Im back and oh shit im so sorry trigger 
You are an Ordinary Citizen of Night Vale
(That means you aren't special enough to have a power role.)
You are aligned with Night Vale (That's the Town)
Who knows what horrors drove you to this little desert community. You can make up your own story. I won't contradict you in front of the other radio personalities. Honest.
You do not have any actions. You can vote, though, and your vote is your power! Use it wisely, Listener.
You win when no more Mafia aligned players remain.
Have fun!
I assume that since there is no deaths, that a doctor helped it out?
It's risky to assume that no deaths is a good thing though. Whoever they targeted might be a dangerous neutral player or a lost partner.Well shit. Managed to get through the night without a kill and TL21xx delivered.
The Sheriff's Secret Police is not currently aware of any deaths happening last night
It's risky to assume that no deaths is a good thing though. Whoever they targeted might be a dangerous neutral player or a lost partner.
I personally find the lack of death more suspicious than the alternative, unless someone admits that they have a way to block deaths.
It's risky to assume that no deaths is a good thing though. Whoever they targeted might be a dangerous neutral player or a lost partner.
I personally find the lack of death more suspicious than the alternative, unless someone admits that they have a way to block deaths.
Setre, tell me that you did what I think you did. If so, I love you and trust you 100%.
I think Setre supplied us with a slight lie when he role claimed. Let's wait for him to post before theorizing on why there were no kills last night.
TL21xx also delivered so that clears that us as well.
I'm not clever enough to do what you think I did. I simply chose to protect you again during the Night. I figured if you were Mafia you wouldn't have stopped after my role claim. So I trust you 100% now, even if you don't trust me.
Well we already had one player claim Doc.
I completely forgot about that.We, supposedly, have an outed doctor. I'd like to hear from them, otherwise NO ONE should be admitting anything about blocking deaths. This is how Ouro screwed the pooch in Gafia, role blockers likely had nothing to do with this (from an odds perspective).
C'Mon, celebrate!Today is best day! Our list of suspects gets a bit narrower and we're not down anyone. Also looks likely that either our doctor chose correctly, or scum hit a BP person. Fantastic news all around!
I really hope this isn't the case :/Wait, "not currently aware"
Are we going to have another day kill today?
Why did you vote Sorian D2 when you trusted him enough N1 to protect him?I'm not clever enough to do what you think I did. I simply chose to protect you again during the Night. I figured if you were Mafia you wouldn't have stopped after my role claim. So I trust you 100% now, even if you don't trust me.
I completely forgot about that.
Also I'm not sure about the idea of them targeting Sorian. I mean that is a stupid move even by my standards.
Why did you vote Sorian D2 when you trusted him enough N1 to protect him?
Lots of doctors can't self protect so it is kinda weird they didn't attack Setre. If I were scum and has to choose between the two I'd attack Setre. 50-50 if he can self protect and 100-0 if he can't.Ehhh... is it really though? If they assumed Setre was going to self protect, and saw Sorian as a high-value target they might've thought this was their best chance to get rid of him. Lots of people were expecting either Sorian or I to be targeted during Night 1, I'm not sure why him allegedly being targeted last night would be seen as suspicious now?
Just for clarification real quick: Scum CAN decide not to kill for the night if they want, right?
We don't know until we get their role PM, but I assume that's the case. I don't know of many cases where scum chooses to do that though.Just for clarification real quick: Scum CAN decide not to kill for the night if they want, right?
It's risky to assume that no deaths is a good thing though. Whoever they targeted might be a dangerous neutral player or a lost partner.
I personally find the lack of death more suspicious than the alternative, unless someone admits that they have a way to block deaths.
Sure, what do you want me to do to prove my innocence?"Like, what a night!" I think as I write to you, dear diary,
As it would seem, like, no one else has passed their date of expiry!
Too bad we like lynched a townie though; he was full of vim and vigour
Now we've totally gotta, like, work extra hard to avenge poor ol' Trigger.
The like, groady ones from yesterday were MikeHawk, Trig and Pop
Ty4on had his dumb haiku thing which like totally has to stop.
But there's still just one among you who's like toooootally un-fetch.
Razmos, everything you've said like, makes me wanna retch.
You disappear like, without a trace, leaving like, no reads behind,
Your dastardly web of lies and deception is like, what I'm gonna totally unwind.
I took notice like late yesterday, when Sorian put you on his bad guy list
And like, checking your activity, you might as well not exist.
You claim to dislike doing reads, but that's like, totally fishy to me
The burden of proof is like, on you dude, to like, prove you're really who you claim to be
I'll put together a like, more detailed outline when I'm not freaking tired as hell
But til then, like Rammy-poo, it would be like, awesome and super swell
If you could prove to me that like, my suspicions are totally silly and lame
But like, despite my affectations I'm no bimbo so don't think I'll play into your groady game.
Let's see if we can avoid like any daily fiascoes.
Love and peace, signed Lucy "Scrafty" Diablos
PS: If you like disappear again, I'll know something's amiss
I genuinely forgot that someone claimed doctor, I can see how you might have found that suspicious though.Like, oops! There you go again, trying to fish for a power to kill
Tell me, shady Mr. Rammy-poo, when will you finally have your fill?
Maybe not haikus, but Scrafty is speaking in rhyme, if you couldn't tell.I'm writing up a big post so don't worry about me. I'm refreshing though. No one is haiku'd so far I see. If no one has the curse, I bet it was town-aligned like I thought, it might be worth looking at those who were really trying to push the idea that it was malicious or scum-aligned.
Do you need to rhyme and have 15-17 syllables per line?Like, oops! There you go again, trying to fish for a power to kill
Tell me, shady Mr. Rammy-poo, when will you finally have your fill?
Yeah, and not doing it doesn't make sense. If they want to win they need to be killing people. Not killing someone when they have the chance just to throw off town just isn't worth it.
I'm writing up a big post so don't worry about me. I'm refreshing though. No one is haiku'd so far I see. If no one has the curse, I bet it was town-aligned like I thought, it might be worth looking at those who were really trying to push the idea that it was malicious or scum-aligned.
For fuck's sake, Scrafty did the haiku power hit you? Now you have to post in rhyming couplets?
Speaking of role claims, did you manage to dig up anything juicy last night, Sorian?
I suppose it depends. considering the curse has taken a different form this time, its likely it has more than one effect.Oh fuck, hahaha, you guys are right. Hmm, I wonder if I find this more or less annoying than valley girl. Is this a good use of the power though? Her valley girl was hard to read at time, this might be someone attempting to help us? I'm reaching there, I know. I still doubt the curse is scum-aligned, personally.
Sure, what do you want me to do to prove my innocence?
Dana Cardinal, Night Vale Public Radio Intern.
So the person inviting people to Big Rico's Pizza is The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Everyone's Homes. Yes, I am aware that the role name isn't what she is usually called, I've aired my grievance and the person says that is what Retro named the role. You'll also notice that there is no title on the role, like mine which is Night Vale Radio Intern, this person's has nothing.
Mine is:
Old Woman Josie, who talks to Angels