to eat.

Ooooor......you've got worms. :D

Akim said:
There's no way you actually gained 6 pounds just from the weekend.
Yea, it wasn't a proper 6lbs gained, but the scale did say 6 gained. Its Wednesday now and I'm 4lbs above what I was last Friday, so thats a proper 4lbs gained it seems. I was really bad.


Seanspeed said:
Eat, dude. Doesn't look like you're eating that much in general unless you're eating big portions, so you can probably afford some more calories to quench the hunger.

Find something to snack on after dinner if you're still hungry. Peanuts, cottage cheese, people were talking about beef jerky which is great, string cheese, some carrots/celery with dressing, etc.

Or just eat a bigger dinner. If your body is feeling REALLY hungry, then its usually a sign that you need to eat.

Ooooor......you've got worms. :D

Yea, it wasn't a proper 6lbs gained, but the scale did say 6 gained. Its Wednesday now and I'm 4lbs above what I was last Friday, so thats a proper 4lbs gained it seems. I was really bad.

MMMMMM..Jerkey. Its awesome.

But seriously, it just sounds like you are not eating enough, you either need bigger portions or a snack to tide you over. you dont need to starve.


gained a pound last week. i know it's not much but it's the first time since june that my weight has increased. i was doing good then i went off my low carb routine and can't get back in the swing of things. was having one cheat meal a week... now i cheat a few times a week. really not looking forward to my weekly weigh in at all.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Anyone have experience using Nature's Best Isopure? Any idea on how good/bad it tastes?

Also, when's the best time to take a protein shake for muscle gains? 20 minutes after working out?

edit: Also, what's the best brand of coffee to add to my low-carb diet? I plan to add just a teaspoon to my morning protein shake. I hope coffee doesn't screw with my low-carb diet, though.


metamonk said:
gained a pound last week. i know it's not much but it's the first time since june that my weight has increased. i was doing good then i went off my low carb routine and can't get back in the swing of things. was having one cheat meal a week... now i cheat a few times a week. really not looking forward to my weekly weigh in at all.
Those weekly weigh-ins keep me motivated. If I find I've gained weight, I feel like crap and become more motivated to not have it happen again. Thats the trick. Use the bad news as a motivational tool, not something to become depressed over. Now that I've already lost almost 30 pounds total, even if I gain a couple over a week, I *know* that I can lose it again fairly quickly.

Its actually surprised me how easy losing weight has been. I admit it takes a massive amount of willpower at times, but in terms of effort, its not that much. I always try and remember this, too, so when I do gain a bit of weight back, I shrug it off and realize I'll be back to where I was in a week or two.

Just dont lose focus, man.
I've been on a low carb diet for officially a month now. Instead of weighing myself I take pictures to monitor progress' but i estimate at least 10 pounds lost. I also have been doing P90x to supplement my diet. Anyway, every once in a while I just have a major food binge at night despite eating very rich, filling meals for lunch and dinner.

Tonights dinner: Grass fed New York Strip and some burnt brussel sprouts that i ended up throwing out.

However it wasn't enough. I then went to finish off an almost empty bag of pork rinds, hoping they'd fill me up. Nope! I hit the fridge to find anything i can eat. A small piece of cheddar, two wedges of laughing cow cheese, and half a packet of sliced ham. Now i think my hunger is settling down. Still, sometimes i can get real out if control when I'm trying to satisfy
A hunger attack likely brought on by a craving for carbs.


PartlyCloudlike said:
I've been on a low carb diet for officially a month now. Instead of weighing myself I take pictures to monitor progress' but i estimate at least 10 pounds lost. I also have been doing P90x to supplement my diet. Anyway, every once in a while I just have a major food binge at night despite eating very rich, filling meals for lunch and dinner.

Tonights dinner: Grass fed New York Strip and some burnt brussel sprouts that i ended up throwing out.

However it wasn't enough. I then went to finish off an almost empty bag of pork rinds, hoping they'd fill me up. Nope! I hit the fridge to find anything i can eat. A small piece of cheddar, two wedges of laughing cow cheese, and half a packet of sliced ham. Now i think my hunger is settling down. Still, sometimes i can get real out if control when I'm trying to satisfy
A hunger attack likely brought on by a craving for carbs.
I doubt thats hunger speaking anymore. Sounds like cravings. While its nice, getting full isn't a requisite that you've eaten enough. REAL hunger is when you start to feel slightly weak and your stomach is grumbling. Thats when you NEED to eat. Sounds like you're just eating cuz you like eating good tasting stuff, which we all do of course. But its times like these where you really need to show a bit of restraint and willpower. Not that what you snacked on was so bad, but its added calories that you probably dont need.

I'm not saying you're destroying your chances to lose weight, but if it becomes a habit, it will. Just keep the binges to a minimum and you're alright. Its good to indulge once in a while.


metamonk said:
gained a pound last week. i know it's not much but it's the first time since june that my weight has increased. i was doing good then i went off my low carb routine and can't get back in the swing of things. was having one cheat meal a week... now i cheat a few times a week. really not looking forward to my weekly weigh in at all.

How much have you lost since June?
I've been in my plateau for over a month now on low carb. And i'm still 20-30lbs from my goal weight.

I've tried cheat days to break through it, but nothing yet.

I usually eat breakfast, then eat at dinner...then wake up with cravings in the middle of the night (my sleep schedule is fucked up). Could this be the reason why i'm stuck?

I've considered intensifying my weight training too.


betweenthewheels said:
I've been in my plateau for over a month now on low carb. And i'm still 20-30lbs from my goal weight.

I've tried cheat days to break through it, but nothing yet.

I usually eat breakfast, then eat at dinner...then wake up with cravings in the middle of the night (my sleep schedule is fucked up). Could this be the reason why i'm stuck?

I've considered intensifying my weight training too.
You only eat twice a day? How much do you eat for those meals?
Seanspeed said:
You only eat twice a day? How much do you eat for those meals?

2 sausage patties with sauteed mushrooms and cheese

2 filets of salmon/tilpia with a salad or mixed veggies.

I usually snack on pepperettes, pork rinds, piece of chocolate throughout the day.

I'm not trying to starve myself, I just eat when i'm hungry...though I wake up in the middle of the night with intense cravings.
betweenthewheels said:
2 sausage patties with sauteed mushrooms and cheese

2 filets of salmon/tilpia with a salad or mixed veggies.

I usually snack on pepperettes, pork rinds, piece of chocolate throughout the day.

I'm not trying to starve myself, I just eat when i'm hungry...though I wake up in the middle of the night with intense cravings.
Good god, you could probably quadruple the amount you eat and still barely be at maintenance. :lol


I've been kicking it low-carb (have to be well under 20g) for the last few days now... been eating like a complete lard-arse (burgers w/ cheese and bacon, eggs and bacon, weird chicken/cheese concoctions...) and dropped about 2kg or so. Mind you, some of that came from the bad reaction I had to eating some Philadelphia cheese-based snacks (I'm lactose sensitive, though I somehow forgot over the weekend :lol ) that sent me to the bathroom, but I'm not feeling too bad otherwise. Lethargic and not quite with it, but I'm expecting that to disappear within the next day or two (I hope!)

I've been looking up some HPLC shake powder-based recipes as well... it's surprising how many there are!
bananabread said:
June 28 2010:

109.2kg (240.24lbs)

October 12 2010:

91.0kg (200.2lbs)

I'm around 5'9, my target is around 75kg (165lbs).

Achieved it so far by eating a lot of carbs (museli for breakfast, lots of pasta and curry with rice on the side) and cheating twice a week by eating something horrible like a pizza. Then I play our DDR machine for at least an hour a day.

Worked for me so far, and the diet has been very easy seeing as all I've basically done is cut out horrible junk food and stopped eating when I don't really need to. Given that I'm not really on any sort of a fat burning diet I guess that DDR is simply amazing for burning calories, it's fun too which helps.

(there aren't any videos of me playing so I had to use one of my housemate's)

November 9, 2010:

86.6kg (190.9lbs)

My neck got a whole heap skinnier this month!

Love handles are still there and not really shrinking at all yet, but I've been told they're generally the last bits to go :(
bananabread said:
November 9, 2010:

86.6kg (190.9lbs)

My neck got a whole heap skinnier this month!

Love handles are still there and not really shrinking at all yet, but I've been told they're generally the last bits to go :(

Awesome job man! Anyways, depending on where your body carries fat love handles can be quite the bitch. I'm 5' 9.5" and weigh ~158 lbs and still have them. :/


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I would say start a strength program now and put on some muscle. You're not fat anymore (good work!), and that'll be the main way to improve your body composition from here on out.

mr stroke

EviLore said:
I would say start a strength program now and put on some muscle. You're not fat anymore (good work!), and that'll be the main way to improve your body composition from here on out.


you look great bananabread, time to hit some weights, and you will end up a machine


Ugh, anyone know how long I should be feeling like shit after being in ketosis for almost a week? I've been shooting for <20g/carbs a day but still get gnarly headspins and have an elevated heart rate (nothing causing concern, though). Mark's Daily Apple mentions that it takes about three weeks to get your body used to feeding off ketones, but I don't know if I can last that long :lol


10/22 - 171lbs
10/29 - 172lbs
11/05 - 171.5lbs
11/12 - 171lbs


bowl of kashi cereal with approx 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter for breakfast.
2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, 2 slices of cheese and salsa for lunch.
a serving of chicken (sometimes turkey or roast beef) and 1 cup of veggies for dinner.

i cheat for lunch once a week on saturday.

any suggestions?


Shaneus said:
Ugh, anyone know how long I should be feeling like shit after being in ketosis for almost a week? I've been shooting for <20g/carbs a day but still get gnarly headspins and have an elevated heart rate (nothing causing concern, though). Mark's Daily Apple mentions that it takes about three weeks to get your body used to feeding off ketones, but I don't know if I can last that long :lol

Some people don't do well on keto diets. You may be one of them. I did a keto thing for a couple of weeks and found that it took 4-5 days to snap fully over. Third day was the worst.

My personal belief is that ketosis is not necessary for fat loss, and its benefits are questionable. Considering how much of a hassle it is, I usually avoid it when I want to lose fat.
metamonk said:
10/22 - 171lbs
10/29 - 172lbs
11/05 - 171.5lbs
11/12 - 171lbs


bowl of kashi cereal with approx 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter for breakfast.
2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, 2 slices of cheese and salsa for lunch.
a serving of chicken (sometimes turkey or roast beef) and 1 cup of veggies for dinner.

i cheat for lunch once a week on saturday.

any suggestions?

You are not fat anymore, unless you are like 5'3"


i'm 5'8. i'd like to dip under 170. maybe 168ish and i'd be happy. started at 215lbs. my goal was to hit 160, but i guess i should reconsider that. perhaps start working out to burn off the fat.


CaptainABAB said:
How much have you lost since June?

sorry for the late response. i've been slacking on the internets for the last couple of weeks. i have lost a total of 44lbs since june. from 215lbs to 171lbs.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
metamonk said:
i'm 5'8. i'd like to dip under 170. maybe 168ish and i'd be happy. started at 215lbs. my goal was to hit 160, but i guess i should reconsider that. perhaps start working out to burn off the fat.

I think once you get closer to the ideal body composition, simply removing sugar and grains isn't going to make a huge difference.

My suggestions:
1. Make sure your omega3:eek:mega6 ratio is good. Get grass fed beef/steak, supplement some fish oil. I get mine by mixing sugar free yogurt with a little local honey and about 10 grams of Carlson's fish oil (lemon flavor). This will keep your immune system balanced, keep inflammation where it should be, and should optimize hypothalamus leptin sensitivity. The local honey does have some sugar, but it makes it palatable. And as a bonus, local honey exposes your immune system in your gut to local pollen. Should reduce any allergies you have.

2. Strength training. Deadlifts, squats, hip exercises, core exercises, pull ups, arms/shoulders with free weights. If you don't know how to do this, I'd recommend buying some free weights and learning some of the basic exercises from P90X.

3. Interval cardio. But only after you've got the muscles to do it. After you're decent at weighted leg exercises do this.

4. Vitamin D3 supplementation, or sunshine.

You may not drop weight immediately as you'll be gaining muscle, but long term you'll probably end up at 160 lbs depending on what kind of body composition you want.


I've just started a low-carb diet. Started Sunday, so just passed the first grind. Wasn't terrible but how I do miss some things. The end goal is much more important.

I've yet to implement my workout regiment due to being busy with other things but I plan on making excellent use of my upcoming free time.


Hey GAF, here's my problem.

I am working on weight loss because I have a small belly, so I'm going to start doing Cardio and all that.

The problem is, my arms from my elbow to my wrist are incredibly skinny, probably from the computer being where I spend most my time. It almost looks like those pictures of children in starvation in India or something. I am afraid if I start focusing on losing weight, these arms will get even more sickly.


Not really an expert on this but the body will lose weight where there is weight to be lost. So if you have bones for arms, you won't be losing bone.


teh_pwn said:
I think once you get closer to the ideal body composition, simply removing sugar and grains isn't going to make a huge difference.

My suggestions:
1. Make sure your omega3:eek:mega6 ratio is good. Get grass fed beef/steak, supplement some fish oil. I get mine by mixing sugar free yogurt with a little local honey and about 10 grams of Carlson's fish oil (lemon flavor). This will keep your immune system balanced, keep inflammation where it should be, and should optimize hypothalamus leptin sensitivity. The local honey does have some sugar, but it makes it palatable. And as a bonus, local honey exposes your immune system in your gut to local pollen. Should reduce any allergies you have.

2. Strength training. Deadlifts, squats, hip exercises, core exercises, pull ups, arms/shoulders with free weights. If you don't know how to do this, I'd recommend buying some free weights and learning some of the basic exercises from P90X.

3. Interval cardio. But only after you've got the muscles to do it. After you're decent at weighted leg exercises do this.

4. Vitamin D3 supplementation, or sunshine.

You may not drop weight immediately as you'll be gaining muscle, but long term you'll probably end up at 160 lbs depending on what kind of body composition you want.

awesome info teh_pwn! copied this to my notes. will see what happens!! :D


bananabread said:
November 9, 2010:

My neck got a whole heap skinnier this month!

Love handles are still there and not really shrinking at all yet, but I've been told they're generally the last bits to go :(

Keep at it dude. I went from 300 to 145*, and saw no lovehandle downsizing until I hit 150. They are still there, shrinking slowly.

I'm 5'4'', relax guys :)
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