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What do you do with old consoles/games. Do You store them? Display them? Sell?

What do you do with a Kinect

  • Sell it

    Votes: 24 26.7%
  • Pass it to friend of family

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • Display it around the house/flat

    Votes: 19 21.1%
  • Store it in basement (preferably in the original box)

    Votes: 40 44.4%

  • Total voters


Can’t Git Gud
I am just posting this because I have no room for my phat ps5 and my nephew is getting a slim this year (hope he is not reading this lol), so I am keeping my phat.
Still remember hunting for this console on release and so it got nostalgic value to me.
Also, it's essentially Astro Bot action figure :messenger_sunglasses:

As you can see, the problem is right there. Unsolved for a month now. The 360 space is too small for it, if you wanted to ask that :p

And also... should lego Hogwarts and Grounds be there or great pyramid?! One has to go since THE SHIP is now up there.



I always sell, add money and buy a next gen console.

But this time I will not sell my Xbox, if Microsoft leaves the console market.


If I have a family member, friend or neighbor who could use the console, I give them that and any games I don't want. I have hung onto a few of my favorite games in the past, just in case I want to get the console on ebay again, but I never have.

Now that we've hit the digital era, I have no physical media, so the console just goes away.


In my peasant times i always sold them without any effort for a fair price to resellers (not Gamestop, but that should be obvious since i said fair). There is no use in letting a 70 Euro game drop to 5 Euro in your shelf if you never plan to play it again. Even if i was a collector i would resell them after playing and buy them again when <10 Euro. Games getting more expensive like 2014 Spider-Man 2 are very rare.
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I collect them on the bookshelves at home. But I can't consider myself a collector to the end, since I usually buy and collect games that I like or genres that I like, so a lot of games pass by my collection. I have only had a few sales, since I have several copies of a game, but this happens very rarely.


Can’t Git Gud
Like... I will have to store my phat ps5 in my basement but I have to delete my profile from it or something in case it gets stolen


None of the above I keep it all and it stays plugged in to play. Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s time to get rid, bonus point now that all my retro stuff is worth a literal fortune and I can easily convert back to cash if I needed to.

Alan Wake

Display them. I'm getting to a point where I have no room left for consoles and big collectibles, so next step will sadly be storage. Until I find a bigger house.


Only old system I currently have is a N3DS and that’s not for nostalgic purposes. It’s because it’s still a relevant system (and one that Nintendo might not duplicate, meaning a lot of games DS and 3DS will be locked to the hardware).

Personal view is that keeping an Xbox One or PS4 for example is utterly pointless as long as backwards compatibility is there.

I’d rather play N64/Game Cube games etc on modern consoles via emulation or remasters.


Gold Member
I store them and take them out when I want to play them. I don't like the clutter. I mostly keep the Sega consoles at the front because I use those the most.

El Muerto

I have every mainstream console from the atari 2600 to ps2/dc hooked up to a sony trinitron. All my extras and older consoles are in a box in the garage. I play my old consoles every so often. I like leaving them hooked up so i can give my nephews a history lesson in games when i watch them.
I recently gave my base PS4 to my nephews, as all they had was an Xbox 360 and bought them a handful of games to go with it. As I have a PS5, it was just gathering dust, so, why not. They're really happy with it. A good uncle deed, if I say so, myself.

I keep my games now. I used to sell them back in the day.
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They go down to my basement cheap retro setup. (Ikea hack furnitures, cheap tv etc)
I don't normally hack them though. (Well, I did hack a couple of mini consoles)


Used to have a fairly big collection, but had to sell off (building a house/home, then shortly after divorcing and sell that house)
Now I just buy what I absolutely want to play (used to collect for the collection's sake..) - just a handful of games for each system - and I am done, I move them downstairs.
I sometimes play these when I do laundry on lazy weekend - as it's next to the laundry room.


Can’t Git Gud
They go down to my basement cheap retro setup. (Ikea hack furnitures, cheap tv etc)
I don't normally hack them though. (Well, I did hack a couple of mini consoles)


Used to have a fairly big collection, but had to sell off (building a house/home, then shortly after divorcing and sell that house)
Now I just buy what I absolutely want to play (used to collect for the collection's sake..) - just a handful of games for each system - and I am done, I move them downstairs.
I sometimes play these when I do laundry on lazy weekend - as it's next to the laundry room.
god... I wish I had a house with real basement like that.
The basement I am storing my crap in is just the usual cellar on level 0 of block of flats
I store them.

Haven't sold a single console my whole life.
I wish this way me. I’ve had to basically rebuy almost every single I’ve owned besides my original PS2 and my PS3 Slim (not counting PS5 Pro).

I posted in another thread but I do have two CRTs (13” Trinitron from the late 80s, and an early 2000s 20” Toshiba which is the one I actually use) but unfortunately both are composite only as my component capable Trinitron died years ago.

Up until recently they didn’t get much use because I had the Toshiba on a rolling cart that I admittedly spent too much time in since it was still a pain to use but after switching some furniture from my girls office to the living room I have it set up in the living room alongside my main tv and my desk. Currently have my PS2 Phat w/ Horizontal Stand and my spice orange GameCube hooked up.

The rest of my consoles are in the basement in sealed containers alongside all of my game cases (yes I keep my discs in a binder as I’m into minimalism and it allows me to keep all my games handy without space being taken up); thag being PS1, PSone with LCD, PS2 Slim, Wii, Zelda WiiU, PS3 Slim (OG BC model is currently in my regular tv setup), Destiny PS4, and all of the handhelds I don’t really use like the GBA and PSP. Vita and both the Switch OLED and Lite get used often enough to keep in the tv stand (if one of us wants to use the OLED on the tv or handheld then the other uses the Lite).

I still need to pick up a N64 but it’s not a priority as I really only want OOT, MM, Stadium and Puzzle League game wise. That console I never had as a kid though.


Never sell, unless its a direct replacement (phat>slim). I store my old games and consoles away and maybe come back to them after a some time for a nostagia trip.
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Gold Member
Man you still have this empty coke bottle in your room, that's really messy it ruins your goal of achieving a clean look. Very disappointed. Sad. Couldn't even be bothered to throw it in the trash when you replaced your base PS5 with the Pro.


Gold Member
Sell it. The only console I’ve held onto is PS2 Slim. I still often play it and don’t think I’ll ever stop unless it breaks and buying a new one is too expensive. I have backed up all my discs to my PC so I could emulate them but I prefer the actual hardware and playing on an old TV.
Poll needs more options. Generally, I keep my old systems--but there are some cases where I trade/sell them because keeping them is pointless. A GBA plays every GB and GBC game, so I don't need to hold onto those ancient handhelds. The PS2 plays every PSX game, so there's no need to keep a PSX around. PS3 plays PSX games as well.

If a system provides full or all but full backwards compatibility, I don't feel a need to keep its predecessor around unless there is some other reason. For example, PS5 plays all but ten PS4 games, none of which I remotely care about. But I kept my PS4 and my PS4 Pro because both have P.T. installed. Otherwise I'd have sold them or traded them in as there's no other reason for me to still have them.


I hoard them in their original packaging like Smaug.

My PlayStation, OG Xbox, Xbox 360, and Wii are all tucked away as I don't play them much. I still have my PS2 setup in my media room, though it's mostly a Gran Turismo 4 box at this point. Steam Deck emulation has reached a point where it might be finally time to retire the old girl.


Gold Member
Combo of sell or give away. I'll sell it if there's some $$$ value left worth selling or trading in. During covid, it was crazy. I sold my One X with an extra gamepad and some really old games (most even eventually came out to GP too) for $450 CDN. The system alone was still selling for $400 straight up on Craigslist and Kijiji.

But if the system has almost no value, I'll trade it in to Gamespot and get $50. Hopefully there's a bonus trade in boost.

But sometimes in the past I just gave it away. I gave my old modded PS1 to a coworker when I was going to get a PS2. It was on it's last legs as even turning it upside down didnt work half the time. And then gave my PS2 in perfect condition and tons of games to my bro when I got a 360. It was an OG system so it didnt even have ethernet. Wasnt worth trading in. Not sure what it was worth, but at the time super slims were selling for dirt cheap. Wasnt worth the hassle seeing if it's worth $30. Just gave it to him.
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Typically, almost everything is on display from Atari 2600 to Playstation 5 as far as software and hardware. All systems don't stay connected, but most mainstream systems do (NES, Gen, 64, Ps2, Saturn, etc but 3DO is never plugged in for example unless I want it for some reason that day).

I keep everything. I never threw away boxes or manuals as a child, I still have the golden plastic bag (with OoT art/logo) from my very first game pre-order at EBGames - Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I have many such items.
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Gold Member
I sold a couple when I was younger and typically regret it, because I take better care of my stuff than almost anyone else selling them later secondhand. I’m a collector too.
Looking back, I had a ton of games worth good coin. And I kept all my stuff neat and in mint condition. Worth more now than I bought it.

I never had any of those crazy rare games worth $5000, but had a slew of 16-bit games worth $100+ now. Who would ever think a game like MUSHA would be worth about $300 US now. And even Truxton is worth $100 or so. Castelvania SOTN black cover is even worth good money. I remember selling most of my games back to mom and pop shops and flea market guys for $20. So a game sold back for $20 CDN, might be resold used for $40 CDN. New cartridges back then here were around $70-80 CDN. So used games were a deal back then before EB/GS came around and took over gaming shops and resold used games for $5 less than new. lol
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Looking back, I had a ton of games worth good coin. And I kept all my stuff neat and in mint condition. Worth more now than I bought it.

I never had any of those crazy rare games worth $5000, but had a slew of 16-bit games worth $100+ now. Who would ever think a game like MUSHA would be worth about $300 US now. And even Truxton is worth $100 or so. Castelvania SOTN black cover is even worth good money. I remember selling most of my games back to mom and pop shops and flea market guys for $20. So a game sold back for $20 CDN, might be resold used for $40 CDN. New cartridges back then here were around $70-80 CDN. So used games were a deal back then before EB/GS came around and took over gaming shops and resold used games for $5 less than new. lol

To me, it's almost always worth it to buy new on sale rather than deal with the "I know what I've got" people who want top dollar for their scuffed disk in a half broken case. If you go by a time value of money, even if the game appreciates in value years down the road, $40 CDN later may be worth less than the original $20 CDN if you received it years before. This is doubly true for used games, though I always feel better buying a used cart rather than disc.

While I'm also a collector, I am first and foremost a gamer. So if a game I own appreciates, great, and if it's worthless, there is no opportunity cost to just keep it and enjoy it being in my collection. Win-win.


Right now I store my old stuff, sometimes I unpack devices and play them. Right now I've got one of my PS3s and my PS5 connected to the TV.

When I've got more room in the future, I'd like to display my consoles and games


I sold off a bunch of the stuff from last gen like my 3DS+games, Wii U+games, and most of my PS4 games and kind of regret it. Now I just hold onto every game and console and just store whatever's not in use.


Can’t Git Gud
OK ps5 phat boxed. Together with it's original controller that was showing some drift.
Not sure how I feel about that. Kinda a waste but I am not using it. I wonder if it will be a surprise to find it in 20 years... It's a launch ps5 model after all and in pristine condition
No cables though since cables are actually useful :p
And these cables are connected to ps5 pro now.. So would feel wrong to put unused pro cables in ps5 box.
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I haven't got that many retro consoles but I still keep my old ones. Remodeling right now but I'm going to have them probably on display boxed. Never sold a single one. In fact never sold a game either, I got several copies of different games (Switch and SNES) that I have been buying which I haven't sold yet lol

Kings Field

I kept my famicom disk games, famicom and super famicom games, PS1 and 2 games and select PS3/360 games. Most of them are Japanese imports that I got from a mom and pop store when I was younger

I got rid of the consoles themselves however. I am fully digital this gen.
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