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When Road Rage attacks!

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So what is the most stupid thing you've done out of road rage?

About two weeks ago after getting no sleep I decided to drive to work early, around 5:30AM. I had just purchased a new car so I was driving 60 using cruise control in the center lane of the expressway. All the cars passed me on the left without a problem. Then this big monster semi decided to force me to change lanes by riding my ass and honking his horn. This dude was inches away from me. All I saw was his grill in my rear view. So I got pissed and gently slowed down until I came to a complete stop. I then open my door, got out and proceeded to yell at the asshole who refused to even look at me. He just kept blowing his horn. It wasn't until I got back in and started driving that I realized that cars were zooming right past me in the left lane. =P
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