What the
hell is the interior of this thread
Non-washers, do you regard your shitty hands as some sort of faecal BowelBadge honorific to take pride in and giggle about in private like for a moist and shaven pubic secret that only you know of?
Are you able to recognize others of your manure-manipulator kin? Is there a secret stool-society? Is this unholy hygiene abstinence the initiation rite? Do you have a secret handshake or do you identify others who share your excrementality by aroma and hindsight? Do you swear fealty to each other as bowl-brothers by slicing your rancid palms with a shard of petrified dung and shaking hands vigorously thereby allowing your stale finger-toxins to intermingle and provide the both of you with renewed immunities and eldritch immortality? Are you agents of Nurgle?
How can you say you don't give a shit when that's what you're consistently giving?
For the sake of modern civilization, take the few seconds to wash your filthy hands after, you damn dirty apes.