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West Virginia Overrides Governor’s Veto To Pass Radical NRA-Backed Gun Law

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You do live in your own simplistic little world...

I think a world of diverse individuals deciding things for themselves is pretty exciting. Much more so than the state being a lifelong mommy and daddy.

I guess its very difficult for folks who have only known Leviathan to conceive of anything different.

Also I find it hilarious when people on the internets fall back to troll thing when people of differing opinions turn up. You step outside the range of normal opinion, and you can't even be real, you must be a troll. The thought silos have gotten really constricting it seems.


Majority? Why are you using statistical terms when you distrust statistics? How do you know it's a majority? And why do you trust that reference?

If you're actually questioning the fact that the majority of Americans don't want a repeal of the second amendment, then you truly are completely delusional. The opinions of Americans on guns is well documented.
I live and work in Maryland now, but my girlfriend still works across the border at a pharmacy in W.Va. The amount of people walking around and packing heat is insane now and unsettling. Imagine the kind of people you see on people of Walmart, but everyone is walking around with a side holster and glock on their sweatpants. I'm so glad I moved out of that ass backwards state. I get nervous every time I visit her at work though.
For those of you who support this legislation: Why? What is the benefit of letting anyone get a gun and conceal carry, without any training or oversight whatsoever?

gotta prep for that armed revolution that the people will be leading in order to get "more liberty" or whatever


The only way for America to get rid of its gun problem is to get rid of the lobby supporting the industry.

Some billionaire needs to buy out gun makers and then stop the lobby funding.

Impossible to do in the short term but feasible in the long term.

The advocacy groups are the tail that wags the dog now. Gun enthusiasts tell the industry what to (and more importantly what not to) do and if the industry ever started going against their wishes, they'd just boycott and somebody else would come along who would bow to them so that they can sell them stuff.


You guys do realize it's been legal to Open Carry in WV without training for a long time now, right? It's so weird to see so much 'outrage' when the difference equates to someone wearing a gun outside of their shirt vs. tucking it under their shirt. I can tell you firsthand it is unlikely this will suddenly prompt everyone to carry a gun when they could have done exactly that beforehand.


Heard they are trying to pass this in Missouri too.

The "training" for a permit is already kind of a joke, a few hours of what constitutes self defense and some range time doesn't really qualify someone to carry a deadly weapon IMHO.
I think everyone should be on the side of individual rights vs. the evil state. Unfortunately they aren't.
it's really unfortunate that I don't want to get shot and die. You're right. Thanks for correcting me, now I can let some fucking psycho shoot me with his gun and feel no worries. Because it was fortunate for me that he had that gun.


Law enforcement always have to assume somebody COULD be armed, regardless of laws in place. This doesn't change anything.

From the standpoint of the police, you're probably right. In terms of accidental or second-degree shootings and killings, though, I imagine it's going to increase.


Don't like it get off your ass and finance gun control groups. But wait, bitching on the Internet is easier.

You're more a part of the problem than myself. :p

I think if you applied this line of thinking to almost any other issue, you would probably be pretty embarrassed by yourself. Like, do you think civil rights advocates who didn't march did more harm to the cause than actual racists?

I think everyone should be on the side of individual rights vs. the evil state. Unfortunately they aren't.

The fact that you thinks this boils down to "individual rights vs. the evil state" -- or even use the words "evil state" to unironically describe government -- proves you're not mature enough to be even having this discussion, much less wield a gun. Jesus.

Things keep swinging farther towards gun advocates but hopefully the death that comes with this law effects those who it would make it change. Death is sure to come from this but perhaps some dead officers will finally start to change things for the better.

Sandy Hook was the ultimate litmus test on this. If 20 white elementary school children from an affluent area could be shot to death and absolutely nothing comes of that, then nothing will ever trigger any change.

I'm pretty hopeful for progress on a lot of issues: net neutrality, drug decriminalization scaling back (if not ending) the war on drugs, energy efficiency and climate action... but I have absolutely no hope there will ever be progress for gun control reform.

War Eagle

This is already a thing is a few other states, including Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, and now West Virginia. It's called Constitutional Carry.

I find it very interesting that GAF is very hard on Bernie Sanders' dick but look over the fact that his state is a Constitutional Carry state. Not only that but Vermont does not have an Assault Weapons Ban, and does not even recognize the National Firearms Act of 1934. That means you can legally have a FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPON in Vermont. Interestingly enough Vermont is the 2nd safest state in the country with 1.1 homicides per 100,000 residents, which is even less than Canada at 1.4 homicides per 100,000 residents. My point is that violence, whether from guns, knives, fists, etc. is a cultural problem more than from the weapon.

I have openly stated here on GAF that I am pro gun. I own one (and actually just ordered my second one today as a birthday present to myself). However, I do not believe in Constitutional Carry. In my opinion the most reasonable middle ground both sides could meet would be the following:

  • Pistol Permit is required under the condition that once the background check is passed, the state is 'Shall Issue' rather than 'May Issue'
  • A field and written test (like for your drivers license) must be passed to get your permit
  • Mandatory Background checks including for mental health, HIPAA be damned
  • Close the gun show loophole
  • Online purchases are okay, but they must be sent to your FFL
  • Increased penalties for straw purchasing
  • Abolish assault weapons ban (these are all cosmetic and have no actual effect on the weapon itself)
  • Abolish extended magazine laws (these do nothing but make it a pain in the ass to keep reloading mags at the range. Any mass shooter will just have multiple preloaded magazines)

That's where I would start and think are reasonable logical gun laws.


Gold Member
Why do you say that?

WV is a very poor state with all that entails (lack of opportunity, drug addiction, downtrodden communities, etc.). Historically the best chance at a decent salary is to go down in the mines and literally destroy your body in the service of some local coal baron. And the state government is owned wholesale by the same coal barons. Oh and meanwhile coal usage is collapsing as the country moves towards greener energy.

It's a sad place.


Unconfirmed Member
It's kind of pathetic that the NRA, which only has 5 million members can have so much political clout in a country of over 300 million. Why haven't sane heads prevailed here?

In general, the amount of people who disagree with gun control is equal to those that believe in gun rights (See first link). Additionally, most people in the US are either happy with the level of influence the NRA has or believe that they have too little influence (36% and 17% respectively). Only 40% of the population believes the NRA has too much influence.

General Graphs.
Detailed Report on NRA and Gun Control.


I live and work in Maryland now, but my girlfriend still works across the border at a pharmacy in W.Va. The amount of people walking around and packing heat is insane now and unsettling. Imagine the kind of people you see on people of Walmart, but everyone is walking around with a side holster and glock on their sweatpants. I'm so glad I moved out of that ass backwards state. I get nervous every time I visit her at work though.

That's just weird. There are lots of gun owners over here in Oregon and no law against open carry, but I've seen people do it maybe two or three times in my entire life. It's not common at all here.

This is already a thing is a few other states, including Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, and now West Virginia. It's called Constitutional Carry.

I find it very interesting that GAF is very hard on Bernie Sanders' dick but look over the fact that his state is a Constitutional Carry state. Not only that but Vermont does not have an Assault Weapons Ban, and does not even recognize the National Firearms Act of 1934. That means you can legally have a FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPON in Vermont. Interestingly enough Vermont is the 2nd safest state in the country with 1.1 homicides per 100,000 residents, which is even less than Canada at 1.4 homicides per 100,000 residents. My point is that violence, whether from guns, knives, fists, etc. is a cultural problem more than from the weapon.

Holy crap, I had no idea about the NFA thing. However I would STRONGLY advise against modifying guns into full-autos or SBRs there, as the BATF and FBI will go after you hard if they find out. Federal law still trumps state law. The NFA act of 1934 is pretty reasonable, but the 1986 ban was stupid and useless. And guess who signed it into law? Ronald McGoddamn Reagan.
That's just weird. There are lots of gun owners over here in Oregon and no law against open carry, but I've seen people do it maybe two or three times in my entire life. It's not common at all here.

Speak for yourself there city boy. Here in Albany, guns are carried everywhere. People treat this place like the goddamn wild west.


This is already a thing is a few other states, including Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, and now West Virginia. It's called Constitutional Carry.

I find it very interesting that GAF is very hard on Bernie Sanders' dick but look over the fact that his state is a Constitutional Carry state. Not only that but Vermont does not have an Assault Weapons Ban, and does not even recognize the National Firearms Act of 1934. That means you can legally have a FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPON in Vermont. Interestingly enough Vermont is the 2nd safest state in the country with 1.1 homicides per 100,000 residents, which is even less than Canada at 1.4 homicides per 100,000 residents. My point is that violence, whether from guns, knives, fists, etc. is a cultural problem more than from the weapon.

I have openly stated here on GAF that I am pro gun. I own one (and actually just ordered my second one today as a birthday present to myself). However, I do not believe in Constitutional Carry. In my opinion the most reasonable middle ground both sides could meet would be the following:

  • Pistol Permit is required under the condition that once the background check is passed, the state is 'Shall Issue' rather than 'May Issue'
  • A field and written test (like for your drivers license) must be passed to get your permit
  • Mandatory Background checks including for mental health, HIPAA be damned
  • Close the gun show loophole
  • Online purchases are okay, but they must be sent to your FFL
  • Increased penalties for straw purchasing
  • Abolish assault weapons ban (these are all cosmetic and have no actual effect on the weapon itself)
  • Abolish extended magazine laws (these do nothing but make it a pain in the ass to keep reloading mags at the range. Any mass shooter will just have multiple preloaded magazines)

That's where I would start and think are reasonable logical gun laws.

I basically agree with all of this.
Gun makers...? Good. I want gun makers to prosper and make me lots of guns. Unlike the average gaf-lefty I don't mind if people make lots of profits producing goods for the people.

It sounds like you're being more of a cheerleader for the sake of partisanship rather than actually caring about the content of the legislation.


WV is a very poor state with all that entails (lack of opportunity, drug addiction, downtrodden communities, etc.). Historically the best chance at a decent salary is to go down in the mines and literally destroy your body in the service of some local coal baron. And the state government is owned wholesale by the same coal barons. Oh and meanwhile coal usage is collapsing as the country moves towards greener energy.

It's a sad place.

This just isn't true anymore. Coal companies are struggling to stay open/hire these days (though the coal companies are still fighting to survive here), instead the WV job market is shifting towards shale drilling, which is much safer for the employees but probably just as bad for the land.

There are also pockets of super prosperous and liberal cities in WV, just like in any other overly conservative state. Cities that had no economic decline during the housing market collapse back in '08.

West Virginian here.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
No training and no permits...

Why even fucking SELL them? Why not just hand them out to everyone when they turn 21??

Everyone gets a beer and a gun at 21, taking "21 shots" on your birthday to a whole new level.

Fucking RED States. Reap what you sew idiots.
It all makes sense once you realize that the NRA exists to serve the gun manufacturers, and not the gun owners.

There are literally bans on gun research due to the NRA.
The best part? The congressman who pushed for that ban on research, Jay Dickey, actually changed his mind and today he thinks that bill should be repealed and research into gun violence should be allowed.

Nice of him really but fuck him for the immense damage his legislation has caused.


WV is a very poor state with all that entails (lack of opportunity, drug addiction, downtrodden communities, etc.). Historically the best chance at a decent salary is to go down in the mines and literally destroy your body in the service of some local coal baron. And the state government is owned wholesale by the same coal barons. Oh and meanwhile coal usage is collapsing as the country moves towards greener energy.

It's a sad place.

Ha! The coal mines aren't owned by people in the state even.
West Virginia man with concealed carry permit accidentally opens fire on children’s swimming lesson

A West Virginia man turned himself in over the weekend after a gun he was carrying in his back pocket discharged at a children’s swimming lesson.


The incident occurred at the University of Charleston, which does not allow guns on campus. UC Director of Public Safety Randy Ross identified the weapon as a Springfield Arms XDM .40-caliber handgun.

Simms reportedly has a concealed-carry permit.

Responsible owners, etc.
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