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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


betweenthewheels said:
Christ, that's great. Good for you.

Try to walk while carrying a 50lb weight, it's tough, and you lost more than double.

I am going to try this in the gym tomorrow. Lol.


I'm going to be in this thread, just you guys wait! I was doing really well before my month long holiday, lost a couple of kilo's and started bulking up well, went away and have come back weedier and a little chunkier. Hopefully I'll burn it all off soon and started getting leaner again.


This right here I give credit for finally making me bust thru my weight goal by at least 5 more pounds.


twice a day just fills me right up.


Ripclawe said:
This right here I give credit for finally making me bust thru my weight goal by at least 5 more pounds.


twice a day just fills me right up.
What's the deal with that? Low sugar? Low carb? I've never seen it for sale in Australia anyway so it's probably pointless asking these questions :/

Edit: 29g carbs, not TOO bad if you're LC but if you're trying for <20g, no good. Sound like they're worth trying if you're on maintenance, though.
Shaneus said:
What's the deal with that? Low sugar? Low carb? I've never seen it for sale in Australia anyway so it's probably pointless asking these questions :/

Edit: 29g carbs, not TOO bad if you're LC but if you're trying for <20g, no good. Sound like they're worth trying if you're on maintenance, though.

Details: 160 Calories, 25 from fat, 7g Protein, 6g Fiber


Couldn't one just avoid the chemicals in this and use standard oats with a dash of sugar and some nuts in it? :\
Messi said:
I am going to try this in the gym tomorrow. Lol.

Do it while on the treadmill. Weighted vest + incline treadmill = beast!

The guys I've seen do these in the gym were military guys. Great way to build endurance.

Eteric Rice

Shaneus said:
Ketosis is never a long-term solution. Whenever I've done it, it's only been for 2-3 weeks at a time (tops) but it does get you into the habit of thinking low-carb long-term. Minimal amounts of breads, grains, sugars (!) and other stuff that your body doesn't need when trying to get rid of fat.

But you're right, though... low-to-no carb is a diet shouldn't be sustained.

Actually, living on a low carb diet isn't bad at all. It's actually used to help people that suffer from epilepsy.


...hate me...
Okay, today's weigh-in: 90.0kg! Niiice! :D

So in a similar style as Messi's:

Starting weight (around new years): 100kg (220lbs)
Current: 90kg (198lbs)

Lost 10kg/22lbs

Finally! This is an awesome milestone.

I look much much better, especially with clothes on. I feel much better. And I'm way more confident.

However, I know I'm still fat and overweight. So I'm trying to avoid the "mission accomplished" feeling, because I'm only 1/3 of the way. So I'll take this as a new beginning, next goal 80kg with a pitstop at 85! Hoping to get there in 2 months.

This thread has been great so thank you all and keep going dudes!


Seanspeed said:
This is why I think these sorts of diets are stupid and unsustainable.

I know they work, but it requires too much willpower for it to be a reasonable diet for the average person to follow. And its obviously not long-term. When I decided I wanted to lose weight, it was because I knew my lifestyle habits had taken a bad turn for the worse and that I needed to get into more healthy habits again. This extreme low-carb stuff just sounds like a quick means to an end without ever fixing the real problem in the first place.

Good for you guys if its working, but I just wanted to say this for anybody lurking in this thread looking for advice on how to lose weight and get into shape.

Funny, I feel the same way about calorie restrictions and excessive exercise. Some of the low-carb styles of eating are very healthy (paleo, primal etc) and long term.

And I don't find any will power is required, because I have no cravings any more.


Messi said:
Can't remember the last time I updated. But lost a bit more recently with steady gym work and eating healthy. I am starting to see changes in my stomach area which is nice. Looking at pictures from a few months ago I realize that my face has changed alot which I didnt think it had. Anyway heres to further success!

Starting Weight: March 10th 2010 - 351 Pounds (160 Kilos)
Current Weight: Feb 10th 2011 - 239 Pounds (108 Kilos)

Total Loss: 112 pounds.

Shit is awesome ! :)
Good work !

First time im writing up my own changes so.

Started when half of July was gone with 310,8 LB (141 Kilos)
until end of October where it was quite hard to get decent vegetables or fruits , so I made a break until January.
Lost about 44.9 LB (20 Kilos) when November began and I began the break.
Started it again when half of January passed and im back on the wagon.

So Start was 310,8 (141 Kilos)
Now it's about 255,74 (116 Kilos)

25 Kg lost in 4 months and a couple of days.

Quite fast and without any exercising except my daily routine with a bike.


Thanks to this thread and the youtube videos on the issues with sucrose (specifically fructose) and what it actually does within the liver: I am giving up on everything that has sugar that I can control (drinks, snacks, meals I cook). Drinks is the hard thing, it's been a life spent drinking soda and fruit juices, and I think I'm addicted to them, and I want to break that so I can go into my 30s without having to worry about my health and want to lose 40 pounds over the year. I tried diet sodas and club soda+juice combinations but I've realized I need to do this cold turkey as the artificial sweeteners aren't good either. So just 5 1 litre glasses of water per day and nothing else. I drunk my last soda cans yesterday, nothing except alchohol in my house (which I only drink once a month or 2 when I have a party at my place) has sugar (for drinks) and I just drank water today.

Is there such a thing as sugar withdrawal that I will need to be prepared for?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Tabris said:
Is there such a thing as sugar withdrawal that I will need to be prepared for?

There is a major adjustment for entering ketosis, but that's < 40 grams of digestible carbohydrates. I'm not sure about a high carb diet to lower carb. Try getting some potatoes, whole fruit, and a little rice if you feel like you need to eat something with glucose in it. These are better than gluten grains as starches because they contain less lectins, which mess with leptin receptors - one of the same ultimate results of overdoing fructose. Medium chain saturated fats are also easily used fuel by the body (coconut oil, dairy fat).

If you drink caffeinated soda, just drink some black coffee to guard against a caffeine withdrawal. Won't take much as coffee has something like 3-6x the caffeine per volume.


Aside from a day or so at a time after a cheat meal, I've been in ketosis for almost two years and in that time I've been lifting weights with my fiancé, doing p90x, Insanity, HIIT, c25k, etc. all without issue. I don't see how anyone could say ketosis isn't sustainable. In fact, six months of the two years was zero carb: just chicken, beef, and fish - no dairy and not even eggs. Multi+Calcium+Magnesium+Potassium+fish oil if you're not eating organ meat and dairy but otherwise no need to supplement anything.


Tabris said:
I drunk my last soda cans yesterday, nothing except alchohol in my house (which I only drink once a month or 2 when I have a party at my place) has sugar (for drinks) and I just drank water today.

Is there such a thing as sugar withdrawal that I will need to be prepared for?
Gave up soda years ago, went cold turkey. Accidentally had a sip of Dr. Pepper (thought it was my iced tea), was nasty as all hell. Whatever minor symptoms you'll have for a few days will pass, just do it.
Finally hit my 8th Milestone today. 80lbs dropped.

Start: 5/20/10 :: 305lbs
Current: 2/12/11 :: 225lbs

Goal: 175lbs (without putting any new muscle on)
Goal: 200lbs (with roughly 25lbs of lean muscle mass)
I haven't visited the GYM since Dec.. they are under reconstruction...

Started - 280
In Dec - 248
Now - 254

i need some advice on the foods i should eat.. something that's easy to make?

Im thinking about

2 scrambled eggs in the morning
Grilled chicken breast and broccoli for lunch and dinner


LaneDS said:
Give us some details of your diet and exercise routines and I bet GAF can help you.

I think my diet is problematic because I have a really hard time cutting out carbs. While going to school, I still have to live with my parents to help save money. They insist on either making noodles or rice for dinner every day. In the morning I can just eat eggs and at lunch the carbs are usually not bad, but it's almost impossible to avoid them at dinner. They love just making potatoes, bread, rice, noodles, pasta, and if I don't eat a large portion, I'm starved for the rest of the night which just leads me to snacking terribly throughout the rest of the night. I'm a terrible cook and stressed for time so I usually just have to eat what they eat, but maybe that's just me making up excuses. Progress I've made is I've basically cut out chocolate, pop, sweets, chips and most junk food from my diet. Only drink water and milk now, and barely ever go out now, saves money and calories.

For my exercise routine I've been doing stronglifts 5x5 for a month or so now, and it's been going fine. I make sure to get a lot of protein into my body after the workout. It'd be probably easier for me just to bulk up and worry about weight loss later but I'm just envious of you guys losing 50lb pounds when my weight never moves. :p I've always been chubby and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get leaner.
Oh, I posted this in the Workout thread, but then saw this thread and realized maybe this is the more appropriate.

tl/dr: Does switching to low carb diet make you sweat ridiculously when working out in the beginning? I googled and didn't find anything, although there's so much crap to sift through, I gave up and came here.

I love cooking and eating, so haven't done any dietary restrictions since college maybe 12 years ago when I went fish and veggies for a year. But this week out of curiosity, I only ate proteins, fats, fruits and veggies. The only carbs I've gotten were from bananas, although I ate maybe 2-3 a day on average.

I felt kinda different all week, not necessarily better, but not bad either. Have had some trouble sleeping, but that might have been due to some unusual stresses at work.

I always drink about a gallon of water during work, cuz I go to the gym after work, and today was no different. Throughout the day I ate bananas, avocados, some fried tuna, a couple of protein bars, and protein shake. Then went to the gym.

The whole time I was dripping sweat like crazy. I always work out hard. Lately I do circuit weights for 30 minutes with very little rest in between and then cardio for 30. Did some warm up, immediately got sweaty, and even in my first set of benching, the bench was wet with sweat after. That is very unusual. Usually I'll get a sweat going, but am not dripping until the cardio.

And it just kept coming. I felt fine, not over-exerting. Everything I did, I was just flying sweat everywhere. It was kinda embarrassing and gross, cuz I know I probably splashed people walking by me.

During my cool down, i stopped sweating and dried up fast. Heart-rate felt fine the whole time, and I feel normal now.

Just wondering if this was due to the low carb diet this week. I started it Sunday. Had normal sweat levels during my workouts earlier this week.


Ultimoo said:
I think my diet is problematic because I have a really hard time cutting out carbs. While going to school, I still have to live with my parents to help save money. They insist on either making noodles or rice for dinner every day. In the morning I can just eat eggs and at lunch the carbs are usually not bad, but it's almost impossible to avoid them at dinner. They love just making potatoes, bread, rice, noodles, pasta, and if I don't eat a large portion, I'm starved for the rest of the night which just leads me to snacking terribly throughout the rest of the night. I'm a terrible cook and stressed for time so I usually just have to eat what they eat, but maybe that's just me making up excuses. Progress I've made is I've basically cut out chocolate, pop, sweets, chips and most junk food from my diet. Only drink water and milk now, and barely ever go out now, saves money and calories.

For my exercise routine I've been doing stronglifts 5x5 for a month or so now, and it's been going fine. I make sure to get a lot of protein into my body after the workout. It'd be probably easier for me just to bulk up and worry about weight loss later but I'm just envious of you guys losing 50lb pounds when my weight never moves. :p I've always been chubby and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get leaner.

Well, without knowing all the details it sounds like you have a pretty good grasp of why you're plateauing at 195... carbs are ok, but in moderation. Eating lots of them every night is probably not helping. If you can't change up your diet for the time being, why not try a different exercise routine or at least add on to your existing one?

Also, might be worth it just to ask your parents to include more protein in your dinner, or maybe you can make some things yourself. Lots of easily made and consumed protein options out there, even if you ate like, a can of tuna before dinner so you don't feel the need to eat as many carbs, that might help just fine.

Not to downplay the achievements of the people losing 50lbs, because really it's awesome and the whole idea behind the thread, but usually those people are the ones who are more out of shape. Unless you're really short, 195lbs doesn't sound like an unhealthy weight to me.

Or, comedy option, gain 100lbs so you can easily lose that first 50! Easy!


3 bananas is quite a bit of carbs, 100g of carbs and ~50g of sugar. If you truly want to go low carb and include fruit, I'd ditch bananas and maybe have 1 apple per day at most.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Couldn't one just avoid the chemicals in this and use standard oats with a dash of sugar and some nuts in it? :\

Maybe this is weird, but I don't care for cooked oatmeal but will eat a big bowl of uncooked regular oats (not the thin instant ones) plain with soymilk. Sometimes I'll jazz it up with fruit or protein powder, but I like it fine plain.


Parrot, do you think the sweating has anything to do with drinking a gallon of water at work? Is that how much you used to drink before going low carb? Not that drinking a lot of water is bad... but that sure sounds like a possible reason for excessive sweating when exercising.


parrotbeak said:
Oh, I posted this in the Workout thread, but then saw this thread and realized maybe this is the more appropriate.

tl/dr: Does switching to low carb diet make you sweat ridiculously when working out in the beginning? I googled and didn't find anything, although there's so much crap to sift through, I gave up and came here.

I always drink about a gallon of water during work, cuz I go to the gym after work, and today was no different. Throughout the day I ate bananas, avocados, some fried tuna, a couple of protein bars, and protein shake. Then went to the gym.
It can yes. I am not sure why and could never find studies that explain why, just tons of reports of people who end up having that issue. I know that for years I barely broke a sweat when I worked out. Now when I do I sweat...like normal I guess.

However, extra water could cause some of it. It is one way for the body to keep everything regulated. I would not worry about it that's for sure.

I do know that after being on low carb for years, I did find that the sweaty went away and somewhat back to my old standard. But still higher than before.


LaneDS said:
Well, without knowing all the details it sounds like you have a pretty good grasp of why you're plateauing at 195... carbs are ok, but in moderation. Eating lots of them every night is probably not helping. If you can't change up your diet for the time being, why not try a different exercise routine or at least add on to your existing one?

Also, might be worth it just to ask your parents to include more protein in your dinner, or maybe you can make some things yourself. Lots of easily made and consumed protein options out there, even if you ate like, a can of tuna before dinner so you don't feel the need to eat as many carbs, that might help just fine.

Not to downplay the achievements of the people losing 50lbs, because really it's awesome and the whole idea behind the thread, but usually those people are the ones who are more out of shape. Unless you're really short, 195lbs doesn't sound like an unhealthy weight to me.

Or, comedy option, gain 100lbs so you can easily lose that first 50! Easy!

Yeah okay, I'll try finding some protein options to eat before dinner like tuna or nuts so I don't eat as much. If I calculate my BMI with my height, it says I'm in the obese range, but that doesn't take into account muscle mass, so that's not really accurate anymore for me, because I've been bulking up okay since I started working out. I'll just keep working at it, I look forward to the day my scale actually moves. I do enjoy GAF though, I don't ever feel comfortable talking about my weight issues in real life, seems too embarrassing to discuss with my friends so I can let out all my fears and worries on here. :p
Srsly said:
3 bananas is quite a bit of carbs, 100g of carbs and ~50g of sugar. If you truly want to go low carb and include fruit, I'd ditch bananas and maybe have 1 apple per day at most.
I see. Well, they were small apple bananas, probably less than half the size of regular cavendish ones, although they're also sweeter. I was estimating maybe it was about a cup mashed, which I found online would be 51 g. But ok, say it's closer to 100 g cuz of the sugar.

The protein bars have 24 g. So total today would have been maybe 150 g.

Anyway, it's still a huge reduction from the usual amount of carbs I eat. I'm not really interested in keeping this up, just wanted to see what it was like, cuz I always hear about it. I plan on eating white rice tomorrow.

LaneDS said:
Parrot, do you think the sweating has anything to do with drinking a gallon of water at work? Is that how much you used to drink before going low carb? Not that drinking a lot of water is bad... but that sure sounds like a possible reason for excessive sweating when exercising.
Yes, I drink at least a gallon of water during the day every day (more after working out of course).
Karak said:
It can yes. I am not sure why and could never find studies that explain why, just tons of reports of people who end up having that issue. I know that for years I barely broke a sweat when I worked out. Now when I do I sweat...like normal I guess.

However, extra water could cause some of it. It is one way for the body to keep everything regulated. I would not worry about it that's for sure.

I do know that after being on low carb for years, I did find that the sweaty went away and somewhat back to my old standard. But still higher than before.

Interesting, thanks! Good to know it's not something to worry about.


parrotbeak said:
I see. Well, they were small apple bananas, probably less than half the size of regular cavendish ones, although they're also sweeter. I was estimating maybe it was about a cup mashed, which I found online would be 51 g. But ok, say it's closer to 100 g cuz of the sugar.

The protein bars have 24 g. So total today would have been maybe 150 g.

Anyway, it's still a huge reduction from the usual amount of carbs I eat. I'm not really interested in keeping this up, just wanted to see what it was like, cuz I always hear about it. I plan on eating white rice tomorrow.

Yes, I drink at least a gallon of water during the day every day (more after working out of course).

Well, if you really want to feel what low-carb is like, you have to let your body enter ketosis. Right now, it's still primarily running on glucose at 150g of carbs (600 calories). I don't think you would notice a difference just based on your current macros, so whatever you're feeling is probably either a placebo effect or the result of something else.


Ultimoo said:
Yeah okay, I'll try finding some protein options to eat before dinner like tuna or nuts so I don't eat as much. If I calculate my BMI with my height, it says I'm in the obese range, but that doesn't take into account muscle mass, so that's not really accurate anymore for me, because I've been bulking up okay since I started working out. I'll just keep working at it, I look forward to the day my scale actually moves. I do enjoy GAF though, I don't ever feel comfortable talking about my weight issues in real life, seems too embarrassing to discuss with my friends so I can let out all my fears and worries on here. :p

A lot of people will tell you BMI is a pretty worthless measure. Lots of very muscular folks who would never be called unfit will come across as obese using BMI. If you can, try to get an accurate body fat percentage measurement. That is a much better way to see how you're doing.
Srsly said:
Well, if you really want to feel what low-carb is like, you have to let your body enter ketosis. Right now, it's still primarily running on glucose at 150g of carbs (600 calories). I don't think you would notice a difference just based on your current macros, so whatever you're feeling is probably either a placebo effect or the result of something else.

Hmm, ok, thanks! I have no idea then. It's the only thing I've changed this week that I can think of.


It could just be the result of being in a large calorie deficit. Do you know how many calories you've been consuming?
Srsly said:
It could just be the result of being in a large calorie deficit. Do you know how many calories you've been consuming?
Shoot, not really. I've absolutely never counted calories in my life. It was hard enough figuring out what had carbs and what didn't. I'm sure I ran a calorie deficit all week though. Mostly eating salads and fish for my main meals and snacking on fruits.

Bleh, this is hard. Mad respect for people doing this long term


parrotbeak said:
Shoot, not really. I've absolutely never counted calories in my life. It was hard enough figuring out what had carbs and what didn't. I'm sure I ran a calorie deficit all week though. Mostly eating salads and fish for my main meals and snacking on fruits.

Bleh, this is hard. Mad respect for people doing this long term

It's hard, but it'll get easier bit by bit every day you try to make better decisions and learn even small things here and there.


parrotbeak said:
Shoot, not really. I've absolutely never counted calories in my life. It was hard enough figuring out what had carbs and what didn't. I'm sure I ran a calorie deficit all week though. Mostly eating salads and fish for my main meals and snacking on fruits.

Bleh, this is hard. Mad respect for people doing this long term
If you aren't counting calories and dont really know much about whats actually makes up the food you're eating, you could be running an unhealthy caloric deficiency and not know it. Just sayin, if all you're eating is fish, salads and fruit, you might be taking in much less calories than you think. Fish is great for protein, but since its usually almost ALL protein, there's not a lot of calories in it.

And yes, a large calorie deficit can be a MAJOR change from an overeating diet. You really dont want a large calorie deficit. Just a moderate one(200-500 calories less than your caloric maintenance level).


3 pound weight loss already in 2-3 days since stopped eating/drinking sugar lol I know it's just the beginning and it will plateau but this is awesome, I feel great with this change.

I'm not feeling any withdrawal, only things different is I'm peeing like 4x more than normal and the first time in a long time it's clear.


I had a pretty disappointing weigh in today. Down .08 pounds....not even sure if I can really call that a loss.

I was going through my old camera and I found some pictures....

Before: 300ish


This was a few weeks ago, but it's my most recent picture at about 200 lbs. Excuse the angry face and soccer card pose.


I'm pretty happy about my progress, but I really want to lose the rest of my gut, tighten everything up, and then bulk for some muscle.


Been in keto for around two and a bit weeks now (thank fuck the parents were on holiday.. they always have me over for dinner :/) and I've hit 79.3kg as of this morning. Not bad considering I hit 86 mid-Jan (after the Christmas/summer holiday binge). I had come down to about 82 at one stage but a carb-load during that perioud brought me back up to about 85.

Going to stay in keto while I still can (should be for at least another couple of days) and if I get kicked out of it, it won't be from something stupid like drinking or binging.

PS. I should say that this is without any *real* strenuous exercise. I go for walks around Melbourne during lunch (which has its fair share of uphill streets) and always try and step it out (rather than saunter) but that's it. Weekends are almost entirely sedentary. Planning on ramping it up soon, though.


Nice job everyone! Akim, how long did it take you to drop 100 or so pounds, and what was your strategy?

I've been working out heavily five or six days a week since the start of the year and have minimal weight loss to show for it. Went from a period where I worked out often to a four month lapse between August and January, so I am relatively sure I've gained a lot of muscle which is off-setting any weight loss that might have happened. Started January at around 203 lbs (I'm 5'8" and have a broad build) and even after 30+ workouts and a good diet I'm barely under 200 lbs which is disappointing. Not sure if I should just focus on cardio and a lower carb diet (I'm probably consuming 100-150g of carbs a day currently) and worry about putting on muscle later, or if I should continue my current routine and hope that with continued muscle gain I'll just burn off the fat after 6-12 months (numbers I am totally making up).

Any feedback on my approach? Would be totally appreciated.


LaneDS said:
Nice job everyone! Akim, how long did it take you to drop 100 or so pounds, and what was your strategy?

Well, previously I had made a bunch of half-hearted attempts to lose weight, but finally in July of 2010 something clicked and I became serious. The first month was just slight changes. I cut out soda and sweets, and just generally ate cleaner. I had eggs, sandwiches, chicken breast, and veggies. The month of August I was in Germany. I was off my diet but I just tried to eat less and I was walking about 7 miles a day.

From September to January I was on a low carb diet consuming about 20-30g per day. This is where most of the weight came off. I didn't actually start exercising in the gym until about the middle of November. Just recently I added carbs back into my diet, but I'm still trying to drop about 25 more pounds.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
In my entire life, I can count with my left or right hand how many times I have ever tried going to the gym.

But I have a resolution right now that I will try as best as I can trying to go to the gym regularly. I am a total noob in gym and perhaps my body will be crushed and sore after a few minutes trying to exercise in the gym, but hopefully I can persevere and not giving up.

It feels really shitty having a 105 kg body--I feel sluggish and it really brings down my self confidence, especially when dealing with the opposite sex.

Give me some tips, GAF. And some words of support, too, while you're at it, hahahah.

I'll enlist to a gym near my house today.
Laughing Banana said:
In my entire life, I can count with my left or right hand how many times I have ever tried going to the gym.

But I have a resolution right now that I will try as best as I can trying to go to the gym regularly. I am a total noob in gym and perhaps my body will be crushed and sore after a few minutes trying to exercise in the gym, but hopefully I can persevere and not giving up.

It feels really shitty having a 105 kg body--I feel sluggish and it really brings down my self confidence, especially when dealing with the opposite sex.

Give me some tips, GAF. And some words of support, too, while you're at it, hahahah.

I'll enlist to a gym near my house today.

For me, exercise motivates my diet and vice versa.

I'd recommend pacing yourself, especially if you've been inactive for a while. A friend of mine (and lots of other people) joined a gym and went workout crazy, going everyday. After two months he got burnt out and stopped cold turkey.


Your body will feel sore and crushed... but that's natural, and good. You should want that feeling, at least for a while. It is absolutely the hardest at the start. You'll hate it while you're there, but you'll love it afterwards... and it doesn't take very long to start feeling the results. Give yourself a month of really trying it. Aim for at least three times a week (I'd say aim higher, but don't overdo it either). Read up before you go so you have an idea of what you're doing. Don't worry about what other people think (assuming that is a problem for you)... be happy you're there trying to make yourself better, just like every other single person there.

If you stick with it, I guarantee that your self-confidence will soar. I think most of this thread can attest to that. Good luck, and be sure to post back in here after you've got the ball rolling to share the positive results.
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