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Which open world game has the most fun traversal/combat mechanics in your opinion?


So many open world games out there that simply don't get that aspect right. If you're gonna be spending like 60% of the time bumbling around that giant map, then at least make sure that the act of getting from place to place is enjoyable, otherwise you're just walking. I can go out if I wanted to do that, right? Hell, it's even worse in video games because at least when you go on a walk in IRL then you at least get some cardio out of it, with a slight chance of seeing something interesting, like a car crash or a hot chick wiggling her ass around.

Anyway, I think my first best pick would be Spider-Man for the PS4, because it turns its swinging mechanics into a literal Tony Hawk-style trick minigame and the feeling of speed and momentum while swinging between the skyscrapers is just great

And my second best pick is the Just Cause series, because driving a car at dangerously high speed is probably the most pedestrian and boring way that you can travel in that game, while surfing a military jet into a giant propane tank and jumping off of it at the last minute and pulling yourself to the ground with a zipline while an atomic blast is going off behind your back ranks up there among the most awesome.


Gold Member
Batman and Spider-man. Web-slinging through Manhattan is incredible. Grappling/gliding through the Arkham is great as well. Similar combat tactics since Batman is pretty much the template for these types of games. Spider-man did an excellent job extending that formula into the web combat.


I remember liking Prototype and Infamous games, Batman Arkham is also very fun traversal. Those are all cool but tbh i think i like riding a motorcycle the most in open world games, it's fast and not big as a car so you can ride in small spaces.
edit: Saints Row 4 also had you as super hero powers and cool traversal.
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I really enjoyed Ghostwire: Tokyo though it's certainly not the best.

Just Cause 2 is easily the most entertaining that I've experienced. Grappling fighter jets to the runway right before they take flight is so effing hilarious. They immediately nosedive and then fly erratic as shit cause they can't go anywhere. Same with grappling rockets to enemies and then shooting said rocket so the enemy is dragged through air while rag dolling. It's absolute chaos in the best way.


Gold Member
I mean, how on earth do you go against Spiderman?

So let’s just figure out second best. Sunset Overdrive is up there for sure. I’d go Mad Max as well, because combat was so satisfying, and the grappling hook/harpoon on your car just made for some fun combat as well.

I think Mad Max has, by far, the best car combat ever in a game. Damn.....talk about a game that needs a sequel.


Sunset Overdrive for me. So much fun, that feeling of keeping your combo going, with a unified combo merging both your traversal tricks and your combat actions, a constant neverending flow.
I would really love to play Gravity Rush though because I feel like it could be one of my favorites from what I've seen and tried (the demo on a friend's ps4), but I'd need a PC port for that.

It's not open world since it's multiple zones, but Kingdom Hearts 3 is also incredibly fun both in its movements and combats, and if KH4 follows the same in a more open world design, it could be my first pick.


Traversal Days Gone for me. Loved cruising on my Harley Davidson so much that I only used fast travel one time just to see what it was like.

My HD was upgraded to the max and no matter how long the distance I always drove.

Honorable mentions Spiderman and Infamous.
I don't need hypermobility to have fun in an open world game. Even walking is an enjoyable act taking in the world around me and is far more than just getting from point to point as it provides a crucial immersive element that makes everything feel cohesive.

Days gone might rank up the highest solely because the bike felt so fucking good to be on. Shooting was also fun particularly the oh shit moments of trying to take on some of the bigger hordes.

Also anything with flying. Give us more flying please.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Just Cause 2 - Probably one of the greatest sequels of all time.

Prototype 1 and 2 - I made so many gifs of just running around jumping everywhere....then minus stopped hosting images and took all my gifs.(if imgur shuts down tomorrow im fucked)

Sunset Overdrive - Keeping your combo going was as satisfying as Tony Hawk, underrated game because it came out on Xbox One. I really should replay this game. My Cheerleader was cute as hell.

Gravity Daze - So relaxing.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Kinda crazy the Hulk game on OG Xbox is still more fun than most modern super hero games.


Movement is one of my favorite parts of gameplay. It doesn't get enough focus, but there are a few every generation that knock it out of the park for one reason or another:
  • PS2/Xbox/GC
    • Spiderman 2/Ultimate Spiderman - innovative, physics-based swinging
  • 360/PS3/Wii
    • Crackdown - vertical traversal/agility orbs
    • Just Cause 2 - para-zipping/hijacking
    • Banjo-Kazooie: N&B - you could build some amazing vehicles
  • Wii U/PS4/XB1/Switch
    • inFamous: Second Son - everything but concrete was ace
    • Gravity Rush - needs no explanation
    • Breath of the Wild - vertical traversal/gliding
    • Dying Light - excellent parkour
I'm sure there are some that I've forgotten, and there are a lot that I have yet to get to, too (Spiderman 2018, Halo Infinite, Sunset Overdrive, etc.). I
m really looking forward to trying the traversal from some of the VR games as well, but those are rarely open world.


Traversal, on horse watching the world go by then it's AC Valhalla, Odyssey and Origin's, on foot then it's The Elder Scroll's games, and the 3D Fallout's also The Witcher 3,

As for combat, i'm not a souls fan so i don't like those long boss battle fight's, The Dragon in Valhalla Forgotten saga was really annoying lol, i don't really mind or complain about the combat too much, i like it in all those games, it did take me a while to get the hang of The Witcher 3 combat though, it put me off playing the game for a while until i got the hang of it.
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Flight Simulator / DCS world

Do it your own way ( Fly / Drive / Skydive / Grapple )
GTA / Just Cause 3 / Halo Infinite / Batman

Traditional ( One way of getting around.)
Sunset Overdrive / Spiderman / Mirrors Edge

Enjoy the scenery
Read Dead Redemption 2
Of the ones already said in the thread I completely agree with Spiderman and GTA San andreas. GTA have the jet pack and Spiderman is obvious.
I am surprised that no one said Death Stranding. The game is all about going from a point A to a point B after all, and some of the options given mid game are so satisfying to do...
Norman Reedus Jump GIF by PlayStation


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Traversal: BOTW, jumping off high places and flying around never felt old.

Combat: Dragon's Dogma. I love climbing big monsters and fucking them up alongside my pawns, never gets old. It's also very fun while fighting mobs of smaller enemies, since all of them have differenr behaviors.
Just cause 2 surely has to be one of the most influential games that nobody gives any credit to.

Think how many games have grappling hook these days and how fluidly it was originally implemented in Just cause 2.


Spiderman2, Prototype, Bayonetta 3 with the roller skate things and and for VR I'll say Sairento VR and Windlands 2. Curious what others think for VR.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
For traversal, Dying Light and Sunset Overdrive are the two that come to mind for me. Dying Light felt very liberating, it unbound the shackles I'd started to find so annoying in other games. Suddenly I was allowed to use even the most minor of maneuvers that I'd found myself wishing for, such as stomping and dropkicks. Sunset Overdrive didn't remove my restraints, instead it said, "you see that car? You can bounce on that." It threw a unique set of mechanics at me, very cool.

For open world combat, I think Sleeping Dogs, The Witcher 3, and Dragon's Dogma did it best for me. Crazy good times.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Traversal - Just Cause 2
Combat - Sleeping Dogs
Surprised no-one has said Crackdown, never played it myself, but I remember people raving about it.


Surprisingly jumping, sliding, and hookshot in Halo Infinite could create some real momentum. But that was really only good for going down slopes.

I'd also say Zelda Breath of the Wild in the same vein, when you're surfing down hills in the rain on top of your shield. I don't particularly care for the game, but that was freaking cool as well as some of the other stuff you can do that really opened up the game gameplay wise compared to the older games.
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Traversal, on horse watching the world go by then it's AC Valhalla, Odyssey and Origin's, on foot then it's The Elder Scroll's games, and the 3D Fallout's also The Witcher 3,

As for combat, i'm not a souls fan so i don't like those long boss battle fight's, The Dragon in Valhalla Forgotten saga was really annoying lol, i don't really mind or complain about the combat too much, i like it in all those games, it did take me a while to get the hang of The Witcher 3 combat though, it put me off playing the game for a while until i got the hang of it.
As much as I love Witcher 3, traversal itself in that game unfortunately doesn't rank very high on my list. I'd even call it downright annoying due to how often that stupid horse still refuses to go where I want it to, even in this latest next-gen version.

What saves that game is the open world, which is very immersive and fun to explore. But horseback riding? Sucks ass.
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