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The anxiety is building up far too much. It seems like months since they said the Open Beta would start(even though it has been maybe a week?). Anyone have any other news? The website still says the same, that it is coming soon...I hope Blizzard knows people may die soon...Any new news out there on this?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios

It's been 11 days since the "Open Beta Coming soon" announcement that also stated "more information in the days ahead!"

Not cool of Blizzard to do that and cause me to refresh their stupid site 10,000 times every day. Why is it so hard for them to throw us a bone by at LEAST communicating with us and posting how things are progressing?

In other news, it seems GameStops and EBs have started to receive WoW posters and other marketing that has the November 16th release date on it. Sounds like a confirmation to me.
Tyren said:
There's a lot of preparation going on in many major areas some of which is out of our hands, so we have to receive a green light from all relevant parties in order to go forward.

But that doesn't mean it won't happen soon, just that we aren't able to give any word on it just yet.


Well well well.. that sucks.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yeah, read that today. =/

I'm just sick of hearing the word "soon". All I want to hear is "The way things are progressing it looks like open beta will be in one week." Or something of that nature.

I'd rather them give incorrect ETAs instead of tossing the word "soon" all over the place. Then I can take the game off my mind until the ETA dates at least. =P

El Papa

Damn, I just checked t he price of the Collecter's Edition, $80! Not sure if I'm gonna get it...better start saving...


From reading the forums (and this is normal) but it seems like they are going to release it in a not-so ready state.

They are still making HUGE changes to classes.. Paladins don't have talents yet, neither do Hunters although they say Hunters are done.. Warlocks dont have all their pets yet.

When I say Hunters are done.. done = ready to begin beta testing as soon as they decide to throw them in. I'm really excited for WoW, but it's pretty crazy to still be implementing main features of the game a month or so before the *supposed* release date. Obviously, they want to get it out during Xmas.. and before EQ2.

They just implemented the Honor system, and it apparently needs a lot of tuning. I'm ok with this though... I guess I'm just aggravated after coming out of CoH. I don't mind if extra type things aren't ready.

After I quit FFXI, I picked up CoH.. It wasn't really a MMORPG in my opinion, but it was semi-fun for a while. The main problem was that it had an unbelievable amount of customization.. mainly in looks, but also in how you build your character. Yet, months after release they were still making HUGE modifications to the skills/talents w/o a respec type option.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I won't say it doesn't make sense to be a little worried, but keep in mind we will probably see 4-5 patches in the 30 days. I guarantee they will be working on the game even after it ships and up until the day the retail servers go up. (Whatever they add will be in a launch-day patch).


MrCheez said:
I won't say it doesn't make sense to be a little worried, but keep in mind we will probably see 4-5 patches in the next month. I guarentee they will be working on the game even after it ships and up until the day the retail servers go up. (Whatever they add will be in a launch-day patch).

Yeah, it's just.. I want customization, AND I don't want to make a character and have them change how everything works. I'd like to see, and apparently it's planned/partially implemented.. err Racial Talents/Skills that is. Undead has a few, and apparently some Races had more during the very early builds.

There is no way those skills are getting fit in or balanced in the next month-1 1/2 months. :(
It would be neat to see if Trolls get nifty Regen, etc.

Oh well it's not really worth worrying about.


Gold Member
SyNapSe said:
Obviously, they want to get it out during Xmas.. and before EQ2.

MrCheez said:
In other news, it seems GameStops and EBs have started to receive WoW posters and other marketing that has the November 16th release date on it. Sounds like a confirmation to me.

It's looking like EQ2 and WoW will hit either on the same day or within a day of each other.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Maybe I'm too optimistic but I think these things will be in before release. I bet you anything that some things like race-traits are receiving their finishing touches right now. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but I wouldn't worry too much. :)

AND I don't want to make a character and have them change how everything works

Every MMO I have ever played I have experienced nerfs and class-changes. Months and months after release. Years after release in EQ. It's going to happen no matter what, even if they pushed the game back till next year.

If you're concerned about something like talents, though, they have stated a few times you will be able to respec in the game.

SpeedRazor said:
I really wish I had more time to play the closed Beta.

I wish I could have played it at all. =P


MrCheez said:

It's been 11 days since the "Open Beta Coming soon" announcement that also stated "more information in the days ahead!"

Not cool of Blizzard to do that and cause me to refresh their stupid site 10,000 times every day. Why is it so hard for them to throw us a bone by at LEAST communicating with us and posting how things are progressing?

In other news, it seems GameStops and EBs have started to receive WoW posters and other marketing that has the November 16th release date on it. Sounds like a confirmation to me.

I find it funny that both WoW and HL2 are shipping on the same day. I wonder if it will result as a POP-BG&E situation just like last year.


Gold Member
Kweh said:
The first year of WoW's life is going to be like a one year beta test

NEWSFLASH: MMORPGS are never finished. Ever. There will always be bug fixes, balance fixes, etc even 6 years into the life of a MMORPG. Every change you make can break something else or unbalance something.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The way things are running now WoW is probably going to have the smoothest and most bug-free launch of an MMO ever, anyway. Calm down peeps. ;)


Yea, is it a standard for this forum to be full of people that get the wrong end of the stick. I hope everyone knows MMORPG's are never finished, I was just saying from what I heard FFXI had a really hard first year, and I wouldn't be surprised to see WoW have the same kinda trouble since this is kinda newish territory for Blizzard aswell. Although SE have long downtime's when they patch things, they rarely have broken anything while patching other areas since I've been playing it anyway. All i was saying was Blizzard will probably get to that stage around the same time into its lifespan.



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
If you don't want people to misinterpret what you are trying to say, you need to offer us a little more detail and description than just a random thought. When you consider what was being discussed before your post, it makes your post take on a different context then what you intended.


I have a love/hate relationship with this game, its great fun just running around exploring and doing a few quests but it gets to the point it becomes work and no play and im only playing to level up. :(

Ive stopped playing for now but I have seen enough to know if im buying it, and I am. :D

El Papa

DSN2K said:
I have a love/hate relationship with this game, its great fun just running around exploring and doing a few quests but it gets to the point it becomes work and no play and im only playing to level up. :(

Ive stopped playing for now but I have seen enough to know if im buying it, and I am. :D
Then let your account not go to waste and grace El Papa with it's luster! :D


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ooh! Ooh! Or me!

I've been refreshing the WoW site endlessly all month long, steadily going insane. Help me DSN2K, you are my only hope! ;_;

P.S. As for getting bored and feeling like you're just playing to level up, I think that problem will be alleviated a little when release comes and you have people you know (such as fellow GAFfers or guildies) playing with you most of the time. :) That sort of thing always increases my enjoyment of MMOs anyway.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Leagues better in every day. After playing the stress test for a week it's already my favorite MMO. :eek: (And most anticipated game of the year!)
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