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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

grap3fruitman said:
Breakfast, I can't make eggs at the office and I'll usually do a banana and/or apple.

Boil your eggs at night. Hurl them into a lunchbag and nom them away in the way to work. Bring on toothpaste and brush and brush your teeth at work.

Lunch, I don't really have any options other than ordering out since I can't cook.

I'm sorry, learn to cook. Making a steak is fucking easy. Take steak, put into a pan, flip when pink is close to the middle, wait until it's cooked and take out of the pan. Chicken is just as easy. Buy some pre-made salad or baby spinach, pour some water and enjoy.

Dinner, that's generally what I'll have or some kind of soup.

Just have the left overs from lunch

Sleep: 6 but I've been trying to get that up to 7 with mild success and I'm generally falling asleep to the TV.

sleep 8 hours and try very hard to sleep without watching the tv.


Didn't look at the last page, but based on the quotes: grap3fruit, buy a George Forman if you don't know how to cook. Steaks are piss-easy (they lose a little more juice than when in a pan, but whatever) as it's just a matter of chucking them in and waiting 5-10 minutes. If you don't have time/are too lazy for that, then... um... something something.

Quick ketostix question: I know most frown upon them for judging ketosis because they can often be incorrect, but that's only when it shows up negative, yes? I've come up as being in some kind of super-ketosis (the darkest one. It's because I'm so awesome) so there's no chance I'm *not* ketosising, is there?


The thing that makes my diet super easy so far is that I work from home... so there's no need to order out and I don't drive past a dunkin donuts or a bakery every day. I'm really glad for it because if I was stuck in some office job or who knows where I'd probably be tempted to cheat on it.


lsslave said:
Smoking is a highly controversial piece, in fact its been proven most smoking statistics are false (lets say you were in a car accident, if you were a smoker your death went into the smokers pile, so if your in Canada you will see more people die of Smoking every year when its in fact more SMOKERS die every year)

Also, I have a weak heart (already had a heart attack and im only 22) so fixing my blood pressure was important, and the stress issue is a wonderful change since I have had an ulcer since I was a kid and vomiting blood is never fun
bullshit if you die in a car crash that goes in the car crash statistic, not from smoking.


Akim said:
Maybe you should post some pics. This is more like the weight loss discussion thread now. Not everyone will have progress pictures every 2 days.

Uh.. actually I did a few pages back.

Here are some more recent ones. Sorry about the myspace angle.. I've lost 30kg but still have a slight Jabba the Hutt chin happening.

Before - May 2010

After - Jan 2011


pubba said:
Uh.. actually I did a few pages back.

Here are some more recent ones. Sorry about the myspace angle.. I've lost 30kg but still have a slight Jabba the Hutt chin happening.

Congrats :)

I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything, I'll post some pictures tomorrow of my progress since it's my weigh in.


You should be *happier* in the second pic ;)

PS. You still drawing? I recall seeing some of your stuff in either another forum (PN/Ranch/4BG... can't remember for sure) and remember really liking it.


Hi Shaneus! Was wondering if you were the same Shaneus from the old days. Playnow forum?

Yeah I still draw constantly. Fill up a sketchbook or two each week. Will do something with it some day.. It comes in handy when I'm teaching but I've been back in Australia for the last year doing temp government work which kinda kills my creativity.

Yeah the 2nd pic is a bit gloomy.

Weird thing is.. I used to get laid more when I was fat. FML
grap3fruitman said:
Breakfast, I can't make eggs at the office and I'll usually do a banana and/or apple.
Does your office have a microwave? If so, get one of these babies:


You add one egg into each hole, piece the yolk, add half a tablespoon of water, microwave for 50 seconds, and BAM- instant poached egg. I got one for Christmas and I see them everywhere at Safeway now. They're great.


Mike Works said:
Does your office have a microwave? If so, get one of these babies:


You add one egg into each hole, piece the yolk, add half a tablespoon of water, microwave for 50 seconds, and BAM- instant poached egg. I got one for Christmas and I see them everywhere at Safeway now. They're great.
Fuck, that's the best idea ever. I'm going to buy one now.

PS. Pubba, may have been Playnow, but that's long gone... Games Ranch is the only one left (and 4 Bitter Guys). I think I've seen you on a low-carb forum too! Loved the shit out of your frozen philly/jelly crystal balls... until my lactose intolerance kicked in and they went straight through me :lol


My weigh in today sucked...

Starting Point: 298
Last Weigh In (December 24) 210
Today (January 15) 206

I dunno what happened, I've been strict.

Bonus picture: Before was 270 in August 2010, after was yesterday


Eteric Rice

Doing a fast today (though I did have to take some liquid cold medicine). Not bad so far. It used to be that if i hadn't eaten by now I'd have a headache.

My stomach isn't even growling at me. It's fucking weird.


Domino Theory said:
You're complaining about losing 4 pounds?

Well, I'm trying to lose 2 pounds a week. I'm super strict about my diet and hit the gym 5 days a week, so when I don't hit my goal I get really disappointed.
Akim said:
Well, I'm trying to lose 2 pounds a week. I'm super strict about my diet and hit the gym 5 days a week, so when I don't hit my goal I get really disappointed.

what is your diet and what are you doing at the gym?

Maybe you are hitting a point of diminishing returns and you need to do something else
BertramCooper said:
I love my splurge Saturdays.

Are you still dropping weight? I ask cause i'm gonna do the cheat-day-a-week combined with s/low-carb...i've just been having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after my holiday cheat-weeks :s
betweenthewheels said:
Are you still dropping weight? I ask cause i'm gonna do the cheat-day-a-week combined with s/low-carb...i've just been having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after my holiday cheat-weeks :s

I worked the whole splurge day thing into my P90X routine back in September, and I've lost about 15-20 pounds since then.

So it seems to work for me. And I don't go insane with it or anything. It's just a good way of keeping myself in check throughout the rest of the week. I was insanely good this week, too.


BronzeWolf said:
what is your diet and what are you doing at the gym?

Maybe you are hitting a point of diminishing returns and you need to do something else

I'm on keto right now.

2 eggs
2 bacon
3 oz cheese (throughout the day)
low carb wrap w/ turkey breast and spinach
low carb yogurt
chicken breast (lunch 2)
chicken breast (dinner)
cottage cheese

Protein Shake on workout days

3x5 Squat (barbell)
3x5 Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell)
1x5 Deadlift (barbell)
2x5-8 dips

3x5 Squat (barbell)
3x5 Standing military press (barbell) or dumbbell overhead press
3x5 Bent-over rows (barbell or dumbbell)
2x5-8 pull-ups (only add weight if you are doing >10 bodyweight pull-ups)

A and B
Incline weighted sit-ups 3x5
Hyperextensions - 3x8

End of the Week

Lying tricep extensions 2x8
Barbell or dumbbell curls 2x8


Does anyone else have trouble finding the energy to do anything when in the midst of carb cycling? I could only get up the energy to lift weights and dreaded cardio so I'd skip the latter a lot. Any explanation for this? Is it possible some people need extra carbs? I do perform where I'm standing up and moving for eight plus hours a day on the weekdays plus everything else.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
It takes about 3 weeks on a ketogenic diet to fully adapt. Your cells are used to glucose, and they haven't adapted to ketones. Sort of like people that are cardiovascular-ly unfit but thin need time to build up to have enough energy to run a mile.

I doubt people are innately unable to handle it in terms of energy because they would have had their genes removed from the gene pool over the course of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution without rice, cakes, bread, crackers, etc.


Masta_Killah said:
As Bronzewolf said, you are very underweight. Depending on how you went about your diet(probably a serious caloric deficit), your body is fighting back to find its equilibrium. That's why you are having binging issues. Your ideal, normal weight should be 148 lbs. The lowest you can be is 133 lbs. You're 127 lbs, that is some major weight issues.

Also, why the fuck are you doing an hour of ab work? Do you understand how abs are formed? And with that much working out, your body needs even more calories to function correctly. Your seriously just starving yourself at this point. It seems that your so fixated on calories in/calories out that you've taken it too far. You really need to stop and reevaluate your whole regime.

BronzeWolf said:
WTF DUDE! 127 lbs at 5ft 6? You've got to be kidding me! That's WAY TO SKINNY! No wonder you are gaining weight! I reckon this is a thread about losing weight, but there should be a point when you are like "OK I am thin enough, I don't need to lose any more weight, maybe I should focus on something else"

Let me put it this way.

At 127 lbs and 5'6.5" you were malnourished. I don't know what your diet is but I know for a fact that it couldn't have possibly fueled your jogging + weight training. Hell I know that my 4000 calorie diet can barely keep with my jogging+weight training. That's why you have been gaining weight so easily, because your body NEEDS that energy.

At your weight, and doing a true free weight training (squatting, daedlifting, shoulder and bench pressing) you should be shooting to be at least a solid 160 lb.

Sometimes I wonder that the fixation on being AS THIN AS YOU CAN BE is just as bad as being super obese. You are feeling crappy for nothing.

I was going for a bruce lee low body fat look and I achieved it at that weight. I felt extremely good and was eating the recommended amount of protein plus getting about two thousand calories a day in general. I basically dropped most of that weight after I eliminated sugar and junk food from my diet so I considered myself simply cleansed. However, hearing what you guys have to say make's complete sense, I just don't want to look real muscular and would prefer a completely slim and lean look.

I also know abdominal exercises do nothing for abs but I consider it more like casual exercise that I can do when I feel like doing nothing else. I just always try to shoot for an hour in every set. It's also me doing about 10 different ab exercises not just crunching till I'm in pain.

Thanks for the tips and I feel much better. However, I think I've found a problem lies in me having a terrible sweet tooth as I really enjoy desserts. Is it alright if from time to time I make maple blueberry buckwheat pancakes with syrup and butter on carb cycling days or other desserts using more natural sugars? I don't like the idea of giving up desserts even though I know they're poison as I shit heavily after every consumption.


teh_pwn said:
It takes about 3 weeks on a ketogenic diet to fully adapt. Your cells are used to glucose, and they haven't adapted to ketones. Sort of like people that are cardiovascular-ly unfit but thin need time to build up to have enough energy to run a mile.

I doubt people are innately unable to handle it in terms of energy because they would have had their genes removed from the gene pool over the course of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution without rice, cakes, bread, crackers, etc.
Can someone explain to me just so I can fully understand why there are two camps with one side stressing the near elimination of meats and fish and the consumption of more vegetables,fruits, and whole grains while the other stresses little to no carbs and an indulgence in meats? I somewhat understand the theories and basic reasoning behind each philosophy but I can't understand why meats and carbs are both villified and loved.

I apologize if I'm hard o understand as I'm tired but if you can catch my drift please help clarify things for me.


cryptic said:
Can someone explain to me just so I can fully understand why there are two camps with one side stressing the near elimination of meats and fish and the consumption of more vegetables,fruits, and whole grains while the other stresses little to no carbs and an indulgence in meats? I somewhat understand the theories and basic reasoning behind each philosophy but I can't understand why meats and carbs are both villified and loved.

I apologize if I'm hard o understand as I'm tired but if you can catch my drift please help clarify things for me.

I've noticed this as well, and truthfully both work... I think that ultimately, as long as you eliminate the junk from your diet you really can't go too wrong. The thing about the meat side is that it tends to be more fulfilling/filling IMO. If I have two chicken breasts for dinner I'm much more full then if I have a salad. That shit will last 2 or 3 hours tops and then I'm starving again.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
cryptic said:
Can someone explain to me just so I can fully understand why there are two camps with one side stressing the near elimination of meats and fish and the consumption of more vegetables,fruits, and whole grains while the other stresses little to no carbs and an indulgence in meats? I somewhat understand the theories and basic reasoning behind each philosophy but I can't understand why meats and carbs are both villified and loved.

I apologize if I'm hard o understand as I'm tired but if you can catch my drift please help clarify things for me.

Camp I: Meat and vegetables are healthy. Reasons:
-Evolution by natural selection as a theory is in direct conflict with the idea that the foods that people ate for 99.999% of human history increase mortality. They just don't fit.
-Analysis of paleolithic skeletons shows good physique, perfect teeth, average height of about 5"10.
-Analysis of neolithic man shows a dramatic drop of in human health. Skeletons are short, teeth are decayed.
-Reverse migration studies over the 1800s-early 1900s showed that just about every tribe in the world was healthy on their original diet (meat and vegetables), but rates of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay started as soon as western diet was introduced. In the reverse migration cases, health returned.
-The obesity epidemic started in the 1970s, when the USDA food pyramid came out shunning meat, fat, and promoting 12 servings of grains.

Camp II: Grains are good, meat is bad
-Ancel Keys in the 1950s released a 7 countries study showing that dietary fat correlated with heart disease. Problem is there were actually 21 countries, but 14 of them just didn't fit the linear curve. Keys is basically the reason why saturated fat, cholesterol are still believed to be toxins today, despite there never being a shred of evidence proving it, and mountains of evidence disproving it.
-Vegetarians influenced a guy named Senator McGovern that fat is bad (thanks to keys) and basically set a stack of cards for the food pyramid in the 1970s being created
-Government doesn't like admitting that it's wrong
-dieticians, doctors read the rewritten text books of the 1970s with Key's hypothesis
-Government tells people they're getting fat because they're not following their recommendations

Then again I'm hella biased.

Nothing wrong with fruit and vegetables. Grains are a big problem because of lectins, gluten, and phytic acid. But without meat, you have to eat tons of grains and legumes, and sugar to make things palatable.

So really it's about the conventional wisdom. If you think that meat and saturated fats are bad, then you're going to be in camp II.

As for why people are indulging in meat, some people here are ketogenic.... < 20 grams of carbs. That limits you to meat and green vegetables. Some people do better with satiety on ketogenic, and are focused on keeping insulin low.

I'm more moderate carbohydrate, but only vegetables, fruit, and occasional potatoes. The Kitavans show that potatoes are fine. While I think keeping insulin low is important, I think body fat is primarily regulated by a satiety feedback system. Leptin is the primary hormone involved here, and fat loss should be focused on fixing leptin sensitivity. I don't see potatoes, fruit hurting leptin sensitivty, but lectins from grains are known to cause leptin resistance.
Also, the biological mechanisms through which a carbohydrate heavy diet (such as the government recommended one) causes rampage through the body are pretty well understood. These mechanisms include:

- Live processing of fructose, through which it generates new LDL (VLDL) which carries cholesterol and triglycerides (the stuff with which body fat is generated) around.
- How this VLDL is easily "stuck" on the artery walls, suffering oxidation and creating irritation which in turn creates cholesterol buildup on the artery as a recovering mechanism. This does not happen with more buoyant LDL and the larger HDL
- How this atherosclerosis creates heart attacks by means of pumping of "patchy" clots which get stuck on the reduced size of the artery.
- Also, how insulin greatly increases the oxidation and glycation (a haphazard junction of molecules) process of many molecules like hemoglobin A1c, HDL and LDL, and even collagen, which is why diabetics have "old" skin.
- How insulin creates resistance, so much more is needed to reduce the glucose levels in the bloods.
- How insulin along with IGF predispose the necessary environment for malignant tumors to grow a darwinian advantage over other tissue.

These mechanisms are exclusive to fructose, and are not present at all with most fat. The problem is that this knowledge is scattered through all the bio-disciplines with diabetists, cardiologists, biologists, biochemists and nutritionists all working the same old battles without paying attention to each other


Thanks pwn,I think it's best for me then to eat more meats and fats then but think I'll allow myself carbs on the fourth day as really enjoy some nice bread from time to time.
I've been reading the 4 Hour Body, and the author recommends a lean meat, veggies and legumes/lentils with every meal.

I'm just coming off a >20g carb diet and i'm curious about the lentils/legumes. Beans are still very high in carbs, yet high in fibre but I wouldn't be >20g a day.

Any idea why the beans would be recommended?
I never have had a problem with beans. I think beans is a good side, but don't overdo them

Also, Taube's blog is a good read to anyone wondering why calorie-restricted, low-fat and low-carb all seem to work. (I know many people here aren't big fans of Taubes' insulin take, but most that is in his post is more math than anything, so it's a good read)


A couple of points are:

1. "low fat" diets actually restrict carbs much more than fat
2. "calorie-restricetd" diets actually restrict carbs much more than fat, by virtue of arithmetic
3. Dieting works because changing the type of calories actually has an effect on fat deposition. In other words, nobody diets without stopping soda and pizza binges. So even though a calorie restricted low fat diet works, they might do so by virtue of a better type of carbohydrate (even if the total carbohydrate amount is the same, or slightly lower) than by the reduction of fat and calories per-se


Damn, worked out five of the last seven days (after basically ignoring the gym since August, did three days of resistance training and two days of cardio), ate reasonably well, and I'm like 2-3 lbs heavier then when I started a week ago. I know I shouldn't put much, uh, weight in that number, but it's still a bit depressing. Hovering around 200 lbs at 5'8", for what it's worth.

Going grocery shopping now and going to stock up on more meats and green veggies and see how that helps for next week.
You are probably building muscle. I also wouldn't put much more thought on how much you work out, but how well you are eating in order to fuel that exercise. That's much more important.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
LaneDS said:
Damn, worked out five of the last seven days (after basically ignoring the gym since August, did three days of resistance training and two days of cardio), ate reasonably well, and I'm like 2-3 lbs heavier then when I started a week ago. I know I shouldn't put much, uh, weight in that number, but it's still a bit depressing. Hovering around 200 lbs at 5'8", for what it's worth.

Going grocery shopping now and going to stock up on more meats and green veggies and see how that helps for next week.

Intermittent fasting. <3


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
BronzeWolf said:
Wow, it's really orange. Does it ever get less weird?

You can disable it if you're going to play a game or something. It goes back to normal whenever the sun is out. It looks at your latitude (you may need to adjust it) and time/calendar to determine when the sun is out in your area.

I have it installed on my PC I'm using right now, that I primarily use to rant on gaf in the evening or watch youtube clips from my bedroom.

If you click somewhere you get a preview for the entire day.
teh_pwn said:
You can disable it if you're going to play a game or something. It goes back to normal whenever the sun is out. It looks at your latitude (you may need to adjust it) and time/calendar to determine when the sun is out in your area.

I have it installed on my PC I'm using right now, that I primarily use to rant on gaf in the evening or watch youtube clips from my bedroom.

If you click somewhere you get a preview for the entire day.

Ah yes, I installed it, and it does feel good (or maybe that's just my placebo). I had already read about it but never tried it.

Maybe this is what people complain about when reading ebooks in a LCD screen. It really is a harsh light at night
So what is the optimal amount of resting someone should do in a week. I've been doing some form of exercise for 8 days straight now and it feels like it's starting to take a toll but 2 of those days were just spent running. Should I just spend certain days not working out at all?

301 last year, 220 today, 200 in a month I hope. I didn't weigh myself throughout the entire time and only ate when I was really hungry. I've started taking fish oils and supplement with some multivitamins. I'll start lifting weights when I hit my goal to tone my body and be in shape instead of just looking in shape. This is the only picture I could find of myself on my HDD, was a little camera shy :p I'll post better comparisons when I find older pics.
MiDNiGHTS said:
So what is the optimal amount of resting someone should do in a week. I've been doing some form of exercise for 8 days straight now and it feels like it's starting to take a toll but 2 of those days were just spent running. Should I just spend certain days not working out at all?

what do you think?


You should rest at least two days!
CrushDance said:
301 last year, 220 today, 200 in a month I hope. I didn't weigh myself throughout the entire time and only ate when I was really hungry. I've started taking fish oils and supplement with some multivitamins. I'll start lifting weights when I hit my goal to tone my body and be in shape instead of just looking in shape. This is the only picture I could find of myself on my HDD, was a little camera shy :p I'll post better comparisons when I find older pics.

Don't wait. Start working out now. You will find that your weight loss slows or stagnates a little bit, as you build some muscle, but your body composition will change greatly.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
5' 6'', 125 lbs. is the approximate height and weight of the Schleck brothers. Granted, they are world-class athletes so the comparisons to us mere mortals aren't perfect, but they're certainly not malnourished.

Definitely build in some rest days, especially this time of year in the northern hemisphere. Otherwise you will get sick and then set yourself back further.


quick check-in on my current diet routine. been doing this for about a week now and was wondering if it looks okay to continue long term or should i mix it up:

Water all day long

2 eggs with a serving or two of salsa
4 pieces of turkey bacon

2 Chicken breasts or some other meat
couple servings of veggies

2 eggs with a serving or two of salsa
4 pieces of turkey bacon

hand full of almonds 2-3 times a day

Just wanted opinion on eating breakfast two times a day..in the morning and for dinner.

Edit: should i take a multivitamin as well?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
LaneDS said:
Could you expand on this please? As in, a rough idea of how often and for how many meals I should try it?

Choose a 16 hour window to not consume any calories (water, tea and black coffee w/ artifical sweetners are fine) and an 8 hour window to eat. Do this everyday. I normally do 18-20 fasting windows every day mostly because I've come to the realization that I'm not as hungry as I thought I was all this time. My cut off point is 9:30pm.


Domino Theory said:
Choose a 16 hour window to not consume any calories (water, tea and black coffee w/ artifical sweetners are fine) and an 8 hour window to eat. Do this everyday. I normally do 18-20 fasting windows every day mostly because I've come to the realization that I'm not as hungry as I thought I was all this time. My cut off point is 9:30pm.

Yikes, not sure I could handle that, but might give it a go in the near future. Thanks for the reply and the website as well, will read up more on it.
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