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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

LaneDS said:
teh_pwn, if you feel like sharing, what were your physical stats a year ago versus what they are now? Do you attribute most of your gains (or losses, depending on how you choose to view it) to your knowledge and implementation of a good diet? Or more exercise? Equal parts? Sorry for all the questions but you're pretty much the authority in this thread as far as I'm concerned, so I'm curious.

Lol I wouldn't call him the "Authority"

A year ago I was 350lbs. I was over 400lbs at my highest 19 months ago. Today I weighed 208.8lbs

It starts with diet. I don't care what you eat it starts with the amount of calories you consume. To be fit and healthy you need to add in some exercise. Doesn't have to be crazy either. just walk 30 mins a day 3+ days a week. That on top of a diet that gives you a calorie restriction of at least 500 calories a day is a start. Calories in vs Calories out.

I use Myfitnesspal.com. It automatically calculates the calorie goals for you based on age, height, weight and desired weight loss. You just have to eat the amount of calories it tells you. Too easy.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
No one should invoke authority. Please don't just assume anything I say is true. That's how I think we got into this mess as a country. USDA is still peddling a high grain diet despite plenty of evidence incriminating it.

I'm 5'9". Started 182 lbs, 34" waist. Blood pressure was 140/90. Now I'm 160, 31" waist with a BP of 115/65. I wasn't one of those huge changers. What concerned me was that I was exercising all of the time and starting to portion control, but I still kept gradually gaining fat and losing muscle. It just wasn't sustainable.

I mean I could have caloric restricted hardcore and done 3 hours of cardio/day. That's what I did in 2005ish, and I lost a great deal of weight (165 to 135). Both lean and fat muscle. I could have done this again, but because I had a small injury I decided to take a slower, sustainable method.

I haven't had a sweet tooth in years. When I was a kid, I drank juice, kool aid, sugary cereal, etc. But for the last 6 years, I haven't been heavy on sugar.

I think in my case it was grains/lectins and linoleic acid. A few years I stopped being health conscious and I frequented taco bell, pizza, and other fast food. I remember eating half pound burritos (3-4 of them) and being hungry and yet stuffed after finishing. It was pretty bad.

When I eat meat and vegetables, I get full way faster and I have stable high energy. I think that's what corrected it for me. I lift some weights and do some cardio for general fitness, but I don't do the whole "burn 600 calories on the elliptical in 40 minutes" kind of stuff I did several years ago.

I eat a pseudo low carb diet today. I eat potatoes and/or fruit daily to stay out of ketosis. PaNu is basically the best approximation to my diet. I started using cream and butter more frequently because of stuff Dr Harris has posted, and it seems to complement coconut oil well.

Right now I'm working on building up strength. Deadlifts, squats, some P90X core exercises. I'm taking it slow. I'm in my mid 20s, I want to do it right this time.


thewhiterabbit said:
Lol I wouldn't call him the "Authority"

Really? Because for as long as I've been viewing this thread (over a year) he's consistently posting the most in-depth posts in replies to people filled with (what I consider) really good information. As far as this thread is concerned, he's the authority. I don't think I'm alone in that opinion.

Edit: To the above, thanks. As someone who is 5'8" and 195, 182 lbs doesn't sound all that fat to me. And maybe "authority" isn't a great word choice, but I think you come across as the most knowledgeable in this thread for however little that is worth. Basically, thanks for helping folks is all. We don't have to argue semantics, I think everyone who contributes in here is doing a service to the readers of the thread.
LaneDS said:
Really? Because for as long as I've been viewing this thread (over a year) he's consistently posting the most in-depth posts in replies to people filled with (what I consider) really good information. As far as this thread is concerned, he's the authority. I don't think I'm alone in that opinion.

I don't consider his information good information. He is on this fructose is bad for you Atkins blah blah blah. He also starved himself with a very low calorie diet and because of that claims you can't calorie restrict etc.

You can eat what ever you want and lose weight. It is all about calories. I eat tons of carbs. I eat fatty foods. I eat candy etc. I work out so I can eat even more "bad foods"

Being the loudest voice does not make 1 the "Authority"

I let my results speak for themselves. Over 200lbs lost.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LaneDS said:
To the above, thanks. As someone who is 5'8" and 195, 182 lbs doesn't sound all that fat to me. .

It really wasn't that fat. I have really high standards, and it was also a combination of my general health degrading. Getting dizzy spells with the high blood pressure, having a fasting blood glucose barely in the pre-diabetes range, and just seeing everyone around me get obese and sickly got me thinking. I think someone on GAF posted about Good Calories, Bad Calories which got me started (I think it's part of the picture, over simplified with insulin), and Prince Dalton pointed me towards PaNu and Whole Health Source I think. I really bought into the PaNu/WHS stuff after visiting some old relatives and seeing hundreds of pictures of people in the 1940s-1950s. Everyone was so damn thin. A world without calorie labels or a fitness industry.


thewhiterabbit said:
I don't consider his information good information. He is on this fructose is bad for you Atkins blah blah blah. He also starved himself with a very low calorie diet and because of that claims you can't calorie restrict etc.

You can eat what ever you want and lose weight. It is all about calories. I eat tons of carbs. I eat fatty foods. I eat candy etc. I work out so I can eat even more "bad foods"

Being the loudest voice does not make 1 the "Authority"

I let my results speak for themselves. Over 200lbs lost.

It's not a contest. Your accomplishment is great and I am proud for you (and you are no doubt inspiring others, so thumbs up to that), but I've found his posts very useful. No need to extend this argument anymore. Like I said above, authority wasn't a great term.

teh_pwn said:
It really wasn't that fat. I have really high standards, and it was also a combination of my general health degrading. Getting dizzy spells with the high blood pressure, having a fasting blood glucose barely in the pre-diabetes range, and just seeing everyone around me get obese and sickly got me thinking. I think someone on GAF posted about Good Calories, Bad Calories which got me started (I think it's part of the picture, over simplified with insulin), and Prince Dalton pointed me towards PaNu and Whole Health Source I think. I really bought into the PaNu/WHS stuff after visiting some old relatives and seeing hundreds of pictures of people in the 1940s-1950s. Everyone was so damn thin. A world without calorie labels or a fitness industry.

Nothing wrong with high standards, at least in this case. Anyway, seeing as how my comment seemed to flare things up a bit, the short version is thanks for the efforts in the thread.

Going back to your height/weight, how would you describe your frame? I'm a stocky guy and have trouble imagining myself at 160 (which is where I have semi-arbitrarily set the bar), and wonder if one's frame should even be a consideration or if that is just my mind playing games.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LaneDS said:
Going back to your height/weight, how would you describe your frame? I'm a stocky guy and have trouble imagining myself at 160 (which is where I have semi-arbitrarily set the bar), and wonder if one's frame should even be a consideration or if that is just my mind playing games.

On the smaller side. Part of the reason why I had an injury was because my core/hip/leg muscles were so weak they couldn't properly control leg/knee movement. Likely piriformis syndrome, but it's kind of lupus of the legs in terms of getting diagnosed. It resolved as I built up muscle, but I think I need to build up more. I don't want to revisit this sort of stuff until I'm in my 90s, ha.
LaneDS said:
It's not a contest. Your accomplishment is great and I am proud for you (and you are no doubt inspiring others, so thumbs up to that), but I've found his posts very useful. No need to extend this argument anymore. Like I said above, authority wasn't a great term.

Nothing wrong with high standards, at least in this case. Anyway, seeing as how my comment seemed to flare things up a bit, the short version is thanks for the efforts in the thread.

Going back to your height/weight, how would you describe your frame? I'm a stocky guy and have trouble imagining myself at 160 (which is where I have semi-arbitrarily set the bar), and wonder if one's frame should even be a consideration or if that is just my mind playing games.

Not competing. And some of his info can be useful. It was the term "Authority".

People have such issues losing weight cause all the simple info is all muddled up. All these do's and don'ts. All these diets or good foods vs bad foods.

Weight loss is simple. Burn more calories than you take in. You can do that through diet, exercise or both. You can simply cut out sweet drinks and add a daily 30 min walk. You just need to eat less and move more.


thewhiterabbit said:
Not competing. And some of his info can be useful. It was the term "Authority".

People have such issues losing weight cause all the simple info is all muddled up. All these do's and don'ts. All these diets or good foods vs bad foods.

Weight loss is simple. Burn more calories than you take in. You can do that through diet, exercise or both. You can simply cut out sweet drinks and add a daily 30 min walk. You just need to eat less and move more.

I guess if you are simply going for weight loss....
Akim said:
I guess if you are simply going for weight loss....

I said weight loss.

If you want to be fit you obviously work out and get fit. I work out twice a day. I run 3.5 miles 3 days a week. I ran a 6:50 mile at my last Guard drill pt test. Smoked kids 10 years younger than me.

Some people aint into exercising like that. And weight loss doesn't have to be about working out twice a day 6 days a week. I started by cutting out sweetened drinks and walking 30 mins a day. I only started working out like I do to prepare for the national guard.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
thewhiterabbit said:
Not competing. And some of his info can be useful. It was the term "Authority".

People have such issues losing weight cause all the simple info is all muddled up. All these do's and don'ts. All these diets or good foods vs bad foods.

Weight loss is simple. Burn more calories than you take in. You can do that through diet, exercise or both. You can simply cut out sweet drinks and add a daily 30 min walk. You just need to eat less and move more.

Generally you are correct about fat loss and calories. There are special cases with hormonal issues, but if we simplify it it is about caloric balancing.

What I have talked about, at least in the last 20 pages, is about what biologically guides hunger and energy levels to calorie count and what sort of foods disregulate this system.

What I suspect is that your current strategy has two results:
1. Militantly count calories and burn calories for the rest of your life.
2. Ultimately cave in over the course of years as your life's priorities change.

The medical literature is very consistent. The vast majority fall into #2. It's in study after study since the early 1900s. Conversely, overfeeding thin people return to their old weight.

It doesn't have to be this way. There's a 3rd option: Change what you eat such that hunger is in line with a proper body composition. People may have a genetic predisposition to being fat, but it doesn't matter if the gene isn't expressed. It's like celiac people - you don't know they're celiac if they avoid gluten. They're healthy without it.

In my opinion anyway. I've gotten beyond the point where I'm going to post 20 links to scientific literature.
All of our bodies are different, and different things work for different people. You have to find out what works for yourself and then do it.

At least that's been my experience.
teh_pwn said:
Generally you are correct about fat loss and calories. There are special cases with hormonal issues, but if we simplify it it is about caloric balancing.

What I have talked about, at least in the last 20 pages, is about what biologically guides hunger and energy levels to calorie count and what sort of foods disregulate this system.

What I suspect is that your current strategy has two results:
1. Militantly count calories and burn calories for the rest of your life.
2. Ultimately cave in over the course of years as your life's priorities change.

The medical literature is very consistent. The vast majority fall into #2. It's in study after study since the early 1900s. Conversely, overfeeding thin people return to their old weight.

It doesn't have to be this way. There's a 3rd option: Change what you eat such that hunger is in line with a proper body composition. People may have a genetic predisposition to being fat, but it doesn't matter if the gene isn't expressed. It's like celiac people - you don't know they're celiac if they avoid gluten. They're healthy without it.

In my opinion anyway. I've gotten beyond the point where I'm going to post 20 links to scientific literature.

People are lazy. Most people don't exercise and eat what ever they want. People should eat less and move more.

Everything else is excuses for why all these fat people are fat. I ate what I wanted, how much I wanted and exercised none. Hence why I was 400lbs.

I now understand "portion control" I understand I can't eat a whole box of twinkies. I also understand I need to exercise daily, not just for weight loss but for my health.

I was not on a "diet" I was on a educational lifestyle change. I understand how important all these things are to the body I have and want.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
thewhiterabbit said:
People are lazy. Most people don't exercise and eat what ever they want. People should eat less and move more.

Everything else is excuses for why all these fat people are fat. I ate what I wanted, how much I wanted and exercised none. Hence why I was 400lbs.

Yeah, I used to think the same thing back in 05 when I lost 30+ pounds doing the calorie thing. And for some people it's true.

But can this theory explain the following:
1. Why were people before 1960 thin in a culture without calorie labels, full fat milk/meat, no fitness industry, and a general attitude that exercise would wear your body out?
2. Why are babies today obese compared to babies before 1970? They can't do physical activity, and maternal instinct isn't likely to cause mothers to overfeed babies into obesity.
3. Why are there scientific studies talking about hormonal and neurological systems that control food intake?
4. Why do animals not get obese?
5. Why can scientists cause rats to become obese in controlled studies? Each control is provided unlimited food.
6. Do you understand the theory of evolution? What are the implications of darwinian natural selection for mammals that control their body fat percentage? Wouldn't mammals that have just enough to survive but little enough to avoid predators be selected for? What dietary factors have changed in the last 0.01% of human history?
teh_pwn said:
Yeah, I used to think the same thing back in 05 when I lost 30+ pounds doing the calorie thing. And for some people it's true.

But can this theory explain the following:
1. Why were people before 1960 thin in a culture without calorie labels, full fat milk/meat, no fitness industry, and a general attitude that exercise would wear your body out?
2. Why are babies today obese compared to babies before 1970? They can't do physical activity, and maternal instinct isn't likely to cause mothers to overfeed babies into obesity.
3. Why are there scientific studies talking about hormonal and neurological systems that control food intake?
4. Why do animals not get obese?
5. Why can scientists cause rats to become obese in controlled studies? Each control is provided unlimited food.
6. Do you understand the theory of evolution? What are the implications of darwinian natural selection for mammals that control their body fat percentage? Wouldn't mammals that have just enough to survive but little enough to avoid predators be selected for?

I don't see any of my fat neighbors working out daily. They all wave as I run past lol.

People stuff their faces and waste away in their chairs. Everything else is a excuse. They have a fork and feet problem. They need to put down the fork and move they damn feet.

I know cause I used to be one of them. I wasn't just a lil overweight I was fucking huge. Exercise was a joke. Now I see how ignorant I was. I put more into taking care of my car than I did my body.

I eat the same foods. I just educated myself on portions and proper daily exercise.

No special foods, no gimmicks just diet and exercise like doctors been saying for years.

Stop making excuses for fat people. Animals do get fat. Just not in nature when they have to pay for their food by catching it, walking and running to stay alive or find more food. Look at cats and dogs. They get fat as shit if fed and fed with no exercise.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
thewhiterabbit said:
I don't see any of my fat neighbors working out daily. They all wave as I run past lol.

People stuff their faces and waste away in their chairs. Everything else is a excuse. They have a fork and feet problem. They need to put down the fork and move they damn feet.

I know cause I used to be one of them. I wasn't just a lil overweight I was fucking huge. Exercise was a joke. Now I see how ignorant I was. I put more into taking care of my car than I did my body.

I eat the same foods. I just educated myself on portions and proper daily exercise.

No special foods, no gimmicks just diet and exercise like doctors been saying for years.

Stop making excuses for fat people.

Well I'm convinced. Who needs science?


Whatever. Best of luck to you maintaining.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
thewhiterabbit said:

That's because dogs are supposed to eat meat because that's their evolutionary diet. That dog isn't eating meat. Show me wild dogs, wolves, deer, or tribal humans eating evolutionary foods that are obese. You won't find a single one. That's my point. Humans don't have the biology to handle grains, sugar, legumes, and in some cases dairy (some natural selection there in some ethnicities).

Instead that dog is victim to what modern humans are facing. Some random website I googled for dog food ingredients:

teh_pwn said:
Well I'm convinced. Who needs science?


Whatever. Best of luck to you maintaining.

Not luck. Work. If I don't follow the things I learned and work out like we all should i will def put the weight back on. That is why i was not on a diet. I changed my lifestyle. I eat proper portions and work out.

Which science has proven will lead to a proper weight and long life.
Price Dalton said:
You're proving his point. That dog - a carnivore - got fat eating pseudo food made of wheat, corn, rice, desiccated animal products, and discarded restaurant cooking oil.

Maybe he was just overfed. Like my moms cat. My cat is fed daily a predetermined amount of food and is a nice healthy weight. My moms cat has a unlimited supply of food from a food tray filled to the brim. In fact my moms cat has 2 food trays!!!!

Portion control is key. Always has been and always will be

Of pets considered to be "obese"—defined as 30% above normal weight—one-fifth of dogs and cats fit the bill, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, which conducted the survey with Mars Inc.'s Banfield Pet Hospital, the nation's largest general veterinary practice.

The main culprit: owners who routinely overfeed pets, don't exercise them enough
thewhiterabbit said:
People are lazy. Most people don't exercise and eat what ever they want. People should eat less and move more.

Everything else is excuses for why all these fat people are fat. I ate what I wanted, how much I wanted and exercised none. Hence why I was 400lbs.

I now understand "portion control" I understand I can't eat a whole box of twinkies. I also understand I need to exercise daily, not just for weight loss but for my health.

I was not on a "diet" I was on a educational lifestyle change. I understand how important all these things are to the body I have and want.

That's kind of a broad statement to make and attitude to have. Again, people and their metabolisms and their bodies are all different and react differently to certain foods.

I personally can eat a pound of steak 3 times a day for a week and not gain any weight, actually lost a couple of pounds to be honest. Replace that steak with 2 donuts 3 times a day and I will gain 10 pounds, and that is less calories. Explain that?

This is not bullshit. I actually conducted this test with similar foods and caloric intake.

I'm happy for you that you lost your weight and you obviously did a great job doing what worked for you, but you need to realize that everyone is not like you, and there are tons of people who have lost weight doing other things. Carb control and exercise is what worked for me, and it's what I have to do to maintain, because as soon as I start eating refined and sugary junk, here comes the weight, because it's like I am allergic to carbs, my body just does not handle them well and it's why I was overweight for most of my life.

Eteric Rice

I started a low carb diet a few months ago, I didn't do portion control, just ate lots of eggs, meat, and vegetables.

Every once in a while the family will go to a buffet. I used to be able to eat over two plates of food. Now when we go, I can barely eat one and a half.

While calories in, calories out is true and all. It's not the root of the problem.


Also, I've lost nearly 20 pounds.
LocoMrPollock said:
That's kind of a broad statement to make and attitude to have. Again, people and their metabolisms and their bodies are all different and react differently to certain foods.

I personally can eat a pound of steak 3 times a day for a week and not gain any weight, actually lost a couple of pounds to be honest. Replace that steak with 2 donuts 3 times a day and I will gain 10 pounds, and that is less calories. Explain that?

This is not bullshit. I actually conducted this test with similar foods and caloric intake.

I'm happy for you that you lost your weight and you obviously did a great job doing what worked for you, but you need to realize that everyone is not like you, and there are tons of people who have lost weight doing other things. Carb control and exercise is what worked for me, and it's what I have to do to maintain, because as soon as I start eating refined and sugary junk, here comes the weight, because it's like I am allergic to carbs, my body just does not handle them well and it's why I was overweight for most of my life.

Sure you did. Lol. Science has proven a calorie is a calorie. So I will call bullshit.

I guess all those lazy people sitting on their asses stuffing their faces are just allergic to carbs. Not that carbs have 2 times the calories of protein or anything. Which is why atkins works. its a way of calorie restricting.

The issue is you eat piles of junk, with no portion control and blame the junk for you stuffing your face. Bullshit to the tenth degree

Eteric Rice said:
I started a low carb diet a few months ago, I didn't do portion control, just ate lots of eggs, meat, and vegetables.

Every once in a while the family will go to a buffet. I used to be able to eat over two plates of food. Now when we go, I can barely eat one and a half.

While calories in, calories out is true and all. It's not the root of the problem.


Also, I've lost nearly 20 pounds.

You replaced carbs with protein. carbs have 2 times the amount of calories as well as bring satiety. Of course you lost weight. You were restricting your calories with out realizing it. Good job.

A low-carb diet is likely to promote weight loss, at least at first. Contributing factors may include:

Loss of water weight. Low-carb diets often have a diuretic effect.
Increased feeling of fullness. A low-carb diet is relatively high in fat and protein. Since fat and protein take longer to digest than do carbs, you may feel fuller longer.
Reduced calories. A low-carb diet strictly limits the variety of foods you eat. This generally results in fewer calories overall.
thewhiterabbit said:
Sure you did. Lol. Science has proven a calorie is a calorie. So I will call bullshit.

I guess all those lazy people sitting on their asses stuffing their faces are just allergic to carbs. Not that carbs have 2 times the calories of protein or anything. Which is why atkins works. its a way of calorie restricting.

The issue is you eat piles of junk, with no portion control and blame the junk for you stuffing your face. Bullshit to the tenth degree

Yeah, you're a douche. Maybe you should start educating yourself on how not to be a cunt, now that you've lost your weight.


Junior Member
thewhiterabbit said:
Sure you did. Lol. Science has proven a calorie is a calorie. So I will call bullshit.

I guess all those lazy people sitting on their asses stuffing their faces are just allergic to carbs. Not that carbs have 2 times the calories of protein or anything. Which is why atkins works. its a way of calorie restricting.

The issue is you eat piles of junk, with no portion control and blame the junk for you stuffing your face. Bullshit to the tenth degree

You replaced carbs with protein. carbs have 2 times the amount of calories as well as bring satiety. Of course you lost weight. You were restricting your calories with out realizing it. Good job.


Did you even watch the video he posted?


Neo Member
Eteric Rice said:
I started a low carb diet a few months ago, I didn't do portion control, just ate lots of eggs, meat, and vegetables.

Every once in a while the family will go to a buffet. I used to be able to eat over two plates of food. Now when we go, I can barely eat one and a half.

While calories in, calories out is true and all. It's not the root of the problem.


Also, I've lost nearly 20 pounds.

Calories in, calories out is the only absolute in weight loss. It's the foundation of any weight loss plan, and it's the only thing that matters if you're looking to drop numbers on a scale.

Everything else is superfluous if you're talking explicitly about losing weight.


thewhiterabbit said:
You replaced carbs with protein. carbs have 2 times the amount of calories as well as bring satiety. Of course you lost weight. You were restricting your calories with out realizing it. Good job.

1g of carb = 4 calories
1g of protein=4 calories
1g of fat= 9 calories

Hey guys, can any of you even define a calorie without using Google? Tell me how related to weight a calorie actually is.

Weight loss is partly about how many calories you eat, but it's more about what you're eating. 800 calories of fresh fruit will always be better than 800 calories of chocolate cake.

Eat better. Move better. Lose weight. Build muscle.
Xelinis said:
Did you even watch the video he posted?

Yup. Seen it before.

ismaboof said:
1g of carb = 4 calories
1g of protein=4 calories
1g of fat= 9 calories

Hey guys, can any of you even define a calorie without using Google? Tell me how related to weight a calorie actually is.

Weight loss is partly about how many calories you eat, but it's more about what you're eating. 800 calories of fresh fruit will always be better than 800 calories of chocolate cake.

Eat better. Move better. Lose weight. Build muscle.

A calorie is a calories period. I would get full on 800 calories of fruit cause of the fiber etc but would be hungry after the sugar crash from the cake. Doesn't change a calorie is a calorie.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
thewhiterabbit said:
Sure you did. Lol. Science has proven a calorie is a calorie. So I will call bullshit.

I guess all those lazy people sitting on their asses stuffing their faces are just allergic to carbs. Not that carbs have 2 times the calories of protein or anything. Which is why atkins works. its a way of calorie restricting.

The issue is you eat piles of junk, with no portion control and blame the junk for you stuffing your face. Bullshit to the tenth degree.

A few things before I'm out:

1. Science doesn't prove anything nor does it use authority. Science works by eliminating what's not true and constructing the best approximation based on evidence that cannot be refuted.
2. Dietary fat has 9 calories per gram, protein has 4, carbs have 4. You don't even know this and you're nagging at people for being ignorant? I mean really?
3. Science has actually conducted several studies comparing the satiety effect of different foods on the body. Sure there could be more studies, but to say a calorie is a calorie has already been refuted:
In science, when something has shown to be wrong you move on.


Junior Member
thewhiterabbit said:
A calorie is a calories period. I would get full on 800 calories of fruit cause of the fiber etc but would be hungry after the sugar crash from the cake. Doesn't change a calorie is a calorie.

That amount of fructose would be awful for your liver.


thewhiterabbit said:
A calorie is a calories period. I would get full on 800 calories of fruit cause of the fiber etc but would be hungry after the sugar crash from the cake. Doesn't change a calorie is a calorie.

Your definition of a calorie is a calorie? Well that doesn't define anything. What is calorie? Explain to me what a calorie has to do with weight loss other than being a big scary number.
Xelinis said:
That amount of fructose would be awful for your liver.
No it wouldn't cause it would take awhile for it to even enter the bloodstream cause the delayed digestion by the fiber. Plus 800 calories is alot of freaking fruit. I dunno if I could actually eat 800 calories of fruit in a single sitting.

ismaboof said:
Your definition of a calorie is a calorie? Well that doesn't define anything. What is calorie? Explain to me what a calorie has to do with weight loss other than being a big scary number.

A calorie is a unit of energy. Your body "burns" calories and stores excess calories as fat to be used when the body needs it later. To lose weight you need to "burn" more calories than you eat so your body will use the stored calories in your fat.

At the end of the day it does not matter. A calorie is a calorie. When talking about weight loss. Now if we are talking bout long term health you will want to get your calories from a balanced source. But having too many carbs will not make you any more fat than having too much protien or fat. If you eat too many calories no matter the source you will store it as fat and get fat.

Now certain foods will help make us feel more full than others. But that like health is a whole other discussion.

I ate 313 grams of carbs today. 252 grams of protien and burned 1138 calories during exercise per my polar heart rate monitor. I ate 2557 calories and still maintained my daily deficit of 1,000 calories so i can lose 2 lbs a week.


5lbs lost in 12 days just from cutting out sugar almost completely (I cheated twice with blueberry fruit juice though) and eating a bit healthier and more constant (I've actually eaten more, just spaced out a bit and cutting out the sugar snacks and high fat items. I'm eating my salad with a light vinager dressing instead of ranch dressing)

I'm going to give it about 9 more days and then I'll start excercising to get to 40lbs lost in 6 months goal I currently have.


Neo Member
Tabris said:
5lbs lost in 12 days just from cutting out sugar almost completely (I cheated twice with blueberry fruit juice though) and eating a bit healthier and more constant (I've actually eaten more, just spaced out a bit and cutting out the sugar snacks and high fat items. I'm eating my salad with a light vinager dressing instead of ranch dressing)

I'm going to give it about 9 more days and then I'll start excercising to get to 40lbs lost in 6 months goal I currently have.

Very good way to start man. 40 pounds in 6 months is incredibly doable and youre doing yourself a huge favor by setting your sights modestly. Too many people try to lose 50 pounds in 2 months and end up incredibly disappointed, you're on track.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't be able to stay motivated if I was only losing a pound or two per week. After a month of mostly sticking to the "slow carb" diet, where I mostly eat a ton of eggs, meat, and some beans, I have lost just over 18 lbs. If I didn't have to "cheat" for four days in a row on a business trip, I would probably have better results.

Besides the weight loss, I feel a ton better. I don't have mid-day energy crashes anymore, I have far fewer headaches, and just generally feel great compared to before I started. It kind of sucked to completely cut out chips, bread, noodles, rice, beer, etc... six days per week, but I got used to it, and it's great to be able to indulge in foods that are so demonized for being high in fat, like eggs, steak, sausages, etc...


thewhiterabbit said:

You must be really hungry all the time. I mean wow.

Out of curiosity, why don't you just not exercise and eat 1100 calories less?

teh_pwn said:
In my opinion anyway. I've gotten beyond the point where I'm going to post 20 links to scientific literature.

A calorie is a calorie. You can't change science man.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
<3 IF. I've been losing 3 pounds every week like clock-work. I'm no longer categorized as obese! I've been obese since I was like 10 years old. I'm now 'clinically overweight'. :D


...hate me...
Domino Theory said:
<3 IF. I've been losing 3 pounds every week like clock-work. I'm no longer categorized as obese! I've been obese since I was like 10 years old. I'm now 'clinically overweight'. :D

I'm on the same boat, brother.

Started off with a BMI of 32 (obese), and currently my BMI is 28, which also falls on the category of overweight.

Still have around 20 pounds to go until I'm no longer overweight though. Still, the toughest part is done. I just feel so good right now, damn.

Thanks for introducing me to IF. I've been ADF'ing like a motherfucker for a month and it has been doing wonders.


Neo Member
Started on low carb diet (4 hour body) last Monday, thanks in part to this thread. Seriously upped my cardio and weight training as well

by Thursday my weight was down from 118kg to 114kg (weighed at same time, same conditions etc), went back up after cheat day but today was down to 115kg ... but my measurements have been going down since starting the diet

Looking to lose around 20kg by June - think it might be achievable and sustainable by using this diet/training plan

Last week I had some serious sugar cravings, but this week its not been as bad

Thanks to everyone posting in this thread - inspirational

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
jts said:
Thanks for introducing me to IF. I've been ADF'ing like a motherfucker for a month and it has been doing wonders.

Nice, good stuff. Make sure to take BCAAs everyday whether it's by eating lots of meat and/or taking Xtend (Leangains method) to preserve your muscle and make sure it's fat you're losing.


Will drop pants for Sony.
jts said:
I'm on the same boat, brother.

Started off with a BMI of 32 (obese), and currently my BMI is 28, which also falls on the category of overweight.

Still have around 20 pounds to go until I'm no longer overweight though. Still, the toughest part is done. I just feel so good right now, damn.

Thanks for introducing me to IF. I've been ADF'ing like a motherfucker for a month and it has been doing wonders.

what is IF?
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