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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Got back from checking with my doctor on my latest blood test results. WOWOW. (The tests are 11 months apart from each other):

Pre-Low Carb Diet

Liver: Few points above the normal range
Kidney: Normal
Urine: Normal
Thyroid: Normal
Fasting Glucose: 84

Average Blood Pressure: 139/88

Total Cholesterol: 172
Triglycerides: 124
VLDL: 25
LDL: 116
HDL: 31
Cholesterol ratio (doctor said this indicates if you're at a high risk for heart disease if above 5): 5.1

Post-Low Carb Diet (got the results today; took the actual blood test two weeks ago):

Liver: Down to normal
Kidney: Normal
Urine: Normal (ketones present)
Thyroid: Normal
Fasting Glucose: 84

Average Blood Pressure: 124/75

Total Cholesterol: 169
Triglycerides: 59
VLDL: 12
LDL: 116
HDL: 41
Cholesterol Ratio: 4.1

Domino Theory said:
Got back from checking with my doctor on my latest blood test results. WOWOW. (The tests are 11 months apart from each other):

Pre-Low Carb Diet

Liver: Few points above the normal range
Kidney: Normal
Urine: Normal
Thyroid: Normal
Fasting Glucose: 84

Average Blood Pressure: 139/88

Total Cholesterol: 172
Triglycerides: 124
VLDL: 25
LDL: 116
HDL: 31
Cholesterol ratio (doctor said this indicates if you're at a high risk for heart disease if above 5): 5.1

Post-Low Carb Diet (got the results today; took the actual blood test two weeks ago):

Liver: Down to normal
Kidney: Normal
Urine: Normal (ketones present)
Thyroid: Normal
Fasting Glucose: 84

Average Blood Pressure: 124/75

Total Cholesterol: 169
Triglycerides: 59
VLDL: 12
LDL: 116
HDL: 41
Cholesterol Ratio: 4.1


Awesome! Another measurement that really correlates with the bad stuff is the HDL:VLDL ratio. You want that to be high, in your case you went from this:

31:25 = 1.24


41:12 = 3.41

That is pretty fucking incredible, because you just turned your chance of expensive heart disease medical costs a whole ton of notches. Keep up the good work, 4:1 is the ratio to go for!

Koshiba said:
Well, finally probably around to where I was last december again. I'm not 100% sure since my scale isn't working but my jeans I haven't been able to fit into since then, I am now fitting into! I look a lot flabbier though, I need to do some more toning related exercising.

Congrats! related to toning, toning is tricky. You want to build muscle, because without muscle, you will just look flabby. I recommend training for something fun, like swimming or getting into a gym and doing a goal oriented program. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

Also, remember that the body goes through hydration cycles that can really screw up scale measurements. Last week I went from 198 to 189 lb in 10 hours. It's very possible.

That's why clothes and the mirror, and better yet, the measuring tape are much better tools to actually knowing where you stand!

rSpooky said:
Ok down to about 177lbs now ( started at 215 and was 224 summer 2009) . Just ran my first organized 5k in 26m.23sec.
All in 6 months. ( run 3 times a week and eat healthier/less)
My cholestrerol levels are all back in normal range too and I went from a size 38 to a size 34.
Now I need to get down a few more pounds to about 170-175 and I will switch to tightning al my new found (skin) flab :D and get some muscle toning going on.

Two things

1. What are your actual cholesterol levels? remember that HDL:VLDL ratio is a much better indicator than actual cholesterol levels, which do not correlate with anything at the high end.

2. To get muscle toned, you need to build muscle. I recommend Strength Training!

Ferga said:
About how long will i have to jog/walk to burn off around 600-700 calories?

Been eating nothing but tuna sandwiches and boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past weeks and jogging/walking for 2 hours (along with some home exercises) a day but my weight doesn't seem to be changing.

I'm counting my calories and I'm limiting myself to 1000-1800 calories a day


That diet seems like in no way consistent, crazy exercise regime or not.

And really, stop counting calories. Yes, that's my advice. You are not losing weight because you are starving your body, giving it NO FOOD, forcing it to make due with whatever you fancy putting in. STOP IT

This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Eat sensibly. It's better to maintain a 2 lb/week loss than to hit for the moon, fail and rebound.

Akim said:
So, who's cheating on thanksgiving? Make me feel better here.

Are you kidding me? Thanksgiving, Christmas and my birthday are the three days where anything goes.

Sad that I don't take carb-ish food that well anymore! I always end up eating less than I am used to

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Thanks for the info, BW. I just started taking Carlson's Fish Oil (~10g of Omega 3 a day) and I know it's going to further improve my cholesterol levels. :)

Akim said:
So, who's cheating on thanksgiving? Make me feel better here.

Right there with you. I have my cheat day every Monday but I postponed it for this week in order to have it on Thursday for Thanksgiving.


Domino Theory said:
Right there with you. I have my cheat day every Monday but I postponed it for this week in order to have it on Thursday for Thanksgiving.
I have my cheat day on Friday... because I get to call it "Fat-arse Friday". Pretty much the only reason :lol


BronzeWolf said:
Congrats! related to toning, toning is tricky. You want to build muscle, because without muscle, you will just look flabby. I recommend training for something fun, like swimming or getting into a gym and doing a goal oriented program. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
I've actually found that toning is ridiculously simple. You just lift weights! If you're doing 5 days of cardio now, then do 2 days of cardio and 3 days of weight lifting instead. You still burn a decent amount of calories lifting weights and it promotes fat burning, which is what being tone is really all about.

Granted, its something that does involve you getting at least a small amount of equipment or going to a gym or whatever, but its really not 'tricky' at all.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
To re-emphasize, "toning" is a terrible useless term associated with lifting 2 lb dumbbells and should be completely disregarded. As far as your aesthetics go, there is ONLY:

1) Your body fat percentage
2) The size of your muscles

It's up to you how to handle #1, but #2 is weightlifting.

That goes for boys and for girls. Girls, having lower testosterone levels, don't put on muscle as easily and have much lower natural potential for strength and muscle gain (which is why those scary women you see on fitness magazine covers are *all* roiders), but that works out fine since most girls don't want to lose any femininity. Don't be scared to do some barbell action if you've lost weight but feel flabby or skinny-fat. It doesn't have to get super heavy and you won't turn into a freak. Squats make you hot.
grumble said:
153lbs at 5'11" is really thin. You should increase your caloric intake. Just eat lots of meat, veggies and milk and lift heavy weights.

I'm poor right now, so I generally only get 1 meal per day at my schools cafeteria. I try to stuff myself silly while I'm there though, normally getting
- turkey sandwiches
-cup of fruit and cup of vegetables
-large salad
-cup of yogurt
-chocolate milk
-hard boiled eggs

It's hard to increase your caloric intake when you have no money!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
funkmastergeneral said:
It's hard to increase your caloric intake when you have no money!

Milk. Lots of milk. Regular milk, not chocolate milk, chocolate milk is basically like pouring a can of coke in it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Akim said:
So, who's cheating on thanksgiving? Make me feel better here.

Don't do it! I'm heading out to whole foods with my parents soon to get pastured meat, eggs, bacon.

Domino Theory, good lipid profile improvement. Even if you don't lose fat, those change in numbers may have added 20 good years to your life.


Weighed myself today.

Starting weight: 378 pounds
Today: 261 pounds

So a total loss of: 117 pounds lost.

I am 6'6 btw. Incredibly happy :) :D

Found a pic to match a recently taken pic (like a week ago)

This is 2008, An honestly very unhappy man who wasnt willing to admit it to himself :lol :(

This is 2010, a week ago. You can not image how this change feels.


Messi said:
Weighed myself today.

Starting weight: 378 pounds
Today: 261 pounds

So a total loss of: 117 pounds lost.

I am 6'6 btw. Incredibly happy :) :D

Found a pic to match a recently taken pic (like a week ago)

This is 2008, An honestly very unhappy man who wasnt willing to admit it to himself :lol :(

This is 2010, a week ago. You can not image how this change feels.
:"( amazing.simply amazing.


Fucking epic, Messi. Well done.

Was it anything special or just eating better and exercising? I'm guessing with that much to lose you wouldn't have bothered with special diets, just eating better.
Well done to those who have lost weight here. Very inspiring. I'm tried various things but around the 2 month mark, I get fed up with the gym and calorie counting (or have very late work assignments) and I lapse back to old ways. I've now been around 280lbs (height 6"2') for a while. I'm 5 weeks into my latest attempt and just beginning to tire of my gym going, having gone 6 days a week (doing around 40-45mins on the elliptical trainer due to knee problems). The questions I've got to ask the guys who've lost over extended periods (over 12 months say) is

1) how do you get around obsessing over calorie intake? I use myfitnesspal on my iPhone and it has been a good way for mr to stop over-eating, seeing cold hard fact. But it does mean I obsess about food every day and almost every hour.

2) what do you do to with socialising? I enjoy my drinking but mainly only one day a weekend, but not only do I know the amount of calories in booze, but I always end over massively overeating when drunk (whole bags of 5 big cookies and then toast when I get home :blush: )

Sorry to clutter with my questions and good luck to you all.


Brewster's Wallet said:
Well done to those who have lost weight here. Very inspiring. I'm tried various things but around the 2 month mark, I get fed up with the gym and calorie counting (or have very late work assignments) and I lapse back to old ways. I've now been around 280lbs (height 6"2') for a while. I'm 5 weeks into my latest attempt and just beginning to tire of my gym going, having gone 6 days a week (doing around 40-45mins on the elliptical trainer due to knee problems). The questions I've got to ask the guys who've lost over extended periods (over 12 months say) is

1) how do you get around obsessing over calorie intake? I use myfitnesspal on my iPhone and it has been a good way for mr to stop over-eating, seeing cold hard fact. But it does mean I obsess about food every day and almost every hour.

2) what do you do to with socialising? I enjoy my drinking but mainly only one day a weekend, but not only do I know the amount of calories in booze, but I always end over massively overeating when drunk (whole bags of 5 big cookies and then toast when I get home :blush: )

Sorry to clutter with my questions and good luck to you all.

I haven't gone through a period of dramatic weight loss, but I have gone through about two years of making food my bitch. This might help.

1. Choose diets and activity plans that are sustainable. It's clear that you aren't a gym lover, and going six days a week is burnout. You also only do cardio: you should prioritize weight training, and fit cardio in at the end. Weight training not only burns calories, it also builds and retains muscle mass so the weight you lose is proportionally more fat. Maybe try a 3-4 day/week routine that starts you off compound weight training then has you do some cardio at the end.

2. I tracked my intake on fitday.com for about three months. At this point, I keep a running total in my head. You tend to eat similar things every day, and after a while of tracking them you can do it pretty well without much thought. I work on automatic, with my diet quietly ticking away at the back of my head.

3. Socializing-wise, you're going to have to moderate your alcohol intake. You don't need to abstain completely, but getting drunk (tons of empty calories and some terrible biological changes) and then drunk eating (tons of calories) is not a great thing to do. By drinking less, you reduce calories and reduce your chances of drunk eating and wrecking your diet.

Hope it helps.
Grumble, cheers for those points.

1. Apologies for not mentioning it, but I do do weights 2-3 times a week, mainly upper body.
And 6 times is my max. I will have to gym it though as running is not possible, cycling bores me, and I hate playing team sports (confidence)

2. Yeah, I hoping I can reach a level of self discipline like yourself

3. I drink rarely but my inability to not drink when others get drunk and enjoy myself is a demon I need to conquer

Thank you. Appreciate the help


Shaneus said:
Fucking epic, Messi. Well done.

Was it anything special or just eating better and exercising? I'm guessing with that much to lose you wouldn't have bothered with special diets, just eating better.

Just stopped eating all the crap I was eating, 3 meals a day. Excercise 5 days a week pretty much. Lost all that since march 11th. So about 8-9 months.

Cheers for all the compliments though guys.


Messi said:
Just stopped eating all the crap I was eating, 3 meals a day. Excercise 5 days a week pretty much. Lost all that since march 11th. So about 8-9 months.

Cheers for all the compliments though guys.
As a former lardo, I know that this is what needs to be said. Seriously. Fuck all sorts of different diets and low-carb/keto and all that shit, to start it all off it's simple: fix what you eat, cut down the shit and exercise. Worry about finer details when you're in a healthier weight range.

Again, fucking awesome job!
Brewster's Wallet said:
Grumble, cheers for those points.

1. Apologies for not mentioning it, but I do do weights 2-3 times a week, mainly upper body.
And 6 times is my max. I will have to gym it though as running is not possible, cycling bores me, and I hate playing team sports (confidence)

2. Yeah, I hoping I can reach a level of self discipline like yourself

3. I drink rarely but my inability to not drink when others get drunk and enjoy myself is a demon I need to conquer

Thank you. Appreciate the help

1. Don't do upper body only! Do squats! Squats are the best, and deadlift too. In fact, drop your current program and do this one. It's probably much better than whatever you are doing at the moment.

2. Do it for a week. The point is being able to eyeball what you take in, not to be a calorie cruncher

3. I have reduced my drinking by a whole ton. And exercise had a lot to do with it. Doing heavy strength training 3 days a week takes it's toll and the Friday Night after gym I am usually so wiped out that I go out but don't drink, because beer would only put me to sleep faster. That limits my drinking nights to Saturday, which is not so bad. You also gain new respect for training because rest assured if you behave shitty on the weekend, you WON'T make the PR's on Monday. That's why I like Starting Strength so much. It isn't as much as a program as a lifestyle changer.

About your diet, I think you should not be as stringent calorie counter. I would appreciate it if you could do a honest recount of what you are eating. Get a small notebook and write out, or if you feel fancy, I think there are some iPhone apps for that.

That should help us look at it and say what you are doing wrong. Calories are not enough

Shaneus said:
As a former lardo, I know that this is what needs to be said. Seriously. Fuck all sorts of different diets and low-carb/keto and all that shit, to start it all off it's simple: fix what you eat, cut down the shit and exercise. Worry about finer details when you're in a healthier weight range.

Again, fucking awesome job!

Well, don't just fuck low-carb/keto outright. What you both guys did might have very well been low-carb, you just didn't realize it at the time. The act of cutting pizza, sodas, and treats makes your diet a whole of a lot low-carb more than anything :p
BronzeWolf said:
1. Don't do upper body only! Do squats! Squats are the best, and deadlift too. In fact, drop your current program and do this one. It's probably much better than whatever you are doing at the moment.

2. Do it for a week. The point is being able to eyeball what you take in, not to be a calorie cruncher

3. I have reduced my drinking by a whole ton. And exercise had a lot to do with it. Doing heavy strength training 3 days a week takes it's toll and the Friday Night after gym I am usually so wiped out that I go out but don't drink, because beer would only put me to sleep faster. That limits my drinking nights to Saturday, which is not so bad. You also gain new respect for training because rest assured if you behave shitty on the weekend, you WON'T make the PR's on Monday. That's why I like Starting Strength so much. It isn't as much as a program as a lifestyle changer.

About your diet, I think you should not be as stringent calorie counter. I would appreciate it if you could do a honest recount of what you are eating. Get a small notebook and write out, or if you feel fancy, I think there are some iPhone apps for that.

That should help us look at it and say what you are doing wrong. Calories are not enough

I appreciate all the comments here BW. Just a couple of things. I do have a lower body routine that I will get into soon enough, which is being put together by my Mum and her boyfriend (sports physio and premiership rugby doctor in england respectively). The reason i have to get them to put it together is because of my knees. The guy who operated on them and the doc have said no squats whatsoever because of the strain on them (had cartilage removed from one knee and the other has overcompensated over time) But please don't think I'm not grateful for your help with the link. Thank you

Secondly, surely Calories should be everything for someone who is as overweight as me, and then to worry about the minutia (sic) afterwards.

If you really want, you can look her to see what i'm doing. Ignore the strength part as i log that on a card at the gym and not really on the phone.


Interesting how bad i have been at times over the past three weeks since i started logging it again


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Brewster's Wallet said:
Secondly, surely Calories should be everything for someone who is as overweight as me, and then to worry about the minutia (sic) afterwards.

My biggest criticism of calorie counting is that it doesn't seem to address causation. There are hormones in the body that control appetite, if calories are used for lean tissue repair/growth, or fat accumulation. The key is to control these to make your goal easier to obtain. I think that's a combination of reducing sugar/flour, weight training, sleep, vitaminD/sunlight, getting enough protein and omega3 fats.

I mean sure you can lose weight on something like the twinkie diet while counting calories. But you're going to have painful amounts of hunger, and you're going to lose considerable lean tissue as well.


BronzeWolf said:
Well, don't just fuck low-carb/keto outright. What you both guys did might have very well been low-carb, you just didn't realize it at the time. The act of cutting pizza, sodas, and treats makes your diet a whole of a lot low-carb more than anything :p
Oh, I didn't mean it like that (and I know, it sounded like I did!), I was more referring to people who avoid anything with carbs in it, regardless of what it actually is. Like people who wouldn't have a handful of different fruits because of the sugars in them. Refined shit and white breads, sure. Just no need to be so drastic (which I admit I'd tried). Just cut down.

Was also saying that when just starting out, you benefit more from watching what you eat and exercising than just going extreme low-carb. But I think everyone knows that, I was just stating the obvious :lol
teh_pwn said:
My biggest criticism of calorie counting is that it doesn't seem to address causation. There are hormones in the body that control appetite, if calories are used for lean tissue repair/growth, or fat accumulation. The key is to control these to make your goal easier to obtain. .

Oh i do agree. When i came out of uni, i lost about 2 stone by upping my lean meat/protein and reducing sugar and refined carbs. The weirdest thing was the complete reduction in appetite which was great and not so great. I realised i adored that feeling of being completely full and i see that currently as well. I can be doing excellent for a good few days/weeks and then a beer or crap day and i seriously binge eat on bread and cookies. Got to find some way to listen to my willpower (not sure than makes sense)


How is popcorn for a snack? I love the stuff and can't see cutting it out of my diet. I don't use the microwaved variety, I just pop it on the stove top. I know, there's oil in there, but I don't use a ton of oil and don't use any butter. Just a dash of ranch power (shit is amazing) and no salt.

I know there are healthier snack, but I love the stuff so much. I don't eat chips nor drink soda anymore, but I don't think I can cut this amazing, cheap snack out of my diet. :(


Dear God I ate so much garbage today. Stuffing, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, rolls, and PIE (with whip cream). I am fat.

I weighed myself today and I weigh 223. I swear I still have the same gut as I did when I was 300. I'm scared I'm going to have the aesthetics of a 300 pounder when I finally get down to 200. It's really disappointing. I'm hitting the elliptical and the weights to try to fix the problem, but goddamn this shit sucks.



Einbroch said:
How is popcorn for a snack? I love the stuff and can't see cutting it out of my diet. I don't use the microwaved variety, I just pop it on the stove top. I know, there's oil in there, but I don't use a ton of oil and don't use any butter. Just a dash of ranch power (shit is amazing) and no salt.

I know there are healthier snack, but I love the stuff so much. I don't eat chips nor drink soda anymore, but I don't think I can cut this amazing, cheap snack out of my diet. :(

Really high GI, not filling at all. I like something like cheese or salami, it's much more satisfying.

I remind myself of Grimace from McDonalds... :lol Not exactly my before. In total I was 270 lbs, but I have no pictures at all of that time. That's a picture of me at 265.


This is me 4 months later at 248 lbs. A step in the right direction.


And this is me YESTERDAY ... another four months later at 208 lbs. I'm 5'8'' aiming for 170 -- since that will mean I'll lose 100 lbs in total. My BMI tells me that 170 is still overweight, so I'll probably go as low as 155.



So far, in total, I've lost 62 lbs and I'm not stopping! Mainly I cut out the stupid shit I was eating and added more greens. I used to be such a picky eater. I remember hating stuff like brocolli, tomatoes and even lettuce. Now I love them all. :lol I also used to be a huge soda drinker and I completely cut that from my eating habits. As a result, I've become a heavy water drinker. :D No white bread, now it's whole wheat.

My main exercise was running 4/5 times a week. I've come to love running and zoning out with a great song on my iPod.

Back comparison shot:


Side view:


Excuse the man boobage. :lol Went from a 42 waist size to a 38. XXL shirts to XLs/some Ls. I bought an extra nerdy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt that is a L and I want to properly fit into it!
Not going to post pictures or anything, but since January, I've gone from wearing 52 inch pants to 40 inch pants.

I haven't weighed myself in ages - weighing myself too often was doing more harm than good - but I tried on some old clothes in my closet this weekend, and I can fit into clothes I haven't worn since high school.

I've got a long way to go, but damn, feels good man.


BertramCooper said:
Not going to post pictures or anything, but since January, I've gone from wearing 52 inch pants to 40 inch pants.

I haven't weighed myself in ages - weighing myself too often was doing more harm than good - but I tried on some old clothes in my closet this weekend, and I can fit into clothes I haven't worn since high school.

I've got a long way to go, but damn, feels good man.
Same here, I never weigh myself. I just keep my routine, see results in the mirror and gauge how I feel. I can't chain myself to numbers on a scale, that would make me nuts! I like to consider myself a running hobbyist now, it's nice to be part of that community. The Nike commercials make sense now.
Fatalah said:
Same here, I never weigh myself. I just keep my routine, see results in the mirror and gauge how I feel. I can't chain myself to numbers on a scale, that would make me nuts! I like to consider myself a running hobbyist now, it's nice to be part of that community. The Nike commercials make sense now.

Well, it's a gamble.

Sometimes the scale can give you the encouragement you need.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
spindashing said:

I remind myself of Grimace from McDonalds... :lol Not exactly my before. In total I was 270 lbs, but I have no pictures at all of that time. That's a picture of me at 265.


This is me 4 months later at 248 lbs. A step in the right direction.


And this is me YESTERDAY ... another four months later at 208 lbs. I'm 5'8'' aiming for 170 -- since that will mean I'll lose 100 lbs in total. My BMI tells me that 170 is still overweight, so I'll probably go as low as 155.



So far, in total, I've lost 62 lbs and I'm not stopping! Mainly I cut out the stupid shit I was eating and added more greens. I used to be such a picky eater. I remember hating stuff like brocolli, tomatoes and even lettuce. Now I love them all. :lol I also used to be a huge soda drinker and I completely cut that from my eating habits. As a result, I've become a heavy water drinker. :D No white bread, now it's whole wheat.

My main exercise was running 4/5 times a week. I've come to love running and zoning out with a great song on my iPod.

Back comparison shot:


Side view:


Excuse the man boobage. :lol Went from a 42 waist size to a 38. XXL shirts to XLs/some Ls. I bought an extra nerdy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt that is a L and I want to properly fit into it!

Nice work!
I'm doing low-carb. Under 20g/day

I stopped smoking 3 weeks and I noticed I crave sweets after a meal or with coffee or else I don't feel satisfied. A piece of dark chocolate used to satisfy me after dinner, but since I stopped smoking i've been binging on deserts or anything around the house that contains sugar.

As much as I don't want to, i've been considering starting again until I reach my goal weight which should take a month.

Any ex/smokers with advice?


betweenthewheels said:
I'm doing low-carb. Under 20g/day

I stopped smoking 3 weeks and I noticed I crave sweets after a meal or with coffee or else I don't feel satisfied. A piece of dark chocolate used to satisfy me after dinner, but since I stopped smoking i've been binging on deserts or anything around the house that contains sugar.

As much as I don't want to, i've been considering starting again until I reach my goal weight which should take a month.

Any ex/smokers with advice?

Just don't keep crap food around the house?


CharlieDigital said:
Man, I love me some squats, but even with picture perfect posture, they will seriously fuck with your knees (or maybe I just have bad genes).
Don't want to get OT, but that's not true. Check the fitness thread.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
If squats cause knee issues, you probably already have a pre-existing condition, like patellar tracking disorder due to weak hips/back/feet/tendons/calves/etc. Go see a physical therapist.




teh_pwn said:
If squats cause knee issues, you probably already have a pre-existing condition, like patellar tracking disorder due to weak hips/back/feet/tendons/calves/etc. Go see a physical therapist.

Well, they can be hard on the knees in that they have your knees bend under very heavy loads, but they aren't an inherently damaging movement. If you're developing issues, just back off on the frequency and manage intensity and volume better. I used to squat 3x/week, but now I squat 1-2x/week at higher volume and my knees thank me for it. YMMV.

Of course, this is a fitness thread conversation.
I'm thinking about giving the low carb thing a shot again, but am concerned about muscle loss. Does anyone have any photographic evidence that following a low carb diet will result in primarily fat loss and very little muscle loss? Over a decade ago, I followed a low carb diet for 3 months and lost 40 lbs. Starting at 210, you'd think I'd be bone skinny after that, but I was still fat...which means I must have just lost a lot of muscle. I didn't lift weights back in those days, so is that the reason I lost all that muscle or does low carb dieting just lead to muscle loss inevitably? If I lift weights this time around will it prevent muscle loss?
spindashing said:
Excuse the man boobage. :lol Went from a 42 waist size to a 38. XXL shirts to XLs/some Ls. I bought an extra nerdy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt that is a L and I want to properly fit into it!


ArachosiA 78 said:
I'm thinking about giving the low carb thing a shot again, but am concerned about muscle loss. Does anyone have any photographic evidence that following a low carb diet will result in primarily fat loss and very little muscle loss? Over a decade ago, I followed a low carb diet for 3 months and lost 40 lbs. Starting at 210, you'd think I'd be bone skinny after that, but I was still fat...which means I must have just lost a lot of muscle. I didn't lift weights back in those days, so is that the reason I lost all that muscle or does low carb dieting just lead to muscle loss inevitably? If I lift weights this time around will it prevent muscle loss?

There's always going to be some muscle loss when you attempt to lose weight. You can minimize that by lifting weights, but unless you're eating less than optimal amount of calories, diet does not significantly effect the rate of muscle loss.

What's your height? You didn't lose 40 lbs of muscle when you followed a low carb diet last time. You still looked fat probably because you didn't lose enough and/or you didn't have the muscles underneath.

If you never seriously lifted before, you won't carry the fat you have well. It's called skinny fat.
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