Oh for fucks sake, how many threads will you engage in and get destroyed before you actually learn anything?
I am almost convinced you are some sort of paid PR rep for the NRA or have a troll fetish. That is the best explanation I can come up with as to how you can go into pretty much every thread on gun laws, be owned each and every time and then return spouting the same exact flawed arguments, hyperbole and vitriol.
I guess this time you are attempting to poison the well so people have even more bullshit to wade through before getting to the core flaws in the assumptions and arguments you always trot out.
I'm an NRA member and proud of it. I have also given to GOA and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
Vitriol? Me? I'm the nicest. I never turn to personal insults. I wish I could say the same for my ideological opponents...
I guess if I get "destroyed" in GAF threads that's OK....cause my side seems to keep winning and winning IRL. I'll make that trade any day.