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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

metamonk said:
OMG! I just made a pizza using Cauliflower crust. it was delicious! Loaded that bad boy down with pepperoni. I highly recommend you guys try it!!

Cauliflower is a great substitute for potatoes too. I've been roasting some up every night, tastes amazing.

Can anyone recommend a good fitness website for tracking weight/measurements etc?

Im on myfitnesspal at the moment and it gets the job done but i'd like something better if it's out there.


gonna have to try that curried cauliflower. looks good. ended up making another cauliflower crust pizza for the super bowl. was a hit!

try fitday.com.
Made the cauliflower rice today it came out great. I added some Tony Chachere's seasoning seasoning salt, ground black pepper and butter to it after microwaving and it was so delicious. Served roasted garlic shrimp over it and couldn't even tell that it wasn't rice! I will give the pizza a try sometime this week. Thanks for the tip you have just saved me countless calories lol.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Few questions/comments:

1) Anyone know where I can get a couple pounds of good quality smoked turkey breast and/or smoked ham (as you can tell, I'm a fan of smoked meat)?

2) Any way for me to get more protein into my diet without upping my calorie intake? I have Isopure Whey Protein which has 50g of Protein per serving, but also has 220 calories per serving. :/

3) I read the second to last bullet point in this article and it kind of freaked me out regarding ketosis: http://www.survivediabetes.com/ketosis.htm


"Liquid Protein" diets like the Cambridge diet introduced after publication of The Last Chance Diet (1976) killed at least fifty people whose hearts failed through fibrillation. This very low calorie, low fat diet caused people to lose muscle mass everywhere, including the heart which eventually gave up. The Food and Drug Administration warned the medical community about the danger of this kind of diet which gave ketosis a bad name.

Unless you are eating nothing but a small amount of protein I wouldn't be worried.
2) Any way for me to get more protein into my diet without upping my calorie intake? I have Isopure Whey Protein which has 50g of Protein per serving, but also has 220 calories per serving. :/

Uh...... well, every gram of protein contains 4 calories. There is no way around that. Low fat fish or skinless chicken/turkey breast meat are nearly pure protein, so those will be your lowest calorie options. If you want to increase protein while maintaining your current calorie intake level, you will have to drop some carbs or fats while increasing lean protein.
Hi GAF, I've just managed to complete my weight loss target, and I'm pretty proud of myself! I'd also like to share some of my experience, because I feel that there is a lot of bad and misleading information in this thread and it can give you the wrong idea.

I set myself a goal of losing 24 Kilos, weighing 106KG just over 18 months ago. I now weigh 78.2 KG, which even if I do say my self, is a pretty decent job.

Anyway if you're looking to lose weight / get into better shape, the two most important things to consider are that you need to change your lifestyle and you need to change your routine.

First off - lifestyle. Many of us who have piled on the pounds probably snack too often and eat the wrong foods at the wrong time. I found I needed to make a consious effort to change my diet, and it was initially tough. The average male needs to consume 2,500 calories a day, so it's important to stick to this target on a daily basis. This meant taking stock of what I ate, and spreading my meals out through the day so I didn't find myself getting hungry all of the time. Things like fruit and cereal bars really help with keeping you full through the day, so I'd highly reccomend either if you're looking to lose weight.

I see that a lot of people in this thread are following various diets and eating plans. I would be vary cautious when following any plan like that. Those sorts of plans are usually unsustainable, and it's hard for anyone to consistently keep to a plan for a long period of time. That's why I would reccomend changing your overall eating habits, and not following a plan of any kind. If you keep to 2500 calories a day and excercise regularly, you will lose weight. It might be slow, but you will lose it consistently and naturally and you won't be forcing your body to extremes, which is why it's the best way (I feel) of doing things.

Next up - routine. Specifically excercise. To lose the weight I did, I would excercise 5-7 times a week, varying it up with tons of different forms of activity. Gym / Swimming / Football / Cycling / Rock Climbing, you name it. During the week, I would wake up at 5.30AM and get to the gym for 6.30AM so I could work out for an hour before work every day. This may be extreme, but after a month of struggle, my body started to get used to this and I found getting up early to be trivial and actually found that I was more productive at work in the morning thanks to the adrenalin rush from the gym. I even found that on days I took off as a rest day, I would actually feel "guilty" for not going to the gym because my body was used to working out. It sounds crazy, but it's true and it helped me maintain my motivation and schedule and helped me lose the weight.

However, as part of your routine, you should also remember to have fun and reward yourself. Every Friday, I allowed myself to go a little crazy and have a burger or pizza or somethign similar from a fast food joint or resteraunt. This was my reward for getting through the rest of the week and it helped keep me sane whilst keeping to my schedule during the rest of the week. This "reward day" is a very important part of losing weight, and without it you will lose motivation and may be tempted to give up.

Here are some other miscellaneous things that helped me out:

Plateau-ing. This is when you find you are doing lots of excercise, but are no longer losing weight. I believe this happens because your metabolic rate catches up to your calorie intake rate and your body reaches an equillibrium of a kind. This is VERY frustrating because you feel that you are doing so much to lose weight, but are not gaining any results. The trick here is to change your training routine, drastically if need be. I found that running no longer helped me lose weight, so I replaced it with swimming. Or you can start hitting the weights hard, or some entirely new form of activity (like Rock Climbing). Doing this, I would find that after about a week or two of starting the new activity, I would start losing weight again, presumably because my body was not used to the new type of excercise.

Keeping Motivated. This can be REALLY hard. To keep going on and on can be so hard to do. I would actually reccomend NOT weighing yourself regularly because if you stop losing weight, you can lose motivation really quickly. I motivated myself by using a picture of how I used to look (when I was thinner) and kept saying to myself "If I looked like that once, I can look like that again!"

Tell Friends. This is part of keeping motivated. Tell your close friends that you intend on losing weight and that you need support. Good friends will respect you saying "no" when at the bar / eating out and will encourage you. I found that when a friend or acquaintance noticed I had lost weight, that I felt really happy and more motivated to lose even more weight.

There's lost more I could say, but this post is long enough. However, keep the faith, make those basic changes and you will lose any weight you want to and will reach your target. Just stay strong!


Domino Theory said:
3) I read the second to last bullet point in this article and it kind of freaked me out regarding ketosis: http://www.survivediabetes.com/ketosis.htm

This one?

Ketosis on liquid protein diets - low-fat, high-protein diets - caused deaths from heart failure because protein from the heart muscle was used for blood sugar. I actually have to make an effort to eat enough fat to make this way of eating work for me! I have lost only fat, not muscle mass, but I'm sure that if I ate too little fat or too few calories while in ketosis, I would lose muscle. You just simply can’t do a low-fat, low-carb diet, the calories have got to come from somewhere!

Bolded is bullshit.

It's based on the study where they fed subjects a protein diet of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collagen (because it's cheap) and disregarded the fact that collagen cannot be used by the body at all. They basically starved them because there's no difference between eating collagen and eating nothing. If you eat protein with actual bio-availability your body will not consume protein from your muscles for blood sugar because of this process: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluconeogenesis

See: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-rapid-fat-loss-handbook

My fiance is doing high protein, low carb, moderate to low fat and here are his results so far and you can tell by his shift in BF compared to bodyweight that he hasn't lost much muscle if any:

12/10/2010 26.35% BF, 42" waist, 231lb
12/24/2010 22.62% BF, 40.5" waist, 236lb
1/7/2011 23.21% BF, 40.5" waist, 239lb
1/14/2011 21.28% BF, 39.5" waist, 234lb
1/29/2011 17.62% BF, 36" waist, 232lb

His shoulders also went from 45" to 48", chest from 39" to 41", neck from 15" to 16", and bicep from 13.5" to 15" while weight is basically the same.

edit: this is what he ate yesterday-
Protein: 242.5 (60.83%)
Carb: 62.1 (11.97%)
Fiber: 23
Net Carb: 39.1
Fat: 48.2 (27.2%)

He tracks it all to an OCD extent :p
metamonk said:
gonna have to try that curried cauliflower. looks good. ended up making another cauliflower crust pizza for the super bowl. was a hit!

try fitday.com.
I've had some good reactions from faux cauliflower as well, and from non-low carbers

Thanks for fitday, exactly what I was looking for

Is there any cheap/efficient way of calculating body fat?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Few questions/comments:
3) I read the second to last bullet point in this article and it kind of freaked me out regarding ketosis: http://www.survivediabetes.com/ketosis.htm

It's possible that a high protein, low fat/carb diet will result in emaciation. I really don't recommend an all protein diet for extended periods.

You need fat for ketosis to work because the ketone comes from triglyceride. A triglyceride is 3 fatty acids bound together with glycerol. Glycerol is somewhat similar to glucose, and is used to make ketones.

Without the the ketones or glucose, I think your body uses cortisol to create glucose from protein.


betweenthewheels said:
How often (if at all) do you guys hop on the scale?
I do it everyday. Its nice seeing progress from day-to-day and I dont get discouraged when I dont see a drop on a particular day. Kinda just makes me wanna work harder at it, even though I really cant do much else.

I also see weird patterns in my weight-levels. Like for some reason, on the weekends, I'll 'lose' like 2 or 3 pounds from when I weighed myself on Friday. It comes back after going back to work on Monday, but I'm not sure whats causing the fluctuation. I eat pretty much the same either way, so its kinda strange.

Of course, seeing myself look thinner and just feeling better are the real guages of my weight-loss, but I've become very addicted to the scale. I wake up in the morning and am usually excited to see my progress. Each time I see lower numbers, its pretty damn satisfying.


Welp. After seemingly being uccessful with the low carb diet I ended up binge eating again today. First time in a week after starting the diet. Had my favorite pancakes, three chocolate chunk cookies, a bowl of cereal, salmons salad with brussel sprouts and asparagus, tons of nuts, tons of almond butter/chocolate peanut butter, chips, half a cannoli, and a good amount of super rich double chocolate ice cream.

I feel like I'm slowly killing myself, but oh well. I'm going to run the treadmill for the next ninety minutes and hope I make a dent.

Just really depressed, and the ironic thing is I walked out from a disorder program to do this.


Junior Member
cryptic said:
Welp. After seemingly being uccessful with the low carb diet I ended up binge eating again today. First time in a week after starting the diet. Had my favorite pancakes, three chocolate chunk cookies, a bowl of cereal, salmons salad with brussel sprouts and asparagus, tons of nuts, tons of almond butter/chocolate peanut butter, chips, half a cannoli, and a good amount of super rich double chocolate ice cream.

I feel like I'm slowly killing myself, but oh well. I'm going to run the treadmill for the next ninety minutes and hope I make a dent.

Just really depressed, and the ironic thing is I walked out from a disorder program to do this.

How long were you on the diet, and are you sure that you were in ketosis?

EDIT: Nevermind, read that as "After seemingly being unsuccessful with..."


...hate me...
Ultimoo said:
I was reading the last page and someone said they were fasting to help lose weight? Is that healthy?
I've been alternate day fasting for 2 or 3 weeks now. Health-wise, I feel great. Of course, health is not only about how you feel, but everything I've read so far indicate that fasting can actually be beneficial in some form.

But it can be tough. Especially when you have friends or colleagues around eating all sort of stuff all day long =/


I've decided that I want to bump my old "killing myself with food" thread with some before/after pics.

Only problem? There is no after. I'm still old and fat. When I posted that thread about two years ago, I was 285 pounds and had just turned 30. Now I'm almost 32 and I'm over 300 pounds for the first time in my life. We went to the doctor for my son a few months ago and, in a decent mood, joking with my wife, decided to just step on the scale. My eyes literally began to water as I had crossed the threshold that seemed impossible to cross.

My main issue seems to be I'm crippled with depression and lethargy. It's the old Fat Bastard axiom: "Ah eat cuz Ah'm unhappy...and Ah'm unhappy cuz Ah eat".

When I get depressed, I want to take my mind off what makes me depressed. Which usually leads to eating. For example, reading this thread makes me depressed thinking of all the research I should be doing to find the diet that works for me, which leads me to either ignoring this thread or just going to lie down and read something else for a while.

Anyone else have this issue and if so, how did you overcome it?


cryptic said:
Welp. After seemingly being uccessful with the low carb diet I ended up binge eating again today. First time in a week after starting the diet. Had my favorite pancakes, three chocolate chunk cookies, a bowl of cereal, salmons salad with brussel sprouts and asparagus, tons of nuts, tons of almond butter/chocolate peanut butter, chips, half a cannoli, and a good amount of super rich double chocolate ice cream.

I feel like I'm slowly killing myself, but oh well. I'm going to run the treadmill for the next ninety minutes and hope I make a dent.

Just really depressed, and the ironic thing is I walked out from a disorder program to do this.
So you've only been on the diet for a week and you're already calling it 'unsuccessful'? :/ Or am I misreading that?

Running on the treadmill for 90 minutes isn't going to do much anyways. The biggest thing is to just put the 'binge' behind you and realize that its not a permanent roadblock to progress. I made great progress from August to November, then in Dec/early Jan, I stopped working out and started drinking a lot again(which leads to me pigging out on junk). Gained 10lbs back. But I'm back on the wagon and I'm only 5lbs above where I was at in November and I plan on continuing on til I'm where I want to be at.

Get back on the diet, get back into your exercise routine, and dont feel too crappy about giving in. And I dont know what sort of 'low carb diet' you were on, but if it was an extreme low-carb diet, maybe you should think about incorporating a bit more carbs in your diet and not making yourself miserable(which leads to intense cravings and binging). Try and find a diet that is sustainable and something you could see yourself following for quite a while. Cuz the only difference between being 'on a diet' and a normal healthy diet is the quantity. It should be the same foods either way, just more or less of it depending on your weight goals.


jts said:
I've been alternate day fasting for 2 or 3 weeks now. Health-wise, I feel great. Of course, health is not only about how you feel, but everything I've read so far indicate that fasting can actually be beneficial in some form.

But it can be tough. Especially when you have friends or colleagues around eating all sort of stuff all day long =/

So you just eat one day, and then fast the next? I wouldn't mind the eating part once I got used to it I think, I don't mind when people are eating all around me, but I work out 3x a week, so I'm not sure that would be good for muscle building and strength training.

Also, for some reason, I've never been able to plateau past the 200lb mark, no matter what I eat. I don't know why (I honestly wish this number was closer to 160lb) but can anyone explain why is that? Weight plateau or something? It's been like this for at least 4-5 years. I guess I've stopped growing? lol.


...hate me...
Ultimoo said:
So you just eat one day, and then fast the next? I wouldn't mind the eating part once I got used to it I think, I don't mind when people are eating all around me, but I work out 3x a week, so I'm not sure that would be good for muscle building and strength training.

Also, for some reason, I've never been able to plateau past the 200lb mark, no matter what I eat. I don't know why (I honestly wish this number was closer to 160lb) but can anyone explain why is that? Weight plateau or something? It's been like this for at least 4-5 years. I guess I've stopped growing? lol.
Yeah, that's it. Except on weekends. I eat on both saturday and sunday. That way I always have the same eating and fasting days (fasting on mon, wed and fri).

You have other options for intermittent fasting rather than only the alternate day variation.

If you workout and have interest in fasting, check this site (credits to Domino Theory): http://www.leangains.com/


corporate swill
Someone told me today that splenda is pretty bad for you. I was under the impression that it could be bad for you, but only if consumed in excess like most other things. Has anyone here looked into it at all?


...hate me...
bengraven said:
I've decided that I want to bump my old "killing myself with food" thread with some before/after pics.

Only problem? There is no after. I'm still old and fat. When I posted that thread about two years ago, I was 285 pounds and had just turned 30. Now I'm almost 32 and I'm over 300 pounds for the first time in my life. We went to the doctor for my son a few months ago and, in a decent mood, joking with my wife, decided to just step on the scale. My eyes literally began to water as I had crossed the threshold that seemed impossible to cross.

My main issue seems to be I'm crippled with depression and lethargy. It's the old Fat Bastard axiom: "Ah eat cuz Ah'm unhappy...and Ah'm unhappy cuz Ah eat".

When I get depressed, I want to take my mind off what makes me depressed. Which usually leads to eating. For example, reading this thread makes me depressed thinking of all the research I should be doing to find the diet that works for me, which leads me to either ignoring this thread or just going to lie down and read something else for a while.

Anyone else have this issue and if so, how did you overcome it?
Fuck, you're not old at 32.

Get a scale. Start on a diet plan, any diet plan. Check which one suits you the most. Exercice can help too.

Manage to keep on track for 5 days on the plan you make, YOU WILL see results on the scale. And you'll believe that it's possible to change.

Be happy for that achievement and use it as fuel to keep going and keep shaving pounds after pounds of your weight.

Just remember you don't want to waste the best years of your life feeling sorry for yourself...
bengraven said:
Anyone else have this issue and if so, how did you overcome it?

I stopped trying to diet and started to lift weights seriously. When I started to see some noticeable results, I started to research more on bodybuilding dieting. Learned that all the fancy diets all came down to calories in, calories out. I put that philosophy to use, while continuing to lift heavy. So far, I've gone back to the weight I had plateaued at back in the middle of last year(170), but my overall physique is 1000x better. I can actually see some awesome definition in my body, which only makes me want to stick to my diet even more so that I can see even more muscle pop out.

My goal is to reach 160 lbs by mid March, which seems much more doable now that I understand my body more. I'm also still lifting heavy, and because I'm sticking to a high protein diet, my lifts continue to improve or maintain during the cut.

As for my overall diet, I eat 6-8 oz of chicken(mostly boneless chicken leg meat) every meal. I sometimes add in 3-4 oz of sweet potatoe or 4 oz of cooked white rice for some carbs. I've kept to this same meal plan so that I can easily count my intake. It can be extremely time consuming to always count your calories, and it was definitely something I hated when I tried to diet last year, but now that I've actually seen results, I can't stop. It really is addicting to keep it up since the results are starting to show.

And since I'm on a cutting diet, I can look forward to the fact that this diet will only be 12 or so weeks long. Once my cut is over, I'm going back to a slight bulk to gain more muscle mass, followed by another cut to lose the fat gained from the bulk.

Really interesting stuff when you actually start doing a bodybuilder-like diet. Once you understand how it works, it's really great. And for me, it's much easier to keep to it since it's a cycle, rather than the long, prolonged weight loss I was trying out last year. Also, since your more concerned over maintaining strength and keeping muscle mass, overall weight loss through poundage isn't that much of a concern. It's mostly about making sure you maintain your strength as you lose the fat.


jts said:
Yeah, that's it. Except on weekends. I eat on both saturday and sunday. That way I always have the same eating and fasting days (fasting on mon, wed and fri).

You have other options for intermittent fasting rather than only the alternate day variation.

If you workout and have interest in fasting, check this site (credits to Domino Theory): http://www.leangains.com/

Okay, doesn't sound too bad, tells me I can fast from night time until lunch. I don't know though, always thought breakfast was important though, not sure if skipping it would work. I'm also not sure how this would affect how well I focus in class/do on exams because most of my classes fall before 12 in the morning.


bengraven said:
I've decided that I want to bump my old "killing myself with food" thread with some before/after pics.

Only problem? There is no after. I'm still old and fat. When I posted that thread about two years ago, I was 285 pounds and had just turned 30. Now I'm almost 32 and I'm over 300 pounds for the first time in my life. We went to the doctor for my son a few months ago and, in a decent mood, joking with my wife, decided to just step on the scale. My eyes literally began to water as I had crossed the threshold that seemed impossible to cross.

My main issue seems to be I'm crippled with depression and lethargy. It's the old Fat Bastard axiom: "Ah eat cuz Ah'm unhappy...and Ah'm unhappy cuz Ah eat".

When I get depressed, I want to take my mind off what makes me depressed. Which usually leads to eating. For example, reading this thread makes me depressed thinking of all the research I should be doing to find the diet that works for me, which leads me to either ignoring this thread or just going to lie down and read something else for a while.

Anyone else have this issue and if so, how did you overcome it?

Well, you have the ability to not eat. You might need to just try a mild diet to see how things go.

The first thing I'd do if I were you is to stop buying junk food and candy for your house. If it isn't around, you can't easily eat it. If you want to eat out of depression and boredom, then try it with chicken, steak, veggies, eggs, milk, etc.

That alone should get you dropping weight fairly quickly.

EDIT: also realize that one misstep isn't the end of the world. Some people even find the occasional 'cheat' meal helps them mentally.

You might get major sugar cravings the first couple of weeks, but they'll pass.


Well folks, from May to November I lost 45 pounds, but these last few months I really haven't done anything. I've still been eating healthier than I have, but I haven't lost any weight. Went from 295 to 250 and just...stopped. No reason, really, just stopped.

Gonna try to get on the wagon again and get below 220. It's been my goal for a year now, and I'm gonna hit it, dammit. I think I stopped losing weight because I got myself a girlfriend and thus don't have to try anymore, but that was a crappy attitude and now I'm focused again.

Downloaded a few apps for my phone, just ordered a scale tonight and am going grocery shopping tomorrow. The app is awesome. I love going for walks and it can track my routes, calories, steps, etc etc via GPS. Not only that, it has this achievement/badge system that constantly is rewarding me with little tokens and congratulations. It's great!

It begins again! Wish me luck!


Another livejournal update:

This week I added carbs back into my diet. I weighed in at 197, which officially puts me at over 100 pounds lost!

Starting Point: 298
Last Weigh In (January 15): 210
Today: 197


bengraven said:
I've decided that I want to bump my old "killing myself with food" thread with some before/after pics.

Only problem? There is no after. I'm still old and fat. When I posted that thread about two years ago, I was 285 pounds and had just turned 30. Now I'm almost 32 and I'm over 300 pounds for the first time in my life. We went to the doctor for my son a few months ago and, in a decent mood, joking with my wife, decided to just step on the scale. My eyes literally began to water as I had crossed the threshold that seemed impossible to cross.

My main issue seems to be I'm crippled with depression and lethargy. It's the old Fat Bastard axiom: "Ah eat cuz Ah'm unhappy...and Ah'm unhappy cuz Ah eat".

When I get depressed, I want to take my mind off what makes me depressed. Which usually leads to eating. For example, reading this thread makes me depressed thinking of all the research I should be doing to find the diet that works for me, which leads me to either ignoring this thread or just going to lie down and read something else for a while.

Anyone else have this issue and if so, how did you overcome it?


It really does apply. The hardest part is getting started.

Get your wife involved if you can.. it is much easier when you have good support.

Akim said:
Another livejournal update:

This week I added carbs back into my diet. I weighed in at 197, which officially puts me at over 100 pounds lost!

Starting Point: 298
Last Weigh In (January 15): 210
Today: 197



Started July 2010 at 290lbs.

Today I'm at 218lbs.

I have a decent frame at 6'2 height, 52' on my shoulders, 42' chest and I'm in between a 36/38 inch pants size.

I've been stuck at 218-220 for about two months now. I would like to get to 200lbs, but I think my body just doesn't want to hear any of it. I think I might do less cardio and more muscle training now.
I got kicked out of ketosis on Monday because of a cheat meal and I went back to my low-carb routine Tuesday and i've been feeling light-headed/dizzy since.

It feels similar to the withdrawal symptoms of my prescription (effexor) but I haven't missed a pill.

So, it must be the transition to ketosis. Does this sound right? If so, i'm gonna curb cheat meals until I hit my goal cus I feel pretty shitty. A big difference from how fantastic I felt while in ketosis.


jfoul said:
I've been stuck at 218-220 for about two months now. I would like to get to 200lbs, but I think my body just doesn't want to hear any of it. I think I might do less cardio and more muscle training now.
Cut down to zero carbohydrates, 1000 calories a day for four weeks. Be strict about it, but a quick cheat here or there won't hurt (you'll be raising a daily calorie intake of 1000 to 1300 or whatever - minimal damage). Do weight exercise twice a week but nothing more.

By the end of the four weeks, you will (probably) have dropped at least two belt sizes. Work out a plan after that to slowly introduce calories and carbohydrate back into your diet - the way I went was about three weeks to get back to a 1800 calorie diet with carbs present, so I kept slimming but not at such a dramatic rate. Add cardio back into your workout routine, increase weight lifting to three times a week if you want.

You will be amazed at how hard it is to eat 1000 calories if you have zero carbohydrates. You will want to take vitamin and essential oil/fat supplements during this period so you don't die or anything.


Suairyu said:
Cut down to zero carbohydrates, 1000 calories a day for four weeks. Be strict about it, but a quick cheat here or there won't hurt (you'll be raising a daily calorie intake of 1000 to 1300 or whatever - minimal damage). Do weight exercise twice a week but nothing more.

By the end of the four weeks, you will (probably) have dropped at least two belt sizes. Work out a plan after that to slowly introduce calories and carbohydrate back into your diet - the way I went was about three weeks to get back to a 1800 calorie diet with carbs present, so I kept slimming but not at such a dramatic rate. Add cardio back into your workout routine, increase weight lifting to three times a week if you want.

You will be amazed at how hard it is to eat 1000 calories if you have zero carbohydrates. You will want to take vitamin and essential oil/fat supplements during this period so you don't die or anything.
That doesn't sound very good (extreme). I think most people are likely to rebound hard after even attempting something like that. Not to mention it can't be good for you.

Sounds to me jfoul is doing pretty well and sticking with the weights is probably a good idea. Eat to maintain your current weight and lift heavy weights and it'll make a difference.


Decado said:
That doesn't sound very good (extreme).
It's perfectly healthy for the shortterm with the supplements and produces good results very quickly.

I think most people are likely to rebound hard after even attempting something like that. Not to mention it can't be good for you.
... this can be a problem, you are correct. That is why you make an exit strategy of slowly upping your calorie and carbohydrate intake, not go 'diet over, back to normal'. So long as you're committed to a healthy/ier lifestyle after the four week extreme it's a good option. Generally I guess fat people want the same lifestyle but to be thin as well, so maybe not a good plan. I recommended it as he'd steadily lost weight over a seven month period, which shows dedication and discipline.


Seanspeed said:
So you've only been on the diet for a week and you're already calling it 'unsuccessful'? :/ Or am I misreading that?

Running on the treadmill for 90 minutes isn't going to do much anyways. The biggest thing is to just put the 'binge' behind you and realize that its not a permanent roadblock to progress. I made great progress from August to November, then in Dec/early Jan, I stopped working out and started drinking a lot again(which leads to me pigging out on junk). Gained 10lbs back. But I'm back on the wagon and I'm only 5lbs above where I was at in November and I plan on continuing on til I'm where I want to be at.

Get back on the diet, get back into your exercise routine, and dont feel too crappy about giving in. And I dont know what sort of 'low carb diet' you were on, but if it was an extreme low-carb diet, maybe you should think about incorporating a bit more carbs in your diet and not making yourself miserable(which leads to intense cravings and binging). Try and find a diet that is sustainable and something you could see yourself following for quite a while. Cuz the only difference between being 'on a diet' and a normal healthy diet is the quantity. It should be the same foods either way, just more or less of it depending on your weight goals.

Thanks. Today I finished a hard day of work and was feeling exhausted as per usual then began a binge. I ended up downing tons of nuts and two chicken burgers with cheese, but fortunately no carbs. I'm fairly full now, still feeling a bit of guilt, but at least without the carbs I feel I can sleep without fearing fat gain in the morning.

I hope I can finish the day. Your post really helps keep me going, sometimes you just need to hear that there's still time to change and one lapse isn't the end of things.
Thanks again. I think I'm eating well. I definitely need more vegetables. I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask later.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zefah said:
Today marks the first week since I started the "slow carb" diet from the 4 Hour Body book. On Tuesday morning last week I weighed 216.8 lbs. This morning when I weighed myself (before even pooing), I was down to 209.6 lbs.

I'm pretty impressed so far.

A few minor lifestyle changes and some very mild exercise and I've dropped a bit over 7 lbs. in one week! My goal is to get back down to 160 or so.

Well it's now been two weeks and I'm down a total of 13 lbs. and I feel better than ever. I'm actually really starting to enjoy the cold showers, too! Unfortunately, I have a four-day business trip coming up so I won't be able to eat or do muscle exercises as consistently. I still hope to be under 200 lbs. by next week!
Akim said:
Another livejournal update:

This week I added carbs back into my diet. I weighed in at 197, which officially puts me at over 100 pounds lost!

Starting Point: 298
Last Weigh In (January 15): 210
Today: 197

Congrats! If it's possible it would be great if you posted your program. It's interesting to see the variety of ways that people are able to take the weight off (low-carb, low-cal, lots of heavy weights, lots of cardio, etc.)


betweenthewheels said:
I got kicked out of ketosis on Monday because of a cheat meal and I went back to my low-carb routine Tuesday and i've been feeling light-headed/dizzy since.

It feels similar to the withdrawal symptoms of my prescription (effexor) but I haven't missed a pill.

So, it must be the transition to ketosis. Does this sound right? If so, i'm gonna curb cheat meals until I hit my goal cus I feel pretty shitty. A big difference from how fantastic I felt while in ketosis.
Yeah, that's about right. I get the same when entering keto... light headed, lethargic and most of all, stupid. I usually feel like that for a day, *maybe* two then I'm good.

I do read about needing one cheat meal/day a week but when it takes two to three days to get back into ketosis (never mind the aforementioned shit feelings for a day or two) it'd be easier to not cheat at all. Much easier to stay in a groove than to get in it.

But damn, how good are bad carbs after you haven't had any for a while?
Shaneus said:
Yeah, that's about right. I get the same when entering keto... light headed, lethargic and most of all, stupid. I usually feel like that for a day, *maybe* two then I'm good.

I do read about needing one cheat meal/day a week but when it takes two to three days to get back into ketosis (never mind the aforementioned shit feelings for a day or two) it'd be easier to not cheat at all. Much easier to stay in a groove than to get in it.

But damn, how good are bad carbs after you haven't had any for a while?

I think cheat meals should be saved for non-ketosis low carb, cause as you said, it's not worth the interruption.

I recommend always having something prepped. I binged cause I had an afternoon nap and woke up starving, to which I had no food easily accessible.

The bad carbs do taste delicious, though my body has no shutoff limit when eating sweets, I eat until they're gone!


Yeah, the problem with staying in keto is definitely having something quick to eat... which is why I always keep eggs, bacon, Nando's mild peri-peri and chicken breast on hand. Very little prep time and maximum fillage.

If I ever need a dose of something sweet, Pepsi Max always does the trick. I think the formulation is slightly different here in Australia than the US where it's actually less likely to kick you out of keto and it doesn't have that ghastly sugar-free aftertaste.

For the other side-effects, I find it's also good to have some kind of nootropic and fish oil on hand to combat the brain fog that comes in the first few days. Aniracetam is my current staple, but piracetam should be adequate as well.


Shaneus said:
Yeah, that's about right. I get the same when entering keto... light headed, lethargic and most of all, stupid. I usually feel like that for a day, *maybe* two then I'm good.

I do read about needing one cheat meal/day a week but when it takes two to three days to get back into ketosis (never mind the aforementioned shit feelings for a day or two) it'd be easier to not cheat at all. Much easier to stay in a groove than to get in it.

But damn, how good are bad carbs after you haven't had any for a while?
This is why I think these sorts of diets are stupid and unsustainable.

I know they work, but it requires too much willpower for it to be a reasonable diet for the average person to follow. And its obviously not long-term. When I decided I wanted to lose weight, it was because I knew my lifestyle habits had taken a bad turn for the worse and that I needed to get into more healthy habits again. This extreme low-carb stuff just sounds like a quick means to an end without ever fixing the real problem in the first place.

Good for you guys if its working, but I just wanted to say this for anybody lurking in this thread looking for advice on how to lose weight and get into shape.
cryptic said:
Thanks. Today I finished a hard day of work and was feeling exhausted as per usual then began a binge. I ended up downing tons of nuts and two chicken burgers with cheese, but fortunately no carbs. I'm fairly full now, still feeling a bit of guilt, but at least without the carbs I feel I can sleep without fearing fat gain in the morning.

I hope I can finish the day. Your post really helps keep me going, sometimes you just need to hear that there's still time to change and one lapse isn't the end of things.
Thanks again. I think I'm eating well. I definitely need more vegetables. I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask later.

You do realize that nuts contain carbs, right? It's very easy to get a ton of carbs from nuts. This is why I measure every meal I take during this cut that I'm currently doing.

Don't feel so bad about binging. If you're exercising and eating properly, an occasional binge is okay. For instance, I ate like a monster last Sunday due to the Super Bowl. Ended up eating 8-10 hot link with buns, a bacon wrapped hot dog, a turkey burger, and some awesome, homemade shrimp ceviche. I didn't even think twice about my diet since I've been consistently lifting weights, doing cardio, and keeping disciplined with my cut throughout the week. Come Tuesday, I was back to my cut weight of 170 lbs.
Seanspeed said:
This is why I think these sorts of diets are stupid and unsustainable.

Ketosis is just the initial phase of the diet, with carbs to be slowly introduced back in over time. It's actually quite sustainable too. The kind of foods eaten are very filling and less reliant on willpower like when I used to do weight watchers.


Ketosis is never a long-term solution. Whenever I've done it, it's only been for 2-3 weeks at a time (tops) but it does get you into the habit of thinking low-carb long-term. Minimal amounts of breads, grains, sugars (!) and other stuff that your body doesn't need when trying to get rid of fat.

But you're right, though... low-to-no carb is a diet shouldn't be sustained.


betweenthewheels said:
Ketosis is just the initial phase of the diet, with carbs to be slowly introduced back in over time. It's actually quite sustainable too. The kind of foods eaten are very filling and less reliant on willpower like when I used to do weight watchers.
This. Sorry for relegating it to the last page!


Can't remember the last time I updated. But lost a bit more recently with steady gym work and eating healthy. I am starting to see changes in my stomach area which is nice. Looking at pictures from a few months ago I realize that my face has changed alot which I didnt think it had. Anyway heres to further success!

Starting Weight: March 10th 2010 - 351 Pounds (160 Kilos)
Current Weight: Feb 10th 2011 - 239 Pounds (108 Kilos)

Total Loss: 112 pounds.

Shit is awesome ! :)
Messi said:
Can't remember the last time I updated. But lost a bit more recently with steady gym work and eating healthy. I am starting to see changes in my stomach area which is nice. Looking at pictures from a few months ago I realize that my face has changed alot which I didnt think it had. Anyway heres to further success!

Starting Weight: March 10th 2010 - 351 Pounds (160 Kilos)
Current Weight: Feb 10th 2011 - 239 Pounds (108 Kilos)

Total Loss: 112 pounds.

Shit is awesome ! :)

Christ, that's great. Good for you.

Try to walk while carrying a 50lb weight, it's tough, and you lost more than double.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Messi said:
Can't remember the last time I updated. But lost a bit more recently with steady gym work and eating healthy. I am starting to see changes in my stomach area which is nice. Looking at pictures from a few months ago I realize that my face has changed alot which I didnt think it had. Anyway heres to further success!

Starting Weight: March 10th 2010 - 351 Pounds (160 Kilos)
Current Weight: Feb 10th 2011 - 239 Pounds (108 Kilos)

Total Loss: 112 pounds.

Shit is awesome ! :)

I'm close to your situation, although my weight loss efforts took much longer than you since I went in and out of dieting, but I'm sticking to what I'm doing for good. :)

Starting Weight: June 2007 - 320 pounds
Current Weight: Feb 2011 - 232 pounds
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