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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Hey Low-Carb GAF, what are some good muscle building supplements to take while on this diet? I'm already taking ISOPURE protein. Low-carb + marathon got me unbelievably skinny and I need to put on some meat for the ladies.


jfoul said:

Started - 7/26/10: 290lbs (6'2)

Present - 12/20/10: 225lbs

Ive become quite the disciplined person over these last five months and I never cheat myself when I hit the gym. Switched up my workouts a bit since I first started and I still try to eat six times a day. Sometimes its hard to get six meals/snacks down everyday, who would have thought.:D

My workout week is five days instead of six days now.

4 miles elliptical @ 10-14 resistance (28-32 minutes)
2 miles treadmill
Planks, crunches, Supermans.

Muscle groups: Tues, Thurs, Sat

Right now I'm just trying to decide where I want to be at weight wise and then sustain it. I think I'll be happy at 210, I'm just worried I'll have to stuff my face more to sustain and possible break my good eating habits. Ive also thought about just keeping this regime and seeing where I plateau because I'm so used to this routine now.
Wow, what is your diet like? Like what kind of food do you eat?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Rubenov said:
Hey Low-Carb GAF, what are some good muscle building supplements to take while on this diet? I'm already taking ISOPURE protein. Low-carb + marathon got me unbelievably skinny and I need to put on some meat for the ladies.

ZMA on days that you do weight-lifting: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GIQS02/?tag=neogaf0e-20

It's seriously helped with muscle growth/strength/recovery for me.

You'll also sleep like a baby.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Glad to see other people losing weight. I've been upping my exercise this last year and have enjoyed the results, though it's happening much slower for me. I started the year at 230 pounds and am now 195. It feels nice to be under 200 pounds for the first time in 20 years. :D

edit: that's not to say diet wasn't a part of it. I cut down on calories a lot. kept it between 1,500-2,000

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So what's the difference between trace, small and large amounts of ketones in your urine? I mean, I would assume that if you're in ketosis, you're in ketosis. You can't be in small ketosis, can't you?


Domino Theory said:
So what's the difference between trace, small and large amounts of ketones in your urine? I mean, I would assume that if you're in ketosis, you're in ketosis. You can't be in small ketosis, can't you?

I don't think it matters. You could have no trace and still be in ketosis/losing weight.


I never took pics but I lost 8 KGs (was 93+ now mid 85's) since the end of august. With healthy eating (mostly about cutting out bad snacks) and quite a lot of gym classes. At the peak of the training I was doing (per week):
2 Combat classes (lots of punching, kicking, etc)
2 Attack classes (HIT, plyometrics, running Interval training)
1 Balance class (Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi)
2 1/2 hour easy weight sessions


Acid08 said:
Wow, what is your diet like? Like what kind of food do you eat?

When I wake up I drink a tall glass of water before anything, then I eat breakfast and take my daily vitamins.

Breakfast: Oats mixed with Milk, Banana, Almonds and Honey. I'll usually also eat a hard boiled egg or two.

Lunch: Brown Rice mixed with Tuna(1 or 2 cans), Chopped Tomato(half), Chopped Avocado(whole), Chopped Onions and I'll mix some ranch or salsa in for flavor.

Dinner: Chicken Breast with Brown Rice. Side of Steamed Broccoli, Mixed Vegetables, Kidney Beans, Green Beans and Mushrooms. 1-2 hard boiled eggs.

Snack: Banana, Yogurt, Apple, Orange, Almonds, Salad, Tuna. This is a flexible area, depending on how hungry I am. Sometimes I'll eat combination's or just blend up a couple Banana's with Milk, Ice Cubes, Egg and drink it.

Drinks Low Fat Skim Milk, Water and Natural Green Tea.

I'm probably forgetting a couple things, but my meals are decent size. I have pretty much streamlined my grocery list and where I buy from. I go through Eggs and Fruit the most, I usually have to restock those items every weekend.

I think I'm going to start adding red meat to my diet here soon to mix it up with chicken.
Haven't posted here in awhile, summary was 300 lbs in 2001, down to 250 by end of 01, dropped to 195 by 2003-2004, kept it off until a rough break up in early 08 that resulted in me being put on antidepressants and putting on 50 lbs in less then 2 months (no diet or excercise change) kept putting on weight until I hit 295.

Last 4 or so months ive dropped to 270 (as of today) with only changing 1 thing, eating out less, more frequent/smaller portions

New years resolution is to stop drinking soft drinks, which account for atleast 1/3 of my daily calories, and hit the gym for at least 1 hour a day, 4 times a week.

Sadly I got some bad news today, as I will likely need orthopedic surgery on my rotator cup, and if so will be in a partial upper body cast for 4-5 weeks. Won't let that deter me though, will be hitting the treadmill as soon as I'm able to after surgery and lifting when I get the ok from the doctor.

Target weight: 180
=( Did not work out as a result of finals for a few weeks. I kept my diet up, though!

Last time I posted around three weeks back, my weight was 208, but I weighed myself yesterday and found out that I'm 206 currently. Sad that I only lost two pounds, but at least it is a step in the right direction. I probably could have done better if I worked out. Damn my studies, smh. :lol I wanted to reach a solid 200lbs by the end of the year. I believe in myself, but I do not want to rush it.

Ah, well. Now I can aim for such a thing before I return to school in the Spring. :D 2011 will be the year of the forever. To return to Onederland (in the one hundreds)! :D


Akim said:
Does anyone know a good recipe for mixing protein powder and keeping it low carb?

I found a protein powder with 3g of carbs, but I'm not sure what to mix it with. I was thinking unsweetened almond milk, but I have no idea what that would taste like. Any suggestions?
Unsweetened almond milk is what I use. How it tastes depends on what sort of protein powder you're using. I had some Cookies n' Cream powder that had a very small amount of sweetener(the worst kind, though - high fructose corn syrup), which tasted pretty damn good with the unsweetened almond milk. However, I found a good deal on some unsweetened protein powder, which when mixed with unsweetened almond milk tastes pretty bland, but I cant beat the price.

Regular almond milk isn't all that bad, carb-wise, nor is skim milk, both of which tastes better than unsweetened almond milk. They aren't ideal for extreme low-carb diets, but they're still pretty low in carbs in general that you shouldn't feel too guilty drinking them if taste is a big issue.

If you're determined on the low-carb thing, never rule out mixing it with water, either.

Anyways, I've fallen off the bandwagon big-time. Been drinkin a lot the past couple weeks, and eating a ton of crappy foods. I'm feeling pretty ashamed of myself and starting tomorrow, I'm going on a month long, no-cheat stretch where I plan on losing 10lbs. I've set a long term goal of being 165lbs by March and I'm absolutely determined to reach it.


eternal prize said:
Why wait for the new year? Why not stop with the soft-drinks today?

THIS! I used to say id give them up in a month. That month never came until one day I stopped cold turkey, never drink that stuff anymore and I feel so much better. I dropped alot of weight after I stopped.

Well I used to drink 5ltrs of coke daily so I prob had a bigger problem than you :lol
Okay, so I'm having a very slight cheat in the middle of my week and having a piece of cake from the local bakery.

It's really not a big deal - I've been insanely good this week, diet wise - but I felt like I had to confess to someone. :lol
BronzeWolf said:
After this month and after a somewhat successful bulking cycle, I am back on the cutting wagon.

Weight Losers, I am joining your club

Same here. Went from 210 at the beginning of the year, to 170 this summer. I went off the wagon in September, though I still tried to restrict my calories. In Oct, I decided to put aside the diet altogether since the holidays were coming up. I did switch my workout routine back to weightlifting, after doing months of heavy cardio based exercises. I'm currently at ~182 lbs, but with some noticeable muscle definition. Come January 1st, I'm going to go on a cutting diet till I leave for Navy boot camp in June. Hopefully I can reduce the belly fat that is still there.

With that said, I'm going to enjoy the next week or so by eating some great holiday meals. :D


BertramCooper said:
Okay, so I'm having a very slight cheat in the middle of my week and having a piece of cake from the local bakery.

It's really not a big deal - I've been insanely good this week, diet wise - but I felt like I had to confess to someone. :lol

SHAME ON YOU! :lol I did the same btw, <3 cake.

Welcome new weight losers.


I'm cheating on Christmas, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.


edit: also I have been sick for the last 2 days, missed the gym

In other news, I went to the doctor and weighed in at 213 with clothes/shoes. My official weigh in is in the morning. The doctor said I didn't look overweight....best day of my life.


Neo Member
Sigh GAF confession time.

For the first time ever, I have made an exercise regime last more than a week. It's Day 8 now and... I didn't lose a single kg.

What's really depressing is that I'm supposedly on a no starch/grain diet, since low carb is way too intense for me, but I break it everyday. In the worst possible way. Everyday things will go well till the afternoon/evening then I'll have this insane craving for sweet things. So I'll end up eating ice-cream, waffers and what not. What exacerbates the issue is that the rest of the family has a sweet tooth and they aren't trying to lose weight. There is Ben and Jerry ice cream Christmas cake in the fridge now and chocolate wafers on the table now. What's worse is that my family just like to "try" so they will eat a bit, get bored and leave it there. Where it's all up to me (usually) to finish it :(

Today I made an effort to give away all the snacks that I know my family doesn't eat. Now all that are left are sweet things. Maybe I should just force myself to eat some fruit first? Btw this appears to be a problem most of my female friends face as well!

Some stats: 130, 5'2. Goal: 120

thinking of buying whey protein isolate, damn are those pricey though


Akim said:
I'm cheating on Christmas, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.


edit: also I have been sick for the last 2 days, missed the gym

In other news, I went to the doctor and weighed in at 213 with clothes/shoes. My official weigh in is in the morning. The doctor said I didn't look overweight....best day of my life.

Congratulations, happy your work is paying off for you.

sundrenched said:
Sigh GAF confession time.

For the first time ever, I have made an exercise regime last more than a week. It's Day 8 now and... I didn't lose a single kg.

What's really depressing is that I'm supposedly on a no starch/grain diet, since low carb is way too intense for me, but I break it everyday. In the worst possible way. Everyday things will go well till the afternoon/evening then I'll have this insane craving for sweet things. So I'll end up eating ice-cream, waffers and what not. What exacerbates the issue is that the rest of the family has a sweet tooth and they aren't trying to lose weight. There is Ben and Jerry ice cream Christmas cake in the fridge now and chocolate wafers on the table now. What's worse is that my family just like to "try" so they will eat a bit, get bored and leave it there. Where it's all up to me (usually) to finish it :(

Today I made an effort to give away all the snacks that I know my family doesn't eat. Now all that are left are sweet things. Maybe I should just force myself to eat some fruit first? Btw this appears to be a problem most of my female friends face as well!

Some stats: 130, 5'2. Goal: 120

thinking of buying whey protein isolate, damn are those pricey though

Its all about will power, you just have to push through those cravings and if you really need treats then you have a treat day once a week. Having them every day is a no no.


MiDNiGHTS said:
Takes time man.

This is the truth, ive been doing it for nearly 8 months now, it takes time to get going and when it does you will lose a big chunk and then you hit a wall for a while and then you lose more. Please don't get discouraged.


Zotty said:
No idea if this is the correct place for advice on a diet but here goes. Four months ago I started with the Atkins diet (or something like that) and for a few weeks I kept my carbs under 20gr. In this period I went from 85 Kilo to 77 Kilo. And for a few weeks my weight stayed the same, 77 Kilo. I think I eat around 30 or 40 gr Carbs each day. I eat a lot of nuts.. don't care for rice or bread. To be honest I'm scared in a way that I will gain weight again when I eat more carbs and I don't know what I could eat to increase the amount of carbs that I eat each day.

I assume I stay at 77 kilo because I fitness three times in a week and have been building up muscle with weightlifting and also I cardio each time. Mostly 30 min jogging or 1 hour, depends if I do more weightlifting and such.

This is what I eat each day:
3 eggs
2 cups of coffee

During the day:
75 grams of Almonds
Can of Tuna with some mayo
Sometimes around 75 grams of peanuts, or do this in the evening.
Lots of tea.

2 pieces of chicken file or 500gr of chicken-drumsticks. Sometimes even a whole chicken, nomnom.
3 eggs
50grams of almonds, later in the evening.
And again lot's of tea. Normally I would drink coffee in the evening but I changed that.

Now I kinda now this is not a lot and I need to change that. I want to lose an extra 5 kilo (my length is around 1.80m) or lower my fat%. The thing is with the stuff that I eat now I'm not feeling hungry, not even after fitness. In the past I would eat like a mad man, 5 years ago I was around 110 kilo so yeah.

I don't have a particular day in which I eat what I want for example, saw some people talking about that here.

I need to change up a few things, or at least I think I have to? I feel great each day and have lot's of energy. No problem with cardio and such. So I actually feel healthy but if I'm honest with myself, I don't eat that much.

Now I eat a lot of protein, I notice that about my breath and also when I sweat.. I don't mind it but heck. It would be nice if that would lessen a bit.

I need advice.. don't know what to change to be honest.
You're doing fine. I would add some green vegetables to your diet and some post workout carbs--yams and sweet potatoes. I would add a cheat day or cheat meals for some sanity, but I wouldn't worry about getting more carbs, especially grain based or refined varieties. You can save those for cheat meals or days.

I've noticed that after going doing a low carb paleo gig for a bit, that it wrecks my body when I indulge on refined grains, so I try to not go too crazy.

If you need help with variety, I recommend this food matrix. You can download here: http://robbwolf.com/tools/
Keep working on it guys and gals. I am at a much healthier 158 lbs right now. I'm gaining some muscle now that i've started running again. Plan to do machines again when I get back to school in January.


lol might as well...

240ish (high school)

157 (now)


tho i still have some stomach fat left over from the dramatic weight loss lolz... so im hittin the weights pretty hard...


Holy crap. You look like a different human being. Nice job. Curious if after losing that much weight, you have lose skin or does it eventually contract back since you're pretty young


entrement said:
You're doing fine. I would add some green vegetables to your diet and some post workout carbs--yams and sweet potatoes. I would add a cheat day or cheat meals for some sanity, but I wouldn't worry about getting more carbs, especially grain based or refined varieties. You can save those for cheat meals or days.

I've noticed that after going doing a low carb paleo gig for a bit, that it wrecks my body when I indulge on refined grains, so I try to not go too crazy.

If you need help with variety, I recommend this food matrix. You can download here: http://robbwolf.com/tools/

Thanks for your input :) I decided to change my diet a bit, mostly because my breath was getting worse and worse. Added some carbs during lunch and dinner, like rice and in the morning oatmeal.


get some go again
lol damn the holidays have not been good to me. i've gained so much weight. i don't even want to look at the scale right now. oh well i'll get back on the wagon starting monday.
smurfx said:
lol damn the holidays have not been good to me. i've gained so much weight. i don't even want to look at the scale right now. oh well i'll get back on the wagon starting monday.

Same here, I had an "anything goes" cheat week. It was fun while it lasted, but i'm actually looking forward to getting back on track tomorrow

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Anyone looking for that extra oomph in their diet (whatever it may be) needs to check out 'Master Your Metabolism'. Really good book about how hormone balance and only getting your carbs from veggies will lead to the most success. Most of it is stuff teh_pwn and Price Dalton have preached about here, but there are some other goodies in there, too.

I had no clue there were so many different names used to describe Sugar on labels. Holy shit.


So, I cheated during Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I thought I would be taking a step backwards during each holiday, but I always ended up losing weight anyways. :D


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Anyone looking for that extra oomph in their diet (whatever it may be) needs to check out 'Master Your Metabolism'. Really good book about how hormone balance and only getting your carbs from veggies will lead to the most success. Most of it is stuff teh_pwn and Price Dalton have preached about here, but there are some other goodies in there, too.

I had no clue there were so many different names used to describe Sugar on labels. Holy shit.

Potatoes and maybe even some properly soaked rice are probably fine starches too. It all depends on the individual cause of overeating. Some people it's too much omega6, too little omega3, and some clever food industry ingredients that break satiety. Other people it's too much fructose causing liver insulin resistance and subsequent leptin resistance. If you're the insulin resistant type, best go light on the potatoes until your condition is corrected through sugar avoidance and exercise. It's very possible that there are other causes of obesity that are very common but not understood at all. If you're struggling to understand why you keep getting hungry, make a food log, note what foods break your satiety and eliminate them from your diet.

I think the best general advice is:
1. Reduce omega6, up omega3.
2. Only get fructose from whole fruit.
3. Keep carbohydrate intake below 35% of your intake.
4. Substitute wheat and gluten grains with vegetables, fruit, rice, and potatoes.
5. Increase protein intake from meat, eggs, and if you can tolerate it - dairy.
6. Lift weights, sleep, and do some cardio. Not to balance some caloric equation. But to activate genes that increase insulin sensitivity, reduce cortisol, increase growth hormone.

And eat a balance of meat and veggies. Makes things easier for the body in terms of digestion and pH balance.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Good summary of most of the book there. :lol

The best quote I found from the book is "eat food that either grew from the ground or came from a mother."


I had great success following a weight loss program in a german eBook that I bought on the internet. I definitely shed a few pounds but honestly: All the information you need is on the web for free. What the book teaches you is, that building muscle helps you lose weight because the increased muscle mas results in a higher RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). So you basically burn more calories even though you do nothing. German folks might still want to check out the review since the exercises provided are pretty kickass. Fett Verbrennungs Ofen Erfahrung.


haven't posted in a while. i'm back at it. stopped really paying attention to my carb intake thanksgiving day til now. trying to go back to my ~40g carbs per day. day one has been rough. hunger has almost been constant. i've snacked on pepperoni and almonds all day. breakfast was a cup of cheerios with a scoop of peanut butter. lunch was chicken breast and spinach. dinner i had steak and green beans. at least 10 cups of water too. must be carb withdrawal or tape worm :D i think i had this same problem back in june when i first reduced my carbs. craving food constantly for a few days. absolutely terrible feeling.

started at 215lbs in june of this year
thanksgiving morning 168
today 175

goal 160. wish me luck


Shorty said:
I had great success following a weight loss program in a german eBook that I bought on the internet. I definitely shed a few pounds but honestly: All the information you need is on the web for free. What the book teaches you is, that building muscle helps you lose weight because the increased muscle mas results in a higher RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). So you basically burn more calories even though you do nothing. German folks might still want to check out the review since the exercises provided are pretty kickass. Fett Verbrennungs Ofen Erfahrung.
Even though it's in German, why the fuck did I read that webpage in my head with the Swedish Chef's accent?


Neo Member
Just bought 2 bars of dark chocolate to try, as a lover of milk chocolate, I view this with mild dread. I bought one at 70% and the other at 85%. The 85% didn't have any nutritional information or it's by Meiji, where all the info is in Japanese. Being the cheapo that I am, I bought the cheaper one. Just finished it and it's...hell. It was alright, even rather good while I was eating it, but the aftertaste... Guess I'll just stick to cheese from now on.


sundrenched said:
Just bought 2 bars of dark chocolate to try, as a lover of milk chocolate, I view this with mild dread. I bought one at 70% and the other at 85%. The 85% didn't have any nutritional information or it's by Meiji, where all the info is in Japanese. Being the cheapo that I am, I bought the cheaper one. Just finished it and it's...hell. It was alright, even rather good while I was eating it, but the aftertaste... Guess I'll just stick to cheese from now on.

it's definitely an acquired taste. stick with 85%. at least the brand i eat (Lindt) the carb count is higher in the 80% and the 90%. 85% seems to be the sweet spot. one bar lasts me all week. i just eat a little at night. so good :D


Neo Member
metamonk said:
it's definitely an acquired taste. stick with 85%. at least the brand i eat (Lindt) the carb count is higher in the 80% and the 90%. 85% seems to be the sweet spot. one bar lasts me all week. i just eat a little at night. so good :D

Oh? The brand that I was eating was Lindt too! Strange that they had no calorie information on the bar... It's going to be a while before I try my hand eating another bath of 85% chocolate again! :lol
How do i eat healthily?

Im not fat, i just want to eat good meals and never eat anything bad.

Any tips or links?

I look around my house for food and all i see is stuff that i know is bad for me and make me come out in spots.
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