Resident Evil 2 is still the best gaming experience I've had this year. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a close second and Death Stranding is my sleeper pick.
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Death stranding.Yup, I think this is for me too. And Sekiro.
Division 2 was pretty good as well.
Yeah, I'm still doing that challenge.As an aside, has anybody else not played a game released this year?
CTR, I guess. Haven't played many newly released titles, but it's been a slow year to this point.
Hey if you cant draw comparisons between Sekiro and other souls games, i dont know what to tell you. The combat is obviously drawing from previous soulsborne games. The difficulty definitely resides in a similar realm as well.I can never understand that, Sekiro might share some elements from Souls series but nothing like those games and it wasn't trying to be. Most complain I hear from this is why this game is not RPG like Souls/Bloodborne but it was very clear this game was going to be action game rather than RPG from the very beginning. It’s like complaining about Why Catherine is not RPG like Persona games and just like Sekiro Catherine also shares some elements from Persona series but it still is whole new IP. Why not judge the game for what actually is instead of what peoplethoughtwanted to be.
Runner-up is - A Plague Tale: Innocence. Game was huge surprise for me. I was not expecting it to be this good.
So far it’s A Plague Tale: Innocence.
Sekiro also my GOTY but I can definitely see this taking over for my personal GOTY. Its looking sooooo good so far.Sekiro is the only game from this year that I've bought and played.... so it wins by default.
But it's a fantastic game and knowing my taste I doubt I'd like any other game released so far in 2019 better