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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

That's an awful lot of fish oil. Omega-3s are even more prone to oxidation than Omega-6s, so it's best to minimize both types. Rather than focus solely on the ratio, try reducing Omega-6 intake as much as possible. Hell, you could probably try to avoid it completely and still get a few grams per day, which is all you need of both (they are, after all, both essential fatty acids that we need a bit of).

sundrenched said:
Have anyone tried Intermitten fasting(IF)? Seems interesting but research says that irregular eating times can worsen stomach problems if you have HP, or sone kind of water borne bacteria/virus?

I heard IF is amazing for losing weight. Supposedly folks who do it for health/mental reason do it once a week, but the people trying to lose weight do it every other day... Hmmm

What's HP? Intermittent fasting doesn't actually mean irregular eating times; on the contrary, you generally eat according to a rather structured schedule. You just aren't snacking and the window for eating is a lot smaller.

I IF every day, generally. I'll usually eat around noon or one, then cease eating at eight or nine, giving me an eight hour eating window each day. Three or four times a week, I exercise (usually weights) at the end of the fast before eating. It's working very well.


Neo Member
Price Dalton said:
That's an awful lot of fish oil. Omega-3s are even more prone to oxidation than Omega-6s, so it's best to minimize both types. Rather than focus solely on the ratio, try reducing Omega-6 intake as much as possible. Hell, you could probably try to avoid it completely and still get a few grams per day, which is all you need of both (they are, after all, both essential fatty acids that we need a bit of).

What's HP? Intermittent fasting doesn't actually mean irregular eating times; on the contrary, you generally eat according to a rather structured schedule. You just aren't snacking and the window for eating is a lot smaller.

I IF every day, generally. I'll usually eat around noon or one, then cease eating at eight or nine, giving me an eight hour eating window each day. Three or four times a week, I exercise (usually weights) at the end of the fast before eating. It's working very well.

Haha that's like a normal day for me, but it's because I wake up so late everyday!

Not sure about the name, but it's a water borne virus/disease that is passed through saliva or untreated water and stands at 30% infection rate in my country, which is surrounded by less developed nations. Apparently this bacteria/virus can attack your stomach and cause ulcers and other unpleasant things if you eat irregularly because of acid buildup or something.

I was thinking of a more intense IF like eating from 6pm to 6pm the next day, fasting till the next 6pm, and then repeating the cycle, so a 24 hr IF I guess. My only worry are gastric issues and ulcers since I've heard they hurt like hell and are hard to get rid of.
sundrenched said:
Haha that's like a normal day for me, but it's because I wake up so late everyday!

Not sure about the name, but it's a water borne virus/disease that is passed through saliva or untreated water and stands at 30% infection rate in my country, which is surrounded by less developed nations. Apparently this bacteria/virus can attack your stomach and cause ulcers and other unpleasant things if you eat irregularly because of acid buildup or something.

I was thinking of a more intense IF like eating from 6pm to 6pm the next day, fasting till the next 6pm, and then repeating the cycle, so a 24 hr IF I guess. My only worry are gastric issues and ulcers since I've heard they hurt like hell and are hard to get rid of.

I've gone that route, too, and it works pretty well. It's not as sustainable as the way I do it, of course, so yeah - you'd want to do it every couple days or so instead of every day.

I will say that fasting does represent a stressor to the system. If you have a lot of other stressors in your life (bad sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise, too much exercise, work/school related stress) fasting might be a net-negative. If you've got your other ducks in a row, I'd say give fasting a shot.

There's ultimately only one way to find out if it works.


Price Dalton said:
I IF every day, generally. I'll usually eat around noon or one, then cease eating at eight or nine, giving me an eight hour eating window each day. Three or four times a week, I exercise (usually weights) at the end of the fast before eating. It's working very well.

Can you elaborate a little bit more on how you do IF? I'm trying to find something that will help me lose weight at college, since my food options aren't all that great (cafeteria food everyday, not a ton of healthy things). How much/often can you eat in that 8 hour window? Which foods are off limits?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
For those of you on diets that allow a moderate amount of carbohydrates and don't care about artificial sweeteners, this smoothie turned out well:

1. 1.5 scoops of BSN Syntha-6 Vanilla Ice Cream protein powder
2. 4-8 teaspoons of Carlson's lemon fish oil
3. 3/4 cup of frozen mixed berries (wild if possible)
4. 1/2 cup whole yogurt, no sugar (White Mountain from Austin is great)
5. ~1 cup cold water.
EzLink said:
Can you elaborate a little bit more on how you do IF? I'm trying to find something that will help me lose weight at college, since my food options aren't all that great (cafeteria food everyday, not a ton of healthy things). How much/often can you eat in that 8 hour window? Which foods are off limits?


Up around 7. Drink coffee, usually black, sometimes with a touch of heavy cream. Take dog on a half hour walk.

I make the first meal of the day the biggest. If I just worked out, I try to eat lower-fat and higher-carb (lots of sweet potatoes, potatoes, sometimes white rice) and really just cram it in - over 1000 calories. I always eat a good chunk of protein. If it's an off-training day, I eat lower-carb, higher-fat, which tends to limit caloric intake simply by virtue of greater satiation. Eating starts anywhere between noon and 2 pm.

I usually eat three meals in the 8 hours, with the smallest coming last.

I follow a paleo type diet, which for me means no grains (especially no wheat), no legumes, no vegetable oils (corn, canola, soybean, basically whatever most restaurants use to cook and fry), no refined sugar (except some raw honey at times). I eat a lot of potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, beef, butter, lamb, eggs, chicken, olive oil, coconut oil, spinach, kale, onions, garlic, peppers, fruit, plus nuts, mostly almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamias.

Basically, meat, vegetables, tubers, and fruits. That Marks Daily Apple site is a good one and the LeanGains guy has highly influenced the way I IF.

If you're going for cafeteria food, I'd try to avoid foods that were sauteed in oil, since they are most likely using crappy rancid vegetable oil. You might try to request they cook your foods in butter or olive oil, however unlikely they are to accomodate. I know this is tough, since they're going for volume and affordability over quality, so you do the best you can. If you eat salads, ask for olive oil and vinegar for dressing. Load up on roasts, bacon, steamed vegetables... I dunno. I'd have to see what's available.

What school do you attend? Maybe we can pull up a menu and see what works.

You got any space for food storage or cooking implements in your dorm?


I've tried looking at the nutritional value of menu items for my school's dining center before, but it is largely useless because I never know when specific entrees will be served so it makes it difficult to plan around that. They do give a schedule of what will be served on what days, but even that ends up being incorrect a lot of the time. Plus, the nutritional info is based on the size of "one serving", and the amount that is put on your plate varies considerably based on which lazy college student happens to be serving you that particular day.

There are a few healthy options they have daily though. The salad bar is always available, as is grilled chicken and lunch meats. There is also always some sort of fruit and veggies offered, which I've been making a conscious effort to incorporate into my diet lately. Of course, just because I'm eating healthier doesn't necessarily mean I'm losing weight.

The other problem is that with a busy school schedule it's hard to stay consistent with when I even go to the cafeteria. Half the time I just end up going to subway because I have one located in my dorm building, so it's quick and easy (and actually tastes good, unlike a lot of the cafeteria stuff)

The reason the IF method sounds appealing to me is because I rarely eat anything before noon anyway. I will occasionally have a cheese stick in the morning, but usually I don't eat until lunch. And I really need to make SOME effort to become happier with my fitness level and body image. The past couple of times I've drank, I've ended up getting down about how I haven't finished losing weight, and I've gone bulimic. Granted, I've never considered doing that sober, but even still the fact that I've gone and tried it makes me worried about eventually heading down a path that will leave me worse off than before.

The thing is, with my current meal situation, I don't have a huge amount of control over what is available. Something like this:

"I follow a paleo type diet, which for me means no grains (especially no wheat), no legumes, no vegetable oils (corn, canola, soybean, basically whatever most restaurants use to cook and fry), no refined sugar (except some raw honey at times). I eat a lot of potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, beef, butter, lamb, eggs, chicken, olive oil, coconut oil, spinach, kale, onions, garlic, peppers, fruit, plus nuts, mostly almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamias."

is not only well beyond the scope of my nutritional knowledge when it comes to figuring out how to actually balance all of those, but is also hard to pull off when I'm not buying my own groceries. A more simplified method like this, however:

"Basically, meat, vegetables, tubers, and fruits." is something I'd be able to work with.

Also, is far as what's available to me in the dorm, I have a fridge in my room and there is a microwave in the hallway. Doesn't seem like a lot to work with in regards to being able to whip up something healthy (but if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them)

Another problem is that I rarely get any exercise, but I'm looking to change that next semester. As it is now, our school has a rec center, but it costs money and you have to take a bus to get there. Next semester though, a huge new rec center is opening right on campus and it is free. It is also going to have a rock climbing wall and racquetball courts, which is awesome.

I'm proud of myself for losing 45 lbs this year, but I don't want anything to stop me from losing my final 30 in 2011! Maybe IF will be what works for me.

Although (admittedly not having read through the links provided about the subject yet), I'm wondering what the point of IF is if you are already following the paleo diet? Isn't that effective regardless of how you space out your meals?


I've been drinking a diet coke with diner every night. I'm trying to stop, but it's like I'm addicted to that shit. I've also been drinking alcohol every Sunday. I'm still staying below my calorie and carb level, but I'm wondering how long I can keep this up and still lose weight. I should probably just knock that shit off.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Akim said:
I've been drinking a diet coke with diner every night. I'm trying to stop, but it's like I'm addicted to that shit. I've also been drinking alcohol every Sunday. I'm still staying below my calorie and carb level, but I'm wondering how long I can keep this up and still lose weight. I should probably just knock that shit off.

Alcohol most definitely will be counterproductive to fat loss. It does the same stuff as fructose (it's fermented sugar after all), but with stronger acute affects like neurological intoxication. It doesn't mean you can't have it. I keep Cabernet at my place for dates, which is a bit lower carb than many drinks.

Whether or not diet sodas are harmful isn't clear. Probably doesn't help. There are some studies with rats showing that certain artificial sweeteners increase hunger with the hypothesis being that sweet taste primes hunger. Probably the bigger danger is the sort of food that is sold next to diet soda.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
CaptainABAB said:
Protein really is the prescription for weight loss...

Relating to this: how many grams of protein should I have every day? (Age: 21, Male, 6'2'', 245lbs) I've been worried about protein consumption as of late because I had food poisoning over the weekend (or at least I think I did) and ended up urinating with both blood and protein present in my urine every time I went to the bathroom. Resting + cranberry juice completely cured me, but my doctor did say it could be over-consumption of protein and/or exercising too much (I only do weight-lifting).

I didn't really think I was having THAT much protein.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Relating to this: how many grams of protein should I have every day? (Age: 21, Male, 6'2'', 245lbs) I've been worried about protein consumption as of late because I had food poisoning over the weekend (or at least I think I did) and ended up urinating with both blood and protein present in my urine every time I went to the bathroom. Resting + cranberry juice completely cured me, but my doctor did say it could be over-consumption of protein and/or exercising too much (I only do weight-lifting).

I didn't really think I was having THAT much protein.

First, I'd recommend a doctor for urinating blood. :lol

As for protein amount, I think 50% of dietary calories is safe. Remember that humans during the paleolithic era ate almost only meat during dry seasons. I think the concern over too much protein is a bit unfounded. I mean you need your essential fats, minerals, and whatnot, but I'm not aware of any evidence indicating that lots of protein will harm you.
I feel like I can't move anymore. My buttocks is incredibly sore and even going down on my knees hurts. I hate my body and started working out around November of last year. I moved back in with the rents and slipped back into coasting, still lost weight but I just stopped exercising.

Last week I realized that I just hate myself and neeed to improve and make it a habit for once. So here's what I did:

Push ups till I couldn't anymore(about 20-30)
Crunches(About 100)
Running(About 30 minutes)
I always walk everywhere(But I've never lost weight)
Eat one meal a day usually consisting of one of these items(boiled/fried in a skillet)bacon, chicken breast, sausage, beef(small), brocolli, eggs and only drink water

Am I doing something wrong? I'm not changing like I want and I feel terrible. Sometimes I get light headed and have to will myself into staying alert. My body hurts all over but I keep going about 2 hours a day nonstop and nothings changing?


Jew Gamer
CrushDance said:
I feel like I can't move anymore. My buttocks is incredibly sore and even going down on my knees hurts. I hate my body and started working out around November of last year. I moved back in with the rents and slipped back into coasting, still lost weight but I just stopped exercising.

Last week I realized that I just hate myself and neeed to improve and make it a habit for once. So here's what I did:

Push ups till I couldn't anymore(about 20-30)
Crunches(About 100)
Running(About 30 minutes)
I always walk everywhere(But I've never lost weight)
Eat one meal a day usually consisting of one of these items(boiled/fried in a skillet)bacon, chicken breast, sausage, beef(small), brocolli, eggs and only drink water

Am I doing something wrong? I'm not changing like I want and I feel terrible. Sometimes I get light headed and have to will myself into staying alert. My body hurts all over but I keep going about 2 hours a day nonstop and nothings changing?

#1 you need carbs

#2 you need proteins

#3 you're fucking with your body right now.

I did the whole 1 meal a day and now I am fucked, I developed hypoglycemia and am now in a constant battle to keep my blood sugar high so I don't pass out. Seriously, it CAN work but its fucking with you.

I dunno what to tell you, your body is fighting you with weight loss by the sounds of it... its a long battle to burn weight. I still fight it, and its really hard now with my blood sugar :/ A losing battle. I am constantly starving, I actually NEED to eat.

What is your current BMI?
lsslave said:
#1 you need carbs

#2 you need proteins

#3 you're fucking with your body right now.

I did the whole 1 meal a day and now I am fucked, I developed hypoglycemia and am now in a constant battle to keep my blood sugar high so I don't pass out. Seriously, it CAN work but its fucking with you.

I dunno what to tell you, your body is fighting you with weight loss by the sounds of it... its a long battle to burn weight. I still fight it, and its really hard now with my blood sugar :/ A losing battle. I am constantly starving, I actually NEED to eat.

What is your current BMI?
I don't have a sclae. Last time I checked I was around 260 lbs at 6"3


CrushDance said:
Am I doing something wrong? I'm not changing like I want and I feel terrible. Sometimes I get light headed and have to will myself into staying alert. My body hurts all over but I keep going about 2 hours a day nonstop and nothings changing?

A good start would be to stop starving yourself.
CrushDance said:
I feel like I can't move anymore. My buttocks is incredibly sore and even going down on my knees hurts. I hate my body and started working out around November of last year. I moved back in with the rents and slipped back into coasting, still lost weight but I just stopped exercising.

Last week I realized that I just hate myself and neeed to improve and make it a habit for once. So here's what I did:

Push ups till I couldn't anymore(about 20-30)
Crunches(About 100)
Running(About 30 minutes)
I always walk everywhere(But I've never lost weight)
Eat one meal a day usually consisting of one of these items(boiled/fried in a skillet)bacon, chicken breast, sausage, beef(small), brocolli, eggs and only drink water

Am I doing something wrong? I'm not changing like I want and I feel terrible. Sometimes I get light headed and have to will myself into staying alert. My body hurts all over but I keep going about 2 hours a day nonstop and nothings changing?

Why the hell aren't you eating?

If you don't eat, your body will just shut down by itself. Eat your 3 foods and keep your exercise short and explosive.
CrushDance said:
Am I doing something wrong?
Eat, for chrissakes!

Starving yourself means two things:

1) Your body's metabolism will slow
2) You will be more prone to binging

Both are very, very bad, for obvious reasons.


I know bananas are supposed to be good for recovery from sore muscles, but eating them always makes me gag. Are there any other alternatives?
Zoe said:
I know bananas are supposed to be good for recovery from sore muscles, but eating them always makes me gag. Are there any other alternatives?
You do know you can chew the banana, right?

You don't have to deep throat it.
Zoe said:
I know bananas are supposed to be good for recovery from sore muscles, but eating them always makes me gag. Are there any other alternatives?

Yes! You want bananas for their high potassium content. That and drinking water helps prevent sore muscles and cramps.

Bananas are the best source of potassium, but if you can't handle them, tomato, orange and sweet potatoes also have quite the potassium levels
Should I eat something once every two hours from 8-9pm ~ or three actual meals? I believe eating frequently in smaller portions is better, right?
Is there any weight loss benefit to having a cheat day per week, (i.e. carbing up) besides merely satisfying a craving?

I'm still in my weight loss phase, so I wouldn't want any stalls. It sounds unusual, but i've just heard mixed things about cheat days 're-igniting' weight loss


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
betweenthewheels said:
Is there any weight loss benefit to having a cheat day per week, (i.e. carbing up) besides merely satisfying a craving?

I'm still in my weight loss phase, so I wouldn't want any stalls. It sounds unusual, but i've just heard mixed things about cheat days 're-igniting' weight loss

Yeah, it's called refeeding I think. Prince Dalton and others were talking about it in the last few pages, and they more than I do.

But I think it fits other stuff I've read. Leptin levels drop or are inhibited if you're on a keto diet for a long time. There's also some sort of supposed growth hormone boost from intermittent fasting.

infiniteloop said:
Eat when you are hungry. Stop when you're full. Repeat.

We just had a tiring debate in another thread. Seems a lot of people don't believe hunger exists. That people eat whatever portion they receive. And that mothers intentionally make their babies obese by overfeeding them because gosh, that formula is so much cheaper per ounce now so why not give the baby diabetes at these prices?
teh_pwn said:
Yeah, it's called refeeding I think. Prince Dalton and others were talking about it in the last few pages, and they more than I do.

But I think it fits other stuff I've read. Leptin levels drop or are inhibited if you're on a keto diet for a long time. There's also some sort of supposed growth hormone boost from intermittent fasting.

Yeah. Refeeds are best done after a workout, and you get the biggest leptin boost by going high carb and low fat on a refeed. Definitely worth playing with, especially if you've hit a plateau in your weight loss.

We just had a tiring debate in another thread. Seems a lot of people don't believe hunger exists. That people eat whatever portion they receive. And that mothers intentionally make their babies obese by overfeeding them because gosh, that formula is so much cheaper per ounce now so why not give the baby diabetes at these prices?

Didn't you know? Hunger is all in your mind, man. It's just floating there, boundless, with no physiological corollary.

Ironically, these are likely the same people quick to classify a powerful emotion (like, say, love) as just the manifestation of neurotransmitters doing their thing. Why is hunger somehow different? It's fascinating. Do people really think hunger just "happens" independent of anything physical or chemical?
betweenthewheels said:
Is there any weight loss benefit to having a cheat day per week, (i.e. carbing up) besides merely satisfying a craving?

I'm still in my weight loss phase, so I wouldn't want any stalls. It sounds unusual, but i've just heard mixed things about cheat days 're-igniting' weight loss
I am extremely strict about my diet for six days out of the week - typically Sunday through Friday. Saturday, I eat whatever I want (for the most part). I've lost around 70 pounds this year and about 12 inches off my waist. So for me, the cheat day concept has definitely worked. It hasn't seemed to inhibit my weight loss at all.

But remember, if you do do a cheat day, you should STRICTLY adhere to your diet every other day of the week. Otherwise cheat days turn into cheat weekends, and then into cheat weeks.


BertramCooper said:
I am extremely strict about my diet for six days out of the week - typically Sunday through Friday. Saturday, I eat whatever I want (for the most part). I've lost around 70 pounds this year and about 12 inches off my waist. So for me, the cheat day concept has definitely worked. It hasn't seemed to inhibit my weight loss at all.

But remember, if you do do a cheat day, you should STRICTLY adhere to your diet every other day of the week. Otherwise cheat days turn into cheat weekends, and then into cheat weeks.

This has happened to me in the past 2 weeks. Not binge eating but eating stuff I would usually have the will power to say no to. But I am fixing that. Ive worked far to hard to lose this weight to put it back on so easily. :( I am let down by myself right now.
Messi said:
This has happened to me in the past 2 weeks. Not binge eating but eating stuff I would usually have the will power to say no to. But I am fixing that. Ive worked far to hard to lose this weight to put it back on so easily. :( I am let down by myself right now.
It's hard this time of the year. I'm flying home for Christmas at the end of next week and staying with my family for an entire week, and I pretty much know adhering to my normal routine is going to be almost impossible.

But once I come back after New Year's, I'm going to be right back on it. I've come way too far to go back to my old ways.


BertramCooper said:
It's hard this time of the year. I'm flying home for Christmas at the end of next week and staying with my family for an entire week, and I pretty much know adhering to my normal routine is going to be almost impossible.

But once I come back after New Year's, I'm going to be right back on it. I've come way too far to go back to my old ways.

Yep, that's how you gotta do it. I try to make sure my cheat days coincide on the days I know will be hard to keep true to my diet, and then I add a day or 2. I know Christmas Eve/Day I'm going to be eating like shit, but I'm going straight back. As long as you go back, you're straight.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I'm finding it hard to have snacks on my low-carb diet which end up having me eat carb-rich foods like bread rolls, candy, etc. I wanted to keep eating Planter's Cocktail Peanuts, but it has Cottonseed Oil in it so I cut that out. I wanted to keep eating Safeway's Smoked Almonds, but it had Vegetable Oil and MSG, so I cut that out.

I like to be eating constantly throughout the day rather than just having 3 big meals and that's it.

I could try an 8 hour intermittent fasting window, but I always stay up until 2am at the earliest and my hunger during the later part of the night before I sleep is pretty unbearable and I end up just eating anything I lay my eyes on.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Summer 2009: 300 lbs (@ 6'3"). "HOLY SHIT WHAT'S GOING ON," sedentary lifestyle running GAF and a lifetime of bad eating habits had caught up with me pretty quickly all of a sudden. That whole thing where when you leave your teens and early 20s everything catches up with you is 100% true. I cut out sugar water and just drank water and milk, and cut my carb intake significantly and got an exercise bike.

Winter 2009: 260 lbs. Went to Hawaii and hiked and swam all day every day. Continued with pretty strict nutrition. Started preparing for going back to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, by stepping up on cardio and weightlifting.

Spring 2010: 240 lbs. Started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu again.

September 2010: 225 lbs. Wasn't at a high fitness level so got injured in BJJ frequently. Took trip around United States, including hiking five national parks.

October 2010: 215 lbs. Got lazy for a while after returning from trip. Broke my toe in BJJ and kept reinjuring it so had to take some time off to heal.

November 2010: 220 lbs. Took a month with a personal trainer to develop good form for barbell squat, deadlift, and press. Went into a caloric surplus for a month to help put on some lean mass during this process.

December 2010: 225 lbs.

That's where I'm at now. To get to the finish line with my body composition goals I've decided to use ketosis (along with continued cardio and weightlifting), since I'm getting impatient and would like to get this shit over with already. Progress is nice and all, but I'm not satisfied with just being better than I was a year ago. I'll only be satisfied with athleticism.

So, <20g net carbs per day for the last three days. Tested for ketones a day ago and when I woke up today, and nothing. Three hours ago I started feeling a little weird, mildly feverish and weak, and about an hour ago I tested again, and huzzah, heavy ketone presence. Feeling has subsided and I'm normal and energetic.

Here we go.


Wow, kudos EL! Awesome to hear! Sounds a lot like me. Close to 6'3" (6'2.5") and my high was like 285. I've only lost 40 pounds though which puts me around 240/245 (not exactly sure current weight as I don't have a scale.


Nice job EL. Send me your extra ketostix. I need to test mine, but I'm poor.

edit: or i can just send you my urine


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Looks like potatoes, whole fruit are the way to go for carb refeeds.

China is getting fatter, and some data shows that it may be the wheat:


Which has been hypothesized before:

Potatoes don't have those nasty lectins and whole fruit has fiber to prevent you from intoxicating yourself with too much fructose (No one can eat 5 apples, but 5 apples worth of juice is doable).


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I used weigh 403 pounds / 183 kilos , now I'm on 249 pounds / 113 kilos in just over a year.

Someone wanted an update, there it is.


VOOK said:
I used weigh 403 pounds / 183 kilos , now I'm on 249 pounds / 113 kilos in just over a year.

Someone wanted an update, there it is.

Dayum I never pictured you as a fat person.

congrats on the loss !



Started - 7/26/10: 290lbs (6'2)

Present - 12/20/10: 225lbs

Ive become quite the disciplined person over these last five months and I never cheat myself when I hit the gym. Switched up my workouts a bit since I first started and I still try to eat six times a day. Sometimes its hard to get six meals/snacks down everyday, who would have thought.:D

My workout week is five days instead of six days now.

4 miles elliptical @ 10-14 resistance (28-32 minutes)
2 miles treadmill
Planks, crunches, Supermans.

Muscle groups: Tues, Thurs, Sat

Right now I'm just trying to decide where I want to be at weight wise and then sustain it. I think I'll be happy at 210, I'm just worried I'll have to stuff my face more to sustain and possible break my good eating habits. Ive also thought about just keeping this regime and seeing where I plateau because I'm so used to this routine now.


No idea if this is the correct place for advice on a diet but here goes. Four months ago I started with the Atkins diet (or something like that) and for a few weeks I kept my carbs under 20gr. In this period I went from 85 Kilo to 77 Kilo. And for a few weeks my weight stayed the same, 77 Kilo. I think I eat around 30 or 40 gr Carbs each day. I eat a lot of nuts.. don't care for rice or bread. To be honest I'm scared in a way that I will gain weight again when I eat more carbs and I don't know what I could eat to increase the amount of carbs that I eat each day.

I assume I stay at 77 kilo because I fitness three times in a week and have been building up muscle with weightlifting and also I cardio each time. Mostly 30 min jogging or 1 hour, depends if I do more weightlifting and such.

This is what I eat each day:
3 eggs
2 cups of coffee

During the day:
75 grams of Almonds
Can of Tuna with some mayo
Sometimes around 75 grams of peanuts, or do this in the evening.
Lots of tea.

2 pieces of chicken file or 500gr of chicken-drumsticks. Sometimes even a whole chicken, nomnom.
3 eggs
50grams of almonds, later in the evening.
And again lot's of tea. Normally I would drink coffee in the evening but I changed that.

Now I kinda now this is not a lot and I need to change that. I want to lose an extra 5 kilo (my length is around 1.80m) or lower my fat%. The thing is with the stuff that I eat now I'm not feeling hungry, not even after fitness. In the past I would eat like a mad man, 5 years ago I was around 110 kilo so yeah.

I don't have a particular day in which I eat what I want for example, saw some people talking about that here.

I need to change up a few things, or at least I think I have to? I feel great each day and have lot's of energy. No problem with cardio and such. So I actually feel healthy but if I'm honest with myself, I don't eat that much.

Now I eat a lot of protein, I notice that about my breath and also when I sweat.. I don't mind it but heck. It would be nice if that would lessen a bit.

I need advice.. don't know what to change to be honest.


Zoe said:
I know bananas are supposed to be good for recovery from sore muscles, but eating them always makes me gag. Are there any other alternatives?

I usually hate the texture of bananas. I like it when they are a little firm. If I gotta eat a ripe ass banana, I'll have a glass of water to wash down every bite. Bite, chew a little, gulp some water and swallow. Raisins, figs, and apricots are high(er) in potassium. Could try those.


Does anyone know a good recipe for mixing protein powder and keeping it low carb?

I found a protein powder with 3g of carbs, but I'm not sure what to mix it with. I was thinking unsweetened almond milk, but I have no idea what that would taste like. Any suggestions?
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