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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Domino Theory said:
Choose a 16 hour window to not consume any calories (water, tea and black coffee w/ artifical sweetners are fine) and an 8 hour window to eat. Do this everyday. I normally do 18-20 fasting windows every day mostly because I've come to the realization that I'm not as hungry as I thought I was all this time. My cut off point is 9:30pm.

What the hell...I've been doing this by accident along with my keto then.

I have nothing going on, so I usually wake up at noon. I eat breakfast, lunch, 2nd lunch, and dinner, and I stop eating at 8 p.m. So there's usually about 16 hours where I am not eating.


betweenthewheels said:
I get those too, only to wake up and find out it wasn't a dream!

Haha, well I purged my house of all junk food so I'm pretty sure it didn't happen (unless I'm sleep-eating now :lol)


1stStrike said:
Haha, well I purged my house of all junk food so I'm pretty sure it didn't happen (unless I'm sleep-eating now :lol)
It's only when you wake up ... that you feel that something is strange ...


it's 4th of July in my asshole
1stStrike said:
I'm doing well, though I dreamed that I bought and ate skittles last night. Weird fucking dream.

I had a dream i was in a military prison with some friends, we had to do an organ transplant in "the yard" with organs that where wrapped in tin foil. Then some normal prisoners in orange jump suits got in there somehow. Twas a bit weird.


...hate me...
Hey weight loss-GAF!

So as I reported I hit the 100kg mark by the new year's eve but have been putting my shit together since. I'm now at 95. Was 95.1 when I woke up this morning but then I took a deuce and got to 94.9 hehe ;)

I haven't been religious about anything, but a little bit of Dukan's (as seen here), a little bit of exercice, and a lot of just cutting down all the shit I'd eat on a daily basis can go a long way I see.

I know the first kilos are always the easiest ones, and it's now that shit gets tough, but still, this little weight loss is encouraging. If I could shave 5kg per month until May/June it would be perfect!

Keep going dudes!


metamonk said:
quick check-in on my current diet routine. been doing this for about a week now and was wondering if it looks okay to continue long term or should i mix it up:

Water all day long

2 eggs with a serving or two of salsa
4 pieces of turkey bacon

2 Chicken breasts or some other meat
couple servings of veggies

2 eggs with a serving or two of salsa
4 pieces of turkey bacon

hand full of almonds 2-3 times a day

Just wanted opinion on eating breakfast two times a day..in the morning and for dinner.

Edit: should i take a multivitamin as well?
Multivitamin is always a good idea, just dont use it as a replacement for anything.

I'd suggest to eat more vegetables/fiber in there. I see you're doing extreme low carb, so I guess some multigrain bread isn't what you're looking for, but some more veggies would be good. Or take a fiber supplement or something.

Honestly, your diet seems a bit too strict and boring. I dont know how you are, but if it were me, I'd get extremely tired of eggs and turkey bacon really quick. I eat that for breakfast 3 or 4 times a week(I include a piece of multigrain toast, too), dont get me wrong, but every day for breakfast and dinner? Hell no.

I'd mix it up more. For dinner at least. That doesn't sound like a long-term diet at all.
I have a love/hate relationship with eggs.

I loved the shit out of them until I ate them every day along with devilled eggs in the evenings...killed it pretty quick, now I can't stomach them :(

Now I have a slab of beef/pork for breakfast...
Xelinis said:
Make sure the scale is properly calibrated.

Oh, and take a dump.



Seanspeed said:
Multivitamin is always a good idea, just dont use it as a replacement for anything.

I'd suggest to eat more vegetables/fiber in there. I see you're doing extreme low carb, so I guess some multigrain bread isn't what you're looking for, but some more veggies would be good. Or take a fiber supplement or something.

Honestly, your diet seems a bit too strict and boring. I dont know how you are, but if it were me, I'd get extremely tired of eggs and turkey bacon really quick. I eat that for breakfast 3 or 4 times a week(I include a piece of multigrain toast, too), dont get me wrong, but every day for breakfast and dinner? Hell no.

I'd mix it up more. For dinner at least. That doesn't sound like a long-term diet at all.

yea, i'm loving bacon and eggs for breakfast and dinner lol. gonna finish this week up (til friday night) then i'll start mixing up dinner more. will add veggies for dinner as well...broccoli and probably cauliflower. sprinkle with some parmesan cheese...mm so good. also will pick up a multivitamin this weekend. thanks for the input :)

edit: lol southpark picture XD
NomarTyme said:
Get a new scale.
Okay, I read the scale wrong and I'm glad I took a picture at the gym but I do have some good news: I'm only about 182ish right now.

Friday I weighed myself at 190 and got really upset and posted in this thread and got an idea out of it. Monday and Tuesday for lunch and dinner I would only have a protein shake. I felt shitty but I did have noticebly less fat on me. I weighed myself at home this morning at 175. I ended up ordering a decent sized salad for lunch and finishing it. At the gym, between sets I weighed myself at 185. Uh, took a dump and weighed myself at home again at 182. There was a difference in the few days I did this and I'm considering doing it some more in order to lose some more fat. Friday evening and Tuesday evening
grap3fruitman said:
Okay, I read the scale wrong and I'm glad I took a picture at the gym but I do have some good news: I'm only about 182ish right now.

Friday I weighed myself at 190 and got really upset and posted in this thread and got an idea out of it. Monday and Tuesday for lunch and dinner I would only have a protein shake. I felt shitty but I did have noticebly less fat on me. I weighed myself at home this morning at 175. I ended up ordering a decent sized salad for lunch and finishing it. At the gym, between sets I weighed myself at 185. Uh, took a dump and weighed myself at home again at 182. There was a difference in the few days I did this and I'm considering doing it some more in order to lose some more fat. Friday evening and Tuesday evening

Aren't you supposed to weigh yourself at the same time every day? Wouldn't that be more accurate? When I do my weigh ins, it is always in the morning first thing as soon as I wake up.
Since this has turned into the De Facto weight loss thread, I was wondering if we could make a new one with tons of useful information in the OP. Maybe that could help so many people at increasing their knowledge about how their body actually works, dispel most insidious nutritional myths and make people not only lose weight, but learn in the process.

I think the following topics would be great for those that are still wondering how the fuck the body stores and uses energy.

Your Body 101
- Anatomy: liver, thyroid, hypothalamus and pancreas, who are they and what do they do?
- What is glucose, fat and protein? Why do cells need them?
- What are triglycerides and fatty acids? What do they have to do with fat and muscle tissue? How do the cell get them and use them? (LPL)
- What is cholesterol? Why is everybody afraid of it?
- What are lippoproteins (HDL,LDL and VLDL) what do they do and why are they important?
- What is Insulin? What does it have to do with weight gain/loss?
- What are vitamins? How do they work? Which Vitamins are worth supplementing and how?
- What are the omegas? How do they work?
- Difference between workouts and their physical consequences. How does exercise relate to weight gain/loss? How does exercise relate to quality of life?

Common weight illnesses and what causes them
- What is obesity, exactly? Why am I so hungry all the time?
- What is atherosclerosis and why do heart attacks happen?
- What is diabetes, it's different types and what does it have to do with weight gain?
- What is cancer? How are common cancers related to nutrition?
- What is Alzheimer? How is it related to nutrition?

Actual Diets
- Comparison of actual Carb/Protein/Fat contents between the various diets
- Food Suggestions

Other helpful information
- The scientific method
- The first law of thermodynamics for non-physicists.
- How to distinguish good science from bad
- Common myths and misinformation
- Interesting epidemiological, anthropological, biochemical and clinical evidence
- Further reading.

This would be in addition to a wall of pride, of all the amazing posters that have bettered their lives through the obesity fight.

So what do you say people? I thinks this would be a great project and it would help tons of people


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I would also talk about leptin and the body fat setpoint theory. There is some evidence that the resistance is slightly downstream from the leptin pathways, but basically the idea of the setpoint theory applies in that case. The setpoint applies both the the overweight struggling to lose fat, and the thin struggling to pack on muscle.

I've also gotten hints from Robb Wolf's latest stuff that vitamin D is one of several substances created by UV radiation. I'm thinking light tanning is probably ideal for things that are attributed to vitamin D, as they may be really caused by all of the stuff that UV radiation triggers.
teh_pwn said:
I would also talk about leptin and the body fat setpoint theory. There is some evidence that the resistance is slightly downstream from the leptin pathways, but basically the idea of the setpoint theory applies in that case. The setpoint applies both the the overweight struggling to lose fat, and the thin struggling to pack on muscle.

I am absolutely ignorant of this, but would love to know more!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
BronzeWolf said:
I am absolutely ignorant of this, but would love to know more!





I think it's a factor in many people, but I don't think it answers all cause of obesity. Sleep deprivation can do it, among other things.

Another thing people seem to struggle with on here is what to eat. Personally I'm content with steak and salads 5/7 days a week. Easy to make, keeps digestion going - especially with magnesium. No bloating, irritation like there is with many grains and legumes.

Here are some recipes that are good, but tend to be tedious:
grap3fruitman said:
Okay, I read the scale wrong and I'm glad I took a picture at the gym but I do have some good news: I'm only about 182ish right now.

Friday I weighed myself at 190 and got really upset and posted in this thread and got an idea out of it. Monday and Tuesday for lunch and dinner I would only have a protein shake. I felt shitty but I did have noticebly less fat on me. I weighed myself at home this morning at 175. I ended up ordering a decent sized salad for lunch and finishing it. At the gym, between sets I weighed myself at 185. Uh, took a dump and weighed myself at home again at 182. There was a difference in the few days I did this and I'm considering doing it some more in order to lose some more fat. Friday evening and Tuesday evening

Weigh yourself once a month, at most, in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Take pictures on the first of the month and use that as your progress report. Stop fixating on your weight on a daily basis. Your weight will always fluctuate due to water weight.


Man, I feel kind of guilty, though it's technically not bad according to the diet. I was absolutely starving today and so I cooked up 4 turkey burgers on my george foreman grill (just got it yesterday and it fucking rocks) intending to eat 2 of them. I ate all 4.

That's all I had for dinner, though and haven't had anything else since and won't eat again until the morning. I had a pancake for breakfast (1 egg, 2 tbs oat bran, 1 tbs wheat bran, 1/4 milk) and 3 pieces of turkey bacton with a vanilla greek yogurt for dessert. That's all I've eaten today aside from like a pound of turkey burgers <_<

Friday is going to suck. It's my grandmother's birthday and there's going to be cake and food and stuff... so I have to eat carefully =\
Masta_Killah said:
Weigh yourself once a month, at most, in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Take pictures on the first of the month and use that as your progress report. Stop fixating on your weight on a daily basis. Your weight will always fluctuate due to water weight.
I've been working out for almost two years now, I'm not progressing and it's making me anxious.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Body weight varies a lot with people. Especially people that are trying to lose weight because they are likely insulin resistant. When insulin is high, it influences the kidneys to retain more salt, and consequently the body retains water. If you are insulin resistant, you have chronically high insulin. It's the same reason why lots of people in Atkins induction phase drop 5-6 lbs within 2 days - it's water.

Also some people on here are describing constipation issues. I posted some tips earlier, but basically eat fiberous foods that humans have eaten for hundreds of thousands of years, drink water, supplement magnesium (400 mg citrate form) because farm soil is deficient, and if you drink coffee drink even more water.
grap3fruitman said:
Okay, I read the scale wrong and I'm glad I took a picture at the gym but I do have some good news: I'm only about 182ish right now.

Friday I weighed myself at 190 and got really upset and posted in this thread and got an idea out of it. Monday and Tuesday for lunch and dinner I would only have a protein shake. I felt shitty but I did have noticebly less fat on me. I weighed myself at home this morning at 175. I ended up ordering a decent sized salad for lunch and finishing it. At the gym, between sets I weighed myself at 185. Uh, took a dump and weighed myself at home again at 182. There was a difference in the few days I did this and I'm considering doing it some more in order to lose some more fat. Friday evening and Tuesday evening

Dude, you don't look at all like I imagined. You are in good shape man: big arms, strong chest. Did you start doing the compound exercises we recommended?
1stStrike said:
Man, I feel kind of guilty, though it's technically not bad according to the diet. I was absolutely starving today and so I cooked up 4 turkey burgers on my george foreman grill (just got it yesterday and it fucking rocks) intending to eat 2 of them. I ate all 4.

That's all I had for dinner, though and haven't had anything else since and won't eat again until the morning. I had a pancake for breakfast (1 egg, 2 tbs oat bran, 1 tbs wheat bran, 1/4 milk) and 3 pieces of turkey bacton with a vanilla greek yogurt for dessert. That's all I've eaten today aside from like a pound of turkey burgers <_<

Friday is going to suck. It's my grandmother's birthday and there's going to be cake and food and stuff... so I have to eat carefully =\

That's what cheat days are for. I've had a cheat day every Sunday and I'm still losing weight. I'm down to 175 now since I started my cut on the New Year(~184). Losing roughly 2 lbs a week, which is what I was hoping for. Hoping to get to 160 by the end of March. Great thing is that my strength hasn't diminished at all. In fact, I've been slowly increasing the weight on some of my lifts. Seeing that just gets me even more determined and motivated to continue on with my cut.
1stStrike said:
Haha, yeah. Just that it's only been 2 weeks since I started the diet so I wasn't quite planning a cheat day this early :p

Don't worry about it. If you've stayed on course with your restriction throughout the week, you can afford a cheat day or two on the weekend. I've only started my cut in January as well and I've lost 2 lbs a week. The key is to maintain your calorie restriction throughout the week, which can be hard the first few days since it can be such a shock to your body. I was seriously going to sleep hungry, as well as getting hunger pains during the middle of the night. Changed my diet so that I'm eating a lot more meat, with some yams as a side and my hunger pains have subsided greatly.

If you really want to succeed in the weight loss, start counting your calories. I've been using the Lose It! app, which does a pretty good job with keeping track of my calories. I think it even adjusts your daily calories so that you can reach your target date for the weight you want. The only downside is that a lot of the meals I eat aren't on the apps list, or they're off. Fast food is really off, so you will have to research that online. Good thing most places have their nutritional values available online. For everything else, I just Google search and it gives me a pretty good estimate for calories.


Masta_Killah said:
Don't worry about it. If you've stayed on course with your restriction throughout the week, you can afford a cheat day or two on the weekend. I've only started my cut in January as well and I've lost 2 lbs a week. The key is to maintain your calorie restriction throughout the week, which can be hard the first few days since it can be such a shock to your body. I was seriously going to sleep hungry, as well as getting hunger pains during the middle of the night. Changed my diet so that I'm eating a lot more meat, with some yams as a side and my hunger pains have subsided greatly.

See, I've never really been starving at all since I've been on this diet. Today was the first day I was -really- hungry at dinner time. Usually I'm just mildly hungry, but today I was actually starving and those turkey burgers were damn good.

Granted, I don't do a lot of physical activity. With freezing rain and snow every couple of days, and not having a car, I'm not all that motivated (and won't be until Spring). The diet, though, that's been so much easier then I imagined.

Like, I fucking love reeses peanut butter cups, but apparently I love meat more because I've been happily eating turkey, chicken, hamburger, etc. no problem. Actually, I need to have myself a sald for dinner tomorrow (with chicken on it :lol)
1stStrike said:
See, I've never really been starving at all since I've been on this diet. Today was the first day I was -really- hungry at dinner time. Usually I'm just mildly hungry, but today I was actually starving and those turkey burgers were damn good.

Granted, I don't do a lot of physical activity. With freezing rain and snow every couple of days, and not having a car, I'm not all that motivated (and won't be until Spring). The diet, though, that's been so much easier then I imagined.

Like, I fucking love reeses peanut butter cups, but apparently I love meat more because I've been happily eating turkey, chicken, hamburger, etc. no problem. Actually, I need to have myself a sald for dinner tomorrow (with chicken on it :lol)

If you can stomach a boring meal plan, you can do what I'm doing-
4-8 oz of boneless chicken leg meat
3-6 oz of sweet potato boiled
Hot sauce/chili paste

I thought I would hate eating the same thing everyday, but I'm actually enjoying it. With various seasonings, the chicken can be really satisfying. The leg meat is great as well since it's pretty fatty when compared to chicken breast(which I find really dry). You can cook it without adding oil, which is great when trying to keep a calorie deficit. Sweet potato is fucking tasty. I add in some garlic salt and its just heaven.

I got this idea from the bodybuilding.com forum. The sweet potato seems like one of the secrets that bodybuilders use to satisfy their hunger when they are cutting.


Went from 155 to 150-2 in 4 weeks doing P90x. Losing the lil gut I have. Still got ways to go.

Now gonna intake more protein and healthy carbs/fats to gain muscle mass.
I don't believe counting calories is absolutely necessary. I doubt ancestors had to count calories to stay lean, I don't think we should. I still think it's a good exercise to know what your food is all about, but I don't think it's needed for most people.

At January the 1st I weighted 194 lb

Today, I weight 182 lb. This cut has been amazing. Never did much of calorie counting. Just stopped working out for 2 weeks, cut the carbs and increased my Meat intake to epic proportions


1stStrike said:
Man, I feel kind of guilty, though it's technically not bad according to the diet. I was absolutely starving today and so I cooked up 4 turkey burgers on my george foreman grill (just got it yesterday and it fucking rocks) intending to eat 2 of them. I ate all 4.

That's all I had for dinner, though and haven't had anything else since and won't eat again until the morning. I had a pancake for breakfast (1 egg, 2 tbs oat bran, 1 tbs wheat bran, 1/4 milk) and 3 pieces of turkey bacton with a vanilla greek yogurt for dessert. That's all I've eaten today aside from like a pound of turkey burgers <_<

Friday is going to suck. It's my grandmother's birthday and there's going to be cake and food and stuff... so I have to eat carefully =\

And what was wrong in what you did ? Seems that everything is according to the diet, no ?

And for the birthday ... if that's too hard mentally, you can skip the diet for an exception I think. I did this two or three times, and it had no action on my weight loss. Of course, absolutely can't do this everyday. But at a wedding, I totally blew the diet (foie-gras, cakes, and all sort of nasty things), but compensated with more sport the 2/3 next days. Actually, it gave me a lot of spirit to hang on my diet, and gave me some fresh air not to be totally depressed by the envy :D.

BronzeWolf said:
I don't believe counting calories is absolutely necessary. I doubt ancestors had to count calories to stay lean, I don't think we should. I still think it's a good exercise to know what your food is all about, but I don't think it's needed for most people.
Same here.
And above all, I don't have time to weight and mesure all my food so precisely, keeping track of everything. Dukan's diet was perfect for me since quantities weren't important, only the type of things you ate.


Fox1304 said:
And what was wrong in what you did ? Seems that everything is according to the diet, no ?

And for the birthday ... if that's too hard mentally, you can skip the diet for an exception I think. I did this two or three times, and it had no action on my weight loss. Of course, absolutely can't do this everyday. But at a wedding, I totally blew the diet (foie-gras, cakes, and all sort of nasty things), but compensated with more sport the 2/3 next days. Actually, it gave me a lot of spirit to hang on my diet, and gave me some fresh air not to be totally depressed by the envy :D.

Yeah, it's "within the diet". They say that you can technically eat as much as you want of meat and such (within reason of course). Still, I just felt kind of bad eating 4 turkey burgers lol. I should've had some greens with it instead.

And, yeah, I'll probably just enjoy the day, eat a good portion (until i'm fully, not bloated) and then hop back on the diet the next day.


1stStrike said:
I should've had some greens with it instead.

Yeah, if you're in vegetable-phase, you HAVE to eat some and not skip them. You'll lose less weight in the next full protein phase if you don't.

1stStrike said:
And, yeah, I'll probably just enjoy the day, eat a good portion (until i'm fully, not bloated) and then hop back on the diet the next day.

That's the idea. Enjoy your meal, take some pleasure, but only take one portion of everything, don't come back to any part of the meal, and don't eat for eating.
It's incredible how you'll enjoy the food ;)


Yeah, one of my issues for years has always been that I eat FAST. This was ingrained in me in the military (a full plate of food with 2 minutes to eat it. I learned how to eat a waffle in one bite =\ ).

Definitely need to kick that habit!
Lost 7 pounds in the first two weeks of my lifestyle change.

Exercise - 1 hour full body weight training with 10 minutes cardio each end. 3 times a week.

Food -

Porridge for breakfast

Small tin of tuna around 10am

Whole chicken breast on 1 slice of wholemeal bread with some lettuce

Handful of cashew nuts and a nectarine around 4pm

Whole chicken breast with lots of veg for dinner.

Protein shake post workout.

Cottege cheese on ryveta before bed.

And lots of water throughout the day.

Loving it so far!


BronzeWolf said:
I don't believe counting calories is absolutely necessary. I doubt ancestors had to count calories to stay lean, I don't think we should. I still think it's a good exercise to know what your food is all about, but I don't think it's needed for most people.
Just because you didn't need to calorie count doesn't mean other people wont.

The problem is that many people dont realize what they're eating. Spending a month or two counting calories is a great way to figure out exactly what you're putting into your body and whether or not you're not meeting or even exceeding your limits. Its important that you eat enough, too, ya know? Its easy to get carried away with eating light and not realizing you're half starving yourself.

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone. You can stop after a while once you get a pretty good idea of what's what, but in the beginning, its very useful information to go by.


jamieson - diet looks pretty good man.
BronzeWolf said:
Since this has turned into the De Facto weight loss thread, I was wondering if we could make a new one with tons of useful information in the OP. Maybe that could help so many people at increasing their knowledge about how their body actually works, dispel most insidious nutritional myths and make people not only lose weight, but learn in the process.

A health/nutrition thread would be a great idea.
Seanspeed said:
Just because you didn't need to calorie count doesn't mean other people wont.

There is plenty of evidence that shows that the amount of calories do not correlate as strongly with the actual weight loss. Not counting calories also is another load off the dieter's back.

THAT SAID, and as I said, it's a good way to knowing what is in your food. I support counting calories not for the calories itself, but that when you look at calories you usually look at the carbohydrate content and type and it's ingredients. The later is, imho, much more important

I do agree with you that people eating too little is also a problem, and counting calories might help it.


BronzeWolf said:
Since this has turned into the De Facto weight loss thread, I was wondering if we could make a new one with tons of useful information in the OP. Maybe that could help so many people at increasing their knowledge about how their body actually works, dispel most insidious nutritional myths and make people not only lose weight, but learn in the process.

I think the following topics would be great for those that are still wondering how the fuck the body stores and uses energy.

Your Body 101
- Anatomy: liver, thyroid, hypothalamus and pancreas, who are they and what do they do?
- What is glucose, fat and protein? Why do cells need them?
- What are triglycerides and fatty acids? What do they have to do with fat and muscle tissue? How do the cell get them and use them? (LPL)
- What is cholesterol? Why is everybody afraid of it?
- What are lippoproteins (HDL,LDL and VLDL) what do they do and why are they important?
- What is Insulin? What does it have to do with weight gain/loss?
- What are vitamins? How do they work? Which Vitamins are worth supplementing and how?
- What are the omegas? How do they work?
- Difference between workouts and their physical consequences. How does exercise relate to weight gain/loss? How does exercise relate to quality of life?

Common weight illnesses and what causes them
- What is obesity, exactly? Why am I so hungry all the time?
- What is atherosclerosis and why do heart attacks happen?
- What is diabetes, it's different types and what does it have to do with weight gain?
- What is cancer? How are common cancers related to nutrition?
- What is Alzheimer? How is it related to nutrition?

Actual Diets
- Comparison of actual Carb/Protein/Fat contents between the various diets
- Food Suggestions

Other helpful information
- The scientific method
- The first law of thermodynamics for non-physicists.
- How to distinguish good science from bad
- Common myths and misinformation
- Interesting epidemiological, anthropological, biochemical and clinical evidence
- Further reading.

This would be in addition to a wall of pride, of all the amazing posters that have bettered their lives through the obesity fight.

So what do you say people? I thinks this would be a great project and it would help tons of people

i like this idea =)
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