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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

So i've been wanting to lose a few pounds for a while now, and have lost about 20lbs since last year from just cutting out snacks and walking to class instead of taking the bus from my car at school. But lately ive really wanted to she some more and much faster as ive been stuck at this current weight for months now. My school has one of the best gyms around and I get free admission to it for being a student. I just cant push myself to go because I feel very self conscious about it. Not really sure what to do.



Me at about 245


Me at 185

I use to be 330lbs but i do not have any photos that are not digital of me at that size.Took me about a year and a half to loose it all and since then just have been maintaining. Usually just run, I REALLY HATE WEIGHTS.But Im thinking of hitting weights and maybe running about once or twice a week. I need to loose the extra skin. Although i dont think it will be possible to loose all of it due to how big I was.


metamonk said:
i'm 5'8. i'd like to dip under 170. maybe 168ish and i'd be happy. started at 215lbs. my goal was to hit 160, but i guess i should reconsider that. perhaps start working out to burn off the fat.

Based on your previous posts, you seemed very down on yourself in terms of gaining a pound. Don't forget that you lost 45 pounds in a few months and be proud of that.

I think you are at a stage where you need to develop a plan to maintain the current weight going forward.

I would also second the suggestions teh_pwn posted.

BTW, I am down to 265 from 320 in July.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I am about 215 now at 6'0 with a bit bigger body build, I think I need to be down around 190 or so to be looking good. Looking at me you'd never know I had a belly. I was up to 230 a few months back and did P90x and dropped the pounds, and I hit the gym twice a week now.

My question to you all, what do you eat for dinners during the week? I like to plan out my meals (or plan out 5 things to have at some point for dinner that week) and it usually consists of 1 meal of wheat spaghetti, 1 of tacos with ground turkey, leftovers, and then 2 random things I find at the store (soup, tuna melts, etc). Anyone have any good, healthy dinner recipes that I can have on a weekly basis and wont tire of? Preferably cheap too, as I recently lost my job. :D


Ripclawe said:
what do you guys and gals think of this shopping list? I know most of it but nice to see it in one article you can use to figure out which food to buy to either build Muscle or lose weight.


I don't really agree with some of the choices the guy has made. The list follows bodybuilder dogma pretty closely, but you can lose fat or gain muscle quite well by using some of the foods he recommends against.


Haven't been to the gym in two months and haven't really been following my diet (but haven't been pigging out like I used to).

Worked out for the first time since September and weighed myself. Only gained one pound back!


infiniteloop said:

Who said that?

Anyway saturated fat was/is considered one of the primary causes of heart disease. It isn't. Coconut oil is 90% saturated. So you can see why they would make that connection.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ch0mp said:
Who said that?

Anyway saturated fat was/is considered one of the primary causes of heart disease. It isn't. Coconut oil is 90% saturated. So you can see why they would make that connection.

The link with the disfigured body builder with < 3% body fat (gross).

Ancel Key's hypothesis doesn't have any controlled data to support it. Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave.


CaptainABAB said:
Based on your previous posts, you seemed very down on yourself in terms of gaining a pound. Don't forget that you lost 45 pounds in a few months and be proud of that.

I think you are at a stage where you need to develop a plan to maintain the current weight going forward.

I would also second the suggestions teh_pwn posted.

BTW, I am down to 265 from 320 in July.

yea, i was a bit disappointed with my gain just because it was the first increase i've seen since i started losing. and then the sudden stop of not dropping anymore weight was definitely a letdown. but you are right, losing those 45lbs prior was no cake walk. it's easily the best thing i've ever done for myself. i appreciate the feedback and advise. big congrats on your progress thus far :D


Started using the Lose It app to limit myself to 1800-1900 calories daily (non-exercise days) and maybe 2200-2300 on days I lift or do cardio.

Also trying to keep track of macronutrients and going for a 40/40/20 (p/c/f) split but so far it hasn't worked out like that. Has been more like 25/50/25 until I can get my diet re-arranged.

Been pretty damn hungry so far, but flushing it away with lots of water. I'm 6'2 and 215 pounds.
CrankyJay said:
Started using the Lose It app to limit myself to 1800-1900 calories daily (non-exercise days) and maybe 2200-2300 on days I lift or do cardio.

Also trying to keep track of macronutrients and going for a 40/40/20 (p/c/f) split but so far it hasn't worked out like that. Has been more like 25/50/25 until I can get my diet re-arranged.

Been pretty damn hungry so far, but flushing it away with lots of water. I'm 6'2 and 215 pounds.

Why the split in calories? You burn calories even when you're not exercising.
So 86% cacao chocolate is awesome. It's kind of weird tasting, but that's because it doesn't have tons of sugar but, omfg the nutrition facts are almost perfect:

23g of fat, 14gr sat fat
14g of carbs, 5gr of sugars
3g of protein


CrankyJay said:
Started using the Lose It app to limit myself to 1800-1900 calories daily (non-exercise days) and maybe 2200-2300 on days I lift or do cardio.

Also trying to keep track of macronutrients and going for a 40/40/20 (p/c/f) split but so far it hasn't worked out like that. Has been more like 25/50/25 until I can get my diet re-arranged.

Been pretty damn hungry so far, but flushing it away with lots of water. I'm 6'2 and 215 pounds.

I'd recommend eating something when you are hungry. Makes the diet a lot easier to do. Starving yourself has been shown to be a poor way of losing weight


Teh Hamburglar said:
Why the split in calories? You burn calories even when you're not exercising.

I'm going for 2 pounds of weightloss per week. Are you suggesting I should eat the same amount of calories per day no matter my activity level?


BronzeWolf said:
I'd recommend eating something when you are hungry. Makes the diet a lot easier to do. Starving yourself has been shown to be a poor way of losing weight

I've been hungry non-stop so far. Does that mean my calorie intake of 1800 is too low?
CrankyJay said:
I'm going for 2 pounds of weightloss per week. Are you suggesting I should eat the same amount of calories per day no matter my activity level?

I don't know that what you're doing now is wrong. I've never seen anyone eat different amount of calories on different days.


CrankyJay said:
I've been hungry non-stop so far. Does that mean my calorie intake of 1800 is too low?

It depends what you're eating. Teh_pwn will probably step in with a better answer, but eating sugary shit or carbs won't do much for controlling your hunger.


CrankyJay said:
I've been hungry non-stop so far. Does that mean my calorie intake of 1800 is too low?

hunger pains go away after a few weeks. you're probably used to stuffing yourself so it takes time to adjust. try to ride it out.


big_z said:
hunger pains go away after a few weeks. you're probably used to stuffing yourself so it takes time to adjust. try to ride it out.

Will do. Black coffee is helping.

Been spacing out meals/snacks every 3 hours.


CrankyJay said:
I've been hungry non-stop so far. Does that mean my calorie intake of 1800 is too low?

When I am dieting down and have hunger issues, I just up my protein intake as a percentage of calories. The high protein does wonders for reducing hunger, as it's very satiating. Chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef, pork, turkey, etc. It helps. Stimulants help too.


grumble said:
When I am dieting down and have hunger issues, I just up my protein intake as a percentage of calories. The high protein does wonders for reducing hunger, as it's very satiating. Chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef, pork, turkey, etc. It helps. Stimulants help too.

Yeah, I planned all along to up the protein intake. Seeing that in the last 2 days my carbs have been 50% of my caloric intake and my protein/fat both 25 I can see this causing a hunger issue.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
CrankyJay said:
Yeah, I planned all along to up the protein intake. Seeing that in the last 2 days my carbs have been 50% of my caloric intake and my protein/fat both 25 I can see this causing a hunger issue.

Hunger is controlled by two major hormones:

1. Leptin. The absence of leptin in the hypothalamus increases hunger and reduces metabolism.
2. Ghrelin. Sort of a stress hormone that increases hunger. Easiest way to reduce it is to sleep 8-9 hours per night in a dark room.

50% carb is a bad idea in general, but especially if you're already overweight.

The problem is that you likely have a blood sugar control issue - ie type 2 diabetes or pre-type 2 diabetes. Add lots of carbs, especially fructose, and you're going to have chronically high levels of insulin...that both increases the tendency to store body fat and it reduces the ability of leptin to reach the hypothalamus. In other words it makes you hungry. It increases the body fat % your body naturally trends towards.

Read this stuff:


Sure you could overcome this by counting calories like a champ, like that twinkie diet guy did. But if you'd prefer to lose the fat without the torture of hunger and lack of energy, I think it's best to change the body fat % that your body wants.

Prevention is easier than fixing. I'd recommend:
-Sleep 8-9 hours
-< 30% carbohydrate, focus on completely eliminating fructose that isn't from moderate amounts of whole fruit
-Lift weights
-Interval Cardio
-More omega 3s in your diet, and less omega 6s. Replace "beef" with pastured beef. Supplement fish oil. Replace corn/soy oil with coconut/olive oil.

If hunger doesn't go away, make a food log, try to understand what foods cause you to overeat. I remember reading about a mixture of certain salts, sugar, and fat can really fuck up leptin function, so also try replacing herb packet mixes like taco seasoning with recipes. Way less salt and MSG. Real herbs taste better and have lots of minerals.
CrankyJay said:
Yeah, I planned all along to up the protein intake. Seeing that in the last 2 days my carbs have been 50% of my caloric intake and my protein/fat both 25 I can see this causing a hunger issue.

Drop those carbs


Domino Theory said:
Is it okay if I'm just lifting weights 4 days a week and not doing any cardio? :/

It depends on WHAT you are doing with your lifting, your cardio, and your diet


The past few days I've really been trying to drum up motivation to shed my last 25ish lbs. Now that it's getting cold out, my main exercise option is using the gym in my dorm building. The problem is that it is usually packed. And not just packed with normal people... packed with buff college dudes and sexy athletic college chicks. It's intimidating, to say the least

While searching around online, I came across this article.

It is advocating these particular exercises that can all be done from home:

Bodyweight squats
Plyometric Squat jumps
Push ups
The plank
Jumping jacks
Mountain climbers
Abdominal cycles

Basically, will this give me a good full body workout that legitimately promotes fat loss and muscle building? If I do this several times a week and combine it with a good diet (portion control + cut back on sugar and carbs is my plan right now, though nowhere near the carb restrictions to get into ketosis) should I see results within a couple months? It feels like that isn't nearly enough cardio since fat loss is still my primary goal at this time, but it sure is shit will be better than doing zero exercises (which is how I've been rolling the past couple months). I'm just wondering if it will be enough
njean777 said:
I use to be 330lbs but i do not have any photos that are not digital of me at that size.Took me about a year and a half to loose it all and since then just have been maintaining. Usually just run, I REALLY HATE WEIGHTS.But Im thinking of hitting weights and maybe running about once or twice a week. I need to loose the extra skin. Although i dont think it will be possible to loose all of it due to how big I was.
Holy crap dude, while you're at it, lose the extra "o." Lose is spelled with one "o." This isn't the Weight Looss Thread.


teh_pwn said:
If hunger doesn't go away, make a food log, try to understand what foods cause you to overeat. I remember reading about a mixture of certain salts, sugar, and fat can really fuck up leptin function, so also try replacing herb packet mixes like taco seasoning with recipes. Way less salt and MSG. Real herbs taste better and have lots of minerals.

Nice, I just had tacos last night from a packet. :lol

Will keep your post in mind. Pretty much gels with everything I have read.
What's the best way to put on some weight in a healthy manner? After cutting sugar out my diet back in July I've gone from about 170lbs to 153 lbs at 5'11", but my girlfriend thinks im starting to look malnourished and doesn't like it.
funkmastergeneral said:
What's the best way to put on some weight in a healthy manner? After cutting sugar out my diet back in July I've gone from about 170lbs to 153 lbs at 5'11", but my girlfriend thinks im starting to look malnourished and doesn't like it.

Sweet potatoes and potatoes with tons of butter along with plenty of meat. Lift some weights if you aren't.


funkmastergeneral said:
What's the best way to put on some weight in a healthy manner? After cutting sugar out my diet back in July I've gone from about 170lbs to 153 lbs at 5'11", but my girlfriend thinks im starting to look malnourished and doesn't like it.

153lbs at 5'11" is really thin. You should increase your caloric intake. Just eat lots of meat, veggies and milk and lift heavy weights.


I somehow lost a pound on my Canadian mini vacation. Now I'm ready to go back on the horse. 28 more pounds to go.


Alright, so finally deciding to post in here after a few years of up and downing it, and now being a steady goal-weight for the past few months.

I started losing about two years ago. Here's my passport photo (for some reason the only one I could find) when I'm at about 260 and 6'4

Now, after watching my food intake and a lot of natural exercise (hiking, sports) and light weightlifting, I'm here (stable at around 175-180)



Probably my highest achievement, and the thing I'm most proud of (so far) in my life. Feels good to wake up and not look forward to a shitty lifestyle of bad food habits and laziness. It's tough, but if you stick to it and keep your head up you'll get there. Lots of amazing progress in this thread, and I really hope everyone can achieve their goals


Neo Member
Any tips on pre-cardio meals? I hate running on an empty stomach, so I've never been able to do morning, fasted cardio. But since I tend to low-carb while I'm cutting weight, I eat a lot of protein, and my body tends to feel really full right until the moment that it decides to be hungry.

It's a really weird predicament, which annoys the hell out of me. I'm thinking maybe a slice of peanut butter toast a half hour before I start my cardio or something like that. Any tips?


agentxricky said:
Any tips on pre-cardio meals? I hate running on an empty stomach, so I've never been able to do morning, fasted cardio. But since I tend to low-carb while I'm cutting weight, I eat a lot of protein, and my body tends to feel really full right until the moment that it decides to be hungry.

It's a really weird predicament, which annoys the hell out of me. I'm thinking maybe a slice of peanut butter toast a half hour before I start my cardio or something like that. Any tips?

Well, do you do low carb or keto? If it's not keto, then take a chunk of your available carbs and eat them before your run. If you're doing keto, then you'll manage with a protein shake or a low-carb meal. Some people are fine with lots of exercise on keto, and others find they have no energy for hard activity. Depends on the person!


Man, feels good being able to have maintained my weight for the past month. Staying strong at 164 at 5'11. Down from 210 in May.

Ive spent the last month doing weights now and have toned up quite a bit. I still do 15 mins of high intensity cardio as my warmup. I must be exchanging fat for muscle or something.

My diet basically still consists of a lot of what i ate when losing weight, but i changed from steak to chicken, and have introduced some spinach and veggies along with some snacks like peanut butter and celery into my eating. I eat more now but have still lost a little weight.


New month, new update:

August - 205lbs

September - 192lbs

October - 185lbs

November now. 178lbs. A bit disappointed in how bad I was with drinking/eating, so my weight/fat losses are minimal, but I'm definitely a lot stronger.


^^ Looking good man!

Nice to see actual pics. I kinda wish i took pics of my progression. Would give me more incentive i imagine to see the direct changes. Right now im just going off memory and that all blends together and shit.


~Kinggi~ said:
^^ Looking good man!

Nice to see actual pics. I kinda wish i took pics of my progression. Would give me more incentive i imagine to see the direct changes. Right now im just going off memory and that all blends together and shit.
Thanks. I'm glad I started with the pics from pretty early on. If for nothing else but to look back and see what I really accomplished, ya know? But yea, its a constant reminder that hard work pays off and that I cant ever let myself go back to the pudgy, 200+lb dude I was before.

I actually started out at 209, so pretty much what you were at in the beginning. Getting there! 210 to 164 is pretty much the journey I plan on taking(started at 209, want to be 165), so definitely congrats on acheiving that! I know its not easy. As for not having taken pics, its not all that important, really. So long as you've pretty much accomplished what you want to have accomplished you should be pretty damn happy.


Alright I started trying to shape up a few weeks ago now :)

What iv been doing is being sensible about what i eat.. and cutting out not needed carbs.

Typical day would be egg for breakfast, wrap/salad for lunch and red meat for dinner.

The main thing though is iv been walking for around 2.5 miles at lunch everyday.. this sound like an effective approach? Im not obese but I am slightly fat...

Oh and im snacking on dark chocolate every not and again.. 70%.. cant stomach much of the 85% =/

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
grumble said:
When I am dieting down and have hunger issues, I just up my protein intake as a percentage of calories. The high protein does wonders for reducing hunger, as it's very satiating. Chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef, pork, turkey, etc. It helps. Stimulants help too.

It's insane how much protein curbs my apetite/makes me full for a long period of time. I take Nature's Best Zero Carb Isopure Protein shake after I workout (50g of protein per serving, 700+ mg of Potassium and a whole bunch of vitamins with only 140-240 calories max) and it just fills me up FAST and for hours.

There have been a few days where I've unintentionally had about 500 calories only which comes from having one protein shake for breakfast and one after working out. I never meant to have so little calories on those days. It just happened because the massive amount of protein I was consuming filled me up for a loooong time.


About how long will i have to jog/walk to burn off around 600-700 calories?

Been eating nothing but tuna sandwiches and boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past weeks and jogging/walking for 2 hours (along with some home exercises) a day but my weight doesn't seem to be changing.

I'm counting my calories and I'm limiting myself to 1000-1800 calories a day


Ok down to about 177lbs now ( started at 215 and was 224 summer 2009) . Just ran my first organized 5k in 26m.23sec.
All in 6 months. ( run 3 times a week and eat healthier/less)
My cholestrerol levels are all back in normal range too and I went from a size 38 to a size 34.
Now I need to get down a few more pounds to about 170-175 and I will switch to tightning al my new found (skin) flab :D and get some muscle toning going on.

I keep waitign with picks until I reach my goal, but then I set a new goal and still wait with pics ..:lol at one point I will have some comparabel pics to post and promise I will, as logn as they can help motivate others just starting.


Ferga said:
About how long will i have to jog/walk to burn off around 600-700 calories?

Been eating nothing but tuna sandwiches and boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past weeks and jogging/walking for 2 hours (along with some home exercises) a day but my weight doesn't seem to be changing.

I'm counting my calories and I'm limiting myself to 1000-1800 calories a day
How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

Either way, 1000 calories a day probably isn't enough nourishment. Especially if you're getting a lot of exercise during the day. 1500-1800 is probably safer for the average male dieter. You need enough food to keep your metabolism pumping.

Perhaps you should take a break from the diet for a couple days and just eat normally and with larger portions? Could kickstart your metabolism a bit. Would be a good time to 'cheat' a bit and have some tastier stuff that you've been missing out on, too.

Or work out LESS if you dont want to eat more. You can lose weight without exercising at all, you know. A caloric deficiency should be enough. An extreme caloric deficiency(very low calorie intake plus lots of calories burned) isn't healthy at all, though.

I usually keep myself within 1600-1800 calories a day, but when I do my cardio days, I'll usually bump up the calories to 1800-2000. Basically, I'm not doing cardio for the calorie burn, necessarily, but for my endurance and my health. Losing weight is done in the kitchen, not the gym, as people like to say. And its true.


well, after 4-5 weeks of stalling at 170-171lbs, i finally dropped down 2lbs last week. weighed in at 168lbs friday morning. made me smile :D


Well, finally probably around to where I was last december again. I'm not 100% sure since my scale isn't working but my jeans I haven't been able to fit into since then, I am now fitting into! I look a lot flabbier though, I need to do some more toning related exercising.
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