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What is it with people who take a shit and not wash their hands?

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Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Think about it from my perspective. I've been lax on restroom hygiene for over fifteen years and have never suffered from food poisoning. I get that it's a thing, but even if I got it once, that's once in over fifteen years. I don't buy into the huge scare.

You sound like a prime case for pinworms.


You've never had diarrhea? Ever? Food poisoning doesn't have to be so bad that it sends you to the hospital; sometimes, it's just enough to give you the shits. Although, you can eat your own shit without consequence; your body is already used to those bacteria. By the way, would you ever tell your friends about this? That should tell you how disgusting it is. Are you lax in personal hygiene in general?

I used to work in an office with a woman who was notorious for never washing her hands. All the girls talked about it. One day there was a potluck lunch and the woman was unhappy that nobody was eating the dish she had brought. I felt bad for her so I took some, and it was only after I took a bite that I realized why nobody else was eating it. Blegh.

Oh. I would have happily traded diarrhea once or twice a year for not being persnickety about hand washing.

I'm not going to brag about not hand washing to friends, simply because it's not a matter I give much attention, but I would happily tell them the truth if asked.
Oh. I would have happily traded diarrhea once or twice a year for not being persnickety about hand washing.

I'm not going to brag about not hand washing to friends, simply because it's not a matter I give much attention, but I would happily tell them the truth if asked.

Nobody will ever ask this question, because most people assume everyone washes their hands after taking a dump. Try volunteering the information, if you're so blase about it.


There are aspects in which modern health is worse off now than it had been in the past. The main ones are diet and exercise, which are on average much worse now.

I seem to remember a recent study that says that exercise is at the same level it's been at for the last 50 years (at least in the US). Do you have any data to show otherwise?
Does everyone in here get shit smeared on their hands while wiping or something?

You can wipe without contaminating your hand you know.
How can people not wash their hands after taking a dump? That's horrifyingly disgusting. I also can't understand why people use their expensive phones and gaming devices in the can, but that's another story.

(Them germs!)

I shudder when I think about this. I was just starting to come to grips with people not washing their hands after pissing, which is also disgusting. I don't want your dick germs all over the door or anywhere else.

Why would you want those germs on your stuff anyways?

Do these people want to be animals or something?


I seem to remember a recent study that says that exercise is at the same level it's been at for the last 50 years (at least in the US). Do you have any data to show otherwise?

I don't have any data, no. But obesity levels have risen in recent years, owing to a number of factors. I assumed the various advancements that have allowed us to do pretty much everything with less effort now, combined with the increasing number of sedentary activities available, would have led to people being less active, on average. But perhaps I shouldn't jump to conclusions (especially when criticizing someone for doing the same).

Edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_trends#United_States
Americans have become less physically active overall between 1955 and 2005.[29] While the rate of leisure-time physical activity has not changed significantly there has been a decrease in work-related activity, human powered transportation, activity in the home, and increasing sedentary activity.

Of course that's just America.

Edit2: Of course, looking at my post, I see that my original claim was that exercise levels are "much worse", which seems to be inaccurate. I'll maintain that the average American diet is much worse than it was 50 year ago though.

The Lamp

You sound like a prime case for pinworms.

I actually got pinworms as an adult a couple years ago. One of the most miserable afflictions of my life.

Considering how often I eat at restaurants, it was probably from some prick in food service who scratched his asshole and served me food.

Does everyone in here get shit smeared on their hands while wiping or something?

You can wipe without contaminating your hand you know.

Considering airborne particles and bacteria, no.
I assume the ones who wash before but not after are sexual deviants.

I used to be "normal" about germs. And then I met the rest of the world. I never touch a door handle with my bare hands. If I touch certain things with my bare hands I can feel the grime from others until I wash them.

You will never understand true contempt for humanity until you are taking a piss and someone dude just drops a deuce and shoots out of the stall and out the door like he thinks he is Usain Bolt.


Unconfirmed Member
I work in an office, seen people go into stalls, use their phones and talk to people while taking a shit, wipe whilst talking, come out and not wash their hands.



My dad is one of those people who aren't a germaphobe, just a clean freak, so he tried to raise me to wash my hands and brush my teeth more than once a day, and take a shower every day, but that's just too much work. I don't care if it's better. It's not enough better to be worth the work. It's barely better, and a lot more work.

I've got news for you - your dad wasn't a neat freak, he was just trying to get his child to practice basic hygiene. I dont understand why the ant-wash side is acting like it's such a chore to put some soap and water on their hands after digging whit out of their asshole. It takes five seconds. I think some of you guys get high off of doing something society doesn't condone. There's even that poster who faked washing his hands, which took all the time and steps of actually washing his hands, just so someone wouldn't know he didn't really wash them. You people are disgusting.
I think i'm more disturbed by the absolute stupidity on display in this thread than the lack of personal hygiene. The justifications being used for this behavior are just laughable.

"Good luck with your weak immune system you handwashing commies"
"I don't have any visible shit on my hands, why would i need to wash them?"
"How did people survive in the past without washing their hands?"
"It hasn't made me sick so far so why should i worry?"
"People used to live longer in the past anyway (fucking lol'd at this one)"
"So do you wash your hands after you touch everything else in your life which isn't contaminated with fecal matter?"
"But there is shit particles in the air anyway so how is that any different?"

I mean come on. At least someone like docpan just admits he is a dirty fucker because he is too lazy to do it. That's the truth with the rest of you guys too but instead of just admitting it you have to come up with all these ludicrous explanations/excuses. The reason you're doing this is because you know it's disgusting and you're trying to reason you're way out of not practicing such a basic and accepted practice.

Most of you do a shit like what once a day? Twice a day at most i'd imagine. Is it really so hard to spend 30 seconds washing your hands like once a day?


Ive never seen so grossed out by you all fools since that "dude refused to use soap for a year" thread.

I don't recall seeing such a thread, unless you mean 'no shampoo' and the guy still showered regularly with just water and deodorant.

What the hell is the interior of this thread

Non-washers, do you regard your shitty hands as some sort of faecal BowelBadge honorific to take pride in and giggle about in private like for a moist and shaven pubic secret that only you know of?

Are you able to recognize others of your manure-manipulator kin? Is there a secret stool-society? Is this unholy hygiene abstinence the initiation rite? Do you have a secret handshake or do you identify others who share your excrementality by aroma and hindsight? Do you swear fealty to each other as bowl-brothers by slicing your rancid palms with a shard of petrified dung and shaking hands vigorously thereby allowing your stale finger-toxins to intermingle and provide the both of you with renewed immunities and eldritch immortality? Are you agents of Nurgle?

How can you say you don't give a shit when that's what you're consistently giving?

For the sake of modern civilization, take the few seconds to wash your filthy hands after, you damn dirty apes.
Whats with people taking huge shits and not using toilet paper!?!?
The first time in H.S. i went in the bathroom, each stall had a huge shit and no toilet paper to be found in the toilet!?!?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Only on GAF we have persistent filth plaguing our presence.The fact some of you don't wash your hands after shitting just says it all. You're a bunch of fucking disgusting animals. Anyone who does not wash their hands after urinating and defecating deserves to be beaten up with a baseball bat.

Poor hand hygiene is precisely why we have seen a more rapid spread of disease. The Brits are just as bad - no wonder money is contaminated with feces. An overwhelming majority of people just don't appear to wash their hands flat out.

I am truly shocked at the responses in this thread. I hope some of you are trolling/joking.

Seriously, wtf.

Washing your hands and using handwash should be mandatory after every bathroom visit.
I'm a little appalled that a post like this has to be made because there are so many disgusting slobs. WTF.

You have no basic concept of common human behavior and the science of the proliferation of pathogens.
it's not absolute cleanliness, it's basic hygiene
Seriously. BASIC.

LMAO, perfect

Because im lazy and I dont give a fuck.
Someone's begging for a tag quote...

Visible shit? Disgusting. Lingering smell? A little gross. Wet piss? It's probably just water. Invisible, unsmellable fecal or urine particles? I don't care even a little bit.
Bro, do you even science

Amazing how people think that if it's not visible it's not there. Do you people know nothing about basic fucking science?

I get what you're saying, but I personally think it's selfish to force other people to wash their hands just so you won't be disgusted. I don't care if other people are disgusted. Full stop.
So the others are being selfish.... I don't even


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I take a cup of water to the men's room. Bet you dont know what its for. Come at me GAF.

So you can moisten your wad of toilet paper with the clean water (instead of toilet bowl water) and make a poor version of an adult wet wipe?

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Ive never seen so grossed out by you all fools since that "dude refused to use soap for a year" thread. Some of you seem to take pride on it even.

You're really not supposed to shampoo your hair everyday, it's bad for it. I do it twice a week and it's perfect for the kind of hair I have. Also, cleaning house once a week isn't enough for you?


I'm pretty apathetic when it comes to germs since, if you're outside, good damn luck avoiding them. I don't carry around my own personal bottle of hand sanitizer or anything like that. I don't stress out over "fecal particles" or use those stupid disposable toilet seat covers (or extra paper to cover the seat).

But I still wash my hands after using the bathroom. It's not that hard. It takes a few seconds. I can't even fathom why someone wouldn't.


You're really not supposed to shampoo your hair everyday, it's bad for it. I do it twice a week and it's perfect for the kind of hair I have. Also, cleaning house once a week isn't enough for you?

there is probably something between the full-body-no-soap-for-a-year and an everyday-hair-shampoo.


the directions say to do it twice a day

Well of course, how else will they get you to buy mass quantities of their product?

I'm pretty apathetic when it comes to germs since, if you're outside, good damn luck avoiding them. I don't carry around my own personal bottle of hand sanitizer or anything like that. I don't stress out over "fecal particles" or use those stupid disposable toilet seat covers (or extra paper to cover the seat).

But I still wash my hands after using the bathroom. It's not that hard. It takes a few seconds. I can't even fathom why someone wouldn't.

Pretty much, germs are something I'm dealing with on a daily basis whether I am conscious about it or not. I wash my hands after I go to the bathroom but I'm not about to start opening doors with paper towels or anything like that.


Germs = Not that big a deal
Other people's feces = No

Not sure what's so difficult for people to understand about that.


This thread has been pure entertainment lol. I def. have to wash my hands afterward and I thought that was normal for all. But, I see that's not the case with a lot of folks, good thing I don't go out that much anymore lol. I personally don't understand all the Edward Poopyhands out there, but I hope you will leave the dark side of the force and convert to the light lol.


Germs = Not that big a deal
Other people's feces = No

Not sure what's so difficult for people to understand about that.

You act like you don't play with other peoples feces, next thing I know you'll be saying you don't eat food off the floor.


What the hell is the interior of this thread

Non-washers, do you regard your shitty hands as some sort of faecal BowelBadge honorific to take pride in and giggle about in private like for a moist and shaven pubic secret that only you know of?

Are you able to recognize others of your manure-manipulator kin? Is there a secret stool-society? Is this unholy hygiene abstinence the initiation rite? Do you have a secret handshake or do you identify others who share your excrementality by aroma and hindsight? Do you swear fealty to each other as bowl-brothers by slicing your rancid palms with a shard of petrified dung and shaking hands vigorously thereby allowing your stale finger-toxins to intermingle and provide the both of you with renewed immunities and eldritch immortality? Are you agents of Nurgle?

How can you say you don't give a shit when that's what you're consistently giving?

For the sake of modern civilization, take the few seconds to wash your filthy hands after, you damn dirty apes.

Moist and shaven pubic secret.

Moist and shaven pubic secret.

Moist and shaven pubic secret.

Anyway, I wash my damn hands.
This is a common occurrence here in Taipei. If I had a dollar for every time I saw a guy walk out without washing his hands...

Donald Trump lotto, motherfuckers.


...........wow, people justifying not washing their hands after using the bathroom. never change GAF. All of you should be arrested, boxed up and shipped off to the Bermuda Triangle.


You guys are so funny. I'm seriously laughing at each of the responses so far. Like, wow, way to take something I don't even think about and turn it into some form of criminalized terrorism.
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