(Retro would you mind striking the names of the dead in the OP?)
Done. Thank you for the reminder, and let me know if I missed anyone. (Pretty sure I didn't.)
(Retro would you mind striking the names of the dead in the OP?)
Done. Thank you for the reminder, and let me know if I missed anyone. (Pretty sure I didn't.)
Re-read Mazre's role flip:
The lost partner was told from the start exactly who the scum were so there probably won't be a huge difference in their reads from before to after recruitment. All being recruited did was bolster the scum numbers and allow a new person to commit the faction kill.
Anything specific you're looking for here? I believe I explained myself to your main concerns yesterday, though I'm not sure if you have other concerns to raise.
Look's good to me, bueno.
Also, quoting myself for the new page. This is important information and I don't want people to be under false impressions:
I don't have one yet but i'm just casting a vote on you for now. I will probably change it.
And that crosses you and AbsolutBro off the list of possible conversions.
Good point on whoever it is not changing opinions too much, at least if they're realizing the full extent of their role. I would expect them to have put the scum all over the place in their reads list and not group them entirely together (too obvious for any scum reading it). We should also keep in mind that even if the player has been converted, scum still could have attacked Sorian, as long as they have another PR who can convert with their other action (I'm going to assume all of scum's PRs can for now).
As for who I want to vote on right now, it's someone who's promised to come up with some thoughts a few times and failed to follow up on them.
VOTE: Seath
What ARE your thoughts? I know you said you'd probably get to them tomorrow but I want them earlier in the day if possible. Who do you think is suspicious right now? Who do you think our mysterious "day-killer" could be and why?
Most importantly where did this happen:
I searched the thread for posts by you containing the word Mazre and there were 2. The one above, and this one from the end of Day 1:
You literally never mentioned him by name again. Where did you suspect Mazre and why didn't you mention your suspicions with a vote?
Oh my god... if Seath is scum and his way of deflecting off of Mazre's death is "I knew he was all along!" then he is a horrible scum player.
I'm going to do what I did Day 2 as well as follow Scrafty's advice.
Vote: StanleyPalmtree
Hey Stan! I think you're the only one who hasn't shown up yet! What are your thoughts? You know Day 3 has already started, right?
Given that I've never played a full-scale mafia game before... how are lost partners like? They start mafia-aligned instead of town? What happens if they are never recruited? If scum is defeated they lose? If they are lynched before recruitment would they win/lose with town... or scum?
It does not. Mazre's role flip says that the conversion happens if they use their kill action or night action on the lost partner. Mazre's ability was a day action like mine. So neither AB nor myself are cleared if that is the only thing you are looking at.
When this is all done, I assume Retro will open up all chats to everyone, prepare your laughs for the very first thing I said to Mazre when I got into Big Rico's. I was not amused with being in a second gossip chat and I said as much right away.
a tribute:
a tribute:
a tribute:
Oh damn, that's true. I was thinking it would happen with day actions as well but I guess strictly going by the word choice it's not true.
I'll agree we should spend time looking for this conversion piece. I imagine their reads and interactions are going to be useful.
Everything will be opened except for private player asylums.
Also, let us put a bit of pressure for stanleypalmtree so that (hopefully) he can be more active.
So I'm going to
Vote: StanleyPalmtree
Discussion is dieing again
btw, I just wanted to say that Setre doesn't get a free pass from me. We don't have any evidence that doctor claim is the truth.
That's ironic coming from you. The only thing I got from you are the results of your "gambit" and this single post. Everything else is either fluff, apologies, or useless remarks.
vote: seath
I'd like to tell us your three top scum candidates.
Yeah, discussion has really kinda died down ever since Mazre died. Also your Seath link didn't go to a specific post, I assume you meant this one right?
That said, glad to hear there's some pressure being put out as well. But we need people to talk, otherwise there's no way town's going to win this.
It seemed like genuine surprise to me, and kind of reminded me of the SW game when scum basically let slip that their target didn't die by suggesting a serial killer must exist. Basically a quick slip.What does Mazre's post have to tell us about whether it was a neutral or not? I mean, scum is here to act so I wouldn't take it too much to heart but yeah, it must be neutral (or switching hijinks!) but probably neutral.
It's also funny that you say Big Rico's is tghe sketchy one. I thought Jerry's Tacos was the sketchier one when I saw that there were two gossip chats.
That's fair. I know I've been quieter than I'd like to be; I tend to be quieter early game because there's just so much going on. Also apologies if that post read super snarky, I've said before that putting ones thoughts out there is important and I stand by that.1) Fair point. I'm honestly not sure what I was hoping to get out of you, other than it seemed odd to me an I was desperate to get someone talking. I realize it's not really a solid line of reasoning, especially since the exact same thing could be applied to me, and I don't think there's really anything that specifically sets me off about you now that I think about it more.
2) Shit, I fixed it via edit since Retro asked me to, looks like the tool picked it up and it's all good. Moving it along anyhow since I noticed something... more at end of this post.
Even if they didn't know before, I doubt the first thing a brand new scum is going to do is suddenly do a complete 180 on their new friends. It'd basically paint a sign.The lost partner was told from the start exactly who the scum were so there probably won't be a huge difference in their reads from before to after recruitment. All being recruited did was bolster the scum numbers and allow a new person to commit the faction kill.
I'm working from home the next two days, so I should be around more!Discussion is dieing again![]()
It'd be better to wait until day 4 to revisit me, in all honesty./QUOTE]
I wont be here to defend myself when the time runs out but I see the way the tides are turning. Might as well do this now.
I'm Old Woman Josie, I talk to angels. I can send my angels to protect people at night.
Either I get voted out and you all see the truth or I die tonight due to the Mafia killing me.
Fun fact Sorian, I protected you on the first Night.Setre, you never answered my question as to why we should wait until Day 4 to revisit you.Wait, then what does getting to Day 4 matter? Today is Day 2.
There is always the ugly possibility that you're the recruitable. You can claim doctor knowing that Scum would almost certainly try to kill the doctor, and that the real doctor can't exactly counter claim.
I mean, I'm on board with everyone that you're town, but it still kind of bugs me.
It'd be better to wait until day 4 to revisit me, in all honesty.
Both Sorian and Ty4on say that flavor wise it doesn't make sense for Sorian/Daina to be the lost partner but there is a flavor reason why Sorian could be. Sorian probably isn't and this is pretty much just flavor dissection but I thought it was interesting.
Isn't it kinda funny that Scrafty has to rhyme after making that modern poet comment on day one (I think it was day one).
Razmos sorta softed claimed earlier, so is it worth it at the moment to pressure him into full claiming or should we maybe hold off on that a bit?
In the same vein, with the Squidy, Raz, Trigger scum triangle now just a scum line will Raz's flip reflect well on Squidy?
Everything will be opened except for private player asylums. (By which I mean boards that were created solely for players to put their thoughts down somewhere.).
Taking these in order.
I think you jumbled this sentence somehow or otherwise, I'm just not getting what you are saying. Yes, my stance that I am presenting is that Dana Cardinal would in no way possible be a recruitable member of a desert bluffs team. Are you saying there is a flavor reason why I would be recruitable?
Could you link to this post from Scrafty? That's kind of interesting actually.
Razmos has kind of screwed the pooch and basically said that he is a PR. No real hiding it now since multiple people have already quoted it and asked about it. Razmos, you should not claim anything further unless we are about to lynch you or you have investigation results of some sort. If you are a tracker or watcher, use your discretion but you should really just report anything that has to do with Fireblend on N1 and, in all honesty, probably just any results from last night since any movement from last night might have been scum recruiting the lost partner and that's a two for one special. If you are just a straight cop/investigator, just dump your results on us now. Green checks are just as important as red checks, it let's us clear the suspicion pool. NOTE: This is only advice for Razmos because he has already outed himself. I am not telling anyone else of the investigative persuasion to start spilling their guts
Really hard to say in all honesty. Being wrong isn't really a crime in mafia. If Squidy is town and he had a hunch about Razmos, that is all well and good, he can still be wrong and still be town. Alternatively, scum Squidy could just be setting up suspicious folks to fall later on. It's so hard to tell. The better game is to link people to known scum but Mazre didn't really have anyone coming to bat with him and he didn't really go out of his way for anyone else from what I remember, that's what I'll be researching tonight though.
It'd be better to wait until day 4 to revisit me, in all honesty./QUOTE]
Setre, you never answered my question as to why we should wait until Day 4 to revisit you.
There is always the ugly possibility that you're the recruitable. You can claim doctor knowing that Scum would almost certainly try to kill the doctor, and that the real doctor can't exactly counter claim.
I mean, I'm on board with everyone that you're town, but it still kind of bugs me.
Was just a way to soft claim without actually having to say I was the doctor. If Sorian had waited I could have kept on protecting people for a couple of Nights without being ousted.
This doctor says they protected me last night and did not or could not self-protect.
Wait, we get private spaces to scream at the glow cloud?
Yes I am basically saying that there is a flavor reason why you would be recruitable.
It took me a moment but I found the poet thing here.
Good luck in your endeavor. I honestly kept forgetting that Mazre was even here most of the time, so it might not be the most interesting search.
I chose to protect you. Figured they were going to go after you or me and honestly I'd rather it be me.
It took me a moment but I found the poet thing here.
.Can you please tell me the flavor reason because I can't think of one in all honesty. I guess if it is a podcast spoiler, tag it? But if it is something we have to talk about then it is what it is. Just as a side lesson, lost partners typically have no powers at all other than being recruitable and a few people can confirm (but again, will not say anything unless absolutely required) that I have the power to invite people to a gossip chat so that's one strike against me bring recruitable. Past that, I'm definitely open to Retro putting in someone with a PR that scum can recruit as I'll explain in my next post but that means that scum could have been in charge of both gossip chats. Highly doubtful. Again, I know I'm not recruitable but just giving game mechanic reason why it would make no sense so that people don't start trying to chase this when the logic isn't there.
I'm willing to take a chance with you on this Sorian.I swear to god if this is for vote patterns
Why? Without a reason this is just stalling.
That's the defense and reaction i was waiting for.... welp.
I don't want to switch my vote back to Pop since now I think he is probably town. And I'm not so sold on Trigger being scum either.
For now...
I'm a bit at a loss here right now, since the reads from the day basically blew up in our faces.
That's just greatOh well, since D3 seems at least give us some progress, we'll have to take it I guess.
I don't want a tie, and at the moment Trigger is the only one who isn't completely reading as town.
Ty4on I saw the edit when reading through people's post from that morning when I got home from class, since I wasn't around when the day ended and only really looked for Darklighter's post.
It seems like I know a lot about Boo Boo'n because I did go back and make sure I read his post after his death, because like everyone else I was confused as to why he was killed.
Sorry about all the fluff, I'm trying to be better about it. I guess I should have used fewer words in response to Boo Boo? I'm really not sure what I could have done differently with that reaponse.
I have been trying to go against my lurker instinct and be more contributive, though I still feel like I could do better.
Not that meaningful at this point it seems, but majority is a majority is a majority...
Discussion is dieing again
btw, I just wanted to say that Setre doesn't get a free pass from me. We don't have any evidence that doctor claim is the truth.
That's ironic coming from you. The only thing I got from you are the results of your "gambit" and this single post. Everything else is either fluff, apologies, or useless remarks.
vote: seath
I'd like to tell us your three top scum candidates.
I guess we can get the gears turning on this now. We have an outed doctor that claimed a female role. This doctor says they protected me last night and did not or could not self-protect. There was no kill last night. Knowing what we know now from Mazre's flip, they may have went for the easy target and tried to kill the doctor and ended up with a recruit instead. Sounds crazy that scum could recruit a doctor but we shouldn't bar the possibility. On the flip side, would a smart scum team have attacked the doctor last night? Scum doesn't know what roles are out there and I'd bet my left nut that a theoretical watcher would have been watching Setre last night. Scum might have been worried about this and went for someone else instead.
I'm in the second camp because a recruitable doc is crazy to me and I feel like scum would be concerned of being watched this early on in the game (unless they have a ninja killer which we should consider as well) but I don't want to give Setre a free pass forever either.
I really don't think it's a big deal since you can actually make the same claim about a lot of characters I guess. The flavor reason would be because ofBut considering the part about the lost partner knowing who the scum were in Marze's role pm it would be weird for this to actually be the case.the doppelgangers from the sandstorm. Dana and her doppelganger fought and one of them killed the other, but Dana doesn't know if she's the original or the doppelganger.
post about voting patterns
The poet thing, is like a total coincidence. I haven't like breadcrumbed anything yet.
I was visited by like, the same mist that got Ty4on; some kind of third-party power I'd bet.
I'm not a bad gal, I like promise to you. I think I'm like, onto something with my vote.
If I'm wrong on this you can like, lynch me tomorrow, but for now we're totally all in the same boat.
Like, thank you, mystery killer guy. You've made my life totally easier.
I think I'm gonna
VOTE: Razmos
now, cuz he really can't act any sleazier.
dull reads list
If you go with the idea that Mazre suspected he was on the block then fuck it, kill the doctor (have mazre send the kill) and force someone to come forward as another pr for minimal benefit with a protection role out of the game. You could kill that person next night and sorian the night after and then where would town really be?
Two questions. First, we have two lynches today so obviously you will contribute to a second lynch candidate in some way but are you willing to back down on Razmos at all? Or is that your final answer for today?
How did it make your life easier? I get the feeling that the easier line came first and then you had to come up with sleazier later to rhyme it and not vice-versa.
Of Razmos' guilt I'm like, fairly sure. I can't like, think of a better candidate for today.
But if something like, major happens soon, then my vote may be prone to sway.
He seemed like he was like, trying to defend the bad guy; totally sticking up for his own kind.
Rhyming's harder than you like think, by the way. Makes it totally tougher to like, speak your mind.
Humor me if you would and I don't need reasoning since rhyming this will probably be hard enough for you. Can you just give me your top town and top scum? I don't need a particular number of each, just whatever you feel is necessary in each category.
My top good guys would have to be, like you, Coppa, Jay, and AbsolutBro.
Two are just hunches but two are confirmed, and that's like, totally cool you know.
My top bad guys hall of shame would consist of like, Seath, Razmos and Stan.
If we were to vote out like, Raz and one other, I think that'd be like, the optimal plan.
Wait, we get private spaces to scream at the glow cloud?
Is the voting tool dead for anyone else? This is killing my research flow.
Working for me.
My game is saying the same thing. Someone light the Royal signal!