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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


betweenthewheels said:
I have a couple squares of dark chocolate (85% cocoa) every day. It's low in carbs and great for suppressing my sweet tooth.

See, I would do that, but I'm afraid that I'd just be like "oh fuck chocolate omnomnom" and destroy all of it in one sitting. Right now my pleasure food is this locally made multi-grain german bread. No bullshit in it and it's amazingly awesome. I have about 1 - 2 slices a week. The loaf is going to go bad before I finish it =\
What time of day (if at all) do you guys find yourself the weakest willed? i.e. Most likely to surrender to temptation

I wake up in the middle of the night with these intense cravings and I stumble to the kitchen and eat anything I can find.

I thought I was eating enough, but perhaps it's a sign to eat more.
To me it's early night! I can barely restrain myself from eating some tacos from 7 to 10 PM. It's a pet peeve that I haven't really been able to address


I've been skipping breakfast the past two days :| I'll wake up and just be like "ugh, i don't feel like cooking breakfast" and then end up eating a larger lunch and either a small dinner (or no dinner) later on. Everything I'm eating is within my diet, but still not good to miss out on breakfast. I'm just like never hungry in the morning though.
can that be considered intermittent fasting? The school of thought of "eat little all the time" has been debunked, and fasting improves fatty acid mobilization, so as long as it's working I wouldn't worry too much


betweenthewheels said:
What time of day (if at all) do you guys find yourself the weakest willed? i.e. Most likely to surrender to temptation

I wake up in the middle of the night with these intense cravings and I stumble to the kitchen and eat anything I can find.

I thought I was eating enough, but perhaps it's a sign to eat more.

12-1 am usually.


Inspiring thread.

I've not been super strict since the holidays and only generally calorie counting with Lose It!, zero exercise as well. Went from 215 in July to 195 in November, maintained / plateaued during the holidays and now down to 190. I'm 5'11, btw. Goal was 185, think I'll go for 180.

Biggest issue was not getting caught up in a certain area to lose (ie my gut), when it comes off it seems to comes off all over the place, and I've stopped snoring, or so I've been told.


betweenthewheels said:
What time of day (if at all) do you guys find yourself the weakest willed? i.e. Most likely to surrender to temptation

I wake up in the middle of the night with these intense cravings and I stumble to the kitchen and eat anything I can find.

I thought I was eating enough, but perhaps it's a sign to eat more.

For me it's probably around 4-5 pm when I feel a little tired from the day. I also get crazy cravings in the middle of the night, but that doesn't bother me too much actually. I don't know why I find it easy to get through that. I think it's probably because I'd look silly rummaging through the fridge at one in the morning.
1stStrike said:
I've been skipping breakfast the past two days :| I'll wake up and just be like "ugh, i don't feel like cooking breakfast" and then end up eating a larger lunch and either a small dinner (or no dinner) later on. Everything I'm eating is within my diet, but still not good to miss out on breakfast. I'm just like never hungry in the morning though.

I get that a lot too, I usually wait an hour or so. I miss cereal/oatmeal, since it's quick and pretty appetizing in the mornings.


I have to leave my home somewhat early in the morning and most breakfast meals actually make me gag so early in the morning. Cereal is one of the few things that doesn't do that to me.
So I need some help on the figuring out the exercise side of things. I play basketball at least 5 days a week and I try to run twice a week. I try to do some weight stuff with what I have and simple exercises like push-ups, crunches, etc. I've been doing these kinds of things since May and it seems like progress is coming very slowly and there a lot of setbacks like joint pain (mostly knees) and a lot of muscle soreness/strains. I've been thinking I need more rest days but when I come back from rest days I feel like whatever strength/cardio I gained was lost and I gotta get it back. So in summary I'm seeing progress from where I started but it seems brutally slow and not very dramatic of a difference between now and then. Also to clear any confusion this isn't a weight loss issue but a physical condition thing.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
_Isaac said:
For me it's probably around 4-5 pm when I feel a little tired from the day. I also get crazy cravings in the middle of the night, but that doesn't bother me too much actually. I don't know why I find it easy to get through that. I think it's probably because I'd look silly rummaging through the fridge at one in the morning.

That's strange. It think it implies something about your cortisol, insulin, and blood sugar. Normally when you sleep your body is supposed to run on glucose until things start getting low, and then uses cortisol and ketones to keep the brain fueled. I think I recall reading that the reason why you wake up 2-3 hours into sleep if you drink just before bed has to do with this - the alcohol causes a blood sugar crash and the cortisol rebound wakes you up with hunger.

_Isaac said:
I have to leave my home somewhat early in the morning and most breakfast meals actually make me gag so early in the morning. Cereal is one of the few things that doesn't do that to me.

Yeah, definitely not normal. Do you wake up really tired and then have trouble going to sleep at night?


teh_pwn said:
That's strange. It think it implies something about your cortisol, insulin, and blood sugar. Normally when you sleep your body is supposed to run on glucose until things start getting low, and then uses cortisol and ketones to keep the brain fueled. I think I recall reading that the reason why you wake up 2-3 hours into sleep if you drink just before bed has to do with this - the alcohol causes a blood sugar crash and the cortisol rebound wakes you up with hunger.

Yeah, definitely not normal. Do you wake up really tired and then have trouble going to sleep at night?

Well, when I say middle of the night, I mean I'm awake in the middle of the night when I get cravings. I don't get jolted out of my slumber aching for some sausages.
As for the morning thing, I think I've always been like that. I do wake up tired and I do have a lot of trouble going to sleep. Ever since I was a kid, it would take me a while of just lying awake in bed before I actually fell asleep.
MiDNiGHTS said:
So I need some help on the figuring out the exercise side of things. I play basketball at least 5 days a week and I try to run twice a week. I try to do some weight stuff with what I have and simple exercises like push-ups, crunches, etc. I've been doing these kinds of things since May and it seems like progress is coming very slowly and there a lot of setbacks like joint pain (mostly knees) and a lot of muscle soreness/strains. I've been thinking I need more rest days but when I come back from rest days I feel like whatever strength/cardio I gained was lost and I gotta get it back. So in summary I'm seeing progress from where I started but it seems brutally slow and not very dramatic of a difference between now and then. Also to clear any confusion this isn't a weight loss issue but a physical condition thing.

If you keep taking those breaks due to being sore, you'll always be sore. Stick to your routine, don't take days off because you're sore, only take days off if you feel sharp pain, warm up properly, stretch after warming up, stretch after your workout, etc..
I'm looking for some advice from you guys.

This is what my body looks like today more or less (it's not me though):

This is what I want my body to look like (more or less):

What activities do I do?
  • Running for at least 3 times a week, about 4 miles or so. have been doing that for about 10 years now, so my endurance/condition is great. I could go on for hours, if it were not for my knees being completely fucked up. So if those fail, I have to take a break for a day or 2/3, which is annoying. Like right now. Knees are sore, won't be able to run for a few days. :(
  • Dumbbells of 22lbs / 10kg : about 100-150 times with each arm a day
  • Pushups : about 150 a day, in sets of 30.
(I used to swim for about a year, but my subscription has ended and I'm not planning on renewing it).

What do I eat?
  • Lots of vegetables (mostly in the form of soup)
  • Little meat, some fish
  • Rice, bread, sometimes paste, rarely any potatoes
  • Cheese, Yogurt, milk, sometimes eggs
  • Almost no fruits however. :-/
I don't really eat a lot of sweets or fat stuff, but I'm not going to forbid myself from eating a bag of chips every once in a while. I try to eat healthy, but I'm not really counting anything (calories, proteins, fat, sugar, ...) or following a specific diet. I just eat what I assume is healthy. But from reading gaf's workout/weight-loss threads, that will not necessarily give you results....

I don't think achieving that ^^ kind of body is entirely impossible (although I'm aware genetics are involved), but I'm completely torn on how to achieve that. My main nuisance is that I still have fat everywhere on my upper body. It's not a lot, but it's there. A little gut, little definition in the arms, ... I'd rather be skinny with little muscle, than have lots of muscle but with fat everywhere. So I think I end up having a completely shitty workout/diet method. I'm so annoyed about my little gut that I chose not to eat too much and lose some weight. But then I must convince myself again that by no means am I fat and that it's probably better to just work on muscle building. But for that you need to eat more! So I'm stuck: I want to have a very low bodyfat % to tone up, but I also want to gain at least some muscle.

Any tips and tricks from you guys?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Goddamn, went out drinkin tonight and got 1/ONE Vodka and Red Bull, was able to drink about 1/5 of it before i had to pour it in a bigger cup and water it down with Soda Water. Shit was rank.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Souldriver said:
Any tips and tricks from you guys?

I think your goal pic is a little emaciated. But if you want to get rid of body fat on the waist, you've got to lower cortisol. Sleep 8 hours per day, reduce stress, sync your day/sleep cycles with the sun as best as possible.

_Isaac said:
Well, when I say middle of the night, I mean I'm awake in the middle of the night when I get cravings. I don't get jolted out of my slumber aching for some sausages.
As for the morning thing, I think I've always been like that. I do wake up tired and I do have a lot of trouble going to sleep. Ever since I was a kid, it would take me a while of just lying awake in bed before I actually fell asleep.

That sounds like the "chronic fatigue syndrome" stuff I've read briefly. Don't know how much validity is to it, but basically the idea is that if you stress out enough, your adrenal glands burn out. You are supposed to have high cortisol in the morning, low at at night. But if you're stressed and the cortisol output is low, you start the day low and gradually your body tries to build it up as it can throughout the day. And lots of sugar in the diet creates a tug of war between insulin and cortisol to control blood sugar. Or so they say (I think Robb Wolf and Tony Horton have mentioned this). Regardless sleep is good.
Souldriver said:
What activities do I do?
  • Running for at least 3 times a week, about 4 miles or so. have been doing that for about 10 years now, so my endurance/condition is great. I could go on for hours, if it were not for my knees being completely fucked up. So if those fail, I have to take a break for a day or 2/3, which is annoying. Like right now. Knees are sore, won't be able to run for a few days. :(
  • Dumbbells of 22lbs / 10kg : about 100-150 times with each arm a day
  • Pushups : about 150 a day, in sets of 30.
(I used to swim for about a year, but my subscription has ended and I'm not planning on renewing it).

You want that body? Start lifting real weights. Compound exercises, heavy weight, low reps. Do this while eating more than just a salad. Lots of meat and some carbs. Gain about 10-15 lbs, then go on a cut. Bam, now you look like that skinny model.

You need to decide what you want. You can't build muscle like that model if you don't eat properly.
teh_pwn said:
I think your goal pic is a little emaciated. But if you want to get rid of body fat on the waist, you've got to lower cortisol. Sleep 8 hours per day, reduce stress, sync your day/sleep cycles with the sun as best as possible.
Just read a bit about cortisol. Thanks for the suggestion, because right now I couldn't be further off from that. I'm 24/7 under a lot of stress, I sleep 2 times a day for about 3 hours on completely random moments, and I'm the most active after sunset/before sunrise. So yeaah... haha.

Masta_Killah said:
You want that body? Start lifting real weights. Compound exercises, heavy weight, low reps. Do this while eating more than just a salad. Lots of meat and some carbs. Gain about 10-15 lbs, then go on a cut. Bam, now you look like that skinny model.

You need to decide what you want. You can't build muscle like that model if you don't eat properly.
Thanks for the advice. It bums me out though for several reasons.

First; meat is very expensive and I live on a tight budget. So I should have to eat more and more expensive. It's just not feasible. Is the meat-suggestion because it has lots of proteins in it? If so, can I substitute that with fish and dairy perhaps?

Also, if I understand, you're telling me to focus more on short but powerful sets of heavy lifting rather than doing endless exercises that never really become "too much"? I'm foreign tot the body building jargon though, and I'm not native english, so stuff like "compound exercises" aren't exactly clear. I'll google it though, so no need to explain everything. :) But what I take away from that is that I can only get close to the body I want by joining a gym and not by doing exercises at home, because I need heavy weights. Right?

I do wonder though: what are the carbs for? Because I always thought that carbs were counterproductive when you want to tone your body. Or is this simply to reach a higher calorie count and therefore be able to build up muscle mass? I think this is another example of me completely lacking an understanding of how to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time. Haha.

I'm also reading up on the P90X stuff (but that's expensive as well).

Thanks again for the advice.
BronzeWolf said:
You should hit the Fitness thread. I believe you need to build muscle first and foremost, and those guys are the experts on that
Yeah, was really questioning which thread to post in. I guess I chose wrong. Haha.

For reference: I'm 1m78cm / 5.9 feet and I weigh 67kg / 148lbs. So I guess weight loss is not really the issue, but transforming my bit of excess fat in muscle.
Souldriver said:
First; meat is very expensive and I live on a tight budget. So I should have to eat more and more expensive. It's just not feasible. Is the meat-suggestion because it has lots of proteins in it? If so, can I substitute that with fish and dairy perhaps?
The reason why I say to eat red meat is because it packs more calories than fish. It's a helluva lot harder to eat at a calorie surplus eating fish.

I'm in the same boat as you, as meat can get pretty expensive. What I do is shop around for deals. For instance, tomorrow there will have a sale of boneless chicken legs at a Mexican supermarket for $.99 a lbs. Gonna stock up and try to get 40 lbs worth. If there are no deals, I try to drink milk(stopped though because I'm lactose intolerant and didn't like spending money on lactose pills). If you go to the fitness thread, the OP talks about the GOMAD bulking diet, where you basically drink a gallon every other day or so.

Also, if I understand, you're telling me to focus more on short but powerful sets of heavy lifting rather than doing endless exercises that never really become "too much"? I'm foreign tot the body building jargon though, and I'm not native english, so stuff like "compound exercises" aren't exactly clear. I'll google it though, so no need to explain everything. :) But what I take away from that is that I can only get close to the body I want by joining a gym and not by doing exercises at home, because I need heavy weights. Right?

Compound exercises are moves which target more than 1 muscle(squats, bench, press, rows,etc.). Your bicep curls basically works out 1 muscle, which makes it an isolation exercise.

It would be ideal if you join a gym so that you have access to the tools to build your muscles, but you can also do it doing body moves(p90x is a good example). I'd only recommend body moves if you can create a routine that is intense and can stimulate the muscles without access to heavy weights. Having heavy weights makes muscle building so much easier.

I do wonder though: what are the carbs for? Because I always thought that carbs were counterproductive when you want to tone your body. Or is this simply to reach a higher calorie count and therefore be able to build up muscle mass?

Carbs are used to help fuel your workouts, as well as reach a calorie surplus if you're bulking. When you gain muscle, you'll gain a little bit of fat. What bodybuilders do is they gain as much muscle in a certain time frame(say 6 month bulking), where they eat at a calorie surplus AND lift heavy weights. Once they reach their desired bulk weight, they go on a cutting diet. Cutting involves going on a calorie deficit, where the person on the cut loses 1-2 lbs a week. This phase usually lasts 2-3 months, or until desired look. While cutting, some muscle loss will occur, but for the most part, you will be shedding fat. By the end of your cutting phase, the muscles you worked hard on those past 6 months(which were covered by the fat you gained), will start to pop out. Cut to single digit bodyfat and you'll start getting your abs.

I think this is another example of me completely lacking an understanding of how to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time. Haha.

I'm also reading up on the P90X stuff (but that's expensive as well).

Thanks again for the advice.

Though it is possible, gaining muscle AND losing fat at the same time is inefficient(I've tried it and it sucks). It involves a longer period of progress, one where you try to maintain weight or lose weight at a slower pace, all the while working out hard at the gym. Instead of it taking 9 or so months of a bulk/cut cycle, it could take a year or more, since the muscle gains and fat loss will be slower.

As Bronze suggested, hit up the fitness thread. The OP is full of info for noobies, and the people on there are really knowledgeable.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Souldriver said:
I think this is another example of me completely lacking an understanding of how to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time. Haha.

I'm also reading up on the P90X stuff (but that's expensive as well).

Thanks again for the advice.

Intermittent fasting. I cannot fucking stress this enough. The whole premise behind the leangains approach is fat loss and muscle growth. If you're aiming for fat loss as a primary objective and not thinking much of muscle growth, increase your fasted state by at least 2 hours.

Read this and this (use Chrome or FF to read them because leangains.com runs like shit on IE).


...hate me...
I probably just jinxed it, but I seem to have hit some sort of a plateau since my last post. 4 days later with IF, low carb and more physical activity than usual, I went from no 93.5kg to 93.7kg. Same weight as yesterday too.

Without that weight loss motivation I caved in and ate a couple of cookies. 5 to be precise.

Damn, I'm weak.

Can't wait to introduce exercice to all this.


Don't loose your motivation.
If you don't lose weight, that's because you gain muscle weight ;)
Keep that in mind to keep motivated !
BertramCooper said:
How can one argue with such an impeccably researched article?
I hate that these articles exist, poorly 'researched' and stated as fact.

The poor souls who visit Yahoo for their news (because they don't know any better) get screwed.

There's so much conflicting information on weight loss out there now, it must be confusing


That article is ridiculous.

Does anyone in this thread have experience from switching from a keto-type diet, to one with moderate carbs?

I've been thinking of changing to a 40/40/20 type split with oats in the morning, fruit PWO, and brown rice/vegetables with dinner. I was also planning on increasing my calorie intake. I still have a lot of fat to lose, but I am thinking this might go better with my workout plan. I've also been on keto for a really long time, and thought it might be time for a bit of a change.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
metamonk said:
this is on the front page of yahoo right now =/

8 reasons carbs help you lose weight

Holy shit. Some carbs are totally healthy, but everything is pretty much wrong in this article.

Well, it's not as bad as the lipitor commercials. At least you would expect pharma and doctors to be more persistent in etiology rather than tell people "stop being a dumbass. Take lipitor. It's what your heart craves. If you don't take lipitor, then fuck you. *random guy dives in lake in the middle of nowhere*"

But here is an actual reference that's relevant to fat loss:

Are there places where you can read the entire study for free?


Eteric Rice said:
I got a speed bag now. Hopefully this will help me get some exercise in. Walking around is boring as hell. lol
In some of the circles I hang around in, a "speed bag" has an entirely different meaning! Will still help you lose weight, just in an entirely different way :lol


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
For anyone that is interested in the different types of fats:


One thing I didn't know is that medium chain saturated fatty acids result in ketones, regardless if you are on a ketogenic diet. Because these fats don't require bile, they digest quickly. Coconut oil may be a good fuel for anyone trying to exercise on a ketogenic diet.


Junior Member
teh_pwn said:
For anyone that is interested in the different types of fats:


One thing I didn't know is that medium chain saturated fatty acids result in ketones, regardless if you are on a ketogenic diet. Because these fats don't require bile, they digest quickly. Coconut oil may be a good fuel for anyone trying to exercise on a ketogenic diet.

That's a really excellent read, it's making me second-guess how much flaxseed oil I should be drizzling on my food.

On another note, I'm beginning a ketogenic cut three weeks from now. teh_pwn, besides coconut oil, what are some other good sources of MCTs?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Xelinis said:
That's a really excellent read, it's making me second-guess how much flaxseed oil I should be drizzling on my food.

On another note, I'm beginning a ketogenic cut three weeks from now. teh_pwn, besides coconut oil, what are some other good sources of MCTs?

Dairy fat. If you can get it from pastured dairy as it has a ton of health benefits.

Whole foods has seasonal pastured butter around September/August. I bought 6 lbs and froze them for use until next season.

I'm not exactly an expert on ketogenic diets. I'm more of a paleo eater and modern stuff that seems safe (dairy).

I've bookmarked PaNu again. Dr Harris left for a while, but he just retired early and plans on pumping out lots of content. He's an MD that has a ton of knowledge on nutrition, and he's a stickler to the scientific method. Recently he's been scolding at Robb Wolf for incriminating dairy without controlled data to prove it.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So what's the consensus on coffee?

I'm eating low-carb (well, paleo now, I guess) and was wondering what good and bad effects there are to drinking coffee while eating low-carb/on ketosis? (For reference, I don't have that much coffee and when I do, it's only black coffee with 1-2 packets of Sweet n Low, no cream, no milk).
Domino Theory said:
So what's the consensus on coffee?

I'm eating low-carb (well, paleo now, I guess) and was wondering what good and bad effects there are to drinking coffee while eating low-carb/on ketosis? (For reference, I don't have that much coffee and when I do, it's only black coffee with 1-2 packets of Sweet n Low, no cream, no milk).
Very good for you.

It improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. It helps against fatty liver.

Excessive amounts might stimulate too much cortisol which can increase belly fat. To avoid this, get plenty of sleep and don't pound coffee because you're exhausted. Drink it because it's delicious.


Not sure about coffee, but regarding caffeine, I can confirm first-hand that it *doesn't* kick you out of ketosis. I guzzled bucketloads of Pepsi Max and I was fine... tested with ketostix).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I suspect that coffee may have an unavoidable negative effect through it's stimulation of cortisol. It definitely is bad if you're consuming it close enough to bedtime such that it interferes with sleep, or if you consume 4+ cups and you don't drink enough water to compensate for the diuretic effect.

But as far as fat loss goes, I think it's minor compared to:
-Fructose intoxication
-Excess n-6
-8 hours of quality sleep per night
-Consuming foods that have an effect of overeating on you

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
betweenthewheels said:
"Carbs fill you up"... "Carbs curb hunger"..."are more filling than protein or fat"
The article is only talking about low glycemic carbs and it does make some good points about how they can help keep you at a healthy weight and not feel tired. But I don't see why it's saying that it's good for weight loss since carbs go into glycogen which hinders the burning of fats.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Price Dalton said:
Very good for you.

It improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. It helps against fatty liver.

Excessive amounts might stimulate too much cortisol which can increase belly fat. To avoid this, get plenty of sleep and don't pound coffee because you're exhausted. Drink it because it's delicious.

I'm not an excessive coffee drinker. At MOST, I have one cup (tall from Starbucks since I was given a $15 GC) of black coffee w/ no cream and no milk and 1-2 packets of Sweet n Low. That's literally it. And I don't have it every day. I'll have 4 cups a week and earlier on in the day so it doesn't affect my sleep. It's more of a treat to me than part of my daily eating habits.


For those looking at using coconut butter/oil: I can't recommend it enough. I go through tubs of it so quickly now, I use it in just about everything. The only problem is that it can be expensive, so make sure to shop around and find the best price. There was a bulk store in my home town that had it for less than half the price of everywhere else; I was going to stock up when I went home for christmas, but they no longer sell it. :(
Domino Theory said:
I'm not an excessive coffee drinker. At MOST, I have one cup (tall from Starbucks since I was given a $15 GC) of black coffee w/ no cream and no milk and 1-2 packets of Sweet n Low. That's literally it. And I don't have it every day. I'll have 4 cups a week and earlier on in the day so it doesn't affect my sleep. It's more of a treat to me than part of my daily eating habits.
You're golden. Although it's pretty damn tasty with heavy cream (or coconut milk, if you don't do dairy).
Gilby said:
For those looking at using coconut butter/oil: I can't recommend it enough. I go through tubs of it so quickly now, I use it in just about everything. The only problem is that it can be expensive, so make sure to shop around and find the best price. There was a bulk store in my home town that had it for less than half the price of everywhere else; I was going to stock up when I went home for christmas, but they no longer sell it. :(
You can get big tubs on Amazon for like twenty bucks that last a long time. Very good mixed with cinnamon and sweet potato.

Speaking of cinnamon, it's another insulin sensitizer that goes well in coffee. I think there are studies showing that it's particularly effective against sleep deprivation-induced insulin resistance.
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