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What kind of gamer are you today – Patient or Impatient, hardcore or weak sauce?


Are you the type of gamer that use walkthroughs in RPGs and Adventure games, or are you the type that turn off Metroid Prime’s hint system and try to find everything yourself?

Especially in the old days, I was a gamer that never cheated. I was very satisfied by finding out stuff myself. Two of many NES games that really pushed me were Metroid and Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest. The former had endless corridors (I was like 9 years old playing it the first time, and I was baffled by the game), and the latter was difficult because it had some confusing puzzles that were totally random. (like kneeling on a block)

I did beat those games without a guide, (yes guides still existed before Internet :p) and I remember that I felt very satisfied.

I rarely feel that way today when I beat a game. I have no real idea if it has to do with gameplay, Internet or simply age why I can’t get excited in the same way as before. It’s probably a combination of them all.

I admit that I am getting more weaksauce; I don’t have the same patience today as I had when I was younger. I never gave up when I was younger, but today gamefaqs is too damn tempting when lost.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I unlocked and completed master on both monkey balls. I still got it.

I'm pretty halo MP nut as well. If a game isn't REALLY appealing though, I just ditch it halfway through.


I never use walkthroughs not even today.... but I'm getting more and more weaksauce due to lack of time. I actually liked that Fable was short, I spend way more time online gaming than anything, I like Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Mortal Kombat: Deception is my favorite fighting game since Killer Instinct, etc.

I could never sit down today and beat a game like say... Breath of Fire-Dragon Quarter. I don't have the patience for that shit anymore.
I am usually very thorough...

but I work a lot now. I'm either too tired and groggy after looking at monitors all day, or I often end up with a choice of: social life vs video-games-I-just-bought. Which sucks.. cos I tend to go out and see buddies when I can.

With a definate stance against using walkthroughs, I accrue massive backlogs. Good for rainy days, and boring weekends. But a bitch the rest of the time.


I never really had patience for long-winded adventures and stat-builders. I think I'm about as good at gaming as I was when I was younger. I still whup ass at fighters, and I can beat the main story mode in action games in under a week.

I did look up GameFAQs to find all 100% of the items in CV LoI (I didn't want to trudge through that boring game again), that was the first time in awhile that I bothered to cheat.


I'm more impatient, but it's because of issues that didn't exist back in the day. With 3d environments it is so easy to get lost or confused because of bad cameras or not seeing 3d items you need to progress cuz they blend in with the environment. I just don't have the patience in getting frustrated by things that seem out of my control.

But things like Ninja Gaiden Hurricane Pack or Halo Legendary are still right up my ally. Just don't feel like going through extra shit because of bad design


needs to show more effort.
depends entirely on how much I like the game. The more I like it, the more "serious" (patient/hardcore) I take it.
I just bought Paper Mario 2... God knows why, I still haven't beat X-Men Legends... or Pikmin 2 for that matter. BAH.

But I do try to fully complete games... hence the slow progress on these games.
I don't like the Metroid Prime being lumped in there, because that shouldn't even have been an option to have that crap turned on. And I beat Super Monkey Ball 1 (Couldn't stand the randomness of 2, sold after 2 hours of play).

But I'm definetly getting to be weaksauce. I have no problems using GameFAQS anymore because I've found on those occassions I am stuck, it's either because of half-ass translations giving bad clues or just totally overlooking something obvious and the brain is just in lock-down mode and incapable of reseeing everything with a fresh perspective. My days of banging my head for hour after hour are over.

Bosses? Hate em'. If you're gonna put em in, please make them easy and short. I don't mind being tested the 1st time I face a boss, but I don't wanna die. Tolerance for these has just totally nose dived.

It's a rare hard game that I like (SMB being a notable exception). Those days have just passed me. Between hard games and just mediorce games, it's why I finish almost nothing I play anymore. I've had a huge backlog of games that I've been completely tearing through the last couple weeks. 10 minutes playing. Generic crap. NEXT. Too convoluted. NEXT. I'm actually down to nothing. Thank goodness for the Toys R Us sale to get me reloaded on games I wanna play.


I find i'm buying more games than i can play.. Have started Pikmin 2, Katamari Damacy, Ninja Gaiden, and Halo.. dunno if i'm gonna finish any of them :(

As for the question at hand, i guess i'm weak sauce - i died 5 times on the opening boss in Ninja Gaiden and almost quit playing it right then.
Depends on the game.

If its a shooter, platformer, fighter, puzzler, or any type of game that requires more reflexes over patience, then I'm all over it. I'm not impatient when it comes to dying/losing a life.

However, I am impatient when it comes to slow-paced strategy games. Not a huge fan of strategy and most RPGs.

So, I'm hardcore when it comes to the reactionary-type gameplay, but I'm weak sauce when it comes to games where you stop playing to strategize your next move. This also goes for first-person shooters, but I think my problem with those kind of games lies in the fact that they give me a certain... claustrophobic feeling.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'm pretty impatient in an RPG if I've been playing for a while, or I have some place to go and want to finish the dungeon, I'll look in the guide. Did it once or twice so far for SH2 (about halfway through). As for games, I guess, middle of the road.. my skills have definitely gotten better, but I'm still not good enough to finish Gradius V with 6 continues or Ikaruga with more than 5 :p


I've come to the realization that the enjoyment and entertainment is why we play games. I'd always felt bad and "weaksauce" for looking up the solution to a boring puzzle, or whatever, before, but now I just don't care anymore. If I'm not having fun -- why should I be doing it, hell, spending $50+ on it? I shouldn't!

So fuck "hardcore" -- I want to have fun. And if a quick visit to GameFAQs is what stands between me and said fun, then so be it.

Ranger X

I don't have the patience to play traditionnal RPGs anymore. It's too freakin long, i don't like to have to play 2 or 3 hours to get the feel i got further in the game.
This is the more evident change in my playing i can remember.
I have less time and buy more games. I always finish the game but i'm not mastering them as perfectly as because (not enough time). Seems like i'm not weaksauce because just like when i was young, i'm better at most game than anybody i play against.

I've always respected my personal rule of "never cheat" and "never use a guide" and i still don't need those.
Weaksauce and rather impatient. But I dont cheat, dont ask me why.

On the Ninja Gaiden difficulty: seriously that hard? I want it but if its stoopid hard Ill wait for Platinum Hits version.


I personally felt NG wasn't that hard,thought Shinobi was much harder,especially the bosses.

But Im not too weaksauce unless its an RPG,I hate overpowered bosses,its lame,nothing worse than havin the story come to a complete hault because I have to level up for 2 hours just to have a chance against some cheap ass boss.

Im pretty hardcore I guess,I've bought close to 7-8 games over the last month or so.


Non of the above I no longer game but I do still try to bitch about games and gamers who play games that I feel with my uneducated opinion are wrong only because I will always be a biased fanboy. You think this is easy but whait till next generation when I won't even own a new system but will continue to flame based only pictures and videos of both the games and systems.
I play games for fun and enjoyment, not to prove anything to anyone. I used to avoid faqs but now since I don't have the time and I guess I'm now short on patience I check them out every now and again (heck I peeked at one for one point in Kingdom Under Fire today :D).

Work, marriage, school, and other things take up quite a chunk of my life already...I just don't know how I'll be able to fit gaming in when I have kids. @_@

One thing I've realized though is that as much as developers may try no game is ever straightforward. No clue is clear enough to everyone and no answer to a puzzle as obvious as they may think. After trying at something for hours and hours you may figure some out but that's not always the case. I'd rather get a hint from an faq to an annoying puzzle and get on with enjoying the game than being frustrated to no end for hours not knowing what to do next.


rollin' in the gutter
Ikaruga burnt me out the summer before last. I still kicked ass in f-zero gx, beating everything without snaking, but i haven't really tested my skills since then. I'm sure another rediculously hard game will come along and i'll be hopelessly addicted. *sigh*


I pretty much duke it out all the way hardcore and only use faqs for finding the more obscure items and getting help with the harder dungeons.

When it comes to pc games though..................F5-F7........F12-F9.


If I get really stuck somewhere, I just look at gamefaqs for help. I don't see the meaning with playing the same thing over and over again to the point where it frustrates the hell out of me. And I don't have the time to waste hours on a single boss or something. I just want to move on to the stuff I truly enjoy.

It's harder to "cheat" in a game that requires skill though, action games like Devil May Cry or Otogi, for example. Even though there are strategies to use, you are the one who have to use them. When it comes to games like these I sometimes look in an FAQ to get possible hints at how to beat a boss I'm totally stuck at, for example. And it's still satisfying to beat the games this way...because I was the one who actually did it, with my skills.
aku:jiki said:
I've come to the realization that the enjoyment and entertainment is why we play games. I'd always felt bad and "weaksauce" for looking up the solution to a boring puzzle, or whatever, before, but now I just don't care anymore. If I'm not having fun -- why should I be doing it, hell, spending $50+ on it? I shouldn't!

So fuck "hardcore" -- I want to have fun. And if a quick visit to GameFAQs is what stands between me and said fun, then so be it.

I'm the same way. It's about the fun. With Ninja Gaiden I just got fed up with moving from one room to another feeling like a chore. If mastering some hard game or claiming that you found it easy is what you need to compensate then more power to you. As for me, I'll play my games for fun.


Tag of Excellence
I technically don't have amazing skills but I have unlimited patience. I don't look down on people who use walkthroughs or play games on the easiest settings; they just get enjoyment out of games differently than I do. I love the good challenge of a hard game; I really enjoy the feeling of mastering a difficult situation, very exhilarating.

I rarely use FAQs, well at least on my first play through of a title. I usually use a few FAQs when I'm trying to find absolutely everything in an RPG if I play through it again, which is rare. Other than that I dislike cheating and in PC games I don't save very often (I often forget to save, hee hee).

I also dislike the current trend of people who seem to be very skilled at games to look down on those who aren't and don't enjoy a good challenge.


Patient + Weaksauce

I get schooled playing online (especially in RTS) and fare decently in FPSs. I've still beaten more than my fare share of games through determination.
hardcore / impatient. Depends on gaming quality and desire. I finished POP didn't I even though it was weaksauce title. Will brake for good games.


Id say Casual

Dont enjot 2d games anymore, cant get excited about obscure games like okami and kamara damcy or what ever the hell you call it.

Want more movie like experiences in games, more real life issues and govermnet cover ups, more brutal real life situations etc

Cant enjoy JRPGs for some reason. After FFX they all felt the same. Skies and FFX rocked though

i would never use guides, unless im not particulary enjoying the game cough ToS cough

aoi tsuki

i'd have to agree with the others who noted responsibilities like work, marriage, school determining how they play. That's life. When it comes down to it, being hardcore means using time i could be going out and flexing those underused social muscles, reading about something i'd like to learn (like Indian cooking), or getting some things done around the house. Videogames are a nice distraction, but many are essentially the equivalent of pop music; entertaining on the surface with little depth and little to nothing to take away from it.

Currently, the only game i'm playing is Soul Calibur 2, and that's because i'm trying to get my game back where i was a couple of years ago with the original so i'll be some decent competition when i move back near my friends next year. i had gotten my GBA a while back, thinking that i'd play games in those pockets of time i had away from home, but i've found i use them more tinkering on my PDA, reading ebooks, or jotting down notes. i'm sure if i had more constant competition i'd at least play to keep up skills in a few games, but i think not having it is a blessing in disguise. It gives me time to keep my real world skills sharp, and improve on others, which is what's beneficial in the long run.

way more

After playing a Square RPG, and having all my friends ask if I got the fabled "Wrath of Satans Crotch" sword, only to be found if you walk in a pythagorean pattern the first time you encounter some obscure creature, I started checking player guides.
Ha ha ha, interesting thread...

I'd say I am rather impatient these days, only giving my hard earned free time to real games like San Andreas
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