Admittedly, it is less likely that way, but I work for a game studio and we have an item from another franchise on display in one of our meeting areas. It was given to a producer by someone famous from that franchise and she keeps it at the office (presumably because it's too large for her to have it on display at home).
Just not to the point where a first-timer needs to look at a walkthrough because they have to do seemingly random shit to progress.
burning a bush to find a temple, etc.
EDIT: I'd be all for being able to tackle temples out of order pseudo-Mega Man style. Like, there could be a certain order in which to progress with certain weapons doing more damage to certain bosses, etc, but you could still do them in any order you wish.
Having to do obtuse things like burning down every damn bush in a completely unremarkable forest in order to find the next dungeon is not good game design. I appreciate the game for what it was (a fantastic experiment and one-of-a-kind experience at the time), but we've moved beyond that now.
Besides which, you'd be needlessly limiting dungeon design (imagine what
City In The Sky would have been like if it had been designed without the hookshot in mind
- nowhere near as awesome) by allowing them to be done in any order. Rather than have the tightly-designed, amazing dungeons of TP, you'd end up with these bland, one-size-fits-all dungeons.
I know you might be hoping for some Metroid: Zero Mission-esque sequence breaking shortcuts in each dungeon or whatever, but Zelda is not 2D Metroid - 2D Metroid is tightly designed and the world is small enough and integrated enough that even if you sequence-break, you get to experience the game's best content anyway. All that'll end up happening if you tried that in Zelda is that you'd be able to shortcut to each dungeon's boss room without having done the dungeon puzzles first.
Just... no. It's a terrible idea that'd likely result in a mediocre game.
Stopped reading right there, took a deep breath, sighed, went to the bathroom to take a piss, grabbed a bite to eat and a drink, and came back to read the rest of the post.
Edited out went in the middle of the street and screamed at the top of my lungs in fury between pissing and grabbing a bite to eat!
i used to be on the "no voice acting" side until i realized that literally the only "valid" point for it was "nintendo would have to work harder on one of their top quality titles and that would be bad, poor nintendo"
Stopped reading right there, took a deep breath, sighed, went to the bathroom to take a piss, grabbed a bite to eat and a drink, and came back to read the rest of the post.
Nothing to worry about. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros Wii are much more accessible (with the addition of Super Guide, streamlined tutorials, and simpler controls) then their predecessors but are just as hard (or in some cases harder) games.
Stopped reading right there, took a deep breath, sighed, went to the bathroom to take a piss, grabbed a bite to eat and a drink, and came back to read the rest of the post.
Edited out went in the middle of the street and screamed at the top of my lungs in fury between pissing and grabbing a bite to eat!
This is the part where everybody reminds you that accessible =/= simple, easy, dumbed down, or any other negative connotation people for some reason apply to the term.
Galaxy 2 has more mechanics in place to make it more accessable than Galaxy 1, yet is ultiamtely a more complex and difficult game.
And I'm pretty sure in the interview he was specifically speaking about the control input.
EmCeeGramr said:
i used to be on the "no voice acting" side until i realized that literally the only "valid" point for it was "nintendo would have to work harder on one of their top quality titles and that would be bad, poor nintendo"
Bad voice acting will, for me, ruin every line of dialogue in the game, just as it does with other games. More work maybe, but I'm not even slightly confident that Nintendo could deliver acceptable voice work. Hence, I dont want voice acting because it will shit over everything else.
i used to be on the "no voice acting" side until i realized that literally the only "valid" point for it was "nintendo would have to work harder on one of their top quality titles and that would be bad, poor nintendo"
they seem to be working hard on metroid and the voicing sounds like shit so if it's a choice of protecting my poor ears from bleeding and reading text, i think i'll go with reading text.
if nintendo wants to practice on va, they should do it with text-heavy games like fire emblem and swing back to the bigger franchise stuff when they have it down. otherwise it'll be 'that zelda game with the shitty voices'
This is the part where everybody reminds you that accessible =/= simple, easy, dumbed down, or any other negative connotation people for some reason apply to the term.
Galaxy 2 has more mechanics in place to make it more accessable than Galaxy 1, yet is ultiamtely a more complex and difficult game.
And I'm pretty sure in the interview he was specifically speaking about the control input.
I wouldn't say TPs beginning was my favourite part of the game but I thought it was in place and appropriate.
It really set the tone of Link's pastoral lifestyle to contrast it with all the craziness he would be pulled into for the next several hours of the lengthy adventure.
I guess you'll only appreciate the start in the context of the whole game and since you haven't finished it, ah well.
My opinion:
- 30% chance that a new Zelda game on the Wii will be announced in E3 2010.
- If they announce it, then there is a 10% chance that it will be released in 2010.
Stopped reading right there, took a deep breath, sighed, went to the bathroom to take a piss, grabbed a bite to eat and a drink, and came back to read the rest of the post.
Edited out went in the middle of the street and screamed at the top of my lungs in fury between pissing and grabbing a bite to eat!
I know . I feel a little pang of panick every time i read this....however than i remember they said the same thing about Galaxy 2 and well see where im going with this, "ye must have faith" :lol
i used to be on the "no voice acting" side until i realized that literally the only "valid" point for it was "nintendo would have to work harder on one of their top quality titles and that would be bad, poor nintendo"
There are reasons I don't want Link to speak. Chief among them, I don't want him to sound like some whitebread, midwestern, baseball-playin', apple-pie eatin' all-american boy-next-door while he's running around with magical swords killing dragons.
Just not to the point where a first-timer needs to look at a walkthrough because they have to do seemingly random shit to progress.
burning a bush to find a temple, etc.
EDIT: I'd be all for being able to tackle temples out of order pseudo-Mega Man style. Like, there could be a certain order in which to progress with certain weapons doing more damage to certain bosses, etc, but you could still do them in any order you wish.
No hard secrets like that in Zelda 1. I don't think anybody wants that anymore. Zelda 1 could be cruel sometimes (how the fuck were you supposed to find Level 9 in Quest 2, or Level 7 in Quest 2? Or Level 8 in Quest 2? God I hate Quest 2... and don't get me started on triple triceratops rooms all over the place)
I'm imagining the offshoot becoming more akin to Western RPG's, just without the experience system and some other modifications. I'd want it to have a bit of a bigger world.
I mean, what was Hyrule in Twilight Princess? All I remember it being was a bunch of individual areas connected together only by some tunnel or some such. It was almost Doom-like, just with larger rooms. If you wanted to go from one part of Hyrule to another, the path was always the same. Go from area A to area B, through the tunnel to area C, hop over some plattforms with your hookshot to area D, cost to area F, then you're almost there. All areas were walled off, except for the little section where you can go to a different area. It was all extremely linear.
And then you look at the map, and all you accomplished was traveling in a C-shaped pattern. I remember you being able to warp around later in the game, but that still doesn't help me with the areas feeling disconnected.
And that's my main problem with the game. Just a bunch of small-ish, individual areas. There was no sense of exploration in the game for me.
I want the offshoot to just be an open world, and even from the beginning, you can go almost wherever you want, with a few restrictions (such as harder enemies scaring you away, like Death Mountain in Zelda 1).
I want to be able to say "Let's head due West and see what I find". No tunnels to go from Area A to Area B. Just an open field. Or desert. Or whatever you come across. But don't use small corridors unless you're in a freaking dungeon, dang it.
My opinion:
- 30% chance that a new Zelda game on the Wii will be announced in E3 2010.
- If they announce it, then there is a 10% chance that it will be released in 2010.
I know . I feel a little pang of panick every time i read this....however than i remember they said the same thing about Galaxy 2 and well see where im going with this, "ye must have faith" :lol
the voice acting would be like 99% of video game voice acting, completely average and you wouldn't even care unless you were anal retentive about your electronic children's toys
My opinion:
- 30% chance that a new Zelda game on the Wii will be announced in E3 2010.
- If they announce it, then there is a 10% chance that it will be released in 2010.
the voice acting would be like 99% of video game voice acting, completely average and you wouldn't even care unless you were anal retentive about your electronic children's toys
the voice acting would be like 99% of video game voice acting, completely average and you wouldn't even care unless you were anal retentive about your electronic children's toys
I wonder if he was talking specifically about the new game, or the series in general. I guess you don't have to play the games at all to run the company, but I for some reason saw him as a gamer/former gamer.
EmCeeGramr said:
i used to be on the "no voice acting" side until i realized that literally the only "valid" point for it was "nintendo would have to work harder on one of their top quality titles and that would be bad, poor nintendo"
I don't know, it seems like adding voice acting could only hurt the experience. I can't imagine the game being any better because of it, though I guess I could be proven wrong.
Would he have had time to direct Legend of Zelda Wii? I mean if it has been in Development for more then three years then it would have ran into his time as director of Mario Galaxy 1 and certainly his producer role for the second.
Just seems like there is no way he could have done it. Though I would like to see him take a crack at it in the future.
I dont really mind either way with voice acting. It does add some level of immersion and such, but I can live without it. That said if they do go for VA, Link must stay silent.
Also orchestrated music is a must, but its gotta be a lock at this point considering the praise SMG 1 and 2 have gotten. Doesnt Other M have some orchestrated stuff as well?
My opinion:
- 30% chance that a new Zelda game on the Wii will be announced in E3 2010.
- If they announce it, then there is a 10% chance that it will be released in 2010.
the voice acting would be like 99% of video game voice acting, completely average and you wouldn't even care unless you were anal retentive about your electronic children's toys
The voice acting for the main character in Fragile Dreams actually really bothers me. It's the same fucking voice from Emil of Tales of Symphonia (I forget which one exactly, it's the one where you collect monsters).
Same. Exact. Voice. Can't that guy do a different voice? It's just... totally pussy. The main characters sound like they're pussies. Ugh. It really bothers me. More so than Wakka from FF X.
My opinion:
- 30% chance that a new Zelda game on the Wii will be announced in E3 2010.
- If they announce it, then there is a 10% chance that it will be released in 2010.
I don't really care if it's Koizumi or not, as long as the games awesome.
Also am I the only one who wants a lot of new different things while still hoping that there will still be a similarity between it and the other 3D Zelda's?
Would he have had time to direct Legend of Zelda Wii? I mean if it has been in Development for more then three years then it would have ran into his time as director of Mario Galaxy 1 and certainly his producer role for the second.
Just seems like there is no way he could have done it. Though I would like to see him take a crack at it in the future.
Remember that "long" talk Miyamoto had with Koizumi about story in Mario games? It was mentioned during an Iwata Asks segment. Maybe that led Koizumi to accept Miyamoto's vision for Mario, and Miyamoto to accept Koizumi's vision for Zelda... a fair trade off I can only dream about.
My opinion:
- 30% chance that a new Zelda game on the Wii will be announced in E3 2010.
- If they announce it, then there is a 10% chance that it will be released in 2010.
Geez, do you even know how percentages work?! It seems like you're literally pulling numbers out of your ass and making up bs predictions for the sake of it
American accents would wreck the feel of the world for me, honestly. Only those posh English and Scottish accents they used in the LotR would be even remotely close to appropriate and even then, it would mean that Link's personality wouldn't be up to me to decide, so I'd lose a big part of the experience.
The voice acting for the main character in Fragile Dreams actually really bothers me. It's the same fucking voice from Emil of Tales of Symphonia (I forget which one exactly, it's the one where you collect monsters).
Same. Exact. Voice. Can't that guy do a different voice? It's just... totally pussy. The main characters sound like they're pussies. Ugh. It really bothers me. More so than Wakka from FF X.
There are reasons I don't want Link to speak. Chief among them, I don't want him to sound like some whitebread, midwestern, baseball-playin', apple-pie eatin' all-american boy-next-door while he's running around with magical swords killing dragons.