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West Virginia Overrides Governor’s Veto To Pass Radical NRA-Backed Gun Law

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Gun owners in West Virginia will no longer need to get a permit to have a concealed weapon, putting it among the most far-reaching states for gun rights. The House voted on the measure Friday and officially overrode a gubernatorial veto on Saturday.

The law, which does away with the permit and training program for people 21 and older who want to carry a concealed weapon, was supported by the National Rifle Association, but opposed by law enforcement across the state.

“West Virginia’s law enforcement officers have dedicated their lives to keeping us safe and helping us in times of need, and it’s disheartening that the members of the Legislature have chosen not to stand with these brave men and women – putting their safety and the safety of West Virginians at risk,” Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin said in a statement Saturday.

Allowing just anyone to carry a concealed weapon means that law enforcement officers have no way of knowing whether someone might be armed. It also means there’s no way to know how much training or expertise a gun carrier has with the weapon. The permitting process also included a background check and a gun safety class, both meant to reduce gun violence.

But gun-rights advocates were quick to applaud the legislature’s move, which can be seen as part of a broader trend across the country towards allowing concealed carry.

“Self-defense is a fundamental right that must be respected,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. “Law-abiding West Virginians are now free to choose the method of self-defense that best suits their needs. The NRA and our five million members are pleased that the legislature voted in support of West Virginians’ Second Amendment freedoms.”

A 2013 study from Center for American Progress found a significant correlation between the strength of a state’s gun laws and gun violence in the state. In fact, the 10 states with the weakest gun laws collectively have a level of gun violence that was more than twice as high than the 10 states with the strongest gun laws.

West Virginia’s rate of gun deaths is currently 12th highest in the nation.

The governor is a Democrat, btw.


Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.

Naturally, I suspect that's because the numbers would indicate that unregulated guns tend to increase the crime rate, but I'm willing to hear otherwise.


Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.

Well, someone could always do research, but the NRA will block it.
Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.

Naturally, I suspect that's because the numbers would indicate that unregulated guns tend to increase the crime rate, but I'm willing to hear otherwise.

Can't be researched.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.

Naturally, I suspect that's because the numbers would indicate that unregulated guns tend to increase the crime rate, but I'm willing to hear otherwise.

Well it's not gonna be very good until every single person in America has a gun, duh!


Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.
that's a reason you don't hear about those numbers. I'm sure it's happens, but it's not very common. There are also plenty of cases of homeowners shooting people who weren't trying to break in, but we're just knocking or went to the wrong house.



Large scale and significant research is forbidden.


The ban came about after a 1993 study funded by the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention showed homes with firearms were at an increased risk for homicide in the home. After the study came out, the National Rifle Association lobbied to shut down the Center for Injury Prevention altogether. What emerged instead was the 1996 Dickey Amendment, which stipulated that "none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control."

And the push to overturn the ban last failed, I believe.


Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

It's very small. Gun owners are more likely to shoot themselves or a loved one than stop a criminal.


Allowing just anyone to carry a concealed weapon means that law enforcement officers have no way of knowing whether someone might be armed. It also means there’s no way to know how much training or expertise a gun carrier has with the weapon.

Law enforcement always have to assume somebody COULD be armed, regardless of laws in place. This doesn't change anything.
I grew up in West Virginia, and hope one day to return. But I am saddened by what has happened to my home state. So many of my Facebook friends who support this are the very examples of people who should not carry guns with them at all times (though this supposes the lie that people who want to carry guns don't do so because it is illegal). Police officers don't support this law, but apparently they only care about them when they are killed, or when they're going to fight them to the death over their guns.
I am honestly terrified to be living in a neighboring state. It seems to me it's too late to save WV, but I hope this doesn't have disastrous spillover effects. And I'm probably not visiting WV ever again, for any reason now.


Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.

Naturally, I suspect that's because the numbers would indicate that unregulated guns tend to increase the crime rate, but I'm willing to hear otherwise.

No source, but I imagine it goes something like this.

1) hundreds of random gun deaths
2) 1 or 2 school shootings
3) A couple dozen more random gun deaths
4) One person protects his wife and child in a robbery
5) A couple dozen more gun deaths

The NRA then only comments on number 4 and lobbies for more guns.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Meanwhile you have "responsible" gun owners all over the place, and on this forum who "support" training and other comnon sense safety regulations, but who are members of the NRA because it gives them discounts at the range.

To them, and the NRA: Fuck you.
Meanwhile you have "responsible" gun owners all over the place, and on this forum who "support" training and other comnon sense safety regulations, but who are members of the NRA because it gives them discounts at the range.

To them, and the NRA: Fuck you.
I also get discounts on guns I purchase. It adds up!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Michigan is trying the same thing.
There is a serious problem with lobbying in the States that needs to end. Once corporations and organizations can't bribe politicians things like this end.

Meanwhile you have "responsible" gun owners all over the place, and on this forum who "support" training and other comnon sense safety regulations, but who are members of the NRA because it gives them discounts at the range.

To them, and the NRA: Fuck you.

Always a mature way to have a discussion, lol. "To anyone that disagrees with my worldview in any way: Fuck you."


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
There is a serious problem with lobbying in the States that needs to end. Once corporations and organizations can't bribe politicians things like this end.

Always a mature way to have a discussion, lol. "To anyone that disagrees with my worldview in any way: Fuck you."

Hey, you're the one financing this shit. :p
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