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What was it that people didn't like about MGS2?

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
jett said:
Although I've learned to love MGS2 in subsequent playthroughs(mostly because trying to get all the dogtags is mad fun), there were plenty of things I didn't like the first time.

Let's start with the characters. Raiden. I don't mind the character switch, but I do mind playing as a brainless dumbfuck. Annoying, very annoying personality. Rose sucks dick too, doesn't hold a candle to Meryl. Colonel(TEH PATRIOTZ) was terrible too, the entire game you knew there was something horribly wrong with him...it just made for an awkward experience. I didn't appreciate that Kojima turned Snake into some pussy bitch, either.

The setting isn't too hot either, the Big Shell is dull. The ridiculous boss fights somehow feel much less believable than the also ridiculous boss fights from MGS1.

The game has many things I don't like about it, I'm not going to bother to list them all, but I still find it lots of fun.

I Do find it intriguing that at the end of the game snake finds out the names of the patriots and that they are all dead. But one of his major supporters is on the list. I assume it’s the Colonel and he is nothing more then a computer program? I would love to learn more about how the Colonel was playing raiden and snake at the same time.


The colonel from MGS1(I forget his name) is a real person. The one from MGS2 is different. MGS2-Colonel is just an AI created by the patriots, or some shit like that.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
jett said:
The colonel from MGS1(I forget his name) is a real person. The one from MGS2 is different. MGS2-Colonel is just an AI created by the patriots, or some shit like that.
Yes but at the end of the game you find out that the patriots are dead and have been for years.

I assume that the ability to create A.I from a living person that is discussed in the game means the Colonel is dead but exists as an A.I and is a patriot.

Just a theory
I loved MGS 2. I also loved MGS. Raiden was fine; I think a lot of the negative reaction came from being blindsided by the fact that you couldn't control Snake the whole game. It's like going from someone as badass as Han Solo to someone as whiny as Luke with no warning. That said, I bought the game a year after it came out, so I could play it detatched from the hype. And I loved it -- the story, the gameplay, everything. I think MGS 1 was just as preachy as MGS 2 in places.

Also, I disagree with the argument against using long cutscenes, as it crosses the "videogame - movie line," or whatever. I think what is great about videogames, is that they're an art form still in their infancy. So let the creators stretch the boundaries. Some games, like Mario, are excellent in terms of playability, but offer nothing by way of story. Perhaps, games like that follow the most strict definition of "video game." But games like MGS offer something different, just as Parappa offers something different.


Raiden (lame character) and his relationship with Rose is what mainly killed it for me. I couldn't even save the game without that bitch going on and on and on.....After a while, I would dread saving my game for fear of her starting to talk again. The asanine plot also helped me dislike the game a great deal too.
Mrbob said:
Splinter Cell/PT enemy AI is garbage. Weapon hit detection is laughable. Plus the levels force you through too much trial and error. Single player SC/PT is shit. Thankfully SC3 looks to change things around.

Unlike MGS2 where the last hour is a joke SC has a problem with the entire game being a pile of ass.

Heh yah, its funny seeing a SC fan nitpick MGS2's targeting system considering SC's doesn't even work. I can't even count how many times Sam missed a target I had lined up perfectly and the shot misses. This is made especially bad with the trial and error gameplay since if the shot misses you run the risk of having to redo the level over. Not because you messed up, but because the developers don't know the meaning of polish.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
So far, the problems that have been said are:

-Rose and Raiden (agree)
-Story was set out badly (agree)
-Story was bad (disagree strongly)

I also hated Rose and Raiden. It was terrible. You would think that if someone loved someone they would try not to diusturb them in a mission that could decide the future of the world.

The story was laid out very badly too. they made the language sound way too complex when they could have made it sound much simpler.

However, I can't see anything else wrong with the story. I think one thing that people don't realise is that MGS is an ongoing series and all questions will be answered eventually. There was one question at the end of MGS2 thast was raised about The Patriots being dead, but 1'm 100% sure that in one of the upcoming MGS games it will be explained. As for the bad guy, it was Solidus in MGS2 but your new main enemy are The Patriots. does is really bother people if the threat or enemies keep changing?
psycho_snake said:
I also hated Rose and Raiden. It was terrible. You would think that if someone loved someone they would try not to diusturb them in a mission that could decide the future of the world.
How can you call MGS2 "one of the greatest games" if you hated 75% of it? Let's be honest here. Raiden was nothing more than a whiney little bitch with stupid girl problems he didn't know how to handle. Having to play as a character like him was grueling when you could play as the badass, Snake Plissken (har har). The story has some good elements but the "execution" and pacing of the story is where it's most heavily flawed. The concept of The Patriots is interesting and I think some questions raised in MGS2 will be answered in MGS3 but we'll see.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Mr_Furious said:
How can you call MGS2 "one of the greatest games" if you hated 75% of it? Let's be honest here. Raiden was nothing more than a whiney little bitch with stupid girl problems he didn't know how to handle. Having to play as a character like him was grueling when you could play as the badass, Snake Plissken (har har). The story has some good elements but the "execution" and pacing of the story is where it's most heavily flawed. The concept of The Patriots is interesting and I think some questions raised in MGS2 will be answered in MGS3 but we'll see.
i hated playing as Raiden but that doesn't mean that the gameplay isn;t good. The gameplay in MGS2 is the best i've ever played. I'll agree that the execution of the story was crap, but I don't what was wrong with the pacing, however, it is by far the best stroy in any game, on par with MGS1. The Patriots was the best part about the game, it definately made the story more interesting. I actually think that The Patriots is the best organisation ever created in any game, even though we don't know much about them apart from they're dead. i also thought Liquid taking over Ocelots body was great as well The codec calls I could stand (anything without Rose) but I loved the cutscenes.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
AssMan said:
I actually did do that. I had been playing the game since I got it non-stop and the colenol said that i was playing for too long so I thaught the reason he was talking so wierd was because I had been playing too long.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Mrbob said:
At least you can aim in MGS2. In SC you can have that reticle locked on and the bullet still wizzes above an enemy guard's head, or too the left, or too the right. Horrid.

This was done purposely. Sam Fisher isn't a marksman. His aiming inabilities are part of the character and are there to prevent players from shooting their way through every situation. A player CAN do that but they should be aware of the risk involved. In Splinter Cell, you can get through the game without ever having to do precision aiming. With MGS2, however, they force you into ridiculous boss fights where you have to constantly move and then switch perspectives to shoot. The whole thing is awkward and disorienting.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Galian Beast said:
Presentation of story
asanine plot
structural enviroment
Raiden (not that he wasnt cool, it's just that he wasn't solid snake).
What was so asinine about the story? everyone who has had a complaint about the story has mentioned it like you. They say they don't like Rose and Raiden but they don't mention what they found so bad about the story.
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