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Which past PlayStation CEO would you want back?


Gold Member
But hasn't Evolution been underperforming before they were disbanded? Motorstorm fell of a cliff. DriveClub had massive issues at launch, never really recovered and only sold what, 2 million copies?
The last Motorstorm entry (apocalypse) got recalled before launch because it was deemed offensive in light of Japan having some really bad earthquakes and tsunamis. That disrupted both sales and marketing.

Evolution were an amazing studio though, their turnaround was up their with Insomniac, and the first Motorstorm was one of PS3’s saviours.

They should have never been closed.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Neil because I like to see the meltdowns here and on the rest of the internet lol.


Joking aside, I wish Kaz would come back to lead SIE; he salvaged the PS3 and then successfully revitalized Sony Corp when he was later appointed as CEO for the whole company.



Shawn Layden was never CEO of PlayStation. He was President of SIE America.

CEO & President of SIE:
Ken Kutaragi: 1993 - 2007
Kaz Hirai: 2007 - 2012
Andrew House: 2012 - 2017
John Kodera: 2017 - 2019
Jim Ryan: 2019 - current
What about Jack Tretton?


I only care about ceos if they have a funny face for gifs. So Kaz and Reggie are the best ones. These companies don't seem to change drastically when the ceo changes. At least from my point of view.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
It's funny to see people who weren't actually around for the time periods wax nostalgic about the time periods.

Not knowing that Shawn Layden was never CEO. Not knowing that Ken Kutaragi wasn't group CEO of SCEI until 2006...


Snake Oil Salesman
He also authorized like 12 other non-GaaS games too but after he's gone we'll have people saying those amazing AAA games were the result of new management.

Well, he did cut a lot of the quirky BS titles that don't sell so we probably should credit him for that. Shawn Layden out here coddling developers that lose millions of dollars. Jim Ryan got a bunch of Shermin Tanks built.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Yeah, I was wondering about this. I really can't find anything about Ken Kutaragi being CEO of SCEI in 1993.

That's because most people here are revisionists who weren't actually around back then.

Teruhisa Tokunaka was President and CEO of SCEI before Ken Kutaragi.

Ken Kutaragi got promoted to be CEO of SCEA in 1997. He was made President and CEO of SCEI in 2001 and Group CEO in 2004 or 2006.

He's referred to as the father of PlayStation, because he was very much in a Cerny like position for the PS1-3, but his maturation of controlling the entire company was a different path.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
That was Kaz Hirai.
That would have been House, Kaz become the CEO of Sony 2012 and eventually was replaced by House in 2013.
I suppose he was still involved
I think we're not seeing enough of Shuhei Yoshida theses days.
It's time for him to shine
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It's funny to see people who weren't actually around for the time periods wax nostalgic about the time periods.

Not knowing that Shawn Layden was never CEO. Not knowing that Ken Kutaragi wasn't group CEO of SCEI until 2006...

TBF some of us were there back at the time but too young (referring to the Ken Kutaragi part here, myself) to care about CEOs in general, or following that side of gaming business. There wasn't really much social media, and rarely did CEOs make public appearances on TV (outside of E3) or in print media (maybe an interview once or twice a year, depending on the magazine. Some didn't even bother).

You had to actively go out of your way to learn who some of these business people at the companies even were. Nowadays, people like Phil Spencer make sure you see and hear from them virtually every single day, no matter how ham-fisted they are in the mix.

yeah, the bluray cost $250 at launch and sony shoved it down our throats because they wanted to win the bluray/hd-dvd wars. remove $250 from the ps3 bom and they couldve launched it for a lot cheaper even with the cell and that awful rsx gpu.

True. But, hey, when you got other parts of the company pinning everything on the mega-successful gaming sector, it was bound to happen sooner or later :/
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Ken Kutaragi. Is there any other answer? He built the Playstation brand and helped setup the PS2 to be the juggernaut legendary console it was. The games OP listed were great, but the sheer variety of first-party offerings during the PS1 to PS2 era are unmatched.
His arrogance basically fucked the PlayStation 3 for the first half of its life. Some of the shit he said was unbelievably cocky and foolish.


That would have been House, Kaz become the CEO of Sony 2012 and eventually was replaced by House in 2013.
I suppose he was still involved
I think we're not seeing enough of Shuhei Yoshida theses days.
It's time for him to shine
And those games released not too long after.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
And those games released not too long after.
I wouldn't call 2015 & 2016 not too long after.
Kaz definitely greenlighted The Last Guardian because it was originally a PS3 game.
His arrogance basically fucked the PlayStation 3 for the first half of its life. Some of the shit he said was unbelievably cocky and foolish.

How was Ken Kutaragi arrogant during PS3 gen? Overly ambitious with Cell to some extent? Yeah. But that infamous "two jobs" quote is actually not the way people remember. The way he actually said it was more in the way of someone seeing buying the system as worth doing even if it meant working harder to get a bit more money to buy it. He never said it in an arrogant way like, how, Don Mattrick did about military people on submarines without internet access. That was an arrogant response.

Outside of that, there are quotes of Kutaragi being a bit blunt with Hayao Nakayama at Sega before the PS1 & Saturn launched, but IIRC they were golfing buddies and I guess the words were exchanged in a way a friend talking a bit of smack would say them, but now pretend these are middle-aged men. Honestly outside of the Blu-ray stuff I don't understand why people call PS3 the 'Arrogant Sony' era; there are no quotes actually said by Kutaragi & co. belittling gamers, and the PS3 itself was packed with a ton of tech making it better value for money than the 360 (considering all the add-ons you had to buy for a 360 to provide the same experience as PS3. Even then you lacked some things like a SD card reader).

Sony got overly ambitious and paid for it, but I don't think any of their choices with PS3 were just them coasting off PS2's success.
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His arrogance basically fucked the PlayStation 3 for the first half of its life. Some of the shit he said was unbelievably cocky and foolish.

No denying there was some Sony arrogance to start the PS3 era. The PS2 was so dominant, and Microsoft really brought the heat with the 360 to start that generation. I can't really blame him after two wildly successful consoles taking the market by storm. I don't think Kutaragi's arrogance alone resulted in the PS3 - that was the company blinded by success across the board. Even if it were, I would still take Kutaragi over any of the others - the man had a vision and drive that none of the other CEOs have had since.


I wouldn't call 2015 & 2016 not too long after.
Kaz definitely greenlighted The Last Guardian because it was originally a PS3 game.
I mean, right, but I'm pretty certain that Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 had already started development by then, both of those games even suffered delays.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
TBF some of us were there back at the time but too young (referring to the Ken Kutaragi part here, myself) to care about CEOs in general, or following that side of gaming business. There wasn't really much social media, and rarely did CEOs make public appearances on TV (outside of E3) or in print media (maybe an interview once or twice a year, depending on the magazine. Some didn't even bother).

You had to actively go out of your way to learn who some of these business people at the companies even were. Nowadays, people like Phil Spencer make sure you see and hear from them virtually every single day, no matter how ham-fisted they are in the mix.

True. But, hey, when you got other parts of the company pinning everything on the mega-successful gaming sector, it was bound to happen sooner or later :/

Not sure that is true. I think we heard plenty from senior leadership back then. Maybe some as you said were too young, but I recall it pretty well.
Not sure that is true. I think we heard plenty from senior leadership back then. Maybe some as you said were too young, but I recall it pretty well.

Maybe it was around, sure. But I don't think it was a priority among enthusiasts spaces...though TBF, I didn't frequent gaming forums back in '05 or '06, either. Closest was GT Planet and Tekken Zaibatsu but only for info on those games. Didn't frequent online gaming sites that much either, probably only started to like in '07 once I was moving on from gaming magazines.

So basically I guess, it wasn't a priority for me, neither was the sales talk and Sony LOVED doing that at their E3 conferences back then. I probably would've gotten wind of names like Kaz Hirai or whoever ran NOA pre-Reggie (I think it was a woman), or been more familiar with names like Peter Moore, if stuff like Twitter and Youtube were prominent and mainstream during that era or earlier.

Mind, I definitely recall seeing people like Peter Moore or Kaz Hirai on TV or such at the time, but I didn't keep up with stuff they were doing.
Ken Kutaragi. Is there any other answer? He built the Playstation brand and helped setup the PS2 to be the juggernaut legendary console it was. The games OP listed were great, but the sheer variety of first-party offerings during the PS1 to PS2 era are unmatched.

I respect Ken, but he made devs lives difficult with some of his hardware design philosophies.

Andrew House was the GOAT.


None in particular.

Idc who runs Playstation, tbh. As long as they do their job.


Jim Ryan didn't fuck up, btw.
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They’re all old, I want none of them back, there needs to be someone young enough to not retire of old age until at least the end of next generation.
Might be a stupid question but does this one guy really have THAT much power and influence, personally? Does it make that much of a difference?

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Kaz or Jack. Enjoyed both for different reasons, but both boosted PlayStation, especially, Kaz, he turned the entire ship around, after taking the helm from, Howard Stringer.
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