brandonh83 said:I slept because I needed to gain my energy back after yesterday's incredible fuckuperies
thefro said:Spike isn't showing the Nintendo or Sony conferences per their schedule
richisawesome said:Can't wait for this Zelda reveal.
Will it be epic? Or will it be only slightly epic? 2 and a half hours to go!
-WindYoshi- said:Really? That sucks. Will it be on G4? Well i'll go check for myself.
AceBandage said:Yeah, Spike only got the MS conference.
G4 has the others.
Kind of odd, I doubt the Spike audience was very happy with the last half of that conference...
AceBandage said:Yeah, Spike only got the MS conference.
G4 has the others.
Kind of odd, I doubt the Spike audience was very happy with the last half of that conference...
Aaron Strife said:Guys, I tried to sleep. I really did. It was less of sleeping and more fading in and out of consciousness, hoping that the next time I woke up it'd be time for the conference.
Whatever. Off to White Castle then.
Twig said:Maybe he means this Link should be the FIRST Link, instead of the Nth Link? As in, there's been no previous "hero" sorta fing.
Unless it's coming out next month, I don't think resale values of the current hardware will change much.Guevara said:The 3DS is backwards compatible, right? Is anyone else planning on trading in their DS/DS lite/DSi/DSXL this week before Gamestop changes the trade in value?
TheGreatMightyPoo said:Sorry I asked...
gamergirly said:That's funny. I slept fine. NOW I'm nervous LOL
This is Page 57 and "What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010" isn't higher than a pinch of salt. Nintendo has Shiggy locked up
Bentendo said:Oh my God. G4tv just went out on me. What do I do? What do I do? My computer doesn't play videos very well.
Bentendo said:Oh my God. G4tv just went out on me. What do I do? What do I do? My computer doesn't play videos very well.
AceBandage said:Can it play Youtube?
Because you could stream it from them.
KeeSomething said:*Nintendo's conference begins.
*Iwata comes on stage.
"Zelda's cancelled. Good night, folks.
*Iwata walks off stage.
*The End.
Bentendo said:Oh my God. G4tv just went out on me. What do I do? What do I do? My computer doesn't play videos very well.
AceBandage said:Yeah, Spike only got the MS conference.
G4 has the others.
Kind of odd, I doubt the Spike audience was very happy with the last half of that conference...
Sammy Samusu said:No Majoras Mask pic today?
TODAY IS THE HOLY DAY! I dreamed about Ninty conference. :')
LegendofJoe said:If I were you I'd do whatever I could in the meantime to ensure my computer would run faster. Delete unnecessary files, run a partial defrag, and restart your computer before the conference starts.
Sammy Samusu said:No Majoras Mask pic today?
TODAY IS THE HOLY DAY! I dreamed about Ninty conference. :')
Bentendo said:Would deleting files actually help speed up videos? Because G4 came back but I'd still like to have faster videos. Right now I have a massive Nintendo database that took about a year to create that contains every Nintendo game, system, accessory, employee, etc. and includes internet pages from Wikipedia, Mobygames, fansites and more for each one. Lots of images too. If I were to put it in a book it'd probably be 100,000 pages long (lots of GameFAQ walkthroughs :lol ).
I just kept on collecting data, searching eBay for for unknown toys and merchandise and saving images, Iwata Asks, developer interviews, almost every Shigeru Miyamoto interview in English (have 100+ Miyamoto interviews, most of them from a long time ago). It sort of become an obsession, but if I had to put them over to another computer to make this one go faster, I'd be willing to do it.
AceBandage said:Download Crap Cleaner.
Run the File Cleaner and the Registry Cleaner.
It'll help a LOT.
Bentendo said:It won't delete my Nintendo database, will it?
Good luck man, and have fun!AniHawk said:Welp. I'm missing the reveal and the entire conference. On the other hand, it'll be because I'm off to the show. On the other hand I'll be waiting in LA traffic in the meantime. I hate LA traffic.
We know a bit, you can read up on it on Wikipedia.gamergirly said:This is Page 57 and "What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010" isn't higher than a pinch of salt. Nintendo has Shiggy locked up
I wouldn't call it hate. It's just that the game somehow lacked the "heart" other installments have, probably due to the lifeless script.Shin Johnpv said:By the by I love Twilight Princess, I really do not understand the hate that it gets here.
AceBandage said:It'll only delete stuff like your internet history, cookies, useless files and extensions.
It won't get rid of any documents or anything.
And you can check the list of stuff you want deleted.
fixedKeeSomething said:*Nintendo's conference begins.
*Iwata comes on stage.
*Iwata laughs
*The End.
What, are you insane?Penguin said:And I don't get the folks claiming so much time on sales figures, I would say no more than 10-15 mins max.
LegendofJoe said:Damn Bentendo, what do you intend to do with all that stuff? For the amount of work you seem to have put into it you most have some purpose in mind for it.
LegendofJoe said:Damn Bentendo, what do you intend to do with all that stuff? For the amount of work you seem to have put into it you most have some purpose in mind for it.
Ah yes, Cammie, Wii Music and Ravi Drums. :lolPrime Blue said:To hold you guys over, Nintendo's E3 2008 conference in a nutshell. Still hilarious. :lol
It hurt back then...
Prime Blue said:To hold you guys over, Nintendo's E3 2008 conference in a nutshell. Still hilarious. :lol
It hurt back then...
TheGreatMightyPoo said:Sure it's not delayed where you are???