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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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Unconfirmed Member
Jonm1010 said:
You are the worst poster I have came across in some time. Your post is so fucking stupid, so fucking devoid of critical thought, so absent of rationality, facts and logic that it pains me to dwell on the fact that the rest of this board has to endure such ignorance.

Actually, I'd like to know this myself. What are things the WH is saying Fox lied about, and why are they lies?
This...this is like getting into an argument with a 12 year old on the internet...there's just no way to do it without making yourself look pathetic.
100 Days of "Fair & Balanced"

It is not so much lies but just not living in reality and so avoiding having to lie. Most issues are complex and telling half truths is as good as it possibly gets at Fox when they shit on whatever is not Conservative. Most of the time they spin a thread into a noose and say Obama is going to hang America with it.


sparkle this bitch
I don't care for Fox News, but I really don't like the government targeting one either just because they don't like what they are reporting.
drakesfortune said:
Okay, what are the lies?
Quote's too good not to be quoted for a new page. :lol Post of the thread right here.

Where should one even start? Death camps? Murdering grandma? Murdering injured vets (Video just a few posts back)? Secret Muslim? Not really an American?

My personal favorite video from Fox was the documentary they made right before the election:


Obama's basically portrayed as a sometimes homeless radical drug addicted sleeper cell.
Vilix said:
Actually, I'd like to know this myself. What are things the WH is saying Fox lied about, and why are they lies?

well for one, they were caught on video a few weeks ago covering one of those ignorant moron, i mean Tea party rallies, and before they went on air a Fox News producer was rallying the people there, telling them to cheer and get loud. That is creating news, not covering it.


This is what I hate about Fox News:

"The "Bush" Recovery?"

"Was Obama Born in Kenya?"

"Is Obama Evil?"



Fox news doesn't care about journalism or rules or whatever guidelines are needed to be accurate. The white house attacking them is a good thing for them, it gives them more attention. Fox doesn't care that they get it wrong, they don't care that they contradict themselves day in and day out, its what they do and they do it better than anybody else. They don't have to be accountable for their actions because they don't care about their actions. Yet everybody takes the bait, OH LOOK GLEN BECK IS SAYING SOMETHING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU HEAR WHAT HANNITY DID?!!!!!

If you want to de-legitimize fox news, don't give attention seekers attention.
This isn't Candy Man. Merely bringing them up doesn't give them power. Shit, having a lot of viewers doesn't give them power. Savage has a ton of listeners and he doesn't influence the national conversation because he's so marginalized. The only reason Fox has power is because they're seen as legitimate, this is a move to change that.


Unconfirmed Member
Ninja Scooter said:
well for one, they were caught on video a few weeks ago covering one of those ignorant moron, i mean Tea party rallies, and before they went on air a Fox News producer was rallying the people there, telling them to cheer and get loud. That is creating news, not covering it.

And this is different from other news agencies because?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
BowieZ said:
God, they do this shit all the fucking time. And every time I see a new instance of it, I'm surprised, shake my head, and weep for humanity.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax

Ninja Scooter said:
That is creating news, not covering it.
Vilix said:
And this is different from other news agencies because?
Uh.... can you find a similar example from another American news organization in the past decade? What you're doing is moral relativism based on past (In most cases, the distant past) wrongs to validate something current. Fox is doing these things right now, the CNN Gulf War coverage isn't indicative of what the network is like today, is it?


Vilix said:
And this is different from other news agencies because?
It's true. I clearly recall Wolf Blitzer getting the crowd into a lather with a stirring rendition of Public Enemy's "Fight The Power" during the early days of Iraq War protests. He does a mean Flava Flav surprisingly.


Pakkidis said:
Fox news doesn't care about journalism or rules or whatever guidelines are needed to be accurate. The white house attacking them is a good thing for them, it gives them more attention. Fox doesn't care that they get it wrong, they don't care that they contradict themselves day in and day out, its what they do and they do it better than anybody else. They don't have to be accountable for their actions because they don't care about their actions. Yet everybody takes the bait, OH LOOK GLEN BECK IS SAYING SOMETHING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU HEAR WHAT HANNITY DID?!!!!!

If you want to de-legitimize fox news, don't give attention seekers attention.
Yeah, I said this pages back. Ignore 'em. Where's Paul Anka when you need him?



Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
On one hand, what the White House said about Fox is mostly true. Not to say that other media outlets are angels, not at /all/, but Fox is riding high on Obama hate and milking it for all it is worth. And they are home to the elite level of pundits who like to pretend they're discussing facts while actually twisting the truth into knots.

On the other hand, I have to agree this seems like the worst possible reaction. I feel sorry for them, really; people like to say that "it's the same with every president" but I don't think we've ever seen it to this degree of organization, concerted attack, and military precision that we have with Fox and its cronies.

Just ignoring them won't make it go away, either - the classic advice for bullies does not always work - but trying to sink to Fox's level brings to mind the old adage about pig wrestling.


teruterubozu said:
At 5 PM Eastern weekdays, Glen Beck's show is definitely not for the employed.
Isn't it the most watched television in America. I think many ppl get off before 5, anyway, since a lot of ppl seem to go to work before 9.


formerly sane
zoku88 said:
Isn't it the most watched television in America. I think many ppl get off before 5, anyway, since a lot of ppl seem to go to work before 9.

No it's not the most watched but it's becoming one of fox's most watched shows it's even making bill get a little antsy with his ratings.


Kaijima said:
Just ignoring them won't make it go away, either - the classic advice for bullies does not always work - but trying to sink to Fox's level brings to mind the old adage about pig wrestling.
Apart from agreeing with this move on the part of the Obama/Emanuel Administration, what *are* some solutions to Fox News Mania and Obama Derangement Syndrome?

ViperVisor said:
I hate to be picky, but really...


BowieZ said:
Apart from agreeing with this move on the part of the Obama/Emanuel Administration, what *are* some solutions to Fox News Mania and Obama Derangement Syndrome?

The obvious solution would be if Fox News would actually report news and not pass off commentary and personal opinion as news.

You should watch OutFoxed.


I found this pretty interesting

In early summer 2008, a "tentative truce" was brokered during a secret meeting between Barack Obama, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes (President of the Fox News Channel) at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York.[39][40] Obama had initially resisted Murdoch's propositions, despite senior News Corp executives having recruited the Kennedys to act as go-betweens.[40] Obama resented Fox News's portrayal of him "as suspicious, foreign, fearsome - just short of a terrorist," while Ailes said "it might not have been this way if Obama had more willingly come on the air instead of so often giving Fox the back of his hand."[40] A "tentative truce" was agreed upon; Obama would be portrayed more favourably, while Obama would be more willing to appear on Fox.[39]



ViperVisor said:

Well, you have to at least give some credit to who the quote is from. Scarborough is a Republican congressman that hosts a show on MSNBC, and he's from Florida.

I disagree with the no more part of his statement, at least. I would say the biggest problems at Fox are present at the other two networks, just not to the same degree.


recklessmind said:
That almost makes the Obama Admin look worse than Fox. (in this instance)

Depends on the details of the truce. I suppose it would be alright for the Obama camp to ask for a reduction in the Birther/Racial coverage in exchange for more appearances on Fox. And Obama is a politician and this tug of war is politics.

If however he asked for leeway in policy matter, then I would agree that it makes the Obama Admin look pretty bad.


While I do agree with the WH stance on Fox, I think it was foolish to pursue it in this manner. :X

This is only going to infuriate a lot of radicals.
They still are a news channel though, yes they are opinionated but they are a news channel. This move by the white house seems a little strange though, I don't know why they are going through the trouble to do this, they should be focusing on other things instead, like running the country.


They're asking for trouble.

This will just make conservatives feel more disenfranchised and the concept of "rebellion against the socialist government" will grow darker.


CrazedArabMan said:
They still are a news channel though, yes they are opinionated but they are a news channel. This move by the white house seems a little strange though, I don't know why they are going through the trouble to do this, they should be focusing on other things instead, like running the country.
Yeah but they don't report on the news. They get to 'TheOnion' levels of crazy on occasion.


Unconfirmed Member
The White House stopped providing guests to 'Fox News Sunday' after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."

"She criticized 'FOX News Sunday' last week for fact-checking -- fact-checking -- an administration official," Wallace said Sunday. "They didn't say that our fact-checking was wrong. They just said that we had dared to fact-check."
What exactly is the story here? Makes the White House look kind of bad.
pestul said:
Yeah but they don't report on the news. They get to 'TheOnion' levels of crazy on occasion.

On occasion, but they still report major stories or just small news stories here and there with no political swing, so yes, it is a news source. Whether you believe it to be credible is up to you.


bengraven said:
They're asking for trouble.

This will just make conservatives feel more disenfranchised and the concept of "rebellion against the socialist government" will grow darker.

What puzzles me the most out of all of this is why the Obama administration is still trying to bridge the gap between the two parties by encouraging discussion rather than using the democratic majority in congress to pass whatever it wants.

If you're going to insist on bringing the two parties closer by ignoring your majority then why shit all over the GOP's news channel?


CrazedArabMan said:
They still are a news channel though, yes they are opinionated but they are a news channel. This move by the white house seems a little strange though, I don't know why they are going through the trouble to do this, they should be focusing on other things instead, like running the country.
No, no they're not news. They are a veiled editorial network pushing a specific agenda through a means of misinformation, propaganda and flat out falsifications.

That occasionally takes a break from that and reports news stories, spinned favorably toward the corporatist right-leaning ideology of the networks owner and operator.


CrazedArabMan said:
On occasion, but they still report major stories or just small news stories here and there with no political swing, so yes, it is a news source. Whether you believe it to be credible is up to you.

MTV does news breaks at the top of the hour, that doesn't make them a news network.


Unconfirmed Member
typhonsentra said:
Uh.... can you find a similar example from another American news organization in the past decade? What you're doing is moral relativism based on past (In most cases, the distant past) wrongs to validate something current. Fox is doing these things right now, the CNN Gulf War coverage isn't indicative of what the network is like today, is it?
Was it CNN that had the lady in a canoe covering a flood when some guy walked by in the background and gave away that the water was like half a foot deep?

X-Ninji said:
Note that the story in the OP is from Fox News.
I know. That still doesn't tell me what the story is.
Singling out FOX is such bullshit. None of the 24/7 news networks in America have any journalistic credibility. Period. If FOX isn't a news organization, then CNN and MSNBC sure aren't either.


Aristotlekh said:
Singling out FOX is such bullshit. None of the 24/7 news networks in America have any journalistic credibility. Period. If FOX isn't a news organization, then CNN and MSNBC sure aren't either.

When MSNBC and CNN start passing off their own political opinions and slanted agendas as news, then you can say the same thing about them.
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