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What are chill (even if low-paying) jobs?


Work in airport security in the u.k

12.25 hours shifts 1hr 20 mins paid meal break, in the actual shift must do probably 2-3 hours of actul work if that lol


My body is already fucked 😩

We do 0500-1715, 0600-1815 & 0700-1915

Have done 12 hour nights fucking killer !🤢🤢😪
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Work in airport security in the u.k

12.25 hours shifts 1hr 20 mins paid meal break, in the actual shift must do probably 2-3 hours of actul work if that lol
What do you mean by airport security? Do you mean inside the airport, the runway, check in? Sounds interesting.


Gold Member
Night shifts killed my social life. Would heavily advice against it.
Absolutely this. Might be cool having chilled out job on nights but you'll need it as working them nights, even for a little while, completely fucks everything about you up.
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Night shifts killed my social life. Would heavily advice against it.

It's true, I used to work evenings and weekends with two days off mid-week. The only people you had to hang out with on your days off were other colleagues that had the same day off or the unemployed.


Gold Member
In high school where a bunch of us worked shitty low paid jobs, there was one guy who was king. He knew it and laughed about it. We're talking early 90s.

Working at the public library putting away books. He wasnt even the guy who youd ask questions where to find stuff on shelf or from those cabinets of crib notes. He'd just push that trolley around and put books back on shelf. And when someone asked him a question, he'd pawn them off to the ladies working the service and info counter.

I think he was making about $15/hr (cdn) doing this job in 1991. Insane.


Gold Member
It's true, I used to work evenings and weekends with two days off mid-week. The only people you had to hang out with on your days off were other colleagues that had the same day off or the unemployed.
I worked nights one university summer at a plant making shit on an assembly line. Had the 4 pm to 12:30 am shift. Easy job. But had hardly any fun that summer aside from weekends. Nothing like going to bed at like 6 am and waking up at 3 pm to get ready for work. lol

But it was the only job I got an offer, so I took it. I made the lazy mistake of apply for summer jobs late. Paid minimum wage too. I think I getting like $6.50/hr. I think I made around $3000 that summer working in front of a hot machine.
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It's true, I used to work evenings and weekends with two days off mid-week. The only people you had to hang out with on your days off were other colleagues that had the same day off or the unemployed.

For me it was brutal also.

I had friends marry / get a kid / buy a house and i couldn't visit them for shit because of my work hours as i had to sleep. I missed tons of events with friends to the point i just felt like not being part of anything anymore.
Then when i quited it and moved to a day job again, i realized how much shit i missed through those years probably the best years of my life and tons of shit i missed like, birth of children of my friends, them buying a house, marrying etc etc.

Felt absolute like shit.

If you are social awkward as fuck, and have zero friends. Then it could probably work out well. If you are a social creature its a bad idea indeed.


I worked as a bouncer for years. Keep in mind, this "chill" recommendation came at a cost, I had to put up with some nightmarish scenarios at times, but some bars I worked at were absolutely easy gigs. I would find more cash on the floor than most 9-5ers make. And the girls... yeah, good times. Pretty much worked out 5 days a week, went to college and bounced 2-3 days a week making $800-1000 a week


Gold Member
I would find more cash on the floor than most 9-5ers make.
WTF? lol

How much does the place pay bouncers? Shit money but you get greased by people getting in? Or is pay from the bar/club owner actually pretty good to start? Does a bouncer role get a share of tips collected by servers?
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Some sort of dev-ops job. I swear these devops guys I work with probably do nothing all day and just sit around until someone asks them to reboot a server or delete some files or some other shit.


Shit money but you get greased by people getting in?

Actually a lot of security love it, being able to legally give some pisshead a slap. Often they are into some form of martial arts so they get a chance to flex. I used to work in a movie theatre as part of an entertainment complex and although security was only supposed to cover the bar and nighclub as long as thye got free movie tickets when wanted them they would always come flying down the stairs when called. short ass 16 year old me loved having terminators oncall when someone told me to fuck off when I politely asked them not to smoke in the screenings.



WTF? lol

How much does the place pay bouncers? Shit money but you get greased by people getting in? Or is pay from the bar/club owner actually pretty good to start? Does a bouncer role get a share of tips collected by servers?

It depends on the bar, but usually yeah we get tipped out. Typically it was around $100 per night + 50 in tips. I would get random tips often too. But what kept me coming back was my eye for finding wads of cash/valuables on the floors, typically drunks dropping it in the bathroom(nasty sometimes)dancefloor, or bar. I would find wads over $1000 fairly consistently. I pawned expensive watches, jewelry, all sorts of shit. I know one year I made near 40k part time off shit left on the floor or in the couch seats in the vip area, not counting my regular pay. Hocked a diamond ring for $7800 once. The craziest part is, very rarely would people come back demanding their shit because most clubbers go to several locations per night. If it was cash, nope sorry, can't help you.
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I worked at an ice rink in my early teens in the skate shop. We would all take turns ducking out the back door for a quick joint then handing out skates, sharpening them and going on the ice for "patrol".


Authorized Fister
My first real unionized job was a security guard back in 1997. It's a nice paying job and not too much stress. Been working in the security field since that first job.


I taught paleontology to 4-8 year olds at a local science museum between senior year of high school and freshman year of university. Super super chill. The pay was $25 per hour in 1995. That's $46.50 per hour in 2022. Lmao. I was 18.
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Gold Member
What about jobs involving driving a forklift?
In the 90s, I worked many jobs during the summer in plants. Driving a forklift is easy as hell and the vets taught all the summer students have to drive one. I was loading/unloading shit worth probably $100,000 as we'd move heavy machinery gear on skids, or we had to attach the long blade extensions to offload giant parts off a flat bed.

As long as you dont try to carry more than the forklift weighs (what happens is you forklift moves up not the skid!), and you are careful enough to slightly incline the blades when carrying shit so they dont slide off, it's pretty hard to fuck up. Just go easy and slow if unsure. And if nervous about weight issues, attach a 500 lb weight to the back.

Although we did some dumb shit like if the forklift wasnt heavy enough trying to offload something, 2 vets or students would jump on the back of it to give it 400 lbs of weight.

I'd say the hardest part is the controls of a forklift (steering and levers) has give. It's not super precise like driving a car. At least the forklifts I used were never like that. So if you want super fine movements of the blades, you cant just nudge the knob or level an inch. There was always a kind of dead zone, so you'd have to nudge it a lot in one quick swipe to make it move small amounts.
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Fools idol

when I was 18-21 I had some great jobs.

for 1 year I was a bathroom cleaner on a steam train that had a modern converted toilet / portaloo unit.. which meant I spent 7 hours a day riding a train whilst gaming on my PSP, never having to talk to anyone, and emptying the base of a portaloo once per day. I would say 95% of the time, no one used the bathroom at all, since the train journey rarely had more than 10-15 people and 2 hour trips at a time.. everyone used the station bathroom before boarding the train. I was quite literally getting paid to empty a completely sealed and rarely used portaloo and ride through the countryside all day.

second job was security work at a library on in a very quiet part of town. I never had to deal with a single problem in the entire 8 months of the job... no one goes in libraries these days and certainly those who do so don't cause trouble. Was another east job. I pretty much just sat by the security camera with my PS3 hooked up to the other tv unit.
I had to chase a stray dog out of there once, was about as much action I ever saw there.
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I get a 4000 bonus for referrals at my company. Anyone want a highly demanding, super stressful and unrewarding job working at a call center where you get bitched out and called a "fucking retard" by every customer that calls?


Gold Member
I dont know if they have these jobs anymore, but my older brothers used to work at the post office in the 80s PT for money. Paid great for the job it is.

Their job rotated between mail sorter and mail bag fluffer.

At the end of a shift, the outdoors mailmen would drop their bags down a chute. My brothers would literally grab the bags, fluff them up a bit, and fold them onto a steel rack. That was the job.

When there's no bags coming down the chute, they sat there doing nothing. They were paid about $15/hr CDN doing this around 1985.
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