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Weight loss, climbing into windows and gf cheating on me

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Great work on the weightloss.

Don't see or speak to her again, it won't end well if you give in because you're lonely and give her another chance.
Honestly, you sound like you are in a bad place mentally, and she seems to have an awful lot of issues too. I think maybe it's best if you drop her and find someone a bit more mature who stimulates you intellectually and who isn't unreliable and doesn't have so much baggage. I mean, are you sure that deep down you can ever actually trust her?

Good job on the weight loss though. I'm nearing 35, married with 3 kids and I desperately need to lose about 4 stone (64lbs). Just can't find the motivation and I like crisps an awful lot.

Where are good places to meet people at 25?

What are your interests? Is there a film club in your town? Sports clubs? A choir? (I used to be in a choir and it was a lot of fun, but I had to leave due to family commitments).

EDIT - also, was this boyfriend she called the father of her child? And are you sure it was only a kiss and she didn't sleep with him?
What is this Dawsons Creek?


Uh...w-what? Hold on, stop everything. In no way is a parent lecturing another person's child about their personal relationship "teenage fashion".

Maybe if you were caught having sex then I can see a parent get overprotective. But other than that, that is not normal dude.

Her best friend's mum is essentially her guardian. This girl has had an awful life and been in a lot of shitty relationships, so I can understand the mother being protective of her even at 20. She wants to make sure the new boyfriend is not a shitlord.

She is going to start going to therapy Tuesday. She said she really likes me and feels extremely guilty about what happened. I told her she should get help because this will be an issue for her whether I am with her or not. She clearly has issues she is avoiding and isn't even honest with herself yet.

This is the best thing for her right now, and I think the best thing for you is to step away and find someone who is more mentally stable who you can actually trust.

I mean, the fact that she had planned to hook up with her ex on the night you were supposed to be out of town is pretty fucking damning. She doesn't deserve you and you're obviously a sensitive soul, so I suggest bailing and finding someone better.

You're 25 years old, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Walk away ASAP and delete her number and any photos/messages from your phone. Erase any existence of her from your life because from the sounds of it, you'd invent some way to rationalise going back to her.

1000% this as well. If you decide to break up, under no circumstances go back to her!


You've lost a lot of weight and now you need to make those same advancements in your mental health and continue on with your life.

Plenty of fish in the sea.
Honestly, you sound like you are in a bad place mentally, and she seems to have an awful lot of issues too. I think maybe it's best if you drop her and find someone a bit more mature who stimulates you intellectually and who isn't unreliable and doesn't have so much baggage. I mean, are you sure that deep down you can ever actually trust her?

Good job on the weight loss though. I'm nearing 35, married with 3 kids and I desperately need to lose about 4 stone (64lbs). Just can't find the motivation and I like crisps an awful lot.

What are your interests? Is there a film club in your town? Sports clubs? A choir? (I used to be in a choir and it was a lot of fun, but I had to leave due to family commitments).

EDIT - also, was this boyfriend she called the father of her child? And are you sure it was only a kiss and she didn't sleep with him?

I don't think he is the father. And I am not sure. It is possible she slept with him but at the same time she was on her period. So who knows. I guess it doesn't really matter at this point.
Hate fuck and move on. Definitely break up but if you do her before you break up, it would be the cherry on her regret cake.
I agree with this. Sorry OP, but once a cheater always a cheater. Think about it like this: you only found out because she got caught. If you hadn't been there to see those messages at that very moment, she'd probably be getting pounded hard within the hour. Remember her excuse, because she was in the mood.

The girl's a slut. Nothing else to it.

The last thing you want to do is force yourself to stay in a relationship where there's no trust. You'll end up hating not only her but yourself.

I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.

Cheaters who get caught frequently try to blame the victim. Don't worry about it.



I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.
Good for you man, you did the absolute best thing. You keep on improving you and you will find someone who treats you with mutual respect and affection, not some broken cheater using you as something to make herself feel good.

She'll probably try and get you back or try and make you feel bad, just remember how much it hurt when she cheated and give her the cold shoulder.

I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.

haha, good on you for not falling for that emotional manipulation.

You're doing the right thing.

I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.

Good for you man. She'll try and stick a knife in you emotionally or try and get you back, don't forget.to stick it in before she does(no pun intended) and laugh off her attempts to try and get you back.


Junior Member

I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.
Wowowowow. Yo, my original reply to this thread was sympathetic, but fuck outta here with that.

She is clearly SEVERLY lacking in maturity to come at you with that.
Every fucking dance school. It's like dynamite fishing.
Dancer, can confirm.

Weeknight and weekend afternoon classes (in my experience) usually have a good deal of mid-20somethings.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I stopped reading somewhere around :

Now a little background on Nancy

Have to finish this later. Jesus Christ.
I stopped reading somewhere around :

Now a little background on Nancy

Have to finish this later. Jesus Christ.

I have to be honest, I am not the type of person at all to normally step into situations like this. Thirst made me walk into foolish things.


OP, your ex sounds like my ex. She pulled the same shit when I broke up with her (after finding out she was sexting both her ex and someone she met while traveling abroad). She'd blame me for things.

It still hurts even after these months but honestly, when I think about how happy she made me, I also think about how much she hurt and used me.

So congrats. You don't need that. And don't ever go back to her or talk to her.
I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.

Trying to use guilt to keep you. It's a classic move.

Missed opportunity to say "Nah it did, but the lying means more."


Neo Member
Can't believe I read all that for that ending...

Dude, have some self respect and dip. I hear ya, it's tough and everything, but it's over. She's going to do it again, shit isn't healthy. Get out of there, keep working on the weight loss (congrats btw, that's awesome) and get yourself another chick.

You'll be fine man. Don't sell yourself short.

Edit: reading now you broke it off, good. Keep it that way, get back in the game.



I broke it off today... It took me some time but I needed to get my head straight. She pulled a "I guess everything we did meant nothing to you". Absolutely ridiculous considering everything.
Not ridiculous; she's a proven liar so that's completely within her character to say that.

Anyway, good for you!
I've been extremely stressed out today. I think she had a Freudian slip. She said she hates this, I said I hate it too, and wish the cheating and lying never happened.

She said "I'm not doing that no more"

Which makes it sound like she's done it frequently. This is what I suspected, but it still feels like complete shit. Feels bad man.
I've been extremely stressed out today. I think she had a Freudian slip. She said she hates this, I said I hate it too, and wish the cheating and lying never happened.

She said "I'm not doing that no more"

Which makes it sound like she's done it frequently. This is what I suspected, but it still feels like complete shit. Feels bad man.

There it is.gif


Sonic handles my blue balls
I've been extremely stressed out today. I think she had a Freudian slip. She said she hates this, I said I hate it too, and wish the cheating and lying never happened.

She said "I'm not doing that no more"

Which makes it sound like she's done it frequently. This is what I suspected, but it still feels like complete shit. Feels bad man.

I was thinking it when I first read the story but this strengthens my suspicion that she might be a major sociopath and a lot of stuff she's told you has been fabricated, both about her behavior and past.

Regardless, it's for the best you moved on.


Like many have said before, congrats on the weight loss.

And after your latest post I can see you're still talking to her, you probably should have ended it and then stopped talking to her. It's for the best.
There it is.gif

I told her it sounds like she cheated frequently by saying that. She just responded "I will talk to you later" It is about bedtime now and I haven't heard from her since. I think she knows she fucked up. She had her chance and she fucked it up.

I only offered to talk to her just to clear any lose ends up and get some closure. But it seems like she is too guilty to even face me.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I told her it sounds like she cheated frequently by saying that. She just responded "I will talk to you later" It is about bedtime now and I haven't heard from her since. I think she knows she fucked up. She had her chance and she fucked it up.

I only offered to talk to her just to clear any lose ends up and get some closure. But it seems like she is too guilty to even face me.

Cheater's cheat, it's what they do. It's not a behavior that often happens once and then stops. It just keeps happening, especially if you get away with it for a while. Do yourself a favor and cut all contact, it does you no good to keep up a relationship with her. The sooner the emotions can go away and your rational mind can fully regain control, the better. Keep working on improving yourself and realize that you deserve more. You deserve someone as committed to you as you are to them. Don't settle for someone who fools around with other guys and then gives you word documents as evidence of their innocence, aim higher in life buddy. Good luck.

Edit: Closure is a fallacy made up for movies, it does not exist in reality. Nothing will make you feel better about this. Space from the situation and time are the only solution. The sooner you cut contact the better.
Yup, delete her number from your phone, block her on social media and all the rest of that stuff.

Will probably be a while before you get your head straight but it's worth it. Staying in touch, even as 'friends', while your emotions are still running high just makes it more likely that you'll cave and end up back together.
I told her it sounds like she cheated frequently by saying that. She just responded "I will talk to you later" It is about bedtime now and I haven't heard from her since. I think she knows she fucked up. She had her chance and she fucked it up.

I only offered to talk to her just to clear any lose ends up and get some closure. But it seems like she is too guilty to even face me.

Don't bother trying to get closure from her. Break it off, gtfo
I am starting to feel better about things. I am just worried about how the weekends will go now. I might just drive up to see my parents to keep me busy.
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