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What Metal Gear Solid games are worse (or not as good) as The Twin Snakes?

I never understood the hate Twin Snakes get. Can someone explain it to me?



As far as I'm concerned, TTS is the right way to play the first MGS game. Much better gameplay, and they offer you the option to play it as the original if it bugs you that much.

Personally the only bad MGS game I've ever played was Peace Walker. Complete step back from Portable Ops.
As far as I'm concerned, TTS is the right way to play the first MGS game. Much better gameplay, and they offer you the option to play it as the original if it bugs you that much.

Personally the only bad MGS game I've ever played was Peace Walker. Complete step back from Portable Ops.

Opinions and all, but how can anyone think this? I own both games on psp, and PW is leagues better than PO. PW took some of the aspects of PO, improved them while trimming away the fat.

List of PO problems

Horrendous controls.

Bland maps. I mean disgustingly bland.

Piss easy/forgettable boss fights.

The worst writing of any Metal Gear game ever. Seriously, it's BAD.

Annoying soldier recruitment system.

Shitty interface and menu music.

Peace Walker is MUCH better than this game. By a mile. I'd rather fight mech after mech after mech than even attempt to beat Portable Ops again.


Metal Gear Ac!d series is probably the only conceivable answer here. I guess you could throw in MGS: Portable Ops in there, but I liked that game.

I never understood the hate Twin Snakes get. Can someone explain it to me?

They made Snake to be like a superhero. Jumping off rockets and doing crazy stunt jumps. Solid Snake is a much more grounded character (in more ways than one) compared to the Twin Snakes version of himself. It made Snake look (and I know it's weird to say coming from this series) unrealistic. At least it did to me.

However, if you look at this game through the view of it as a Patriots simulation and the player is actually Raiden training and Shadow Moses is actually just a VR training ground, then it would be okay. But the game never mentioned or alluded to it as that.

Also, I just think MSG1 is a much better game. Mostly due to the control scheme. While it was definitely playable, I never liked the controller design for the Gamecube MGS games.

I don't hate TTS but don't like it nearly as much as the original, but a lot of that comes down to stylistic reasons.... (The new translation being somewhat more stilted and literal though.) the original and the remake have a vastly different mood and aesthetic to them... And it's a lot brighter looking, too bright to be honest and at the same time lacks a lot of the color the original used... The cinematics in the original were at times also going for a sort of horror movie vibe, with Psycho Mantis' first appearence and the eerie music, or the stuff with Grey Fox killing all those soldiers. The Remake kinda dismisses that vibe and goes for straight action...

As Thomas Morgan of Digital Foundry put it, in an earlier thread:

There was a time when Metal Gear had the option to become more than just silly fun though. That's why fans of the original feel let down by Twin Snakes; the anime tropes and Matrix style bullet-time moments were at odds with the gloomy, nihilistic mood of the script. It may seem odd to someone who played TTS first, but save for the Psycho Mantis sequence, the original did a brilliant job of grounding itself in reality, and sustaining an air of tension. TTS's cut-scenes offered a different kind of entertainment; they axed that carefully designed sense of pace and tension in favour of a simple adrenaline rush - much like the revised gameplay, in a sense. That's enjoyable to me in the same way the Fast and the Furious films are (and it truly is), but it wasn't what I came to respect MGS for back in '98. I hope Kojima realises this.

The analogy that comes to mind for me is actually Alien/Ridley Scott (MGS1) and Aliens/James Cameron (Twin Snakes).

On the issue of color scheme/palette/grading that Charlouie Jonesman mentioned, since it's sometimes missed:

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