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What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010

upandaway said:
Wait, what? FSA just shows how Ganon got his Trident. It's the same Ganon from OoT (but he didn't go through the OoT stuff because it's after the timeline split).

So basically it's like

OoT -> FSA (same Link same Ganon) -> TP -> LttP

FSA TP and LttP all have that mirror and the alternative world things going, so they have to be in the same swing.

Edit: Forgot MM before/after FSA
Nothing of the sort has ever been confirmed (unlike the mainline 3D games' timeline). Speculating on this sort of thing is fun and all (I've done it myself from time to time and have an opinion on what it could be), but it eventually devolves into fanon without confirmation from devs.

I honestly think the idea is that all three (Link/Zelda/Ganon) are re-incarnated over and over.


EmCeeGramr said:
maybe at e3 the attendees will all get a little foldout chart that's like "oh hey this is the fucking zelda timeline now stop asking, we finally sat down and figured this out"
And 5 seconds later it will be posted on various Zelda fansites with 5 pages of text pointing out all the plotholes and inconsistencies with it.

"There's a REASON I didn't say this was the timeline for the past 10 years!! Geez Nintendo"
Eteric Rice said:
Thats a picture I found on /v/, I'd like to see a Zelda in that style. Especially link with a cape. When I was a kid, I used to put a bath towel around my neck and pretend I could fly. :D



viciouskillersquirrel said:
I honestly think the idea is that all three (Link/Zelda/Ganon) are re-incarnated over and over.
That's how I see it too, a never ending struggle between the 2 sides. Good detective work though. Need to get my hands on FSA, only Zelda I haven't played.
upandaway said:
And 5 seconds later it will be posted on various Zelda fansites with 5 pages of text pointing out all the plotholes and inconsistencies with it.

"There's a REASON I didn't say this was the timeline for the past 10 years!! Geez Nintendo"
Nah. What'll happen is that they'll accept it, and the fans will make up elaborate theories to explain away the inconsistencies and plotholes, just like fans of the Star Wars universe.


Oh wow, I totally forgot that E3's gonna happen next week. Let's just hope that this Zelda will be surprising at least, just as promised.
Zelda threads make my head hurt.

I wish its fans would just sit back, relax, and allow themselves to be surprised, rather than wasting their time making huge checklists of wants.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Nah. What'll happen is that they'll accept it, and the fans will make up elaborate theories to explain away the inconsistencies and plotholes, just like fans of the Star Wars universe.
Yeah, then theyll tell you its MIDCHORINIANS or whatever and the whole thing will be ruined for ever!


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
How about this doozy of a rumor! Anybody know if there is some truth to it?

  • Retro Studios was once working on Legend of Zelda Wii.

NVC Podcast Summary (May 29th said:
- Heard crazy rumblings last week
- 95% sure this was true at one time
- A year plus ago, Retro Studios was doing the new Zelda or doing something big with it
- For one reason or another that’s not the case anymore they don’t believe
- Not working on it anymore
- Got reliable info, there were internet rumors at one point
- This is a rumor, really good rumor, since has been debunked that they’re working on it
- They are not making that game anymore

Master Sword and Shield spotted in Retro Studio's conference room (5:30 mark).

And what's the possibility of Retro still being involved? The other rumor(?) of Aunoma not being director sometimes makes me wonder (seriously, anyone have a source for this?).
Anth0ny said:
I honestly have no idea why everyone hates the idea.

It seems like the idea of a Zelda game with voice acting has this awful social stigma attached to it thanks to the fucking CDi games and the cartoon.

NEWS FLASH: Voice acting can be done right, believe it or not. Link would not speak at all, let alone like a fucking retard ala the CDi games.

It's really not that a big deal, but I'd like to see it done. With a fully orchestrated soundtrack, of course :D

My objections to the idea have nothing to do with the CDi games or the cartoon.

I don't want to sit and listen to Zelda characters talk. I feel obligated to listen to voiced dialog (except in extreme cases, i.e. Shining Force Neo), and that would just artificially inflate my playing time. I don't have a ton of free time these days and I don't want to waste more of it that way.

Also, I don't want Nintendo to have to deal with the massive costs (and possible delays) involved, and I don't want there to be dozens and dozens of opportunities for them to fuck things up with a bad voice actor or goofy-sounding voices that ruin what might otherwise be charming (see: Super Mario Sunshine). And at it's core, the Zelda series is not any more about "cinematic" storytelling than Mario games are. The games don't need or call for full voice-acting.

It just isn't worth it. Reading is fine, and it's faster to boot. It allows each player to put a mental spin on the "feel" and sound of each character, and that's good.

I would love an orchestrated soundtrack, though.

jett said:
Zelda could use voice acting, sorry die-hard nfans. Watching dialogue text you have to click through show up during the middle of cut-scenes is a little dumb in this day and age. The more different this game is to the previous ones the better.

And what's up with those games where you can't even jump? It's 2010!

Beth Cyra

Surprised to see all the votes against VA.

As for what I want.

Non Cel-Shaded, at least not in the style of Wind Waker, I want it closer to Twilight but better since it is on Wii.

and Voice Acting. Sorry but I hate games with out voice acting and they are far to quite in my mind. I don't want Link to me, I want Link to be Link and interact with Zelda and everyone else in the game.

Zelda to play a much larger role then she did in Twilight.
Zihark said:
onm had the info about new director. found it by searching on the nintendogo site

Yes this:


"During lunch, recently I have been spending my time with other game directors playing local connection battles in Spirit Tracks. I have been partnering with the director of the DS version to fight against the director of the Wii version and yes, recently we have been winning!"

Skiesofwonder said:
How about this doozy of a rumor! Anybody know if there is some truth to it?

  • Retro Studios was once working on Legend of Zelda Wii.

Master Sword and Shield spotted in Retro Studio's conference room (5:30 mark).

And what's the possibility of Retro still being involved? The other rumor(?) of Aunoma not being director sometimes makes me wonder (seriously, anyone have a source for this?).

Pretty sure that the Retro Zelda game was only an idea, and never even got to pre-production.
BertramCooper said:
Zelda threads make my head hurt.

I wish its fans would just sit back, relax, and allow themselves to be surprised, rather than wasting their time making huge checklists of wants.
I wouldn't call it a list of "wants" so much as questions. There's a new Zelda on the horizon. Color us intrigued.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Nah. What'll happen is that they'll accept it, and the fans will make up elaborate theories to explain away the inconsistencies and plotholes, just like fans of the Star Wars universe.
And there will be this one bastard who will shout "I CALLED IT! ME! IT'S EXACTLY LIKE I SAID!!"
Luigiv said:
Oh dear god no!

Keep that shit out of my Zelda. Kratos himself is, without a doubt, the worst component of the entire GoW series. Seriously, he's a really shitty character.
:lol It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Zelda worlds tend to be clean of gore and never gets more than the slightest bit dark.

Kratos ripping through bosses was just a funny thought.


Skiesofwonder said:
How about this doozy of a rumor! Anybody know if there is some truth to it?

  • Retro Studios was once working on Legend of Zelda Wii.

Master Sword and Shield spotted in Retro Studio's conference room (5:30 mark).

And what's the possibility of Retro still being involved? The other rumor(?) of Aunoma not being director sometimes makes me wonder (seriously, anyone have a source for this?).

in my experience, you don't decorate your office with games you haven't or are not working on, but i've only been to 3 different studios/places/things.


Skiesofwonder said:
How about this doozy of a rumor! Anybody know if there is some truth to it?

  • Retro Studios was once working on Legend of Zelda Wii.

Master Sword and Shield spotted in Retro Studio's conference room (5:30 mark).

And what's the possibility of Retro still being involved? The other rumor(?) of Aunoma not being director sometimes makes me wonder (seriously, anyone have a source for this?).
rumor was its a spinoff, for director see my earlier post


Branduil said:
Mario just went back to what it was best at.

Zelda should do the same.

And what is that exactly, for Zelda?

Zelda I is a nearly fully-explorable open-world game.
Zelda II is a side-scroller actioner with Dragon Quest influences.
We've been getting variations of Zelda III for 2 decades.

Where should Zelda go back to? :p


TruePrime said:
and Voice Acting. Sorry but I hate games with out voice acting and they are far to quite in my mind. I don't want Link to me, I want Link to be Link and interact with Zelda and everyone else in the game.

this is bad. it's a bad idea.


Branduil said:
Zelda should use made-up language with subtitles like Ico and SotC. They kind of already started doing that with Midna.

I would definitely be on board if they went this direction.


jett said:
And what is that exactly, for Zelda?

Zelda I is a nearly fully-explorable open-world game.
Zelda II is a side-scroller actioner with Dragon Quest influences.
We've been getting variations of Zelda III for 2 decades.

Where should Zelda go back to? :p
If the core of Mario is linear platforming the core of Zelda is loosely guided exploration, sword combat, and puzzle-solving.
Skiesofwonder said:
How about this doozy of a rumor! Anybody know if there is some truth to it?

  • Retro Studios was once working on Legend of Zelda Wii.

Master Sword and Shield spotted in Retro Studio's conference room (5:30 mark).

And what's the possibility of Retro still being involved? The other rumor(?) of Aunoma not being director sometimes makes me wonder (seriously, anyone have a source for this?).
I would say there is some definite truth to this rumor.


Skiesofwonder said:
Done. Added to what we think we know. :D

A big criticism of the sword-girl-is-the-Fairy-Queen theory is that the artwork girl looks much older than a small little girl: but of course, we know the game takes place when Link is an adult, so...


jett said:
And what is that exactly, for Zelda?

Zelda I is a nearly fully-explorable open-world game.
Zelda II is a side-scroller actioner with Dragon Quest influences.
We've been getting variations of Zelda III for 2 decades.

Where should Zelda go back to? :p
Zelda 1: Some arcade-y stuff, some western RPG stuff
Zelda 2: Some arcade-y stuff, some JRPG stuff
Zelda 3: Zelda 1+

I don't see the issue.

Beth Cyra

AniHawk said:
this is bad. it's a bad idea.

Haha fair, and after reading the thread I realize that people wouldn't like it. But that doesn't change the fact that I would prefer to be VA'd. Not like I am going to cry or bitch if it don't though. Simply shrug my shoulders and hope the I like as much as I did Twilight.


made up stuff works because you can't really tell if it's bad va. whereas stuff like baten kaitos or super mario sunshine, or fire emblem path of radiance or fire emblem radiant dawn or metroid other m you can tell when there's bad va.

so, seeing as there's an 8 year history of nintendo games having shitty va, maybe it would be a shitty idea to have the games voiced.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
AniHawk said:
in my experience, you don't decorate your office with games you haven't or are not working on, but i've only been to 3 different studios/places/things.

Yea..... Well.... oF cour........ Damn, I just never know if you're being sarcastic or not. :lol

But that does make sense.


The made-up voices thing wouldn't surprise me just because that's where they seemed to be headed in Twilight Princess. Plus it means you only have to pay one set of voice actors for all regions.

Beth Cyra

AniHawk said:
made up stuff works because you can't really tell if it's bad va. whereas stuff like baten kaitos or super mario sunshine, or fire emblem path of radiance or fire emblem radiant dawn or metroid other m you can tell when there's bad va.

so, seeing as there's an 8 year history of nintendo games having shitty va, maybe it would be a shitty idea to have the games voiced.

Hmm well that is why I don't mind the idea of Zelda being VA'd. I don't think Metroid Other M has as bad of voice acting like you are saying. Sure some of the delivery is a little off but it wasn't bad to me and it was certainly better then there no being VA in my opinion.

Outside of that one though I don't know much, didn't get far in Radiant Dawn (not a big SRPG fan outside of SRW's and some would argue those aren't even SRPGs any more.) so the only one that was truly terrible that I can agree on was Sunshine.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
AniHawk said:
in my experience, you don't decorate your office with games you haven't or are not working on, but i've only been to 3 different studios/places/things.
Nah, there are lots of reasons why other franchise's stuff would be in a different studio. Maybe someone works there who owns that stuff and thought it'd be cool to have it on display. Maybe someone there is friends with someone who worked on Zelda and it got donated to Retro. Maybe someone there worked on Zelda themselves.

Not sayin' that Retro couldn't be working on it, though. :)
Made up voices rock. The way Midna's gibberish sounded (and how she ended every other sentence with the phrase "Shir-two") added so much to her personality. Her giggling at you when you didn't quite get things made her seem alive.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
BowieZ said:

A big criticism of the sword-girl-is-the-Fairy-Queen theory is that the artwork girl looks much older than a small little girl: but of course, we know the game takes place when Link is an adult, so...

Young adult Link will show teenage Fairy Queen the way.
Branduil said:
Zelda should use made-up language with subtitles like Ico and SotC. They kind of already started doing that with Midna.
Interesting idea. Could work.

ICO and SOTC didn't have lots of dialogue though. Midna had more but they would need to be careful with conversations, too much gibberish language at once could be worse than bad VA.


Cocopjojo said:
Nah, there are lots of reasons why other franchise's stuff would be in a different studio. Maybe someone works there who owns that stuff and thought it'd be cool to have it on display. Maybe someone there is friends with someone who worked on Zelda and it got donated to Retro. Maybe someone there worked on Zelda themselves.

Not sayin' that Retro couldn't be working on it, though. :)

maybe for your own cubicle/work area, but conference room?

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
AniHawk said:
maybe for your own cubicle/work area, but conference room?
Admittedly, it is less likely that way, but I work for a game studio and we have an item from another franchise on display in one of our meeting areas. It was given to a producer by someone famous from that franchise and she keeps it at the office (presumably because it's too large for her to have it on display at home).

boiled goose

good with gravy
Anth0ny said:
I honestly have no idea why everyone hates the idea.

It seems like the idea of a Zelda game with voice acting has this awful social stigma attached to it thanks to the fucking CDi games and the cartoon.

NEWS FLASH: Voice acting can be done right, believe it or not. Link would not speak at all, let alone like a fucking retard ala the CDi games.

It's really not that a big deal, but I'd like to see it done. With a fully orchestrated soundtrack, of course :D

i think having english in Zelda would actually ruin the feel of the universe.

decent gibberish or made up language with good writing please.


Good. I just hope the game doesn't try to hold your hand so much in the early game and has a better flow to it. TP took forever to get even decent due to that. I still haven't finished the game due to the horrible taste the early game gave me.

I wouldn't say TPs beginning was my favourite part of the game but I thought it was in place and appropriate.
It really set the tone of Link's pastoral lifestyle to contrast it with all the craziness he would be pulled into for the next several hours of the lengthy adventure.
I guess you'll only appreciate the start in the context of the whole game and since you haven't finished it, ah well. :p


It was okay the first time but replaying the first part of TP is hard to bear. The next Zelda definitely needs to start off with a much faster pace.

The pacing in the second half of TP was perfect.


Branduil said:
It was okay the first time but replaying the first part of TP is hard to bear. The next Zelda definitely needs to start off with a much faster pace.

The pacing in the second half of TP was perfect.

They could just put a skippable tutorial in, sort of like the beginning of Gears of War. I don't think the entire first 1/8th of the game needs to hold your hand quite like TP did.

boiled goose

good with gravy
pirata said:
I would definitely be on board if they went this direction.

Glad we agree. :)
fake language with good writing .

Branduil said:
If the core of Mario is linear platforming the core of Zelda is loosely guided exploration, sword combat, and puzzle-solving.

Mario Galaxy and mario galaxy 2 have more and more approached 2d mario.
I would really like Zelda Wii to approach NES zelda.
simple mechanics, with exploration and combat and puzzles. accessibility does not mean lack of depth or loss in quality. Mario has become more approachable and streamlined yet more challenging in some ways.

Zelda should follow suit. non linear progression and combat should come back.
jett said:
And what is that exactly, for Zelda?

Zelda I is a nearly fully-explorable open-world game.
Zelda II is a side-scroller actioner with Dragon Quest influences.
We've been getting variations of Zelda III for 2 decades.

Where should Zelda go back to? :p

IMO Zelda should split like Mario split. Mario is now a 2D platformer and 3D platformer, both existing as different entities. And as a result Mario games are selling more than ever.

So I think we should have a Zelda series that continues down the OOT path. And another that calls all the way back to the open world Zelda 1.

Open-world games are growing in popularity in the West. Zelda is most popular in the West. Zelda could split and have an open-world offshoot like it used to have.


amtentori said:
Glad we agree. :)
fake language with good writing .

Mario Galaxy and mario galaxy 2 have more and more approached 2d mario.
I would really like Zelda Wii to approach NES zelda.
simple mechanics, with exploration and combat and puzzles. accessibility does not mean lack of depth or loss in quality. Mario has become more approachable and streamlined yet more challenging in some ways.

Zelda should follow suit. non linear progression and combat should come back.

I hope you mean SNES Zelda. I don't think the first game has aged well at all.
scitek said:
I hope you mean SNES Zelda. I don't think the first game has aged well at all.
Every 3D Zelda is SNES Zelda, I'm sure they mean NES.

More open and less hand-holding is the idea I believe.
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