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White Evangelicals Believe They Face More Discrimination Than Muslims (The Atlantic)

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In February, pollsters at the Public Religion Research Institute asked Americans about their impressions of discrimination in the United States. Two religious groups were included on the list of those who might face bias: Christians and Muslims. Depending on who was answering, the responses were wildly different.

Overall, people were twice as likely to say Muslims face discrimination as they were to say the same thing about Christians. Democrats were four times more likely to see Muslim vs. Christian discrimination, and non-religious people more than three. White Catholics and white mainline Protestants were both in line with the American average: Each group was roughly twice as likely to say Muslims face discrimination compared to how they see the Christian experience.

The people who stuck out, whose perceptions were radically different from others in the survey, were white evangelical Protestants. Among this group, 57 percent said there’s a lot of discrimination against Christians in the U.S. today. Only 44 percent said the same thing about Muslims. They were the only religious group more likely to believe Christians face discrimination compared to Muslims.


These people see even the tiniest question or challenge to their privilege as discrimination. I guarantee that most of them don't ever have to deal with the things many Muslims have to put up with on a daily basis.
Projection is the word of the year. They say they are persecuted yet turn around and have no problem saying they just don't want muslims in "their" country.



I know that their religion is entirely based upon nonsense, but this is one of the most nonsensical views to have.


No they don't. They're lying because they know it works for them.

No at least some of them actually believe this. Try to actually understand different worldviews rather than projecting yourself into the most superficial parts of other people's belief systems.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well yes, if the mere mention of LGBT rights or Muslim rights feels like discrimination to them of course they would.
Evangelicals must be wondering they've been stopped from forcing their religious "morals" down everyone's throats, and they've concluded discrimination can be the only answer.
Lolololol what discrimination? How does someone know you are christian unless you say so? With muslims you get dumbasses that think brown = muslim.
I've been to many churches that preach about how much the world hates Christians

it's an absurd echo chamber

I do kinda hate fake Christians, which is what most Evangelicals are. Real Christians though that take the teachings of Jesus to heart and try to live by those teachings? They're awesome people in my book.


That persecution complex is strong with them. They suddenly have to accomodate someone who isn't white, straight, and Christian and it just destroys their fragile small town world view.


Imagine a world without religion, I wonder how much unnecessary conflict/harm could be avoided.

Who am I kidding? We, as a species, will find something else to be hateful about.


Telesur had a great conversation last week on how evangelicals are the most dangerous group in America due to their fascist tendencies. They being able to operate collectively and their forceful appropriation of political institutions are a major threat to individuals under anomie. The fusion of the military and the religious symbols, especially under DeVos cis a far bigger threat than anything Bannon could ever hope to achieve.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm sure they face all kinds of discrimination against their twisted version of Christianity that feels more at home oppressing and marginalizing others than it does about being a good kind person and helping those in need.


No they don't. They're lying because they know it works for them.

They live in a bubble where all they listen to and all they hear is how "Christian values" are being constantly persecuted by non-Christians.

So no, they are not lying. They actually believe this and that is significantly more terrifying than lying.
This probably includes shit like the Beauty and the Best movie. These people feel persecuted just by gay people existing and being allowed to breathe air.
Availability bias. All they hear on Fox News and right-wing radio shows is that there is an existential crisis in the world where brown people everywhere and liberal commies are coming after their freedoms and way of life.

Being religious zealots just means that they are even more gullible than others...
They really do.

Work with many of them and many white evangelicals will go on rants about how Christians are oppressed in school and in culture these days.

It's absurd.

They don't think they're lying though, they truly believe it. They think back to "the good ol days" when everyone went to church. They refuse to admit that those days were racist and horrible for many, because for them it wasn't.


Years ago - growing up and going to a Southern Baptist church (until my teenage years) – remember many of the sermons talking about Christians being persecuted / challenged by others and the work of Satan. Guess nothing changed except now it’s labeled “discrimination”.


It's one of those "how come there's no white history month" things. They see all the people out there protesting for fair treatment for Muslims and think Muslims get it pretty good, and wonder why nobody comes out and fights for Christianity like that.

It does involve a certain amount of wilful blindness (why could those pro-Muslim protestors possibly be protesting?)


Of course they would. They live in their own bubble

Yeah, but the same can be said for the people wildly overestimating it as well. Just like how political conservatives vastly overestimate how much of our budget goes to foreign aid or arts programs, and liberals vastly overestimate how much goes to military spending.

Like, for a second imagine what numbers people would give out on how many documented incidents of anti-Muslim hate crimes there are every year. Chances are liberals are going to say a lot more than 257, and that Muslims are attacked more than Jews, which may not be the case.

This isn't an "all sides are bad" argument (for instance, liberals overestimating military spending are looking at a category that's roughly 15% of the budget, compared to conservatives looking at <2% in total) but a simple reality that we all live in our own bubbles and just because we can be less wrong, doesn't mean we aren't immune to the same shit.


genuinely one of the most protected groups of people on earth

They've played a huge role in informing Republican policy for generations


I always thought it was weird how much emphasis was put on the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire and the analogies made to the present day. And this was at a Catholic school. So it didn't even touch all the Protestant stuff.

So many American Christians seem to have missed the part where they are the majority and in a position of power and privilege now.
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