Mega Man's Electric Sheep
Armaggeddon, Godzilla, or Matrix Revolutions are my least favourites. I was dragged to the first two, but I went to Revolutions voluntarily, so that one made me the maddest by its crappiness.
Coin Return said:No Retreat No Surrender
Jean-Claude Van Damme's first (and worst) movie. You've never seen an incoherent plot until you've seen this movie. The acting, editing, and pacing are all horrid. From the halariously stereotypical black friend, to the main character's manic depressant girlfriend. The worst part is how they disgrace Bruce Lee's good name by his "role" in this movie. Yes folks, he comes back in spirit form to train the main character.
Coin Return said:No Retreat No Surrender
Jean-Claude Van Damme's first (and worst) movie. You've never seen an incoherent plot until you've seen this movie. The acting, editing, and pacing are all horrid. From the halariously stereotypical black friend, to the main character's manic depressant girlfriend. The worst part is how they disgrace Bruce Lee's good name by his "role" in this movie. Yes folks, he comes back in spirit form to train the main character.
Aww, it wasn't that bad. It had an interesting premise and good actors in it, they just dumbed down the script too much for the kiddies.Boogie9IGN said:
Disco Stu said:Eyes Wide Shut.
It was utterly unwatchable.
MASB said:Aww, it wasn't that bad. It had an interesting premise and good actors in it, they just dumbed down the script too much for the kiddies.
ShyGuy said:That movie with Cindy Crawford "acting" with William Billy Bill wtf-he-wants-his-first-name-to-be Baldwin in it. It was so bad I forgot the name of it. Thanks guys, for making me remember that piece of shit movie!!!
Felidae_Khrall said:![]()
Ninja Squad. I cannot even begin to describe the horror of this movie. But I will anyway.
Ninja's are very hard to identify, which is why they all wear brightly colored outfits, HUGE ASS HEADBANDS with NINJA written on it (usually accompanied with a little picture of a ninja just incase you can't read) and They're all caucasian.
The plot of Billy coming home to a gang controlled town, and setting out to help is family with the thugs has seemingly almost nothing to do with the sub-plot of Billy's Pink Power Ranger of a Ninja master, fighting some crazed guy with a god complex.
I cannot understand why MST3K never did this film. IT would have been their #1 episode. Without a doubt.
*edit* - Check out the guy with the rifle on the first cover. That's Billy. He learned all those ninja skills, just so he could pick up a gun. Way to go billy!
Phoenix said:Leprechaun in the Hood, Manos the Hand of Fate and Black Samauri are contenders, but Turkish Star War is the worst movie you've never seen. There is no conceivable way that any movie you guys pick could be worse than this. I think it cost more to acquire this film than these guys spent making it.
sonatinas said:i have seen all van dammit's movies ( i know im awesome) and derailed is the worst movie he has done( wait for death isnt out yet)
no retreat no surrender rules though
really, who wouldnt go to bruce lee's grave for advice, i would
also, y did that fat kid "have his reasons" for messing with the black kid?
also it really pondered the question, " is L.A.'s karate better than Seattle's?"
But you know you enjoyed watching it!