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Which open world game has the most fun traversal/combat mechanics in your opinion?



Skell in XenoX
What game is this? I Googled what you wrote but didn't find anything.


I agree with what most people have said, the Spiderman and Arkham games.
Another honorable mention might be Dragon Quest Builders 2 with the airship and the train lines you can build. Those are fun.
I agree with the skells in Xenoblade X to a degree, but obtaining feels like a chore as does maintaining them. Does feel good to fly around in them though.


Gold Member
Mad max was a good time but it did outstay its welcome. I did enjoy upgrading my ride and cruising through the desert. The combat was well executed, but lacked variety.

While the game is rather shallow, I had a lot of fun with my time in Rage 2. I felt like it had good movement and the shooting mechanics were tight. Nice variety of weapons.

I agree with OP regarding Spiderman. Fun game but could have used more mission types.

I adored BOTW but enough has been said about that game.


Gold Member
There’s a lot of good ones. Spider-Man is great.

Also love gliding in BotW, or skateboarding down a mountain on my shield.

I also really enjoy the grappling hook in Halo Infinite, makes the world a lot of fun to go through.
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Watch Dogs series: the big drones u ride in WD Legion. The cherry picker u can hack to get to hard to reach places.

Arkham series & Gotham Knights: zipline launchers, capes and Nightwings glider

BOTW: glider

Apex Legends: Valks jetpack, geysers, the ziplines everywhere, Pathfinders zipline launcher, Octanes boost running and jump pads, balloon jump towers.

Fortnite: Shockwave Hammer, ziplines, geysers, jump pads and launch towers, riding wolves/boars, using shockwave grenades.

Anthem: flying in ur faux iron man suit


Halo infinites grappling hook comes to mind. Also, Breath of the wild for sure felt great to glide and climb.

You know what, it’s Mario 64. In 1996, that was “open world” and it’s the most fun feeling 3D game I’ve played.


Traversing the overworld in Halo Infinite with all the ground and air based vehicles, along with the grappling hook is pretty damn fun.

Mastering and sailing a sloop, swimming, jumping and sword dashing around in Sea of Thieves is fun.
Just Cause 2 - Probably one of the greatest sequels of all time.

Prototype 1 and 2 - I made so many gifs of just running around jumping everywhere....then minus stopped hosting images and took all my gifs.(if imgur shuts down tomorrow im fucked)

Sunset Overdrive - Keeping your combo going was as satisfying as Tony Hawk, underrated game because it came out on Xbox One. I really should replay this game. My Cheerleader was cute as hell.

Gravity Daze - So relaxing.
This person gets it. All the games you listed have traversal so good it dwarfs the rest of the game. I did nothing in JC2 but parachute around the whole island. 3 and 4 added the wingsuit which is great. I love the Prototype games for how smoothly they blend traversal with combat. You were leaping and running all over and blending into disguises while killing enemies and back again. I've never experienced a game that captures the feel of flying as freely as Gravity Rush.

Saints Row 4 deserves mention. It still sucks we don't have a great or even good Superman game, and WB is giving us a Suicide Squad game before that. Superman Returns had some fun traversal.


Ninja Gaiden had good traversal, ninja flipping around, wall jumps. Has incredible combat too.

Titanfall 1 and 2 had great traversal and Combat as well.

Super Metroid Space Jump and shinespark were always fun.


Wingsuiting in Just Cause 3 and 4 is my favourite, if you ever tried it and didn't understand why you kept slamming into the ground you just hold the stick down (or whatever direction makes you angle upwards) when you grapple and reel in.

Getting max cogs or whatever on each wingsuit course was very satisfying to achieve.

The Alien

I'm down for traversing in Arkham and Sunset OD.

Also, a lots been said about Halo Infinite, but i thought the grappling hook was pretty well executed.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Sunset Overdrive
Horizon Forbidden West (Flying mount and shield glider)


Anyway, I think my first best pick would be Spider-Man for the PS4, because it turns its swinging mechanics into a literal Tony Hawk-style trick minigame and the feeling of speed and momentum while swinging between the skyscrapers is just great

And my second best pick is the Just Cause series, because driving a car at dangerously high speed is probably the most pedestrian and boring way that you can travel in that game, while surfing a military jet into a giant propane tank and jumping off of it at the last minute and pulling yourself to the ground with a zipline while an atomic blast is going off behind your back ranks up there among the most awesome.

Same! The thing about these two games is that the shooting//fighting is fun enough but you can mix in all the traversal options while you are fighting. Both basic open world collectathons but the action and movement made up for it.


breath of the wild's climbing mechanic elevated it above the rest. Designing the world around it turned it into something special.


Spider-Man is the first open world game I didnt use the fast travel because I just loved traversing the city. I had to force myself to use it to get the trophy at the end.


From the top of my head...

For Traversal:
- Spider-Man
- GTAV/ GTA Online
- Gravity Rush
- Just Cause 4

For Combat:
- Dragon Dogma
- Elden Ring
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