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What Lesser Known Superhero Would You Like to See an Adaptation of?


Unconfirmed Member


Invincible is getting a movie at Universal by Seth Rogan and R. Kirkman.

I'd like to see Silver Surfer



Not a single superhero but I'd love to see an adaption of Excalibur, specifically the team nightcrawler led. I loved that book.


Short bus special
Give me a Transmet with a proper Spider Jerusalem.

Would fit perfectly as a satire based on the current pathetic politics and President in the U.S Politics.


Moon Knight: Do a Netflix series. Make it episodic. Take cues from Ellis' run and original run.

Ms. Marvel: I think this will happen eventually anyway.

She-Hulk: Blend her various books together. Do lawyer stuff, but also do fun, break-the-4th-wall stuff. She could be Marvel Studios' not-R-rated Deadpool, in that sense. Hopefully they can do this without using a fully CGI character.
It's already been adapted a bunch of times now but I think Jeremy Saulnier would have fucking killed it with a Punisher movie.

Doom Patrol would be cool if offered to somebody with a good grasp on the surreal


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Not superheroes, but I'd like to see decent, more faithful adaptations of Hellblazer and Lucifer.

I wouldn't mind seeing some more trippy stuff like The Invisibles or Doom Patrol.

Moon Knight is a great shout, as is Nextwave.


Resurrection man adapted as a sidescrolling videogame. I think someone on GAF mentioned this once but I forget which thread.

You gain a new power when you get killed by something which is related to the way in which you died. This allows you to solve puzzles, traverse the levels and kill bosses by finding specific ways to kill yourself that will grant you the tools needed to overcome your current obstacles.

I never knew how much I wanted this in my life until now


Booster Gold
The Beetle
Blade (daughter) Netflix
Moon Knight
Static Shock
Nova Corps Military Sci fi in the vein of Malazan/Black Company.
Something that is either like Miracleman or the Sentry (the original Paul Jenkins version). You know, a middle aged guy with a belly wakes up one day and remembers that he was the greatest superhero of all. Then things turn ugly when he remembers why he forgot it all, either by choice or by accident.

It is the one story they haven't really gone around yet in Superhero films. It'll make a cool premise for The Incredibles 2.



Another shot at a Phantom movie could be nice, I guess. He was the OG superhero in tights after all, and had a uniquely transcendant international appeal as a comic before being left marginalized by the current generation. That's a legacy worth tapping into if anything.

Knowing the Hollywood climate today though, they'd probably waste more effort on clumsily trying to set up another cinematic universe for Defenders of the Earth.


Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Is there a more iconic native American hero in comics? In any medium?
Don't we need more dinosaurs in film?
How many comics have been this successful in videogames without ever having a movie?

Too bad Disney is sitting on the rights; they'd probably rather go through the entire Marvel catalogue before they touch anyone else.

I was going to say Runaways, but the creators of Gossip Girl are apparently adapting it for Hulu. Considering that I really liked the first three seasons of Gossip Girl, I can live with that.
You guys are alright. I loved the ROM comics, I would love a movie adaptation.

ROM was Lovecraftian cosmic horror blended with cosmic Marvel. Along with that, you had a guy who sacrificed his mortal form to become a Space Knight who yearns for his lost physical humanity. Meanwhile, he is singularly focused on his task to hunt and kill his enemy with absolutely no mercy. Even with such a crazy background, many of the runs were intimate and felt like I was reading horror comics.

ROM is cool as hell.


I'm pretty sure there's been Invincible movies in the works for a long time. I'll believe it when I see it.

I hadn't heard about this development (Rogan) but yeah, it would surprise me if it's faithful to the incredibly violent source material. It wouldn't be cheap to make so you know they would want a PG rating.
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