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White Knight Chronicles 2 |OT| of WKC 1+1


klee123 said:
I actually disagree with this, whilst the game is indeed faster than the first game, I actually reckon the game got dumbed down significantly compared to the first game's battle system.

Since all skills now use MP instead of AC, for any class other than SS, Bow and Staff, they're gonna get screwed over unless they use MP potions. I'm also not a big fan of skill spamming gameplay, which is practically what everyone does during boss fights and quite frankly, it lacks the strategic gameplay of wkc1 where one actually has to build up their AC meter to do combos(which are useless in wkc2).

I can go on about the skills being dumbed down as well, but it'll take me forever to explain it all.

However, I do agree that the package as a whole is indeed much better than the first game. For one, the game requires a lot less grinding, so for new players this is actually a good thing. I also personally liked the bounty quests and I reckon Level 5 should have included the feature in the first game.

Any word on Level-5's support of teh game in regards to future DLC for online missions?


Cornbread78 said:
Any word on Level-5's support of teh game in regards to future DLC for online missions?

They should be because the game is still being updated in Japan. However, nothing confirmed yet.


klee123 said:
They should be because the game is still being updated in Japan. However, nothing confirmed yet.

I remember very few, if any, updates in NA for WKC so hopefully, they do make some updated and additional content.




picked this up a week ago and i'm really diggin it. I had the first game, and enjoyed it for what it was but there were alot of small issues that just killed it for me in alot of ways. I restarted from the beginning with this release and am now at greedes underbelly again, and my experience for the most part could not be much more positive. To be honest it really just feels like they went back and fixed almost every major complaint and polished it up real nice.

If I had a complaint it's that I think your avatar should have gotten their Knight sooner then they do but it's a small complaint because when I finally get it, it won't matter. I love the bounties, the Town building, the binding/crafting , the combat feels alot more fun although I could still see people not liking it if they don't like MMOs in general, and the online is great. I know some don't like the story and thats understandable, but I don't really mind it. it's pretty much a standard save the princess deal with ultraman thrown into the mix.


kyubajin said:
Sorry if this has been asked before but, does the recent GameTrailer's review portrait this game accurately? It's fairly negative and their reasons sound solid.

I'll have to take a look at it when I get home as see. It's probably the same crap that I've seen on a lot of other sites... let me guess:

- Bland story
- Bland characters
- too much of a cliche' jrpg
- Avatar doesn't play a major role in story..
- blah, blah, blah


Cornbread78 said:
I'll have to take a look at it when I get home as see. It's probably the same crap that I've seen on a lot of other sites... let me guess:

- Bland story
- Bland characters
- too much of a cliche' jrpg
- Avatar doesn't play a major role in story..
- blah, blah, blah
Lol, exactly :D


kyubajin said:
Lol, exactly :D

Yeah, IMO that's all a bunch or crap. I haven't had the time to really dig into II yet, but I will be hitting it hard soon snough. You should really play it for yourself and give it a shot. If you do not over critique the game, you will have fun playing it. The overall theme was cliche', but the story was soo different in so many ways. It was just a fun game to play in general. The battle system is different from the run of the mill turn based jRPGs and kept me engaged the whole time. It sounds like Level-5 addressed many of the issues that actual players complained about in WKC and made things a lot better in II.


Just started this game (from WKC1), and I had a question...

Should I focus on one weapon class for a character, or would a myriad of skills from different weapon classes be best?

How's bow and arrow? That's what my avatar is currently using...


daoster said:
Just started this game (from WKC1), and I had a question...

Should I focus on one weapon class for a character, or would a myriad of skills from different weapon classes be best?

How's bow and arrow? That's what my avatar is currently using...

Yeah, until later on in the game, it's best to focus on one weapon class. However, it is also recommended to acquire all of the passive skills for each weapon class.


I finally got a chance to respec all my characters and get going into the game. The sped up battle system is great! Battles fly by now. I imported my characters from WKC, but now I realizes I wish I had played more NG+ of it to get some more advances weapons and armor to play around with.


So if I want to get into this franchise I read I should just buy II, since it includes a remastered I...is this the way to go?


CrankyJay said:
So if I want to get into this franchise I read I should just buy II, since it includes a remastered I...is this the way to go?

Yes sir. You just need to buy 2 since 1 is included, as well as all the upgrades in gameplay that were added into WKCII. It's worth it!


CrankyJay said:
So if I want to get into this franchise I read I should just buy II, since it includes a remastered I...is this the way to go?

Definitely go with II since the gameplay improvements make WKC1 make it much more enjoyable.

Beat the single player campaign last week. I'm letting a friend borrow but compared to when I originally played WKC i'm actually hyped to play the multiplayer once I get it back after the holiday rush. A couple of bullets points:

*I decided to replay WKC1 to get back into things and overall I do not regret my decision. My only complaint is that if you do play the remastered first game you won't be able to respec characters that are over lvl.35 once the second game starts. This left me feeling that my party was stretched a bit thin skill wise (used avatar/SS/DM, Yulie/Staff/DM, eldore/staff/EM) and for the most part I had to switch in characters every once in a while to have a knight on the squad. Also didn't have a bow user in WKC2 which made things a little more hectic.

*Boss battles/Hunts etc are so much more fun in WKC2 compared to the first game. Constantly managing MP while mana bombing/knight shanking was a blast and for the most part the AI does what it needs to do. Only part of the game that truly aggrivated me was of course
. Sometimes the game did feel like I was playing FFXII with only basic gambits equipped though.

*After replaying the first game and going through the second the once thing that kept me interested in the story was the fact that it felt very akin to a sentai series. Not for everyone and certainly doesn't make it less generic but once I realised that I was hooked.

*The sequel felt more or less like an expansion pack. A couple new areas, redundant backtracking and possibly the worst execution of time travel i've seen in a hot minute. Still, as an entire package I was more satisfied with 1+2 compared to the original release.

*Errands are possibly the most redundant/fetchy sidequests i've done in a while, but haveing a bit more story to the world was pretty good. Loved the hunts. Still need to get my avatar's knight.

*Spent 35 hours on WKC1 and 35 on WKC2. The multiplayer should keep me occupied long enough till FFXIII-2/ToG/Ni No Kuni/Dead Souls come out.


Thanks for the heads up. I have a gift card for Best Buy burning a hole in my wallet so I think this is the way to go since I'll be getting two games in 1.


CrankyJay said:
Thanks for the heads up. I have a gift card for Best Buy burning a hole in my wallet so I think this is the way to go since I'll be getting two games in 1.

So did you pick it up and try it out yet. They definately make WKC2 a lot harder as I've actually spent some time grinding enemies, lol.


So, I don't have WKC2, but I have finally decided to start playing the first one and I have to say, it was going well until I tried the 2nd quest. It was the one where you fight the two large trolls at the end. Maybe I don't fully understand the battle system, but I was being stunned constantly and eventually died. This would have been a little frustrating on its own, but I just powered the PS3 off and might never play the game again because I had just wasted 30 minutes running around a huge world map to pick two items up off the ground.

It was the most awful example of a boring fetch quest (with a time limit!) and a frustrating boss fight at the end to make me fail it. Does it ever get any better or should I just stop while I'm ahead? Can I just never do the quests and still enjoy the single player?


So you're playing WKC international right? Sounds like you were soloing one of the first online quests which explains why the trols were able to run a train on you. If you just want to play through the single player don't sweat any of the online quests.


Yes, thank you, I'm playing the International Edition of WKC. I'll just skip the online quests. So frustrated last night!



Amneisac said:
Yes, thank you, I'm playing the International Edition of WKC. I'll just skip the online quests. So frustrated last night!


Search for others online and ask them to jump into a couple quests with you. You can only play those that you have unlocked to that point and many people will be more than happy to jump in with you , if for nothing else to farm some items. I've found it a pretty good community online.

In another note, My Fatty 80 B/C PS3 $hit the bed on my Friday night (before I performed my monthly back-up, so I lost my WKC2 save and R3 save.... I have to start both from scratch now, WTF!

Chris R

Maybe I'm missing it but someone mentioned a way to run the online quests solo. I don't see any way to do this yet. Do you have to progress a certain amount in the game first for this to be unlocked? I just started 2 with my 1 clear data last night.


Maybe I'm missing it but someone mentioned a way to run the online quests solo. I don't see any way to do this yet. Do you have to progress a certain amount in the game first for this to be unlocked? I just started 2 with my 1 clear data last night.

Once you get to a point in the game to access the world map, you can access the Geonet quests. you shouldn't have to wait that long, a couple hours of gameplay. If your in NA, and play late on Fri., or Sat night send me a PSN invite and I'll jump in some of the stuff with you. I split tiem between 4 games right now, but late night is for WKC2, lol.
Bought the game this month and I started with WKC1 a few days ago. I must say I enjoy it so far (just reached the mines, Level 11, though I tend to look around a lot..).

I remember people being very harsh with WKC1, so I'm kinda surprised how well it plays. I also like how you can recognize options and gameplay elements from games like Monster Hunter and to a lesser extent from FFXI to XIV. I like the big and explorable areas, especially after playing FFXIII. HD-towns!!! :p
Though after doing some reading it seems most of the elements I like were actually changed/added with the remastered/international version of WKC1, so...^^

I still don't like the character art at all (and despite my effort my avatar looks shitty, too) and while the areas look nice they are a bit plain at the moment. Textures, IQ (besides INSANE popup of characters/enemies) and lighting/(self-)shadows look good.
The transformation into a giant knight is also still too power-ranger-esque for me, but ok it's the core of the story.

Maybe it's just nice to play a somewhat classic (but not turn/random-fight-based) JRPG again, though I already like the options they give you to level up skills and create combos and whatnot more than the stuff in FFXIII.

oh and funny enough: the same buddies I met in Monster Hunter so many years ago and played with in FFXI are also quite some fans of WKC1+2 and its mp. I hope I can convince them to come back for some questing some time, I looked at their profiles and they are quite advanced :lol
I wonder if this game also has a steady core player base like MH did, 6 players JRPG-questing w/ voice chat sounds awesome on paper.


My buddy plays online all the time and he has found the community great thus far, but it's a pretty small and tight group. I'm still playign through WKCII, so I'll eventually get online, but it has been really good thus far, although I do understand the complaints of reusing some areas. Either way the sped up battles and the gameplay is really nice, just be ready when you get to WKCII for a little spike in difficulty! I'll jump back into MP once I finish the story..


Such a barron wasteland for this game here on GAF.....

I must say this game has been great online, met some really cool and helpful people just going through online missions and grinding GR points. I joined a really active guild with said players and have really been having fun with the game. If anyone is looking to jump online and do some missions hit me up, I play late nights Friday/Sat (NA-EST) We have plenty of room in the guild for more players and I know the leader was looking for a few more dedicated players; Always having 6 players to go through hard missions makes is quicker and easier, and more fun.. All levels welcome, they will get you leveled up quickly.

PSN: Cornbread78
Avatar Name: Cornbread
Guild: Elite Knights


Aftershock LA
I loved WKC I, I just need to clear up some cash to get 2. Which sucks, because Amazon currently has it for $29.99, but I can't afford it yet because all my cash is going towards my Vita next month.

I have to buy 2 copies of WKC2, because me and my wife love playing the first one together, so I imagine it'd be the same for part 2.

Looking forward to it though. Hopefully next month I can snag it.

I never got the complaints about the characters and the story, because I always felt it was intentionally, tongue in cheek, cliche and cheesy. I've been a fan of Level 5 since Dark Cloud, and looking at the quality of the games they've released, I can't help but imagine that WKC is a self aware take on the JRPG genre. It just seems like it's knows it's standard JRPG fair, but doesn't care and runs with it, even if it doesn't turn and wink at the camera.

The pluses of the game (clean visuals, fun battle system, online and other game play systems) more than make up for the "generic" narrative.


I'll probably get this in the summer. Hope the online is completely dead by then.

Huh? The online community to pretty small right now, but I must say it is overall a GREAT online community with lots of people there to go through older missions as well as newer missions and help lower grade players through missions. Haveing 6 in a party is VERY helpfull for some tough missions like "Jailbreak".

I loved WKC I, I just need to clear up some cash to get 2. Which sucks, because Amazon currently has it for $29.99, but I can't afford it yet because all my cash is going towards my Vita next month.

I have to buy 2 copies of WKC2, because me and my wife love playing the first one together, so I imagine it'd be the same for part 2.

Looking forward to it though. Hopefully next month I can snag it.

I never got the complaints about the characters and the story, because I always felt it was intentionally, tongue in cheek, cliche and cheesy. I've been a fan of Level 5 since Dark Cloud, and looking at the quality of the games they've released, I can't help but imagine that WKC is a self aware take on the JRPG genre. It just seems like it's knows it's standard JRPG fair, but doesn't care and runs with it, even if it doesn't turn and wink at the camera.

The pluses of the game (clean visuals, fun battle system, online and other game play systems) more than make up for the "generic" narrative.

You will love the updated battle system, guild system and grinding in WKCII. It's less combersome and easier to level up. Plus, you can just carry over your characters from WKC1, so you can get a bump in Grade level and Experience through the story when you import your save. I've gotten to GR 14 so far, but most of the people I jump online with are at the lvl caps of 80 and GR30. Those level caps alone tell me that WKCIII will be out at some point to change the lvl caps to 100 and GR 50.

In regards to the story, I'm with you. It's really easy to look past the cliche's in the game and still enjoy the story, at times I wish there were actually more cut scenes and more depth, but over all it's still really enjoyable. I actually still haven't finished the story mode because I've been playing online more than anything....


I need to come back to this. I only got a couple hours in but stopped when I realized it was using a lot of recycled content. Though I don't think I care about that anymore. Good to see some of GAF is still playing.
So I jumped online randomly and saw that every room was filled with level 70-80 people with kick ass looking armor. It made me sad because I know I will never invest the 300+ hours required to probably get those. Especially as I have yet to fully understand the georama.

I'm Gamer_at_Heart if any of you would like to shoot me a friend request and show me the ropes. I'm on a lot these days.


I play very often nowadays.
online is a blast

Add me again through the Geonet, I thought you were already there, but you were not.

I need to come back to this. I only got a couple hours in but stopped when I realized it was using a lot of recycled content. Though I don't think I care about that anymore. Good to see some of GAF is still playing.

It's really not that bad, especially with all the changes. It feels like a completely different game most of the time because of the story line it's carrying.

So I jumped online randomly and saw that every room was filled with level 70-80 people with kick ass looking armor. It made me sad because I know I will never invest the 300+ hours required to probably get those. Especially as I have yet to fully understand the georama.

I'm Gamer_at_Heart if any of you would like to shoot me a friend request and show me the ropes. I'm on a lot these days.

I hear ya, There is no way I'll get close because of FFXII-2 and ME3 coming out, but most of those guys/gals are all for just questing for fun and grinding GR. I usually play after 11pm EST (tues, Fri,sat), so HMU if your on. If you need a guild, you should be able to join the one I'm a part of; the guys/gals are active, helpful and are fun to play with.
So after a sluggish start, i suddenly got kind of hooked on this game. Havent even touched online yet really.

Also, someone please tell where/how I can get Scardigne's armor is even possible? Searches about him show thread titles with "SPOILERS" in the warning so i want to be careful and just ask here.


So after a sluggish start, i suddenly got kind of hooked on this game. Havent even touched online yet really.

Also, someone please tell where/how I can get Scardigne's armor is even possible? Searches about him show thread titles with "SPOILERS" in the warning so i want to be careful and just ask here.

You can actually get the set via joining a guild who has Scardigne as the conceirge or you can buy it on the PS store.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm curious about White Knight 2 before I buy the game.

I saw WK2 box cover, and it mention that it will bundled with WHK1. So I wonder if that WK1 that came with WK2 is international version?

If not, then what's difference between WK1 and WK1:International?


I'm curious about White Knight 2 before I buy the game.

I saw WK2 box cover, and it mention that it will bundled with WHK1. So I wonder if that WK1 that came with WK2 is international version?

If not, then what's difference between WK1 and WK1:International?

They updated WKC with teh new gameplay mechanics from WKCII to make it play better. If you never played a lot of WKCI, your better off starting from the very beginning and playing through both games, since you can import your character from 1 into 2.


Does anyone know if there is still a community for the US version of the game online? Or will one be slowly soloing their way through some of the online mission to rank up?


Does anyone know if there is still a community for the US version of the game online? Or will one be slowly soloing their way through some of the online mission to rank up?

Yes, it's still pretty busy online. Obviosly the community is pretty small considering, but I play with people all the time. Just turned to GR16, but I only play about 10 hours a week tops now.


I've got a jrpg itch and this looks like my best candidate. But its surprisingly hard to learn about the game. It looks like it has both giant robots and FF12 style gameplay. Yet its so rarely spoken of.


I've got a jrpg itch and this looks like my best candidate. But its surprisingly hard to learn about the game. It looks like it has both giant robots and FF12 style gameplay. Yet its so rarely spoken of.

Yeah, it gets a bad rap, but it's incredibly fun and addicting. Great online community as well, that's probably the most redeeming part. I mean, getting a platinum trophy is a 500+ hour chore, but just playing the game online with peeps is fun.


I've got a jrpg itch and this looks like my best candidate. But its surprisingly hard to learn about the game. It looks like it has both giant robots and FF12 style gameplay. Yet its so rarely spoken of.

I'm picking up the second soon. I liked the first alot, feels really old school and its addictive.


Really doubt it, but I was thinking about jumping back into this again soonish and I was wondering if anyone on Gaf is still playing this at all?

I know it was not super popular, but I've always enjoyed the game.


Is the online part necessary? I'm getting the itch but almost never play games online

No. You can play completely offline.

One change from WKC1 to WKC2 is that you can take your story party into the "online" section of the game. So you can do those side missions by yourself offline.


Really doubt it, but I was thinking about jumping back into this again soonish and I was wondering if anyone on Gaf is still playing this at all?
I know it was not super popular, but I've always enjoyed the game.

Oh yeah, still playing it. I'm only on a couple days a week (GR17/18), but I spend my Guild tokens like a good little guild member and have fun with it. The online is so addictive, yet such a time sink at the same time. Overall, it WELL WORTH it for the fun factor. I don;t get cought up n the grind too much.

Is the online part necessary? I'm getting the itch but almost never play games online

I play with mostly higher ranked people, but my guild is all about helping out, so it's fun taking new guys into some missions that are open for anyone and watching them level up and build GR like crazy. It's not required to play through the story, but your missing the best part of the game if you don't lol.

No. You can play completely offline.

One change from WKC1 to WKC2 is that you can take your story party into the "online" section of the game. So you can do those side missions by yourself offline.

You know what, I've put over 150 hours into the game and I haven't tried this one yet. Can you do the online missions with your offiline party members? For instince, can I do a a FMQ with my offline party instead of doing it alone?


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Hey GAF, just picked this up earlier today. Played WKC1 in the past but never finished it.

How's the online community doing? Would love to start playing online once I get well into the game.
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