Animal Man is powerful? I assumed by his name and costume he just had the same powers as Vixen.
Animal Man is much stronger than Vixen. He can copy animals (and non-animal organisms besides plants, fungi, or molds) from anywhere in the universe instead of just Earth, control animals, communicate with animals, morph parts of his body into animal limbs, and transfer his life force into animals when his body dies. At times, he's also been able to copy the abilities of other Red-users*, like B'wana Beast's ability to merge animals together.
Though at one time, he and Vixen along with a woman named Tristess were able to create a new universe with their powers. Vixen has also been able to copy abilites of heroes like Superman at times. So she's no slouch.
*The Red is a force which connects and pervades all animal life and micro-organisms in the universe. It's where all the animal based heroes like Beast Boy get their powers. Animal Man is the Avatar of The Red - the person in charge of protecting it and all life - and thus has a higher degree of power than most.
When his daughter was the avatar, she was able to do things like shoot energy blasts, purify forces of rot and decay from living things, create new bodies for herself, and heal others. Now that Buddy has take on that role, it's likely he can do the same things.