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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!

Paradox Manipulation is the second album by Purist, from Brazil.
Leonardo has teamed up with artistic friends to send you on this vivid,
often unpredictable journey,
which is also expressed in the stunning visionary album art of Yui Sakamoto.

One can manipulate any paradox or anything that is beyond common sense or logic;
an unexplained phenomenon, something that exists or happens when it logically shouldn't.
With this power, we can ignore the rules of reality when being used at its highest level of control.

We humbly invite you to check out this piece of art by one of the most sophisticated artists this scene has to offer.

Sangoma Records – Medicinal Music



Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!

Piotr Kurek’s new album “Smartwoods” is a sprawling root system of tiny melodic phrases that loop and curl around subtly evolving instrumental thickets.
The Warsaw-based producer and composer takes his cues from early music, baroque music and experimental jazz,
entangling his influences with filigree traces of contemporary computer music and fueling it with sonic vapors from the near future.

Made up of seven distinct segments, the album blurs its acoustic and electronic elements into an illusory hedge of abstract sound.
Harp, saxophone, clarinet, double bass, voices and guitar twist into computerized processes and synthesizer chirps,
creating an uncanny dreamworld where the real isn’t always what it seems.
Each player is entwined with the other to create a living, breathing whole.​
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No first Sun worship on my end but you should like

To draw a bit more attention to Mercury astronomically, a somewhat elusive planet to see partly due to angle of ecliptic, is currently very easy to observe in the East about 5 degrees above the horizon an hour before dawn northern latitudes. A couple good days before disappearing heliacally.



It is you. Should've learned some basics by now. Sorry to disappoint.
Great track.
Manly Hall might have covered some of that in Secrets.

Shadowy phases was part of what I was getting at with Lucifer(Mercury), Lilith(Venus), & Hecate(Luna). As well as the Equinox and other astrometrics.

Oceanvs Orientalis is one of my favourites. The first quarter Moon is near the galactic core balancing shadows and light with first quarter Mercury.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

What's she thinking? does she really believe
That shes above the creatures that work the dirt and the streets
See her up in the tree, looking down at you and me
Like she's chosen over those who walk around on two feet
The bird, the melodys she play
The music she make, rubbing our faces in the feces of the daybreak
Trying to remind us, its time to awake

Antaganizing and instigating my hate
The chirps, I turn them into screams
My feathered friends end will justity the means
Disturbed, I'll grab her by her beak
And swing her in circles untill she's too dizzy to speak




I've played guitar almost literally my entire life, but only in the past, maybe, 20 years have I grown to recognize the masterful artistry of mixing and mastering (not to mention the video accompaniment). This generation in particular, though, has taken many of the great technical inspirations of the 70s to express true feelings that are easy to identify with.
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