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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!

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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Anyone see Tool in Colorado last night? You lucky, lucky bastards.


Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Of course the vinyl is already sold out. 🤬
I joined the Bandcamp mailing list. They had some more copies release on their own storefront.

If shipping to the US wasn’t so bad I’d snag a copy.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I joined the Bandcamp mailing list.
I'm on there too but when i came home and checked the mails it was already gone.
They had some more copies release on their own storefront.
I'm not worried that i wont got a copy but it's usually for a much higher price somewhere down the line. Would be nice to have it at release for a reasonable price. At least once! :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Couple days ago I really paid attention to the "lyrics" of this track. And it more or less goes about the "missing 411" where people of all ages, mainly in huge natural parks go missing; sometimes just with a blink of an eye. David Peulides stuff and all.

"In the fall of 1989, in the quiet Swedish town of Hälsingfors by the Tiveden forest, children began to disappear.Within five weeks, eight children, three to six years old, went missing while playing outdoors at night. After futile investigations within the town, the police organized search parties into the forest. Clothing and toys were found among the underbrush, which were followed as far into the woods as the dense growth allowed. But none of the children was ever found, nor ever any evidence of violence or struggle.As the weeks passed, the well-educated community began to recall, in private whispers lest they be ridiculed, the near-forgotten local folklore of the nattväsen, the night creatures of Tiveden, the mythical forest of the gods. Grandmothers in the old days would tell stories of the animal-entities of the forest to curb curious children from venturing close to the woods. These stories never described the creatures, but spoke of them emerging at nightfall, only appearing to children younger than seven in the form of imaginary friends, to play with them, then lead them back into their forest.The eight children of 1989 were never found, but no more went missing as the community hastily tightened security. In a few years, the incident had all but faded from collective memory."

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