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What Lesser Known Superhero Would You Like to See an Adaptation of?


This last decade or so has been great for superhero properties beyond the big ones like Superman and Spider-Man being adapted. Wonder Woman just came out to rave reviews, and Black Panther's first trailer is currently lighting the internet on fire. Both of those are important in their own right, but they're also the latest examples of properties many thought would never be adapted finding their way to the big screen.

Since 08, we've gotten adaptations of Iron Man, Captain America, Green Arrow, The Flash, Guardians of the Galaxy, Suicide Squad, Vixen, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Ant-Man, Rip Hunter (Legends of Tomorrow), Deadpool, Big Hero 6, and a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting in TV, movies, or animation. And most of it has been pretty good to great! The old logic that says only big well known properties can be successful has been soundly proven wrong, as the general public has shown they're ready to love all your favorite C and D list superheroes.

So with that in mind, if you had your way, what superhero of lesser reknown would you like to see leave the page and get adapted for TV or film (or even video games). Doesn't have to be from DC or Marvel, mind you. Also, feel free to say if you want it to be a film, show, or game, and if you want it to be live action or animation.

To start us off, one of my personal choices:


Animal Man, for those who don't know, is a hero who can copy the ability of any animal. This can be fairly simple like taking flight from a bird, or things like stealing the regenetive abilities from earthworms to regrow limbs. In his civilian life, he's Buddy Baker, an actor and animal-rights activist who is also a husband and father of two.

What's great about Animal Man is that the character has some elasticity in how you can adapt him. He can do super trippy, surreal stuff (like that time he had a conversation with his writer about the direction of his book). He can do dark supernatural stuff. And obviously, his goofy animal-based abilities make him ripe for cartoons.

Personally, I'd want a TV show. The most interesting thing about Animal Man to me is his status as a superhero with a family. We don't get very many of them, and I would love to see the dynamic of someone trying to protect a family while also being an active crime fighter explored in a long form TV show. Granted, it might be hard because many of A-Man's best stories involve things that would be tough on a TV budget - think "everything about The Red" - but those same stories are too big to be a two hour movie.
Blue Beetle and the Question of course, those two are ones I've wanted to see something done with a while now.

Blue Devil, it seems like such a random choice, but the concept of a man having demonic powers but using them for good has so much potential to be good. Shame DC hasn't done much with the character as of late.


Blue Devil, it seems like such a random choice, but the concept of a man having demonic powers but using them for good has so much potential to be good. Shame DC hasn't done much with the character as of late.
I'm hoping he shows up in the Black Lightning show, but with the realistic tone that's going for, I don't know if he'd fit.

we need




Make it like Alien Iron-Man and we good
God yes.

We're woefully lacking teenage superhero movies at present. It's pretty much been Spider-Man and Big Hero 6 that I know of.
Resurrection man adapted as a sidescrolling videogame. I think someone on GAF mentioned this once but I forget which thread.

You gain a new power when you get killed by something which is related to the way in which you died. This allows you to solve puzzles, traverse the levels and kill bosses by finding specific ways to kill yourself that will grant you the tools needed to overcome your current obstacles.

Would definitely need to be either on Netflix or some other premium cable channel to fully adapt the greatness that is the Miracle Man comic.

I wouldn't mind an Animal Man adaptation either, as long as its the avatar of the Red version as in Lemire's or Morrison's run


She-hulk, played as a straight crime procedural.
This is exactly how I'd want She-Hulk. A movie or show about a regular lawyer who just so happens to be 7-foot-2, green, and possess incredible strength.

Resurrection man adapted as a sidescrolling videogame. I think someone on GAF mentioned this once but I forget which thread.

You gain a new power when you get killed by something which is related to the way in which you died. This allows you to solve puzzles, traverse the levels and kill bosses by finding specific ways to kill yourself that will grant you the tools needed to overcome your current obstacles.

This sounds like it would be dope.
Captain Britain. Give me all the weird alternate reality stuff, the Captain Britain corps and the English and Celtic legends stuff. Give me Gatecrasher and her Technet, Wardog and his Special Executive, as well as Mad Jim Jasper.


Animal Man would be hot. Swamp Thing too.


Cassandra Cain
Blue Beetle
Booster Gold
The Question


Monica Rambeau
Kate Bishop
Dust (Sooraya Qadir) and the Chris Yost/Craig Kyle X-Men: Academy
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur
Ms. America
Faiza Hussein/Excalibur
Moon Knight
Eric O'Grady
Ultimates (616 version)
Thunderbolts (classic and Warren Ellis run)


I'll second Animal Man.

I'd also like to see a nice 10 episode limited series that does appropriate justice to Swamp Thing. Not lesser known necessarily, but poorly handled.
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