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West Virginia Overrides Governor’s Veto To Pass Radical NRA-Backed Gun Law

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No training and no permits...

Why even fucking SELL them? Why not just hand them out to everyone when they turn 21??

Everyone gets a beer and a gun at 21, taking "21 shots" on your birthday to a whole new level.

Fucking RED States. Reap what you sew idiots.


Lots of states already have this and the sky has not fallen. Lefty Vermont has had it for years, where are all the terrible results?

Good for you WV, and we will have this in Kentucky soon. It has been introduced in the legislature, and we finally have a governor who will sign it.

I'm already licensed, but you should not have to have permission from the state to use your constitutional right to bear arms.


The law, which does away with the permit and training program for people 21 and older who want to carry a concealed weapon, was supported by the National Rifle Association, but opposed by law enforcement across the state.


What planet am I on guys? Is this Universe 6?


Meanwhile you have "responsible" gun owners all over the place, and on this forum who "support" training and other comnon sense safety regulations, but who are members of the NRA because it gives them discounts at the range.

To them, and the NRA: Fuck you.

And they make the loudest whine you ever heard when we call them out on that. Yeah, fuck them.
2 years from now: "Why are so many people dying in our state? It must be because the cops don't have enough firepower! Let's pass a law giving them assault rifles, tanks, and more to stop criminals!"


No training and no permits...

Why even fucking SELL them? Why not just hand them out to everyone when they turn 21??

Everyone gets a beer and a gun at 21, taking "21 shots" on your birthday to a whole new level.

Fucking RED States. Reap what you sew idiots.

The governor vetoed it, btw. The Republican controlled Senate/House overrode him, though.


You know how to get laws like these repealed?

Have every african american in the state start carrying a weapon. in fact, that seems to be a great way to counter lots of these gun laws across the country.


You know how to get laws like these repealed?

Have every african american in the state start carrying a weapon. in fact, that seems to be a great way to counter lots of these gun laws across the country.

No they wouldn't. You'd just have more killings in the name of self-defense and everyone will just be like "Okay. Sounds good."


Don't like it get off your ass and finance gun control groups. But wait, bitching on the Internet is easier.

You're more a part of the problem than myself. :p

No, he really isn't. And this is a bizarre justification for being part of an indisputably fucked up and corrupt institution which intentionally profits (literally) off the death of children, and in fact see gun sales spike whenever a tragedy occurs thanks to their horrific brand of callous fundamentalism. But no dude, ten percent off and shit. Totes worth it.

"Hey, if you don't like murder, maybe you should start an anti-murder group! You're more responsible for murder than I am, LOL!"


2 years from now: "Why are so many people dying in our state? It must be because the cops don't have enough firepower! Let's pass a law giving them assault rifles, tanks, and more to stop criminals!"

Except for the fact that there is no documented increase in crime or violence in any of the concealed carry states (which is almost all of them) or the permitless carry states.

Anti-concealed carry hysteria has been going on since the 80s when it was first developed. But there is a reason it has spread across the country, including to "blue" states. Concealed carry holders commit crime at a lower rate than the general public, and at a lower rate even than police officers.
Why do you say that?

Since the world largely moved away from coal the state has stayed in perpetual decline and self-interested politicians, Republican or Democratic, continue to try and sell the coal dream over proposing real solutions.

Also, to my surprise, Gallup has rated WV the saddest state in the nation every year since 2008. So there's that too.
Except for the fact that there is no documented increase in crime or violence in any of the concealed carry states (which is almost all of them) or the permitless carry states.

Concealed carry holders commit crime at a lower rate than the general public, and at a lower rate even than police officers.

Receipts, please.


Meanwhile you have "responsible" gun owners all over the place, and on this forum who "support" training and other comnon sense safety regulations, but who are members of the NRA because it gives them discounts at the range.

To them, and the NRA: Fuck you.

You're talking about Mammoth Jones aren't you?

Something I've always wondered: Does anyone have any statistics on how many crimes are stopped/prevented by the victim or bystander possessing a gun?

I keep hearing the PR line about how guns help prevent crime, but I don't recall ever seeing any hard numbers proving that out.

Naturally, I suspect that's because the numbers would indicate that unregulated guns tend to increase the crime rate, but I'm willing to hear otherwise.

Do you hate freedom?


Isn't it pretty obvious that this will put guns into the hands of people who shouldn't have them? Isn't that something that should perhaps be prevented?
Lefty Vermont has had it for years, where are all the terrible results?

Except for the fact that there is no documented increase in crime or violence in any of the concealed carry states (which is almost all of them) or the permitless carry states.
Amusing that you ask these types of questions and make these claims when you openly admit your distrust in statistics.
I am a radical anti-statist and not a statistician.

"I don't trust the statistics that go against my views, not that I demonstrated any ability to understand such a paper to begin with. And since there are no other studies that refute my own anecdotal personal observations, my unsubstantiated anecdotal personal observations shall remain undisputed." There's literally no point in debating research with you, so please don't drag research into your arguments.

I was going to make the comparison of gun nuts with anti-vaxxers in clinging onto their beliefs, then I realized that would probably be insulting to anti-vaxxers. At least the latter group temporarily had one scientific paper (published in The Lancet, no less!) supporting them. The NRA and other gun lobbies can't even produce one convincing peer-reviewed paper to support the claims that having a gun is safer than not having a gun. Not a single reference. Pathetic. Continue hiding behind that Second Amendment.


Need to make a new amendment to get rid of #2

Owning a gun should be a very limited privilege, not a right
No, he really isn't. And this is a bizarre justification for being part of an indisputably fucked up and corrupt institution which intentionally profits (literally) off the death of children, and in fact see gun sales spike whenever a tragedy occurs thanks to their horrific brand of callous fundamentalism. But no dude, ten percent off and shit. Totes worth it.

"Hey, if you don't like murder, maybe you should start an anti-murder group! You're more responsible for murder than I am, LOL!"

I guess I just don't view the NRA as the baby killing organization you do. I just view them as way too into the politics and should get back to their roots just advocating responsible ownership and marksmanship.

I'd prefer it if they had no ability to really lobby politicians and if that means more gun control legislation then so be it. I don't think any organization should be able to buy politicians and policy.

But if I took some bullshit principled stand whenever an organization I was a member of did shit I don't implicitly agree with well I'd have to go live in isolation. Well not really but that's my take on it.

But I also understand your view even if I don't agree with it entirely.

You're talking about Mammoth Jones aren't you?

Hey I'm just a gun owning, God fearing man of the people.


Unconfirmed Member
Radical gun law? Really OP?

No training and no permits...

Why even fucking SELL them? Why not just hand them out to everyone when they turn 21??

Everyone gets a beer and a gun at 21, taking "21 shots" on your birthday to a whole new level.

Fucking RED States. Reap what you sew idiots.

You, like the OP, need to calm down and tone down the anti-gun rhetoric. This thread is about a state removing restrictions on a CCW permit.

What planet am I on guys? Is this Universe 6?

Vermont is fine, especially since they never had such laws.


"Organizations shouldn't be able to buy politicians", he says as he slides said organization a 100.

Such unabashed cognitive dissonance is rarely seen in the wild.


Radical gun law? Really OP?

You, like the OP, need to calm down and tone down the anti-gun rhetoric. This thread is about a state removing restrictions on a CCW permit.

Vermont is fine, especially since they never had such laws.

I just copy and pasted the title directly from the source. The only information I added was that the governor of the state was a Democrat, which was not mentioned in the portion of the article I posted.

I personally posted nothing anti-gun. So, try again, good sir.


I guess I just don't view the NRA as the baby killing organization you do. I just view them as way too into the politics and should get back to their roots just advocating responsible ownership and marksmanship.

I'd prefer it if they had no ability to really lobby politicians and if that means more gun control legislation then so be it. I don't think any organization should be able to buy politicians and policy.

But if I took some bullshit principled stand whenever an organization I was a member of did shit I don't implicitly agree with well I'd have to go live in isolation. Well not really but that's my take on it.

But I also understand your view even if I don't agree with it entirely. .

What? They have consistently and constantly advocated for stuff like this for years and years. It's not like this is some once in a lifetime poor decision that you can safely ignore.


I guess I just don't view the NRA as the baby killing organization you do. I just view them as way too into the politics and should get back to their roots just advocating responsible ownership and marksmanship.

I'd prefer it if they had no ability to really lobby politicians and if that means more gun control legislation then so be it. I don't think any organization should be able to buy politicians and policy.

But if I took some bullshit principled stand whenever an organization I was a member of did shit I don't implicitly agree with well I'd have to go live in isolation. Well not really but that's my take on it.

But I also understand your view even if I don't agree with it entirely.

Hey I'm just a gun owning, God fearing man of the people.

But you understand what you think they should be is not what they actually are right? And you are financing that which you say you don't agree with?

It would be like me saying, yeah, I don't agree with the primary platforms and actions of the Republican party and frankly support groups and policies that would do the opposite, but I send the party money every year because reasons. Then acting perplexed when people are like WTF to you.


Amusing that you ask these types of questions and make these claims when you openly admit your distrust in statistics.

"I don't trust the statistics that go against my views, not that I demonstrated any ability to understand such a paper to begin with. And since there are no other studies that refute my own anecdotal personal observations, my unsubstantiated anecdotal personal observations shall remain undisputed." There's literally no point in debating research with you, so please don't drag research into your arguments.

I was going to make the comparison of gun nuts with anti-vaxxers in clinging onto their beliefs, then I realized that would probably be insulting to anti-vaxxers. At least the latter group temporarily had one scientific paper (published in The Lancet, no less!) supporting them. The NRA and other gun lobbies can't even produce one convincing peer-reviewed paper to support the claims that having a gun is safer than not having a gun. Not a single reference. Pathetic. Continue hiding behind that Second Amendment.

I will continue to stand strong for individual rights. I am not going to play the game of those who want to subordinate individual rights to leviathan, one of the most dishonest "movements" ever foisted on the American public. Every time they are challenged, they dredge up some discredited advocacy study from some statist website or academic elitist. Frankly, the burden is on you to convince a super-majority of the public to repeal the 2nd Amendment. So far studies that include suicides and gang-bangers in the sample has failed, lying about semi-autos (Josh Sugarmann) and calling them "assault weapons" has failed. Including 17 year-old drug dealers as "deaths of children" has failed. I don't know what new "study" is going to convince Mr. and Mrs. America to give up the God given rights their ancestors died for.

I'd approve of 8-years of college. People with PhD's and J.D. degrees are smart..

hockeypuck might disagree with that...he calls me dumb in every thread.
Frankly, the burden is on you to convince a super-majority of the public to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Majority? Why are you using statistical terms when you distrust statistics? How do you know it's a majority? And why do you trust that reference?

hockeypuck might disagree with that...he calls me dumb in every thread.
When you use terms like "statist," it doesn't take much more effort on my part. If you haven't figured it out by now, I don't care about your own personal opinion or philosophy on gun ownership. But if you claim "evidence," I will call you out on in. Notice how I'm leaving Mammoth Jones alone. He doesn't throw around unsubstantiated claims like you do.


Majority? Why are you using statistical terms when you distrust statistics? How do you know it's a majority? And why do you trust that reference?

Dude, I am talking about the super-majority it would take to amend the constitution. The burden is on you to convince the public to want that, and to express it through Congress and their state legislatures.

And someone who believes the state should have a monopoly on violent force is by definition a statist.


I will continue to stand strong for individual rights. I am not going to play the game of those who want to subordinate individual rights to leviathan, one of the most dishonest "movements" ever foisted on the American public. Every time they are challenged, they dredge up some discredited advocacy study from some statist website or academic elitist. Frankly, the burden is on you to convince a super-majority of the public to repeal the 2nd Amendment. So far studies that include suicides and gang-bangers in the sample has failed, lying about semi-autos (Josh Sugarmann) and calling them "assault weapons" has failed. Including 17 year-old drug dealers as "deaths of children" has failed. I don't know what new "study" is going to convince Mr. and Mrs. America to give up the God given rights their ancestors died for.

hockeypuck might disagree with that...he calls me dumb in every thread.

Oh for fucks sake, how many threads will you engage in and get destroyed before you actually learn anything?

I am almost convinced you are some sort of paid PR rep for the NRA or have a troll fetish. That is the best explanation I can come up with as to how you can go into pretty much every thread on gun laws, be owned each and every time and then return spouting the same exact flawed arguments, hyperbole and vitriol.

I guess this time you are attempting to poison the well so people have even more bullshit to wade through before getting to the core flaws in the assumptions and arguments you always trot out.
As someone who lives in West Virginia..... I used to say please kill me but now it's just a matter of time.

Also by far this isn't half the bullshit that's been going on. They pushed a fucking bill to allow people to refuse service and not hire gays (thank god the house said no), they also are also making the people effected by our water crisis from a year pay much more for water.

Charleston is considered the number 1 most depressing city in the country and I live here.


Gun owners in West Virginia will no longer need to get a permit to have a concealed weapon... The law, which does away with the permit and training program for people 21 and older who want to carry a concealed weapon, was supported by the National Rifle Association, but opposed by law enforcement across the state.

Whatever happened to those supposed "responsible gun owners", eh?

First they were afraid they would fail psychological testing, now they are afraid they would fail training on how to use their gun?
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