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What is wrong with us who enjoy Starfield?


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
In love with Starfield, my personal best game of the decade.
I keep reading and watching critical pieces against Starfield, how it didn't deliver what was promised, how it is made with old standards for RPGs etc.

But you know what? This game is all I could ask for, I just cannot stop playing it, my PS5 hasn't been cleaned out of dust for weeks since only XSX is getting heat.
And I am happy to see many gaffers enjoying it just like I do.

I didn't start this thread just to say that I love game which has been hammered by critics, nor to say what I like in this game in contrary.
But let's discuss of the limits of objectively valid points against game versus actual fun one can have with it. You know what I mean?
- The xyz procedurally generated empty planets with the same copy and paste crap over and over again is not only bad gamedesign it`s padding to the point of absolutely disrespecting the gamer`s time.
- The inconsequential world is laughable. "So I saved your life just a few hours ago, how about you help me out with a little thing then?" NPC: "I`ve never seen this man in my life"
- Tiny-----tiny levels with everything hidden behind loading screens.
- Lifeless static NPCs all around.

Skyrim did those things better more than a decade ago...for 2023 this is just a joke.
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I hope this goes well.

I'm not super interested in Starfield, but the "limits of objectively valid points against game versus actual fun one can have with it" discussion is everything! What do you think everybody missed, or do you even think the criticism is valid, it just didn't apply to you or didn't matter to you?
There's definitely things in games that a generalist gamer might like that a genre gamer wouldn't -- do you think it's like that? Maybe the gulf you see between you and GAF really about expectations? Would you accept you have odd taste or the game just hit at the right moment to connect with you in your life? Would you go to bat for this game against the naysayers?
  • Thoughtful
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It's a great game. It isn't an absolutely perfect game, few are. The fact that it was the first console exclusive Bethesda release resulted in a segment of the internet really blowing up any and all criticisms for obvious reasons. On average, people who are playing it are investing a lot of time in it (which isn't something that sane people do when they dislike something), you are nowhere near alone. At the end of the day it doesn't matter much what the loudest voices on the internet are saying, I'm assuming most of us have had fun with great games, meh games, and bad games alike but most have also hated games in all those categories as well.
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If you're enjoying yourself, that's all that matters.

That said, I have 150hrs in Starfield according to Steam, and I don't really have any fond memories of the game to look back on. The only standout moment to me in the entire game was the Entangled quest, which is near the end of the main storyline.


Moderated wildly
It's such a strange game. Very flawed, doesn't hit the expectations put on it and by the studio but is almost like a warm blanket when playing it. I dunno, it's quite odd. I know I don't think ita an amazing game but it's fun and I sink hours into it.

I like that it gets all the criticism to be honest as I think it will make Bethesda really push to improve the game.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
People are generally exceptionally bad at having their own opinions. A loud narrative takes over and people just go along with the peer pressure for a decade. Then maybe a few people start speaking up after 10 years. "You know, Resident Evil 6 was actually really fun. You know, Final Fantasy XIII did have a lot of great elements to it." Some people love it. Some people hate it. But it's obvious that Starfield is the latest in a long line of games that get singled out for whatever reason with every single flaw hyperbolically exaggerated far past proportionality; endlessly amplified and repeated for sport. People just literally shit on it and tear it apart, and anyone associated with it, just for laughs. You're a moron if you don't genuinely take the time to look inward, and decide for yourself what you think about every game you play. Or you can just follow whatever moronic trend is going.


Did you seriously get emotional from these comments? Haven't you heard the term you are entitled to your own opinion? It's your opinion even if everyone disagrees with you, it's still yours and you don't need assistance for it cause it's yours.
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Just became you enjoy a game does it make it good? You don't need to justify your taste if it was reviewed badly. Just truly enjoy the game. I think there is more enlightenment to enjoy a game that you know is a 6/10.
If I enjoy a game, it must be good. I think people should be able to defend their intuition. You might be right about the enlightenment, but I think there it is also divine to find the 10 where others see a 6, and grace in being able to articulate that.


Gold Member
In love with Starfield, my personal best game of the decade.
I keep reading and watching critical pieces against Starfield, how it didn't deliver what was promised, how it is made with old standards for RPGs etc.

But you know what? This game is all I could ask for, I just cannot stop playing it, my PS5 hasn't been cleaned out of dust for weeks since only XSX is getting heat.
And I am happy to see many gaffers enjoying it just like I do.

I didn't start this thread just to say that I love game which has been hammered by critics, nor to say what I like in this game in contrary.
But let's discuss of the limits of objectively valid points against game versus actual fun one can have with it. You know what I mean?
I wish I could love it as much as you do. All that while playing it at 30 fps on a Series console. I'm starting to feel like I'm jaded. I got the fps, the mods and everything on PC and I hit a brick wall in terms of enjoyment. It got to a point where I just wanted to finish the game and be done with it. Those last couple of hours were not enjoyable for me. I dragged myself through it. Started New Game+ and just lost interest. I'll play the DLC and subsequent updates. Really hope modders don't give up on it either. It's a solid 8 game when it was new and fresh...but I began to realize how empty it was after about 40 hours. I suppose that could be considered enough time, but when comparing to the likes of Skyrim or Fallout 3...I've spent hundreds of hours and didn't feel this way.
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Nothing. Just isn't for me from what I've looked at. Most of my fun is running from quest giver(point A) to quest location(point B), while exploring cool and kooky things. They've replaced that with loading screens and menus. Them going AMD sponsored and no DLSS at the start saved me 55 bucks. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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I've sunk over 600 hours into Starfield, it's an awesome game, don't let the haters take that away from you.

The game is far from perfect, but a lot of gamers have become jaded, and add to the fact that it became an Xbox exclusive in the middle of it, and that adds a shit ton of haters who will pile on over legit complaints.

Can't post anything anywhere (It's not just NeoGaf) where someone comes in to beg <--- that's not a joke, I had someone BEG me to stop playing Starfield and instead play BG3. This was on a SF fan page, so he took the time to apply and join the group, just to start telling people to stop playing the game... WTF is wrong with people?

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There's always been this weird trend with Bethesda games, even back in the days with Skyrim, i remember hearing people that played 200 hours on the game shit on it like it was the worst piece of garbage that ever existed, say only the mods saved the game.

The initial reception of Starfield wasn't incredible for sure, but still not bad enough to make the game go completely taboo by the end of the year. I don't know why that is.

In general, i feel whenever the public perception of a game is cemented it's rarely questioned and we go along with it. Although it's still easier to defend a game with a bad rep than to criticize some games with huge fanbase and fanboys, but it goes both ways.
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It's fine if you like it, but you need to see why people dislike it. Respect other people's opinions, but respect your own opinion the most. For example, I thought Skyrim sucked, but it is one of the most beloved games ever. And I can see why, doesn't change that I have my problems with it though and that's cool. You need to realize that other people's opinion are interesting to look at, but not a guiding post how *you* should feel. You would lose your individuality.


Gold Member
Did you seriously get emotional from these comments? Haven't you heard the term you are entitled to your own opinion? It's your opinion even if everyone disagrees with you, it's still yours and you don't need assistance for it cause it's yours.
Why the need to shame the OP for getting emotional? Haven't you heard the term "you are entitled to your feelings?" It's his/her emotions even if you disagree with them, and OP doesn't need your assistance in determining whether they are valid or not. 😀


It was ok... I ended up having the same problem I had with Kingdom come with it though. At some point, I just lost interest and no longer cared about anything, and then the once ok loading times here and there became more annoying than they should have been.

I still got a good 40+ hours out of it though.
To each their own is what I say. I also have enjoyed 180+ hours in game, but I can also see where a lot of the criticism comes from. There are large portions of the game that are poorly written (especially the companion characters), the game feels PG even when compared to Fallout or Elder Scrolls, and the insane amount of loading screens is annoying as hell. I wish the game would have had less planets, but with tighter more focused areas, much better writing, an encyclopedia (way to keep notes on all the missions, recipes, planet resources, people you've met, etc...), and a better more focused GUI that did not require so many steps to do things. Having said all that I have had a lot of fun with it, and it is not nearly as bad as most are saying it is. I am also looking forward to it's expansions.


You guys already reach that point of victimhood heh?
Got nothing with people liking this game. I believe people are free to like whatever the crap they want. But goddamn, this generation feeling like being attacked when their favorite game is criticized is beyond ridiculous.
Its even more pathetic when people put PS5(or Xbox) on equation just for the warring.

Play whatever you want and be happy, no need to create a thread just because of that. Topher Topher is an example of guy liking this game despite the criticism and didn't need to create a thread because of your feelings.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If people enjoy the game then that's fine.

But let's not forget it was hyped up as the game of the generation and used to shit on other games.

People have to live with the consequences.
I'm so glad I have to "live with the consequences" of not hyping it up at all and more accurately predicting how it will be than most anyone on here. Focusing on expectations is just more trash people use to justify the endless bullying.

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