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Which member had the best exit on GAF Or: A Very Happy GAF History Lesson

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As long as everyone is being so open and loving, duckroll once said his first banning was someone famous and he got scared once he saw who it was, but Evilore had his back

Who was it? I was always curious
i'd love to have my av back, but it's hosted on white man's hosted space and i think he's let it lapse. if someone would host it for me, i will make any non-banworthy post they dictate to me <3


Mods have the, imo, far more powerful ability to change someone's avatar permanently and not allow them to change it back <:)

Strangely it is not used near as much as I'd like!


EviLore said:
IIRC we kept him on "tachy goes to coventry" status (where no one else can see your posts) for something like a year or more, until maharg realized that it used a lot of database processing power, so no, his posts didn't show up again until well after anyone would have noticed or cared.
Honestly, if it works the way I think it does, that sounds crazy forum feature. Putting a user on global ignore without them actually being on anyone's ignore lists, I can imagine that would take a bit of processing power if they posted often.

Nelo Ice

Drinky Crow said:
i'd love to have my av back, but it's hosted on white man's hosted space and i think he's let it lapse! if someone would host it for me, i will make any non-banworthy post they dictate to me <3

avys are hosted internally on gaf now


That was interesting about MAF (and hilarious). When I first started, he was a legend. I always assumed he was an old poster who finally moved on years ago and went on to do more "adult" things.

And yet it was the complete opposite.

MaestroRyan said:
yes, i realize. But Drinky Crow's height coincided with my first lurkings/postings, so I grew up watching the guy troll like no other. It's like being in the presence of a celebrity, or a pioneer of your chosen field. And I thought he was deceased.

Who else was popular when I first started? I remember... Drinky, Nighttrain, White Man, charlie something? not sure.

Drinky's a great troll, but what makes him great is he knows how to get under your skin but everyone knows he's just as bad as everyone else and will laugh about it.


Amir0x said:
Mods have the, imo, far more powerful ability to change someone's avatar permanently and not allow them to change it back <:)

Strangely it is not used near as much as I'd like!

This should be enforced more often. I vaguely remember someone's being changed to a pony avatar recently
Amir0x said:
Mods have the, imo, far more powerful ability to change someone's avatar permanently and not allow them to change it back <:)

Strangely it is not used near as much as I'd like!

Yup, this isn't used nearly enough. (If you're thinking of using it on me for laughs, don't bother, you can't give me anything as dumb as what I'll give myself)

I miss Expendable.'s "STALLOWNED" avatar bish gave him, fun times


Drinky Crow said:
i'd love to have my av back, but it's hosted on white man's hosted space and i think he's let it lapse. if someone would host it for me, i will make any non-banworthy post they dictate to me <3

I'd force you to endorse the F1 thread but all Gaf avatars are hosted internally.
well, i'd kinda need the gif file to upload it. you dredge it up for me, and i'll pimp your filthy f1 thread like an autobahn-grade road skeev


Amir0x said:
Plus mods can't change tags.

The More You Know™.
Really? I figured they could, especially since EviLore said Eatchildren could now finally change his awful tag when he was added to the mod team

edit: nevermind, that'd just be changing his own tag, I'm dumb


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Marius_ said:

Ayuh, thats it. I would hope he was just kidding there.

CHEEZMO™ said:
People on my Ignore list: 0

I don't get how people can do that.

Yeah that was kind of my issue, and probably why I have this odd perception of stump in the beginning. The idea that you lack so little ability to tolerate other people that you would need to put them on an ignore list is kind of pathetic. And if you really needed to put 450 people on there, thats just insane and probably shouldn't be allowed to interact with anyone else. But now when I look back, I can't help but think he was joking and I just didn't realize it.


Cerebral Assassin said:
It was a few years ago so I may be be getting the order wrong but basically a poster complained to a mod about some anti-Italian slur & the poster of said slur was banned(which was fair enough, I don't think it was a perma-ban).

After this she decided to go through the last few pages of that thread & banned posters for things that wouldn't have been banned in other threads at the time(especially if you consider the sort of thing US Sport-Gaf get away with regularly & still does) just because it was pointed out that perhaps she didn't understand football fans, & then after it was pointed out that it was unfair to ban people for things that had been being posted for the last couple of years in the previous threads( in which other mods had occasionally posted) she claimed she would go through the whole thread "to be fair" & she clearly didn't ( as no-one else was banned), all she did was perma-ban the posters who questioned her with some sarcastic message on the ban message.

Such as? I can only think of one poster that fits that description & he would have been banned eventually anyway, as far as I recall the current thread is fairly similar in content to how it used to be.
Thanks for the other side of the story, but something still doesn't add up; perming users for questioning her doesn't seem to be Red's MO, I heard something about digging up personal information on her?


ciaossu said:
Really? I figured they could, especially since EviLore said Eatchildren could now finally change his awful tag when he was added to the mod team

Only our own tags, no one else's. Which is what I assume is important to people since everyone just wants to know if we can change their tag :p


CHEEZMO™ said:
People on my Ignore list: 0

I don't get how people can do that.

I have some people. It's only when someone says something insulting to myself. Usually something that would earn that person a ban if I reported them, but instead of banning them from the board I'd rather just put them on ignore.

It's not punishing them per se, since they don't know I have them on ignore, it's telling myself that this is a person who has zero value in a discussion.


Obsidian fan
Marius_ said:
That's why I remember that post. I was just bewildered he use to have so many on his ignore list
Reminds me of a post in one of those OT pony threads.

Some guy said he had everyone who posted in the |OT| on ignore, and even showed a screencap of one of the pages.

He thought he was being swag but pretty much everyone laughed at him.

T'was a good day.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Drinky Crow said:
white man is quite loyal to y'all and had nothing to do with it

Ah, phew, that's a relief. I <3 White Man and, again, the tachy stuff was basically just a prank so it was fine one way or another, but I was always curious if MAF figured it out on his own or if he was told about it so that he wouldn't waste a bunch of his time continuing to post.

User 7575

Dresden said:
Most of the mods seem pretty cool.

That said that Opiate dude's posts always puts me to sleep.

Aren't Opiate's posts pretty clear, pragmatic, analytical, etc.

I could see how that would kill some people


Marius_ said:
That's why I remember that post. I was just bewildered he use to have so many on his ignore list
450 is most definitely a joke number.

CHEEZMO™ said:
People on my Ignore list: 0

I don't get how people can do that.
I don't think there's ever a reason to ignore a GAF member. But Gaborn makes me question my stance with each thread of his in OT.


ciaossu said:
Drinky isn't really able to bait juniors as much now that they made people who are actually banned have gray names

you know i actually never realized the implications of that before haha
Edit: ^I always liked this photoshop I made in a Metroid thread.

Any info on why Anihawk was de-modded, did he step down himself or what? (I guess I could send him a pm, but with the thread being so open...)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Metroid Killer said:
Any info on why Anihawk was de-modded, did he step down himself or what? (I guess I could send him a pm, but with the thread being so open...)



Obsidian fan
Leunam said:
But he has no idea you guys laughed at him.
Naw, the best part was that it was mainly the anti-pony people in the same thread.

They were all like: "Dude, you serious? That's sad."

I laughed like a fucking drain.


You don't ignore someone to get rid of their posts as much as to get rid of the poster. At least in my mind. The one person I have ignored doesn't post nearly as much as when I ignored him/she/it back before getting approved though.


Metroid Killer said:
Any info on why Anihawk was de-modded, did he step down himself or what? (I guess I could send him a pm, but with the thread being so open...)

wtf when was he a mod!?

Alternate Dimension GAF is strong tonight


EviLore said:
IIRC we kept him on "tachy goes to coventry" status (where no one else can see your posts) for something like a year or more, until maharg realized that it used a lot of database processing power, so no, his posts didn't show up again until well after anyone would have noticed or cared.

And I assumed that White Man straight up told MAF that he had been put on that, after MAF stopped posting immediately when he gained tachy status. Maybe not, dunno; I don't hold it against White Man since you're all friends or whatever and the main thing was to kill MAF's GAF account.

That is fucking sinister. Like something out of a movie :)

Always wondered what happened to MAF.
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