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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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Firestorm said:
See, you keep using words like "have been" and "have had done". With Fox "News", you'd have to use the words "consistently" or "on a daily basis".

I'm mostly trying to point out that they are a news network and they all make mistakes.

So I was thinking...

If I watch Fox News as my only source for what's going on in the news, does that make me less informed than watching another news network. Maybe or maybe not, Fox still carries regular news stories and you can get a good deal of what is going on in the world by watching their channel. Some of it maybe bias, while some of it won't. This doesn't change the fact that they are supplying a great deal of stories (both popular and unpopular) for people to watch. My point I'm trying to make is that they are a regular news network, although bias, they do deliver stories that you can see on any other news network and are considered news for most of the day.

To whoever said that watching MTV will give me news at the top of the hour so they can be considered a news agency. They are not, they give a quick rundown of what's going on, Fox may go into some more detail and they have stories going on throughout most of the day. Not just little news break here and there.


CrazedArabMan said:
I'm mostly trying to point out that they are a news network and they all make mistakes.

So I was thinking...

If I watch Fox News as my only source for what's going on in the news, does that make me less informed than watching another news network. Maybe or maybe not, Fox still carries regular news stories and you can get a good deal of what is going on in the world by watching their channel. Some of it maybe bias, while some of it won't. This doesn't change the fact that they are supplying a great deal of stories (both popular and unpopular) for people to watch. My point I'm trying to make is that they are a regular news network, although bias, they do deliver stories that you can see on any other news network and are considered news for most of the day.

To whoever said that watching MTV will give me news at the top of the hour so they can be considered a news agency. They are not, they give a quick rundown of what's going on, Fox may go into some more detail and they have stories going on throughout most of the day. Not just little news break here and there.
If you want actual news, instead of propaganda feed, your best bet is probably NPR.

Watching Fox News doesn't make you less informed, even worse, now you think the lies and half-truths they're broadcasting to be the facts.

That's why everyone sane will roll up their eyes if you say you feed off only from Fox News since Fox News' duty is not to give off facts sprinkled with opinion pieces, its duty is to spread Republican propaganda.

If you want to listen to news where you have to think on your own instead of taking a journalist/host's opinion, your best bet is NPR.


Everything is tsundere to me
this is why i only take NPR seriously. their biggest capital comes from the public, and thus is in their greatest interest to serve. PEOPLE'S NEWS FTW!


I've always thought you get better news from your local affiliates than anything on the main news networks. 24 hour news channels? There isnt enough mainstream news in the world to cover. They want to devote their hours to news thats gonna get ratings, so they cant expand what they cover. Instead they need to find ways to regurgitate storylines in an entertaining way. Conflict and controversy gets ratings and people talking, so thats what they bring to the table. Need to talk about Obama's health care policies 75% of the day? Then we need more opinion pieces, more yellin and screamin in addition to just tellin it like it is.

Fox News since Obama's win has become almost a parody of itself at this point. But if they werent so stupid they'd disappear as a network...we wouldnt even be talking about them now or probably ever. Their noteriety stems from their right wing shenanigans, so calling em out for it is pointless. No one will listen, and it will just be fuel to more angry Fox News reports. However, just bending over and taking it isnt good either so I dont mind the White House doing this. Maybe it will spur other networks to disect Fox News in a professional manner. If they need material, I'd think the Daily Show delivers in spades

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Did Fox News even have coverage of the gays in DC protesting a few weekends ago? :lol

wasn't the protest just as large as the tea party one? i think it was barely covered by all news networks. damn the liberal media!


CrazedArabMan said:
I'm mostly trying to point out that they are a news network and they all make mistakes.

So I was thinking...

If I watch Fox News as my only source for what's going on in the news, does that make me less informed than watching another news network. Maybe or maybe not, Fox still carries regular news stories and you can get a good deal of what is going on in the world by watching their channel. Some of it maybe bias, while some of it won't. This doesn't change the fact that they are supplying a great deal of stories (both popular and unpopular) for people to watch. My point I'm trying to make is that they are a regular news network, although bias, they do deliver stories that you can see on any other news network and are considered news for most of the day.

To whoever said that watching MTV will give me news at the top of the hour so they can be considered a news agency. They are not, they give a quick rundown of what's going on, Fox may go into some more detail and they have stories going on throughout most of the day. Not just little news break here and there.
Yes, it does. Just gonna copy+paste something I posted on another board a few months ago:

The study is by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes. It was done in 2003.

The following questions were asked:
  1. Is it your impression that the US has or has not found clear evidence in Iraq that Saddam Hussein was working closely with the al Qaeda terrorist organization?
  2. Since the war with Iraq ended, is it your impression that the US has or has not found Iraqi weapons of mass destruction?
  3. Thinking about how all the people in the world feel about the US having gone to war with Iraq, do you think the majority of people favor the US having gone to war?
For reference, the answers are:
  1. The US has not found clear evidence that Saddam Hussein was working closely with al Qaeda.
  2. The US has not found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
  3. The majority of the people in the world do not support the US having gone to war.
Here are the results:

As we can see, Fox News viewers are much more likely to be more confused about a subject than a PBS or NPR viewer. A statistic that shows the effects these misperceptions:

86% of the people who held all three misperceptions supported the war.
23% of the people who held none of the three misperceptions supported the war.

This is not a democrat-republican thing either. 54% was the average incorrect answer rate of Republicans using Fox while the average was 32% for Republicans using PBS/NPR.

I am using a summary of the article for the stats. The link to the original article I had last fall isn't working and I don't want to search through my school's database right now.


sex vacation in Guam
Future said:
Fox News since Obama's win has become almost a parody of itself at this point. But if they werent so stupid they'd disappear as a network...we wouldnt even be talking about them now or probably ever. Their noteriety stems from their right wing shenanigans, so calling em out for it is pointless. No one will listen, and it will just be fuel to more angry Fox News reports. However, just bending over and taking it isnt good either so I dont mind the White House doing this. Maybe it will spur other networks to disect Fox News in a professional manner. If they need material, I'd think the Daily Show delivers in spades
No... The Majority of people lack critical thinking skills and are easily fooled thus why America is such a religious nation. If a democrat who is not sure about what's going on get fired and goes home and watches fox he is going to think what they are saying is 100% real. They cant tell the difference. Just watch the TeaBaggers, they are completely ignorant of the facts and most americans can be led to believe complete non sense.

The smart part about what the WH did is that average americans will now doubt if FOX is real news. Films like Outfoxed and sites like Media Matters are known to very few people but with this strategy avg americans everywhere will second guess the garbage coming out of Fox just like I second guess the stuff coming out of MSNBC simply because of some many GAFFERS adamant about putting them in the same category but they are completely not.
CrazedArabMan said:
This, I know GAF hates Fox News, but seriously, all news outlets have been caught doing the same stuff Fox has done.

Can you link me to the video of CNN saying that the US President was starting his own Hitler youth and was using the Peace Corps to raise a private army to ovethrow America and replace it with his foreign exoskeleton government? Because that's what was actually on Fox News.

I can only assume that every person comparing Fox to other news outlets hasn't seen the insane stuff they have going on these days. It's been said already, but Fox has gone off into Weekly World News territory.

The other thing is that they don't just report news, they try to create it like they did in helping organize & promote the Tea Party protests and having their own producers caught on camera on-site whipping up the crowd and leading chants. They have no claim to objectivity. Nobody else is doing things like that.


Boy it seems the news coming out of the White House is getting to be less and less credible with each passing day now.... :lol


PistolGrip said:
No... The Majority of people lack critical thinking skills and are easily fooled thus why America is such a religious nation. If a democrat who is not sure about what's going on get fired and goes home and watches fox he is going to think what they are saying is 100% real. They cant tell the difference. Just watch the TeaBaggers, they are completely ignorant of the facts and most americans can be led to believe complete non sense.
That's actually not how the human mind works. In that case you're wrong. Most ppl decide on options that already reaffirm their current beliefs/decisions. Thus, a democrat will most likely not believe things Fox says because it contradicts what they already feel.

Ppl know this too. I mean, if you look at popular magazines, they mostly just reaffirm things their audience already 'know' (im mostly talking about the more opinionated magazines, not the news ones.)

This is the reason why I think this move will mainly do nothing.


sex vacation in Guam
Pctx said:
Boy it seems the news coming out of the White House is getting to be less and less credible with each passing day now.... :lol
:lol Yeah saying water is wet is so ruining their credibility :\


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The fundamental difference between Fox News and the me-too BS of the other networks, is that Fox News was envisioned primarily as a mouthpiece for right wing and specifically republican viewpoints from the very beginning, and that was even its main competitive advantage. Looking at radio is a prime example, people LOVE having their existing belifs and prejudices codified and ratified by the media. The trick is taking a basically easily-manipulated market and training it to believe the way you want it to believe.

Fox's biggest struggle in the past five or six years was religion. I think they ideally would have embraced fundamnetalist right-wing Christianity even more fervently, but there's no way to sell that without pissing off a bunch of your existing audience and completely losing any semblance of credibility. But you could argue that Christianity is certainly their official religion.

Murdoch is a pragmatist, but Ailes is not, and Ailes is the guiding light of the network, Murdoch simply accepts it and encourages it because it works for him right now. If the tide turns, Murdoch will turn with it.

You already see a crumbling disconnect between the GOP and its more extreme moutpieces - like Rush.


sex vacation in Guam
zoku88 said:
That's actually not how the human mind works. In that case you're wrong. Most ppl decide on options that already reaffirm their current beliefs/decisions. Thus, a democrat will most likely not believe things Fox says because it contradicts what they already feel.

Ppl know this too. I mean, if you look at popular magazines, they mostly just reaffirm things their audience already 'know' (im mostly talking about the more opinionated magazines, not the news ones.)

This is the reason why I think this move will mainly do nothing.
The whole point is most don't know that fox news is garbage or bias. They need critical thinking skills to determine this.

Your point is valid and its call consistency. We tend to be consistent with our beliefs and biases. Its programmed into us. However there is another thing programmed into us and that is called belief in Authority. Many people see news as an authority on the subjects. Its like a rule of thumb. Since you don't know what is going on you believe people on TV that look like they know what they are talking about. Not everyone has their mind made up about news channels... that's the whole point. This discussion going on in the media will now cause a doubt in Billy bob as to whether FOX is an authority on what is happening in the world and not completely bs.


PistolGrip said:
The whole point is most don't know that fox news is garbage or bias. They need critical thinking skills to determine this.

Your point is valid and its call consistency. We tend to be consistent with our beliefs and biases. Its programmed into us. However there is another thing programmed into us and that is called belief in Authority. Many people see news as an authority on the subjects. Its like a rule of thumb. Since you don't know what is going on you believe people on TV that look like they know what they are talking about. Not everyone has their mind made up about news channels... that's the whole point. This discussion going on in the media will now cause a doubt in Billy bob as to whether FOX is an authority on what is happening in the world and not completely bs.
Yea, except that most Democrats will probably think that Fox is full of bias, already. Which will make them less likely for them to consider them an authority. Much like most Reps probably consider the liberal media (I had one Rep friend call CNN, Communist news network.)

I mean, it's not like ppl who would pay attn to whats going on wouldn't have heard of ppl calling each other biased before.

Therefore, I think that the only ppl who think Fox is an authority will be its existing audience.


What is this about the administration cutting legs off? WTF? I'm outta here. Have fun getting your legs cut off GAF.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Fox actually has their anchors dissuade the viewership from trusting other media sites. A large chunk of the people who watch Fox do not trust ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. Believing them all to be government run. :lol

What makes more sense that one network is lying or that four or five are?


sex vacation in Guam
zoku88 said:
Yea, except that most Democrats will probably think that Fox is full of bias, already. Which will make them less likely for them to consider them an authority. Much like most Reps probably consider the liberal media (I had one Rep friend call CNN, Communist news network.)

I mean, it's not like ppl who would pay attn to whats going on wouldn't have heard of ppl calling each other biased before.

Therefore, I think that the only ppl who think Fox is an authority will be its existing audience.
"Yea, except that most Democrats will probably think that Fox is full of bias, already"

And you thinnk this happened magically? It is because of sites like Media Matters and Movies like Outfoxed and perhaps comedy shows like the Daily Show that many democrats now believe this. Most people were ignorant of the fact that FNC was such a despicable network. I would still say that most of the democrats do not know about FOX news shenanigans. Maybe the educated ones who keep up with this stuff but believe me there is a lot of ignorant (not in a bad sense) people out there... Stop thinking the internet is any kind of representation of what democrats are like in real life. Many pick a party because everyone around them follows that party same is true for republicans.
White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News

Calling Fox News "a wing of the Republican Party," the Obama administration on Sunday escalated its war of words against the channel, even as observers questioned the wisdom of a White House war on a news organization.

"What I think is fair to say about Fox -- and certainly it's the way we view it -- is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party," said Anita Dunn, White House communications director, on CNN. "They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente, who likens the channel to a newspaper with separate sections on straight news and commentary, suggested White House officials were intentionally conflating opinion show hosts like Glenn Beck with news reporters like Major Garrett.

"It's astounding the White House cannot distinguish between news and opinion programming," Clemente said. "It seems self-serving on their part."

In recent weeks, the White House has begun using its government blog to directly attack what it called "Fox lies." David Gergen, who has worked for President Bill Clinton and three Republican presidents, questioned the propriety of the White House declaring war on a news organization.

"It's a very risky strategy. It's not one that I would advocate," Gergen said on CNN. "If you're going to get very personal against the media, you're going to find that the animosities are just going to deepen. And you're going to find that you sort of almost draw viewers and readers to the people you're attacking. You build them up in some ways, you give them stature."

He added: "The press always has the last barrel of ink."

Gergen's sentiments were echoed by Tony Blankley, who once served as press secretary to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

"Going after a news organization, in my experience, is always a loser," Blankley said on CNN. "They have a big audience. And Fox has an audience of not just conservatives -- they've got liberals and moderates who watch too. They've got Obama supporters who are watching. So it's a temptation for a politician, but it needs to be resisted."

Nia Malika Henderson, White House correspondent for the Politico newspaper, also questioned the White House offensive against Fox.

"Obama's only been a boon to their ratings and I don't understand how this kind of escalation of rhetoric and kind of taking them on, one on one, would do anything other than escalate their ratings even more," she said.

Dunn used an appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources" over the weekend to complain about Fox News' coverage of the Obama presidential campaign a year ago.

"It was a time this country was in two wars," she recalled. "We'd had a financial collapse probably more significant than any financial collapse since the Great Depression. If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories and biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something called ACORN."

Ayers was co-founder of the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group that bombed the Pentagon and other buildings in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1995, Ayers hosted Obama at his home for a political function and the two men later served together on the board of an anti-poverty group known as the Woods Fund.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which once had close ties to Obama, has been accused by a variety of law enforcement agencies of voter fraud. In recent weeks, the Democrat-controlled Congress moved to sever funding to ACORN after Fox News aired undercover videotapes of ACORN employees giving advice on how to break the law to a pair of journalists disguised as a pimp and prostitute.

As for Dunn's complaint about Fox News' coverage of the Obama campaign, a study by the Pew Research Center showed that 40 percent of Fox News stories on Obama in the last six weeks of the campaign were negative. Similarly, 40 percent of Fox News' stories on Obama's Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, were negative.

On CNN, by contrast, there was a 22-point disparity in the percentage of negative stories on Obama (39 percent) and McCain (61 percent). The disparity was even greater at MSNBC, according to Pew, where just 14 percent of Obama stories were negative, compared to a whopping 73 percent of McCain stories -- a spread of 59 points.

Although Dunn accused Fox News of being a "wing of the Republican Party," she said the network does not champion conservatism.

"It's not ideological," she acknowledged. "I mean, obviously, there are many commentators who are conservative, liberal, centrist -- and everybody understands that."

Still, Obama refused to appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace on Sept. 20, the day he appeared on five other Sunday shows. At the time, the White House characterized the snub as payback for the Fox Broadcast Network's decision not to air an Obama prime time appearance. But last weekend, Dunn blamed Fox News Channel's coverage of the administration for Obama's snub of Fox News Sunday.

"Is this why he did not appear?" Dunn said. "The answer is yes."

Wallace has called White House officials "the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington."

Dunn was asked by CNN's Howard Kurtz whether Obama would grant an interview to Fox News by the end of the year.

"Obviously, he'll go on Fox, because he engages with ideological opponents and he has done that before, he will do it again," Dunn replied. "I can't give you a date, because frankly I can't give you dates for anybody else right now."

But last week, Fox News was informed by the White House that Obama would grant no interviews to the channel until at least 2010. The edict was relayed to Fox News by a White House official after Dunn discussed the channel at a meeting with presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs and other Obama advisers.

"What I will say is that when he (Obama) goes on Fox, he understands he's not going on it really as a news network, at this point," Dunn said on CNN. "He's going on to debate the opposition. And that's fine. He never minds doing that."

Dunn also strongly implied that Fox had failed to follow up on a New York Times story about a scandal swirling around GOP Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, although Fox News broadcast the stories on numerous shows, including Special Report with Bret Baier.

Clemente questioned the motives of the White House attack, which comes in the wake of an informal coffee last month between Fox chairman Roger Ailes and Obama adviser David Axelrod.

"Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and Fox News is the target of their attack mentality," he said. "Perhaps the energy would be better spent on the critical issues that voters are worried about."

Blankley suggested the war on Fox News is unpresidential.

"It lowers the prestige," he said. "If you're president or speaker, at a certain level, you don't want to be seen to be engaging that kind of petty bickering. If you're just a congressman, maybe you can do it."

In an interview over the summer, Obama made clear that Fox News has gotten under his skin.

"I've got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration," he told CNBC's John Harwood. "You'd be hard pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front."

At the White House Correspondents Dinner in May, Obama even mocked the media for supporting him.

"Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me," Obama said, spurring laughter and applause from the assembled journalists. "Apologies to the Fox table."

Gergen said the White House should delegate its attacks to outside support groups.

"Why don't they take this over to the DNC, over to the Democratic National Committee, and have their struggles like that fought out over there and not out of the White House?" Gergen said. "I have real questions about that strategy

Study is interesting but the evenness of Fox is a mirage.

If you factor in degree of difficulty in the negative stories on Obama Fox would run away with it.

The last 6 weeks goes from John McCain for "putting country first" by suspending his campaign and postponing a debate to his big fail on Nov. 4

How he doesn't lead in negative stories at a News network is amazing.


You know what this whole thing basically boils down to? Libs think Fox news is bias and spreads False news, conservatives think CNN and the others are owned by the libs and spread false news, and the reality is that both sides are correct. There is no un-bias News media in the US at all, all of them lean towards one political philosophy and that is fact. So the Democratic Leadership is now calling Fox out, no duh since its an conservative outlet. Next Election maybe it will be CNN on the target block again, if we get an conservative president. nothing new or shocking here, just further proof of how fucked up US politics are these days and well, always have been.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
methos75 said:
You know what this whole thing basically boils down to? Libs think Fox news is bias and spreads False news, conservatives think CNN and the others are owned by the libs and spread false news, and the reality is that both sides are correct. There is no un-bias News media in the US at all, all of them lean towards one political philosophy and that is fact. So the Democratic Leadership is now calling Fox out, no duh since its an conservative outlet. Next Election maybe it will be CNN on the target block again, if we get an conservative president. nothing new or shocking here, just further proof of how fucked up US politics are these days and well, always have been.
My bathtub and the Atlantic Ocean are the same thing. They both have water in them


PistolGrip said:
"Yea, except that most Democrats will probably think that Fox is full of bias, already"

And you thinnk this happened magically? It is because of sites like Media Matters and Movies like Outfoxed and perhaps comedy shows like the Daily Show that many democrats now believe this. Most people were ignorant of the fact that FNC was such a despicable network. I would still say that most of the democrats do not know about FOX news shenanigans. Maybe the educated ones who keep up with this stuff but believe me there is a lot of ignorant (not in a bad sense) people out there... Stop thinking the internet is any kind of representation of what democrats are like in real life. Many pick a party because everyone around them follows that party same is true for republicans.
Yea, but your argument was that if you had a Democrat switch to Fox, they would believe everything they said. I said no, because it would contradict their beliefs.

Do you think comedy shows and the internet are Fox's only source of criticism?

I think it's ridiculous that you think someone switching networks will change their opinions. You really think if I got someone who watched Fox to watch CNN, they would turn liberal?

People watch the channels they watch for a reason.

EDIT: It actually doesn't matter if they already know if the channels are biased or not. Most likely, they believe their own channel to be unbiased. But if they switch to something with a radically different viewpoint, they will automatically assume the new source is biased.
ShadyMilkman said:
But, doesn't this kinda go against the whole Fox is right winged yet all other news channels are fair?

Maybe if you ignore every other comparison between the channels including how those figures were created.
RiskyChris said:
Maybe if you ignore every other comparison between the channels including how those figures were created.

Then enlighten me, I just have the article.

And I am not defending Fox News' right wing slant, I'm attacking the fact that everyone thinks their news source of choice is perfectly fair.

So often on GAF, we read "LOL Faux News!" yet then the person saying that reads politico, Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, NPR, yadda yadda, for their main source of news.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
ShadyMilkman said:
Then enlighten me, I just have the article.

And I am not defending Fox News' right wing slant, I'm attacking the fact that everyone thinks their news source of choice is perfectly fair.

So often on GAF, we read "LOL Faux News!" yet then the person saying that reads politico, Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, NPR, yadda yadda, for their main source of news.
Those sites report news.

Fox invents news.


ShadyMilkman said:
Then enlighten me, I just have the article.

And I am not defending Fox News' right wing slant, I'm attacking the fact that everyone thinks their news source of choice is perfectly fair.

So often on GAF, we read "LOL Faux News!" yet then the person saying that reads politico, Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, NPR, yadda yadda, for their main source of news.

I know NPR and such might seem biased to you, but that's because reality in general has a liberal bias.
RiskyChris said:
Just read the dailykos article posted earlier ( http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2...hite-House-is-100-Right-to-Challenge-Fox-News ).

How can you take from an article that FNC might not be right leaning when all you're looking at is positive news for political candidates? Isn't the news a little more than that?

And shit, I didn't say that Fox wasn't leaning! Yes, Fox News has a right winged bias, that isn't the point I was trying to make! Read my post next time.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ShadyMilkman said:
But, doesn't this kinda go against the whole Fox is right winged yet all other news channels are fair?

no. if negative stuff is happening with one candidate, you don't have to make up negative stuff about the other candidate, just to balance things out. that is basically what you see in those statistical numbers, and why Fox 'seems' more balanced.
quadriplegicjon said:
no. if negative stuff is happening with one candidate, you don't have to make up negative stuff about the other candidate, just to balance things out. that is basically what you see in those statistical numbers, and why Fox 'seems' more balanced.

Again, "the statistics go against my opinion, so they must be made up." Great, if that's true, then it is.

What about my main argument that everything other than FNC is true and a great source of news?


ShadyMilkman said:
Again, "the statistics go against my opinion, so they must be made up." Great, if that's true, then it is.

What about my main argument that everything other than FNC is true and a great source of news?

Well, if Matt Millen walked into a room and tried to convince you some weird factoid about football, you wouldn't listen to him.

It's the same thing for me, your avatar makes it impossible for me to take you seriously.


ShadyMilkman said:
My point fucking exactly.
No one is against fox souly because they're biased. There against it because it perpetuates falsehoods and resembles a propaganda mill.

Those you listed do not.
Dresden said:
Well, if Matt Millen walked into a room and tried to convince you some weird factoid about football, you wouldn't listen to him.

It's the same thing for me, your avatar makes it impossible for me to take you seriously.

The irony takes my breath away.
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