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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
betweenthewheels said:
For me, exercise motivates my diet and vice versa.

I'd recommend pacing yourself, especially if you've been inactive for a while. A friend of mine (and lots of other people) joined a gym and went workout crazy, going everyday. After two months he got burnt out and stopped cold turkey.

LaneDS said:
Your body will feel sore and crushed... but that's natural, and good. You should want that feeling, at least for a while. It is absolutely the hardest at the start. You'll hate it while you're there, but you'll love it afterwards... and it doesn't take very long to start feeling the results. Give yourself a month of really trying it. Aim for at least three times a week (I'd say aim higher, but don't overdo it either). Read up before you go so you have an idea of what you're doing. Don't worry about what other people think (assuming that is a problem for you)... be happy you're there trying to make yourself better, just like every other single person there.

If you stick with it, I guarantee that your self-confidence will soar. I think most of this thread can attest to that. Good luck, and be sure to post back in here after you've got the ball rolling to share the positive results.

Thank you, both of you :)

Yea, I think most probably it might not be beneficial if I am being overzealous about it. I am going to take it step by step: finding the pace and rhythm that I can be comfortable with and stick with it. It's better this why in order to find consistency, I think, rather than going all out straightforwardly from the beginning but getting burnt out quickly.

Besides, I am planning to enlist in a one-year membership program (with a 2 months bonus) so it would be more beneficial for me if I take it one step of a time.

Thanks again :)

Edit: I forgot--I will report the pattern of my workout attempt and the result after one month. If the result is unsatisfactory/below par, then perhaps GAF will be willing to point me to the changes required/mistakes that can be fixed. Wish me luck!
Checking in with a weight update. It has been a long time lol.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs

I now avg 8:30 a mile when I do my 3-4 mile runs and ran my fastest mile of 6:50. I have since joined the National Guard and leave for basic training in April.

Couple pics. Enjoy




thewhiterabbit said:
Checking in with a weight update. It has been a long time lol.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs

I now avg 8:30 a mile when I do my 3-4 mile runs and ran my fastest mile of 6:50. I have since joined the National Guard and leave for basic training in April.

Couple pics. Enjoy



Holy shit man, congratulations. You must feel like a completely different person. I am quite impressed :)


thewhiterabbit said:
Checking in with a weight update. It has been a long time lol.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs

I now avg 8:30 a mile when I do my 3-4 mile runs and ran my fastest mile of 6:50. I have since joined the National Guard and leave for basic training in April.

Couple pics. Enjoy


Holy shit that's awesome. Don't you have alot of loose skin now though?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
thewhiterabbit said:
Checking in with a weight update. It has been a long time lol.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs

I now avg 8:30 a mile when I do my 3-4 mile runs and ran my fastest mile of 6:50. I have since joined the National Guard and leave for basic training in April.

Couple pics. Enjoy



Gawd damn!

Epic transformation.

My pee smelled like Tuna the other day, cant hack eating as is. Gotta eat a bit and drink water to wash it down.


Stridone said:
Holy shit that's awesome. Don't you have alot of loose skin now though?

I am at about 120ish pounds lost and I have some, cant imagine what its like at 200. But fuck me it does not bother me at all. Id rather have a bit of loose skin than be as misreable as I was at my heaviest.

Again congratulations man. Massive achievement.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Gawd damn!

Epic transformation.

My pee smelled like Tuna the other day, cant hack eating as is. Gotta eat a bit and drink water to wash it down.
If you're looking for something a bit different, I've found the Atkins "Day Break" bars are fairly tasty and don't taste like they're loaded with artificial sweetners. Currently on sale at Safeway/Woolworths for a little over $2.
Thanks guys.

Yes I have a lil bit of loose skin. Mainly deflated man titties and my belly. Not as bad as I thought it would be and worth it to feel as good as I do now.

Also I don't do atkins or any of that. I just track my calories and work out 6 days a week. I work out twice a day most days. Thats mainly cause I am preparing for basic training right now. So I started doing insanity in the evenings.

I try to pick healthy foods but I will splurge on some bad foods if I have the calories. Eat less and move more.
thewhiterabbit said:
Checking in with a weight update. It has been a long time lol.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs

I now avg 8:30 a mile when I do my 3-4 mile runs and ran my fastest mile of 6:50. I have since joined the National Guard and leave for basic training in April.

Couple pics. Enjoy



Awesome transformation!

Also, grats on joining the National Guard. If you lost weight rapidly and have any loose skin, the military might be able to pay for any cosmetic surgery to remove it.


God damn whiterabbit, congrats.


When I was at my plateau a few years ago I was around 280 and fluctuated down to 260 at times. I always told myself, "75-80 pounds is going to be hard, but you can do that".

Then a few months ago I weighted myself and was 300. I literally cried. The number, 100, to lose was painful to even think about.

I weighed myself the other day and I'm 325. I have to lose 125 pounds. I just don't know how I can do that. Jesus Christ, I have to lose the entire weight of my wife. How the hell am I going to do that with no job, no money, no access to exercise equipment, etc.

Then I saw your post.

Jesus, I can do this.


If you start to lose the weight, and you can and will, you will gain confidence to replace the weight. It'll help a lot with that no job part, I assure you. Having time to dedicate to exercise, even if it's something simple like walking or jogging (if you're 325, try something like the Couch to 5K plan... something like 30 days to get you from totally sedentary to running a 5k), will help a lot.

You can do it. Start today. Make better decisions, and keep building on that.


LaneDS said:
If you start to lose the weight, and you can and will, you will gain confidence to replace the weight. It'll help a lot with that no job part, I assure you. Having time to dedicate to exercise, even if it's something simple like walking or jogging (if you're 325, try something like the Couch to 5K plan... something like 30 days to get you from totally sedentary to running a 5k), will help a lot.

You can do it. Start today. Make better decisions, and keep building on that.

Couch to 5k is something to look into and I'll try it tomorrow (can't start today, since not only is it far past my bedtime, but I'm getting over the superflu), at least try. It seems pretty hardcore.


I think my biggest issue is my mind is a chaotic jumble with my attention span all over the place. I can literally sit down and eat a fatty meal and literally have "forgotten" that I'm on a diet.


This is it GAF. I have an eating problem. I have a really bad eating problem. I'm psychologically dependent on food and when I go through difficult times I load up on burgers, fries, and pizza. No more GAF. I've been destroying my body.

I'm 240lbs and 6'4 and it's time to change that. My goal is 195lbs. My second goal is to run a marathon by this time next year.


bengraven said:
Couch to 5k is something to look into and I'll try it tomorrow (can't start today, since not only is it far past my bedtime, but I'm getting over the superflu), at least try. It seems pretty hardcore.


I think my biggest issue is my mind is a chaotic jumble with my attention span all over the place. I can literally sit down and eat a fatty meal and literally have "forgotten" that I'm on a diet.

Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself, and especially don't beat yourself up over mistakes... they can and will happen. Aim for small wins on a day to day basis and just keep learning from those mistakes. It takes time, but losing 125 lbs is something you absolutely can do if you keep at it. It sounds daunting at first, but day by day you can work towards it and make it happen.
bengraven said:
God damn whiterabbit, congrats.


When I was at my plateau a few years ago I was around 280 and fluctuated down to 260 at times. I always told myself, "75-80 pounds is going to be hard, but you can do that".

Then a few months ago I weighted myself and was 300. I literally cried. The number, 100, to lose was painful to even think about.

I weighed myself the other day and I'm 325. I have to lose 125 pounds. I just don't know how I can do that. Jesus Christ, I have to lose the entire weight of my wife. How the hell am I going to do that with no job, no money, no access to exercise equipment, etc.

Then I saw your post.

Jesus, I can do this.

Myfitnesspal.com is free. I use it to track my calories.

The outside is free. I started by just walking 30-60 mins a day. It was hard at first cause it hurt alot.

I have no gym. I have a $20.00 weight plate and a $20.00 pull up bar that I bought with in the last 3 months. Prior to that I either walked/ran outside or walked up and down stairs.

Next it just takes a couple sacrifices to get the ball rolling. I started by cutting out drinking anything sweetened and alcohol. 2 things loaded with calories. I drink water now. Thats it. Water and tons of it.

You just have to burn more calories than you take in. You can do it.
thewhiterabbit said:
Myfitnesspal.com is free. I use it to track my calories.
Cool site, I just signed up and put in my meals for the last few days. I'm not dieting though, I'm 5'10" and 165 lbs now which I think is suppose to be pretty good.

Apparently I average around 1,800 calories a day though - which is super skewed at this point because I had about 3 gin and tonics last night and some vodka and then about 3/4 of a banana split on Valentines day - not normal for me to eat that stuff. Tuesday was an extremely normal eating day and I only got in 1,650 calories... apparently if I eat like that every day I'll be 155 lbs in just over a month. That's kind of bad though, I don't have a very small frame, in-fact my sister and girlfriend both told me to stop losing weight before I started looking weird.

I don't know if I should worry and start increasing my caloric in-take or just hope I have more random days in the future where I drink and eat banana splits so I balance out. I don't want to lose more weight, I just want to build up the flab I have into a respectable body... which if I'm not mistaken requires I eat more anyways since if I start exercising I'm going to burn calories that I'll need... and mostly protein at that.

Edit: Maybe this isn't the right thread since I'm not actively trying to loose weight right now but back not even 2 years ago I was 200lbs+ and I've been overweight practically my whole life (not much but still chubby) now I'm actually thinking I'm dropping too fast and I'm not even trying.
Houston3000 said:
Cool site, I just signed up and put in my meals for the last few days. I'm not dieting though, I'm 5'10" and 165 lbs now which I think is suppose to be pretty good.

Apparently I average around 1,800 calories a day though - which is super skewed at this point because I had about 3 gin and tonics last night and some vodka and then about 3/4 of a banana split on Valentines day - not normal for me to eat that stuff. Tuesday was an extremely normal eating day and I only got in 1,650 calories... apparently if I eat like that every day I'll be 155 lbs in just over a month. That's kind of bad though, I don't have a very small frame, in-fact my sister and girlfriend both told me to stop losing weight before I started looking weird.

I don't know if I should worry and start increasing my caloric in-take or just hope I have more random days in the future where I drink and eat banana splits so I balance out. I don't want to lose more weight, I just want to build up the flab I have into a respectable body... which if I'm not mistaken requires I eat more anyways since if I start exercising I'm going to burn calories that I'll need... and mostly protein at that.

Edit: Maybe this isn't the right thread since I'm not actively trying to loose weight right now but back not even 2 years ago I was 200lbs+ and I've been overweight practically my whole life (not much but still chubby) now I'm actually thinking I'm dropping too fast and I'm not even trying.

You can use it to gain as well. Thats what my wife does. You can use it to track your workouts cause since you are trying to gain you would want to eat those calories burned through exercise.

On a second note if you are losing weight you might have some medical condition. you might want to bring this up with your doctor.


For anyone who is addicted to junk food trying to lose weight, the best way I found out to lose weight (50 Pounds so far) is buy the value versions of them. You get the taste, less calories and you are able to wean yourself slowly off of it over time.
OK.. my order came in, George Foreman grill and a microwavable safe cup

Breakfast -
Special K with Skim Plus
- Maybe 2 scrambled eggs on some days

Snack -
2 apple slices

Chicken cutlets with broccoli and salad (dunno what dressing yet)

Dinner -
Chicken cutlets with broccoli

what do you guys think? is it a healthy plan


I'd drop the Special K (if it was me). Maybe go eggs and bacon instead. Drop the carbs, increase the caloric intake (I think).


Houston3000 said:
Cool site, I just signed up and put in my meals for the last few days. I'm not dieting though, I'm 5'10" and 165 lbs now which I think is suppose to be pretty good.

Apparently I average around 1,800 calories a day though - which is super skewed at this point because I had about 3 gin and tonics last night and some vodka and then about 3/4 of a banana split on Valentines day - not normal for me to eat that stuff. Tuesday was an extremely normal eating day and I only got in 1,650 calories... apparently if I eat like that every day I'll be 155 lbs in just over a month. That's kind of bad though, I don't have a very small frame, in-fact my sister and girlfriend both told me to stop losing weight before I started looking weird.

I don't know if I should worry and start increasing my caloric in-take or just hope I have more random days in the future where I drink and eat banana splits so I balance out. I don't want to lose more weight, I just want to build up the flab I have into a respectable body... which if I'm not mistaken requires I eat more anyways since if I start exercising I'm going to burn calories that I'll need... and mostly protein at that.

Edit: Maybe this isn't the right thread since I'm not actively trying to loose weight right now but back not even 2 years ago I was 200lbs+ and I've been overweight practically my whole life (not much but still chubby) now I'm actually thinking I'm dropping too fast and I'm not even trying.

Increase caloric intake. Try drinking a quarter gallon of whole milk a day in addition to your daily intake. Exercise.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
mercenar1e said:
can't eat bacon..

Why not? Can't eat pork? Try turkey bacon, or turkey/chicken sausage! Some of them can be pretty damn tasty.
mercenar1e said:
OK.. my order came in, George Foreman grill and a microwavable safe cup

Breakfast -
Special K with Skim Plus
- Maybe 2 scrambled eggs on some days

Snack -
2 apple slices

Chicken cutlets with broccoli and salad (dunno what dressing yet)

Dinner -
Chicken cutlets with broccoli

what do you guys think? is it a healthy plan

No, it's not a good plan, but it's a good start. You need more calories, otherwise your metablism will slow down, and losing weight will become even more difficult.

Definitely add the eggs to your breakfast. The most important part of every meal is protein. There is very little protein in cereal. Protein will slow the digestion rate of the carbs from the cereal, which will make it less likely to cause an insulin spike and therefore not as likely to be stored as fat, but rather used as energy. Personally, I would ditch the cereal and switch to Quaker Oats old fashioned oatmeal (not the instant kind). It's far better for you than any cereal, and it will provide you with a good amount of slow burning energy.

The snack is OK, but again, add some protein to it to slow the digestion rate of the carbs that are in the apple. The apple has some fiber which helps slow it down, but adding protein will help even more. A simple solution: add a scoop or two of protein powder.

Your lunch is good, but I would add a serving of complex carbs. Examples include: sweet potatos, yams, oatmeal, brown rice, wild rice, 100% whole grain bread. Also, add in a serving of fat. You can get this from your salad dressing. You could try mixing 1 tbsp of olive oil with a tiny bit of vinegar to make a dressing. I would be wary of use any store-bought dressings as they are typically loaded with sugar.

For your dinner, just add another serving of fat (about 120-200 calories worth). Some examples of good fats are: olive oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts, almonds, avocado

Beyond that, just add another snack or even a meal in there somewhere. I eat 6 times a day. 5 times a day is the minumum I would suggest. Don't go over 3 hours without eating. Eat your complex carbs during the first half of your day, and switch to just fibrous carbs (green vegetables) in the latter half.

In addition to your diet, I would strongly suggest you to do some resistance training and cardio.

Weigh yourself every week at the same time on the same scale. If you are losing 1-2 lbs a week, stick with the eating plan. If you are losing more, increase your calories. If you are losing less than 1 lb a week, honestly, the best option is to exercise more. But you can also decrease your caloric intake slightly. If this is the case, lower your calories by 100 per week until you start losing 1-2 lbs weekly.

(note: in the first week, you will likely lose a lot of weight...maybe as much as 10lbs. This is almost purely water weight, so don't worry about it. But after the first week, you'll want to aim for 1-2 lbs a week.)
Is it pretty much a sure thing that rapid weight loss = loose skin.

I'm starting to lose weight and I started in the upper 300s and I'm really afraid of this happening. I really can't afford any type of surgery to remove the excess skin.
BertramCooper said:
Once every month or so.

I stopped stressing out over numbers a while ago. I was weighing myself weekly and it became far too discouraging.

These days, I just go by how loose my pants feel. At my heaviest, my waist was a 52 (ugh, I get sick just thinking about it). Now I'm at a 38. And to me, that's more satisfying than the number of pounds I've lost.

I don't obsess on the numbers but I do weight myself each week, just to keep myself honest.

Like you, but for the first time, I'm now forcing myself to try weightloss with my main guide being pairs of trousers. Only 6 weeks in but the fact that I'm down from my 46inch trousers to an old pair for work that ar 42in (i know still huge, but progress), and that I can now fit a good number of my favourite t-shirts that I was not fitting is just great.
SuperAngelo64 said:
Is it pretty much a sure thing that rapid weight loss = loose skin.

I'm starting to lose weight and I started in the upper 300s and I'm really afraid of this happening. I really can't afford any type of surgery to remove the excess skin.

How slowly you lose the weight has very little to do with excess skin. Thats a myth. How much weight, how long you have had that excess weight and age are more important factors.

If you have more than 100 pounds to lose and have carried that weight for a few years no matter how slowly you lose that weight you will have some excess skin.

Now for some positives, It really is not that bad. I have lost ~190lbs and I am surprised with how little excess skin I have. Its not perfect by any measure but after the first 100lbs I was sure it would be way worse. I even thought it was not worth going through the weight loss to end up a "freak". Let me tell you, being thin is worth every inch of excess skin I have. How i feel, the things I can now do it was all worth it.

So keep doing what you are doing. Don't let the fear of excess skin be a hindrance.

Brewster's Wallet said:
I don't obsess on the numbers but I do weight myself each week, just to keep myself honest.

Like you, but for the first time, I'm now forcing myself to try weightloss with my main guide being pairs of trousers. Only 6 weeks in but the fact that I'm down from my 46inch trousers to an old pair for work that ar 42in (i know still huge, but progress), and that I can now fit a good number of my favourite t-shirts that I was not fitting is just great.

I weigh daily. And every time I go to the bathroom I am a numbers guy and to me weight loss is about the numbers.

I don't stress the actual number. I look at the trend. I can be 7lbs heavier at night than my weight first thing in the morning after my first void. But I enjoy watching the daily max go down as much as I do the first weight after the first void. I also enjoy seeing "oh I just pissed out a pound" "man that was a 1 pound dump" etc lol.

And because I use a hrm to track my calories burned, and I weigh my portions religiously, and dont "cheat" I know I am running a deficit. So the trend is always down. Plus I been doing this for almost 2 years. Which makes it all less stressful.
Don't know if you guys are aware of Spaghetti Squash, but I made some today with some homemade low carb sauce and it was delicious. Really couldn't even tell the difference.

I imagine you can do all sorts of other stuff with it as well, using it as a base.

It's really easy to prepare. You just bake it for an hour or so, let it cool and rake it out with a fork.

Net carbage is like 3 or 4 per 1/2 cup, I believe. But it's really a good carb, anyway, and it hasn't affected my blood sugar levels.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
mercenar1e said:
OK.. my order came in, George Foreman grill and a microwavable safe cup

Breakfast -
Special K with Skim Plus
- Maybe 2 scrambled eggs on some days

Snack -
2 apple slices

Chicken cutlets with broccoli and salad (dunno what dressing yet)

Dinner -
Chicken cutlets with broccoli

what do you guys think? is it a healthy plan

suggestions per list:
-Swap out the special K with a banana or a small piece of fruit
-Always get the 2 eggs, or equivalent whole animal based protein

-No snack

-If the dressing is high in sugar or soybean oil, drop the salad. Prefer dressings that are whole cream or at least olive oil based. Be adamant about it being fresh oil.
-If you're making this at home, just pick up a huge bag of mixed greens every week, and make a batch of salad dressing with olive oil, herbs, spices, shallots, garlic, etc. Maybe add an avocado and some baked chicken. Lots of recipes out there, I try to eat a large salad daily.

-Add a small potato with whole sour cream or pastured butter if it's in season to dinner.
-Mix up the meats with steak, and other animal sources.
-Supplement omega3 fats.

LocoMrPollock said:
Don't know if you guys are aware of Spaghetti Squash

Yeah, I've had this before. It's really good for an imitation.

Personally I'm okay just putting cheese, pepperoni, Arrabbiata in a pan and melting it to get my Italian cravings.
Started last Monday at 252 now i am at 247, im guessing some water and fat loss, my plan is to start walking 6 days per week, 37 mins per day
mercenar1e said:
Started last Monday at 252 now i am at 247, im guessing some water and fat loss, my plan is to start walking 6 days per week, 37 mins per day

Nice. Got to start some where. Crazy question but why 37 mins lol. Seems like a odd number. Just curious.
thewhiterabbit said:
Nice. Got to start some where. Crazy question but why 37 mins lol. Seems like a odd number. Just curious.

im usually picking shit up for my brothers every day, it's a lengthy walk to and back... usually takes me 37 mins.. don't get me wrong i have small walks too but i don't count em, it would probably drive me nuts lol

ALSO forgot to mention at one point i was 275 but stopped after graduation/snow here in NYC.. (252 when i stopped) once the warmer weather approaches ill go back to the hour per day 4+ mile walk

going to take a full blood test 1-2 months from now to really see how much of a difference my plan is doing
I've been eating healthily since the beginning of August. I have no idea what I weighed before or even what I weigh now, but it's fair to say that at the beginning of the summer I wasn't fat, but I was chubby enough that it made me feel pretty bad at times. I haven't been 'dieting' as such but eating as healthily as I possibly could - three meals a day with nothing in between.

So after about 6 months of eating healthily pretty religiously and walking about 5 miles + a day I've lost quite a lot of weight and am feeling pretty good about myself. I wouldn't call myself thin (although other people say that I don't need to lose any more weight, I'm not convinced) at all but the novelty of the whole eating healthily thing has worn off. In the last couple of weeks I've been a lot more relaxed with my eating than I have been in ages. I haven't exactly been going out and spending £5 at the shops on food and eating it all in one session like I used to, but I've been eating the odd snack in between meals.

I'm quite content with the weight I'm at now for a little while. I should start going to the gym this week, which will hopefully turn some of the remaining fat I do have into muscle. But apart from that will relaxing on my healthy eating routine of the past few months cause me to pile weight back on pretty quickly or will my body stay at where I'm at now? I'm quite content to put a break on my diet and not lost or gain any more weight, but I'm not sure if it works like that and if I'll end up in 6 months time overweight and unhappy and wondering where I went wrong.
mercenar1e said:
im usually picking shit up for my brothers every day, it's a lengthy walk to and back... usually takes me 37 mins.. don't get me wrong i have small walks too but i don't count em, it would probably drive me nuts lol

ALSO forgot to mention at one point i was 275 but stopped after graduation/snow here in NYC.. (252 when i stopped) once the warmer weather approaches ill go back to the hour per day 4+ mile walk

going to take a full blood test 1-2 months from now to really see how much of a difference my plan is doing

Well that explains that lol. Keep at it, you are doing good.


Gaf. I tend to eat dinner as my biggest meal as I never have time to eat much during my work. I just had about 15-20 spicy baked wings, 4 cups of broccoli, and three low carb mini wraps with peanut butter with flax, almond butter, and cinnamon.

Is doing something like this alright on the path to better eating habits. I have urges for sugar(yesterday night following an 8 oz steak, tomato salad, some white bead, and chips I still managed to pack away four donuts, a bagel, some pistachio tofee, and some smores) and I find the wraps somewhat of a good substitute.

Also, I ate this all around five pm. and shouldn't sleep until about eight or nine. I have binge eating bulimia and would appreciate knowing if it's alright to relax after eating this much or if I should intensely exercise like my mind's urging me to despite having gotten very little sleep last night.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Xelinis said:
But he has always been a juice-a-holic.

Yeah, that part isn't consistent with what he's saying. Odd. It's not like he was abused in his elderly years either. Dude worked out 2 hours per day up until he got pneumonia and died about a month ago at 96.


Junior Member
teh_pwn said:
Yeah, that part isn't consistent with what he's saying. Odd.

I wouldn't say that. He was strongly against processed white sugar and heat-exposed juices. It may be the case that he was on the "natural sugar is good for you" bandwagon, suggesting that he was not up-to-date on all the research done on the negative effects of fructose.


Quick question. What are your motivations for this arduous task? I cant seem to care about my physical looks or getting a romantic partner.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Skyebaron said:
Quick question. What are your motivations for this arduous task? I cant seem to care about my physical looks or getting a romantic partner.

I was chubby a year ago, but now I'm fit.

Motivations to maintain:
-Improve energy levels
-Improve mood
-Increase lifespan
-Not have to breath hard standing up or going up stairs
-Waking up with high levels of energy; not waking up exhausted
-Vastly reducing risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses/lifestyle illnesses/diseases of civilization
-Reducing medical costs

If you only lose weight, you're doing it wrong. It's about fitness, not what the scale says. For example, caloric restriction + sleep deprivation + no exercise + high sugar/low protein = lean weight loss that will make you feel lousy.
Skyebaron said:
Quick question. What are your motivations for this arduous task? I cant seem to care about my physical looks or getting a romantic partner.

Honestly for me it was about being a responsible adult. I have 2 kids and I want them to see me as the smartest, strongest, healthiest, and best person they know.

I def wanted to look good and wanted to make my sex life better. I also achieved both of those things.

You can't even imagine how good being thin and fit feels. Better than any drug hands down.


teh_pwn, if you feel like sharing, what were your physical stats a year ago versus what they are now? Do you attribute most of your gains (or losses, depending on how you choose to view it) to your knowledge and implementation of a good diet? Or more exercise? Equal parts? Sorry for all the questions but you're pretty much the authority in this thread as far as I'm concerned, so I'm curious.
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